Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 559: please

When Tsubaki and Mizuki returned home silently, no one knew that these two people had crossed half of the ninja world not long ago, caught Shitui Ren Zhuri, took a sample, and released him again .

He threw Old Zi, who had been frozen to death, in a hibernation lair abandoned by the Bear Blind in the Kingdom of Stone. After a simple treatment, he was no longer in charge.

Except for a little skin trauma, Mizuki didn't find anything wrong with Lao Zi.

As for falling into a semi-conscious state, it was purely caused by the discomfort brought about by the sudden changes in the environment.

He was beaten by Shuimu, but he didn't suffer any injuries. Although Lao Zi was old, his body was still very tough. The only trouble is that, from the still warm country of stone, I suddenly came to the icy ocean where the water was dripping into ice. I was in a hot state, and I suddenly soaked in the cold sea water for a long time, and then it was frozen into ice cubes. Unable to take it, and a little frightened, it is normal for the body to be weak.

After everything was arranged, Mizuki left with confidence, and this unfortunate four-tailed man Zhuli Laozi, after a serious illness, did not know if he would think that the scene he just experienced was just an illusion caused by his own cold and fever, and he was temporarily confused. . However, all of this has nothing to do with Mizuki.

I hope that after this attack, this old man will at least understand his strengths and weaknesses. The next time he faces the arrest of the "Xiao" organization, don't be too arrogant, and run quickly when it's time to run. If he can escape the catastrophe, he is lucky.

It's not that Shuimu thought about imprisoning Lao Zi completely, to prevent the possibility of being caught by the "Xiao" organization, but when he thought that even the Five Great Ninja Villages couldn't take good care of Lao Zi, he still forgot it. Ren Zhuli was beaten to death and knocked unconscious, it was too difficult for them to be obedient.

When the matter was over, Mizuki breathed a sigh of relief. Despite the fact that the battle was not very long, the process was unimaginably smooth, but the outcome of the battle was not just a ninjutsu showdown between the two sides.

From Mizuki's discovery of the suspected Laozi, continuous investigation and tracking, intelligence sorting and collection, tactical arrangement, what to do in case of an accident, and many other details, Mizuki didn't know how much energy he spent thinking about these things, If this doesn't go well, Mizuki doesn't know what else to do.

Capturing a person without taking damage or taking as little damage as possible is much harder than killing them. Although it took a lot of troubles, but fortunately I got the thing, as for Lao Zi, he can only ask for more blessings on his own.


Pushing open the bedroom door, it was still very quiet inside, with a little warm sunlight shining in through the glass window, and the room seemed very warm.

Xiao Meiyuki, who was asleep, has not woken up yet, and there is no sign that the barrier arranged at home has been touched. It seems that there should be no problem.

The plan went very smoothly, resulting in a lot of time, and the time originally reserved for accidents was also empty.

"It's still comfortable in the village!"

Just returned from the cold ice ocean to the land of fire, feeling completely different, Xiao Chun went to the bathroom to clean up the wind and frost all over his body, then walked over, looked at the sleeping Xiao Miyuki, and smiled contentedly.

"Take advantage of today's free time, let's go out for a walk together!"

The whole family hadn't been out together since the baby was born.

"it is good!"

After experiencing the bitterness of the cold wind, it is also good to go outside to bask in the sun.

At this moment, a crisp knock on the door came to Shuimu's ears.

"Who will come at this time?"

With a little doubt, Shuimu opened the door and saw a familiar person.

"Iruka, why are you here?"

"excuse me."

The teacher with a youthful face said embarrassedly,

"I knocked on the door before, and it seems that there is no one at home. I went to the police department to find you. I was told that you are on vacation today, so I am here again."

"Just now, Xiao Chun and I were away from home for a private matter, and we just missed it. Come in and talk about something!"

"That bothers me!"

Iruka, who hadn't entered Mizuki's house for a long time, sat down in the front hall and looked at the furnishings in the room.

"It's changed a lot from before..."

Mizuki poured two cups of hot tea and handed one to Iruka.

"It's all arranged by Xiao Chun, I don't understand these things."

At this moment, Tsubaki, who was in the back room, heard the movement outside.

"Is it Iruka?"

Xiaochun walked out with Xiaomeiyuki in her arms,

"It's been a while."

"Hey, Xiao Meixing is so old, I haven't seen you for a while, the change is so big!"

"If you're envious, make a girlfriend yourself. There seems to be a female teacher in the Ministry of Education!"

At least Mizuki knew that there was a very strict and mysterious female teacher in the school, who was best at training and teaching female spies.

Mizuki's teasing made Iruka embarrassed, and hurriedly smiled and waved his hand,

"It's not that easy. Don't talk about me, I'm here to give you this today."

Saying that, a red post with hot stamping characters was handed over.

"Invitation card? The good news of Moonlight Gale and Uyue Xiyan, so it's so, is it time to fall?"

Mizuki had heard Xiao Chun say this for a long time, but he didn't expect this day to come so soon.

"Understood, I'll be there when the time comes. I didn't expect it to be delivered by you!"

"I think you're all busy, so it's not necessarily easy to run into each other, so I volunteered to hand it over on my behalf. Haha, I hope you don't think I'm nosy, Shuimu!"

"how come?"

Iruka is indeed a good man, and a guy with little confidence, Mizuki knew it a long time ago.

"Don't be so cautious, just come to me if you have something!"

"Well, the matter has been conveyed, I should go too."

Seeing that Mizuki and Xiaochun came out with their children, obviously going out, Iruka still had some eyesight.

"You can come and drop by when you are free!"


In Sandyin Village, Chiyo, who was fishing with Hai Lao Zang, looked at Fuyi who was asking for instructions below, unhappy.

"Fayi is dead?"

"Yes!" Fu Yi replied with a sad face, "A penetrating wound on the left chest directly broke the heart, no one knows when Master Fa Yi died, and when he found out, the blood was almost drained. This is a shameless assassination..."

"All right!"

Chiyo waved his hand to signal Fuyi to stop talking.

"Markey wouldn't do such a thing!"

"I also think that Markey is not such a person, but the people below are talking about it!"

Sometimes the truth doesn't really matter, and when everyone thinks so, it's hard to control things. It was precisely because Fuyi couldn't control the situation that he had to come to Chiyo for help.

"Understood, I will deal with the matter, you go down first!"

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