Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 560: The misfortune of imbalance

The big commotion that Fuyi found difficult to quell, in Chiyo's eyes, is only a small matter that can be resolved with one word.

The crux of the question is who killed Fa Yi?

The biggest suspect is undoubtedly the one who benefits the most.

So it's not surprising that Markey has become the object of suspicion.

However, the following people's eyes stop there. From Chiyo's point of view, Maki is certainly suspicious, but he had the support of him if he didn't, so he didn't need to play some small tricks, not to mention this kind of assassination that would push him to the forefront. Incomprehensible.

"It doesn't necessarily have to be the greatest benefit, as long as it is beneficial, it can be a reason to act."

Eizang, who was silent, suddenly reminded him.

"I know, I'm not old and confused."

Chiyo sneered,

"It is very likely that Yanyin Village and Konoha Village did this. These two neighbors have interests in Sandyin Village. As for which one is, we don't need to know so clearly. Anyway, there is nothing we can do!"

Even if Yanyin Village can't take care of himself now, it is not something that even Sandyin Village, which Fengying can't choose, can handle. Although the cunning and cunning Onogi is old, the prestige of Chendun and the strength of Yannin still overwhelm Sandyin Village. Surviving under the protection of Konoha.

As for Konoha Village, there is no way to make irresponsible remarks.

"Tsunade doesn't have the energy to do such a thing yet. If it's Konoha's hand, it's probably the "darkness of the ninja world" who can't help it! Shayin Village has really become the laughing stock of the whole ninja world, and it looks like a mess , even outsiders can't stand it anymore, we are still arguing, it's really shameful."

Seeing her older sister laughing angrily, Hai Laozang put down the fishing rod in his hand, sighed and said:

"Hesitating is never a good thing. Originally, Maki was a good choice, with impeccable aptitude and temperament, and his strength was so-so and barely qualified. Unfortunately, because of the attack on Konoha Village, his prestige was damaged and unconvincing! "

"I don't blame him for what happened to Maggie. In the end, the whole village was too impetuous, which gave Orochimaru an opportunity. Among those who presided over the operation, his identity and status were the highest, and the village needed one person to bear the burden. responsibility!"

After all, Maki took the blame for the whole village and the fourth generation of Me Kazekage Luo Sha who died, but there is no good way to deal with this.

"Release Gaara's restrictions and let him enter the general ninja system."

Chiyo gave such an order, and clearly stated his inclination. Gaara is just a signal. Although it seems that he has excellent control over Ichio Morizuru, it will take some time to reverse everyone's impression of him. adapt. More contact with the village ninja and completing some tasks can also reverse the public's previous perception of him.

"Also, choose two spies sent by Konoha to the village, and find any reason to kill them!"

Some dark rooms are not undiscovered, but for some reason they maintain a tacit understanding and do not deal with them.

"It's not necessary to act on one's will. Killing two exposed spies is not good for Konoha or us!"


Chiyo couldn't stop laughing.

"I'm an old woman who's about to die, can't I be so confused and crazy?"

Eizo didn't bother to refute his elder sister Chiyo's words, picked up the fishing rod and continued fishing.

"Anyway, it's our people who are being dealt with in name. It doesn't make any sense other than disgusting Tsunade and Danzo!"

"Hailaozang, you are still so uninterested, how can you do things with the intention of pursuing interests? I thought so, so I did it. If anyone is dissatisfied, let them go!"

Hailaozang, known for his prudence and strategy, was known for his calmness and wisdom in countless wars. His elder sister, Chiyo, has always been a fiery activist. What makes her famous in the ninja world is her unyielding spirit and will. This is also the pillar and backbone that supports the weakest of the five ninja villages.

For her sister who made up her mind, Hai Laozang also knew that she couldn't persuade him to kill one or two less important spies. Konoha Village had no reason to be angry. Sandyin Village stood on the commanding heights of morality, and it was enough to maintain superficial respect. , The contest in the dark, no one will bring it to the table.


In the dense jungle of the country of fire, a figure flew on the way back to Konoha Village. It was the "root" ninja armor who completed the assassination mission.

The mission went smoothly, as in many training sessions, the target was stabbed in the heart without even seeing the enemy, and died silently.

How to make use of the advantages of the two blood-successive boundaries, Sharinyan and Mu Dun, A has almost reached the limit that can be reached at present.

A, who has completed similar tasks several times, has never made a mistake, and this time was no exception.

It's just that after the mission was completed, there was a little episode. When I left the Land of Wind, my body seemed to have undergone some bad changes. A large amount of chakra poured into my eyes, and the consumption of the writing wheel that had tended to stabilize suddenly increased. At the same time, a pure spiritual power in his eyes pierced into his mind, causing ripples in his originally undisturbed mood.

Relying on the instinct of training, Jia erased the fluctuation in his heart and returned to a state of no desire and no desire. However, the high-speed rotation of the writing wheel in the eye socket still did not stop.

A, who had to stop, found a calm lake and looked at his current state. His body was abnormally next to him. A pair of writing wheel eyes were not functioning normally, constantly sending traces of mental fluctuations into his mind.

Not only that, the muscles around the Sharinyan kept vibrating, and the Chakra was quickly consumed. The uncontrolled state made A realize that he was in danger.

"This is a warning? No, it's self-help!"

A who reacted in an instant immediately formed a seal on his hands, and the turbulent wooden dug began to consume the abundant chakra in the body. After a long time, the writing wheel eye stopped working abnormally.

Only then did X feel a stinging pain in his eyes, and red-black blood flowed out of the corners of his eyes involuntarily.

"What happened to my body?"

With doubts, A, who knew nothing, accelerated the pace of returning to the village.

A, who only knew how to fight and obey, naturally didn't know how powerful the first-generation cells in his body were, the yang attribute power represented by the exuberant vitality, and if he didn't have enough mental strength to support the wheel-eye and the balance of his body, sooner or later he would become unbalanced between yin and yang. It will be completely engulfed by the erosive primary cells.

With the help of Mizuki's potion and the research results obtained from Orochimaru, Danzo cannot control these two forces at all with a blank soul without any emotion.

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