Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 625: good opportunity

Tactics against people and tactics against "non-humans" are two completely different concepts.

After the combat power rises to a certain level, the original situation will undergo earth-shaking changes.

The lava giant who gave temporary life with the magic of chakra, the heat wave emitted is unbearable, and it is difficult for long-distance attacks to penetrate the surface lava. Restore.

In the "Mist Hidden Technique", which is so rich and uncomfortable, it has an intelligence advantage that is difficult to reverse, and it is not so easy to deal with it because it occupies the geographical advantage and the first mover.

The lava giant with a height of more than ten meters is not very far from the large psychic beasts and tailed beasts, but compared with the outsider golems, there is still a big difference in size.

As the temperature rises, the scorching mist is about to cover the people who cast the Magic Dragon Nine Seals.

"It will take at least a day for it to end completely, what should I do?"

The Tao of Heaven is temporarily unable to contribute, and the Tao of Humanity will be scrapped if it does not play a role. The water escape of the dried persimmon ghost shark using the image-turning technique can only play the role of passively delaying time, but no matter what, it cannot be more than a day.

If you let other people devote their energy to participating in the war again, the delay will be even longer.

"It's not feasible to repel the opponent and let the opponent mess around here."

It is too dangerous to cast the sealing technique under the eyes of the enemy. It is not that Mizuki has the ability to destroy the outsider golem.

Just when Payne was still hesitating, Mizuki's continuous attack came again.

"Wait, the chakra below is condensing, there are seven sources, and they are in different directions!"

The surrounding lava giants have no good countermeasures, and one after another attack has arrived.

"It's the kind of ninjutsu just now, no, it's a little different!"

The rotating blade of the Xianfa Spiral Shuriken has a faint golden color, but the spiral blade that is flying now has a rich dark purple, and its power is not weaker than before.

The advantage of adding the Spiral Shuriken of the Cursed Chakra is that the control ability of the ninjutsu is more sensitive. After throwing it, the attack range is larger.

Also, the compatibility of Charm Chakra is better.

Mizuki tried to mobilize and incorporate more natural energy, but unexpectedly, the stability was quite good.

"It is no wonder that the large-scale ninjutsu power of Snake Immortal Jutsu is stronger than that of Toad Immortal Jutsu. Although the sequelae are greater, it is actually more suitable for ninjutsu-type ninjas. 』

The curse mark that can increase Susanoohu is really not a simple thing.

The spiral shuriken flying from all sides left Payne with no choice, so he could only let Hungry Ghost Road use Sealing to absorb one of them, and at the same time let Animal Road mobilize multiple psychic beasts as flesh-and-blood shields.

But how could this defense be able to stop it?

Except for one of them being eliminated by the Sealing Technique, the five spiral shuriken cut through the psychic beast without stopping, then cut the puppet of the dried persimmon ghost shark that was protected behind it in half, and finally hit it hard. On the arm of the outsider golem, it hit the same place one after another, and a large piece of wood was shot down. Fortunately, its backbone was hard enough and not cut off.

Just when the characters of the "Xiao" organization were still rejoicing, Uchiha Itachi, who was indifferent with a poker face, suddenly reminded:

"One more didn't show up!"

The words should have just fallen. Not long ago, a tailed beast cannon smashed the Yatagaras and the human world, and the place shone with a strong light again. Before the enemy could react, the second tailed beast cannon directly hit the foreign golem. .

The ten-tailed shell, which was originally indifferent to everything, finally reacted this time. The violent energy cannon cut through the thick fog, and the amazing shock wave rolled up the lava storm. All the power fell on the outsider golem without reservation.

In the vain lava lake under his feet, it was Payne's strong control to maintain the balance, and this attack directly overturned the big man.

The Ten-Tailed Expelling Shell, who seemed to finally feel the pain, began to be restless, and the psychic beasts who had nowhere to stand and the chopped corpses fell into the lava lake below, and they were burned to fly ashes in a short while.

"It's now!"

Xinzhen, who was originally ignored, saw the opportunity in the sky, and the spiral shuriken swept across from top to bottom, directly cutting off the affected Chakralong, which became flickering and somewhat unstable.


Shuimu was overjoyed. Without the support of the outsider golem, the chakra that wrapped Fu quickly dissipated, and then fell down involuntarily.

Mizuki stretched out the giant chakra hand with his left hand, grabbed Fu, who was dying, and appeared several miles away.


Tuozhen, who had used the tailed beast cannon twice in a row, was already lying on the ground tired, and Xiao Shouhe's strength was still a little weak.

While Takuma was gasping for breath, Mizuki came here with the Nanao Ren Zhuli.

Takuma, who was energized, glanced at Fu who fainted.

"It's a little bad!"

Although the Nine Seals of the Magic Dragon were interrupted, the tailed beast Chakra was running out.

"Also, stop Melting Dun quickly, or she will be roasted."

"Oh, almost forgot."

While stopping the fusion, at the same time, the Xianfa·Magdun Spiral Pill, which had been brewing for a long time in the right hand, pressed the belly of the chakra constantly leaking out, finally stopping the flow of its life.

After a while, another clone——Shinya came to this stronghold.

"Take Fu back first and give it to Tsunade..."


Now is the time to save lives. In the phantom dragon nine seals, although Fu is bound to die, but at least he can live a day, until the tailed beast is completely drained and will die, but now he may die at any time.

"Asura Road has been dragged into the lava and killed, but the most troublesome Hungry Ghost Road is still alive, be careful!"

After Shen explained the last matter, he quickly disappeared with Takuma and Fu.

Mizuki stood up and looked at the chaotic scene where the red light illuminated half of the sky in the distance.

"The purpose has been achieved, and now is the time to reap the benefits."

Then Mizuki disappeared quickly and reappeared on the battlefield...

After a while, Uchiha Obito with a vortex mask appeared where Mizuki just stood.

"It's still too late!"

As soon as the magic dragon nine seals were interrupted, Uchiha Obito came here at the fastest speed, but still did not catch up.

Most of Nanao Shigeaki was sealed, and a small part of Chakra remained on Ren Zhuli. If he didn't get it all at once this time, there might be troubles in the future.

There is another trouble. Jiaodu and Feiduan are in a very dangerous situation. They are already understaffed. If the generals are damaged again, the organization will really fall apart.

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