Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 624: artificial terrain

There are so many powerful enemies here, if there is no considerable guarantee, it will just be sent to death.

"Xianrenhua, let's start, I'm going down!"

These S-rank betrayals cannot be solved by Mizuki staying in a safe place and using ninjutsu with a few painless strokes!

Xinzhen nodded:

"Leave it to me here, there are other clones, and they will fight at the right time!"

It is certainly feasible to give it a go, but it is also a good choice to leave an unknown backhand and let the enemy have some scruples.

As Xinzhen activated the spell, the seven-tailed chakra injected into the body began to spread, three pairs of transparent wings stretched out from the back, and the vibrating buzzing sound allowed it to dance freely in the sky like the body of Mizuki.

There are white eyes in the sky to monitor the situation, and Shuimu is also relieved, looking at the position of the outsider golem, turning into a streamer and swooping down quickly!

Under the unbelievable eyes of the enemy, Mizuki rushed into the enemy line and fell into a heavy siege.

"What is this doing, seeking death?"

Even if there is the technique of flying thunder gods, it is not foolproof. Sealing techniques and enchantments that can isolate space in the ninja world are not uncommon, but many times it is difficult to restrict people, rather than ineffective.

There was a loud bang, and the vibration generated by the super-fast impact cracked the ground.

With the protection of the tailed animal coat, Shuimu, under the blessing of the fairy mode, the damage caused by this impact is basically negligible.

In the rising smoke, a monster wrapped in lava and sticking out a tail slowly appeared!

"Melting Escape, or Tail Beast Transformation?"

The body is covered with hot magma, and the humanoid appearance and facial features can be roughly seen, but a long tail of lava behind it makes people look up.

But now is not the time to solve the puzzle. Shuimu, who is in the melting chakra mode, supports his hands on the ground, and a large amount of chakra spreads. In a moment, the ground for several kilometers continues to heat up and turns into a red lava lake.

"Is this amount of chakra using Melting Escape?"

The explosive power in a short period of time and the way Mizuki's ninjutsu is used is really amazing.

As far as the eye can see, there is basically no safe place to stay, except for the outsider golem soaked in the magma, the members of the "Xiao" organization standing on the golem, and the seven-tailed man Zhuli wrapped in chakralong.

If this is on the battlefield, Mizuki has already killed both the enemy and the enemy. This is why Mizuki does not need a combat partner. If he wants to use large-scale killing ninjutsu, he cannot have his own people present to make people scruples.

"Melting Dun does damage to the Ten-Tail Expulsion Shell, which is not bad!"

Under the observation of Shuimu, it can be clearly seen that the material on the surface of the foreign golem is slowly corroding under the immersion of magma. Although the effect is not great, it also shows that it is indeed effective. With the support of huge vitality, it can make His injuries have been hard to come by.

However, this kind of skin trauma does not seem to be taken by the outsider golem, and still focuses on the magic dragon nine seals.

At this moment, a mournful bird chirping came, and the huge Yatagaras appeared out of thin air, carrying a figure and rushing towards Xinzhen in the sky.

"Want to knock out the eyes of the sky? How naive!"

When Shuimu was distracted, violent energy fluctuations suddenly appeared!

"Water Escape, Big Water Burst!"

A huge amount of water continued to pour down from the outsider golem.

"Is it a dried persimmon ghost shark? It's amazing that you can still use such a powerful ninjutsu at this moment!"

As expected of the guy known as the tailless beast, the amount of chakra is amazing, even Mizuki, who has the breath-holding technique, doesn't want to compete with him in ninjutsu.

In the process of sealing Nanao, who has this spare power, in addition to Nagato can control other Payne, only the dry persimmon ghost has the strength to fight.

If it's someone else, it's okay to deal with ordinary ninjas. Mizuki is here, so don't waste chakra.

Mizuki looked at the enemy standing on the finger of the outsider golem. Sure enough, in addition to Payne Six Paths still active, there was only one ninja in the shape of a dried persimmon ghost who was using ninjutsu.

"Elephant turning technique is really easy to use. The functions of the reincarnation eye are too complete."

Shuimu is helpless, there is a lot of water, and the purpose of using the melting escape to suppress is defeated. The pouring water hits the magma that can melt steel, and the two substances with a huge temperature difference collide, resulting in continuous explosions. The splashing lava scattered everywhere, and the temperature that had been rising rapidly showed signs of easing.

"What a hassle!"

The contest between Shui Dun and Rong Dun eventually evolved into a chakra competition, and delaying time was an extremely unfavorable situation for Shuimu.

The scorching air, the water vapor mixed with the breath of volcanic ash, and the sight around him are getting worse and worse.

Above the sky, the raw face on the back of Yatagaka, who was close to Xinzhen, should be a human being, holding a black stick in both hands, intending to fight in the air.

Just when the two were about to meet, out of sight, an ultra-long-distance energy light cannon hit the eight-pointed bird in the blink of an eye. Only the stumps of the originally menacing psychic beast fell, and the one on its back fell. The human world was turned into fly ash by a huge energy attack.

"Tailed Beast Cannon?"

A few miles away, where even the shadow could not be seen clearly, the place where the attack had just arrived, the energy began to calm down,

"The other party has helpers, not just two people. Should we retreat?"

The horns with strange eyes turned their heads and suggested to the leader Payne.

Although he claims to be immortal, he is not really immortal. Shuimu should also know his weakness. With the strength of himself and Feiduan, he is besieged here. Not to mention five lives, ten lives are not enough to consume. .

Standing on the outsider golem and looking at the water vapor below blocked all sight, except for the fluctuation of Shuimu Chakra, the figure was completely invisible.

It stands to reason that in this line of sight environment, the opponent should not be able to see himself, but he always feels that something is wrong.

The Beast Dao channeled several psychic beasts to act as shields to protect the flying segments and the corners of the scene, and at the same time act as a cushion for the outsider golem.

Below is the lava lake that is about to be burned to ashes. There is no way to take the initiative to attack. Even Hungry Ghost Road doesn't know where to start if he wants to absorb ninjutsu.

"Shui Dun does have some restraint on Melting Dun, but it also depends on who the opponent is!"

Mizuki, who has gathered a large number of chakras, no longer hesitates,

"Immortal, Melting Escape, Qianzheng Order!"

The first time I used this magic, I saw lava giants more than ten meters high rising from the fog in the hazy vision, and the heat wave began to spread again.

With a clear target, Shura Road began to summon laser cannons and missiles to attack, but it basically had no effect.

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