Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 621: get involved

How troublesome it is to cut off the ninja's inheritance is really difficult to explain in a sentence or two.

The second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama, who is too long ago, will not be mentioned. Many powerful water escape secrets, as well as a large number of forbidden techniques in the book of seals, are basically used by few people in Konoha Village, if it is not for Orochimaru, Bo Fengshuimen and Kato Duan have recovered a few, and those are about to become legendary magic.

After Kato Danzhan died, the technique of spiritual transformation disappeared; Minato Namikaze used the ghoul to seal the nine tails and died, and there is no successor after the Flying Thunder God. These are all living examples in reality.

Every once in a while, there will always be a few talented ninjas in the ninja world who create some ninjutsu that has never been seen before.

The complex ninjutsu system is slowly accumulated and established after thousands of years of development.

There is no way for Ninja Village to force the ninja to pass on the secret technique. After all, ninja is not the private property of Ninja Village, and it has a strong autonomy. For example, the reincarnation of the dirty earth created by Tobirama Qianshou, in principle, he does not want this technique to reappear in the world, so Even if there are ninjas who are willing to study - Orochimaru and Shimura Danzo, they can only do it secretly.

The immortal mode in Shuimu's hand is impossible to say that no one is jealous, but no one can do anything with Shuimu. Even if this technique is rotten in his stomach, no one will pass it on. It is a matter of his own thoughts.

It is not surprising that some people pay attention. Many ninjas have only heard some specious rumors about the legendary fairy mode. As for how to practice, they are even more confused.

For a big ninja village, the immortal mode is also a pillar force that is not inferior to the human pillar force.

With it, Xiaonin Village, as long as three or four immortals are trained, even if there are some hidden dangers, it also has the confidence to challenge Da Ninja Village.

Just think about it, if Da Yemu died suddenly, and the blood was eliminated, the inheritance would be cut off. The seriousness of this incident would be much more serious than the loss of one or two tailed beasts.

If only one person can do it, it is always an unsafe thing. If Mizuki dies due to an accident or defected one day, it will really be a big loss.

The immortal model that relies on the inheritance of the three psychic beast holy places, after all, is subject to human control, which is still somewhat inappropriate.

Miaomushan is trustworthy, but not consistent with Konoha in everything, I really can't say for sure.

Therefore, when Shuimu left an inheritance of the immortal model in Konoha, some people were relieved.

Shui Mu can't control what other people think. If you have time to pay attention to other people's feelings, you might as well go home and take a rest and take care of your children. Anyway, now a large number of chunin and jaunin have been promoted, and the trivial matters of catching petty thieves and unscrupulous traders on the street are also worthwhile. No need to trouble Mizuki.

Speaking of children, Mizuki also has a headache now. Xiao Meixing has just started learning to walk. For a child who is about to be one year old, he can already say a few simple words. Sleep at home.

Mizuki understood how tiring it was to have an energetic child at home.

What worries Mizuki the most is what to do in the future.

When he grows up a little bit, Xiao Meiyuki will no longer be satisfied with playing with his parents, but now he basically does not have children with ninjas of the same age as Mizuki.

Fortunately, Moonlight Gale and Uzuki Yuyan got married early, and their children are almost born; and the children of Sarutobi Asma and Yuhi Hong should not be too far away.

Now it seems that Xiaomeiyuki may become the big sister among her peers.


"Shui Mu, every time you get together, you have to show off your children and consider our feelings!"

Yamashiro Aoba is not good at drinking, but after becoming a team teacher recently, it seems that he has accumulated a lot of pressure.

"Yeah, I thought you liked listening to it. Didn't you have a good relationship with Mitre Washing Red Bean before, and you haven't written any more?"

During the time of Konoha's collapse plan, the two formed a good relationship in the battle. They originally thought that they would come together, but it seems that it is not the case later!

"What's wrong?."

Yamashiro Aoba drank the sake in the cup in one go,

"you misunderstood!"

"Is it!"

Shuimu didn't bother to ask, because he didn't have much gossip, and he wasn't very interested in other people's private affairs.

"It's really rare to see how you are drinking and drinking!"

“It’s rare to take a break, so take it easy!”

Genin and Chunin have a lot of tasks, and ninjas who have the responsibility of leading the team are naturally a lot more busy.

"Shui Mu, I heard a message!"

Ebisu, who was a little silent on the side, suddenly asked,

"The village is going to form a few special action teams with Wuyin Village and Sandyin Village, and dispatch some ninjas for joint operations, is it true?"

"There is a plan!"

There was no chance for the Five Shadows Conference to be held, and the Ninja World Allied Forces could not even see a shadow, so they could only carry out some cooperation among allies to prepare for future joint operations.

"Ebisu, when did you pay attention to these things?"

"My boss, the dean, is also said to be in the ranks!"

"Is it!"

The village is currently undergoing adjustment, and it is normal for some positions to change.

It's no wonder that Ebisu cares. As an elite teacher, there is nothing more gratifying than gaining recognition in the field of education. Ebisu has been eyeing this director's position for a long time.

"With your qualifications, a promotion is enough, but this time I'm afraid you won't be able to catch up."

The teacher who led the team of the late third-generation grandson is unlikely to take up other important positions.

Ebisu sighed regretfully.

This joint operation has been planned for a long time, but some things have been delayed until now, such as the beheading sword in Konoha's hand now, what kind of payment does Wuyin Village have to pay to exchange it?

Without a corresponding price, cooperation cannot go on.

As far as Mizuki knows, the garrison has also been assigned several sub-commanders, and the Mitarai red beans just mentioned will soon join them.

The goal of limited military cooperation is extremely obvious, completely eradicating the peripheral forces of the "Xiao" organization, and constantly compressing their activity space with the overall dominant force to prepare for future conflicts, and also let Yanyin Village and Yunyin Village. Pay more attention to Konoha's opinion.

The actions of Konoha and her allies have caused the Iron Country, which has always been neutral, to have some doubts. Its leader, Mifune, has also sent his general Okusuke to Konoha Village to inquire about the reason for the recent chaos in the ninja world.

It has always been the responsibility of balancing the forces of all parties in the ninja world, mediating disputes between major countries several times, the last place for samurai warriors, and the iron country covered by heavy snow all year round. …

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