Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 620: original meaning

The name of the immortal is not just talk.

From using self-refined chakra to using natural energy, it is the sublimation of the ninja from the inside out, and the immortal chakra is the most concentrated embodiment of this change.

Being able to use tools, and using tools to make more complex tools, is the dividing line between wisdom and barbarism; specifically in the ninja world, it is the boundary between intelligent creatures and beasts.

Ninjas have changed from only squeezing themselves to gain strength to becoming immortals who borrow natural energy. The enhancement of combat power is only one aspect. The key is that there has been a qualitative leap in life form.

Of course, the immortals here and the immortals that Mizuki originally understood were different from gods.

The immortal mode is more focused on the application, and does not try to take the natural energy as one's own, but passively changes subtly in the process of using the immortal mode.

After all, chakra is not the energy of immortal cultivation such as the vitality of heaven and earth. It can be absorbed into the body without eating or drinking, and it can live the same life as heaven and earth, and dare to compete with the sun and the moon.

Although the principles of the two immortals are somewhat similar, they are very different in essence, and the distinction between skill and Tao is still obvious.

In contrast, the human pillar force, especially the ten-tailed human pillar force, is actually a step further than the immortal mode. The new form of life that combines its own life and the representative of natural energy, the tailed beast, is actually closer to the power of the ninja world in form. At the end of the game, Naruto Uzumaki's nine-tailed mode is a good example, but this method of quick success has too many hidden dangers and relies too much on tailed beasts, which is far less convenient than the fairy mode.

Sakura frowned for a while, then shook her head helplessly:

"I basically understand what the master said. The immortal mode is very powerful, but why are there so few practitioners?"

"Not everyone is qualified to practice the immortal mode!"

Shuimu paused,

"Let's put it this way, regard the ubiquitous natural energy as the sea, a ninja is a fisherman who wants to go out to sea to fish, a chakra is a fishing boat that carries a fisherman to ride the wind and waves, and a ninja's perception ability is a fishing net that wants to catch the sea. The big fish in the middle, fishing boats and fishing nets are indispensable!"

"The perception ability is not good, no matter how strong the ninja can't catch fish, this is also the dilemma of most ninjas, limited by innate qualifications, it is very difficult to improve! You are different, you can already feel the existence of natural energy, but You also have a problem that many experts who are interested in immortal mode cannot avoid - insufficient chakra, just like the fishing boat that goes out to sea is not big enough and not strong enough. Tragedy happens from time to time!"

Theoretically speaking, a large amount of chakra is not a necessary condition for practicing the immortal mode. A truly talented and intelligent person can practice the ability to overturn the river and the sea with bare hands. A fisherman rowing a canoe may not be unable to catch fish. The captain of the ironclad battleship is not foolproof.

It’s just that the two have completely different ability to resist risks. The bigger the boat, the stronger the ability to resist risks. Even if you encounter difficulties for a while, you can come back safely. Feed the fish.

"Then I can't practice it? No, I can..."

Sakura suddenly came to her senses, and she has been playing a role silently, so that Sakura's weakness in chakra volume is basically not exposed, and finally revealed its true purpose, just like supplying the air needed for life at all times, everyone. We all know that we cannot do without it, but we will always ignore its important role intentionally or unintentionally.

"You just understand! Chakra gives ninjas the basis for using extraordinary power. As long as you control Chakra in terms of quality and quantity, it is equivalent to mastering the source of ninjutsu. Many things that are impossible for other ninjas, for you It's not a problem!"

What are the advanced ninjas thinking about? Sakura finally understands something. One or two advanced ninjutsu? How to beat a strong enemy? Or come up with some unsolved strategy?

This is something that young ninjas only care about. When their strength reaches a certain level, trivial matters will not play a decisive role. The cornerstone to support themselves further is their understanding of the profession of ninja and their own choices.

"If you want to practice the immortal mode, I will naturally not teach you, but you must be aware of the dangers involved. Natural energy is very dangerous. Before I allow it, you must not make up your own mind and absorb natural energy into your body. , otherwise, if something goes wrong, I may not be able to save you!"

The Eight-Hearted Technique is a good way to make up for mental damage, but trying to make a 14- or 15-year-old girl understand her soul and spirit is a fool's errand.

This is a spiritual practice that requires enough experience and insight in life to find one's own path. A little girl who is still addicted to puppy love, if you tell her the philosophy of life, it is playing the piano to the cow.

After explaining the cultivation plan for the next period of time, Mizuki sent Xiao Ying back. In the cultivation of immortal mode, Mizuki only taught her how to perceive natural energy, and even did not tell Xiao Ying how to synthesize fairy chakra according to a certain proportion. Just because she was afraid that she couldn't help it for a while and accidentally made the wrong choice.

The two-pronged approach of cultivating the tailed beast Chakra to control and exercise the perception of natural energy should be able to play a role in promoting each other. When the time comes, practice the immortal mode in one fell swoop. This is the safe way.

As the leader of Konoha Village, Tsunade rarely pays special attention to a certain ninja.

Although Mizuki, who does not make big mistakes and keeps making small mistakes, often brings some small troubles, most of these troubles are not caused by him. Mizuki just exposes these things hidden in the darkness one by one.

Therefore, even if she is dissatisfied with him, as Hokage, she cannot do anything to Mizuki, and fair treatment is the only choice.

The feeling of involuntary powerlessness exhausted Tsunade who had been Hokage for more than two years, especially when there was an old guy who was staring at Hokage's position from time to time to embarrass himself!

But lately, those guys have finally done something comforting.

"Shui Mu, are you going to teach Sakura the fairy mode?"

"Yeah! I don't know what Master Tsunade has to teach you?"

"Nothing, stay safe!"

Shuimu's forehead suddenly turned black, why does this sound so awkward!

Seeing Tsunade's teachable look, Mizuki pouted.

If you want Shuimu to pass on the immortal mode, it is estimated that some people have been looking forward to it for a long time.

Any method of practicing the immortal mode is very precious. If no one can inherit it, the loss of the village will be great.

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