[Naruto Clone P.O.V.]

The transformed clone and I are currently running through the forest. I can sense Hinata's father coming after us. He is alone which makes things easier.

We arrived at the village wall. We can't continue to run.

"You've finally stopped."

Hiashi arrived behind us.

"What do you think you're going to do with my daughter! You even came and said it to my face! Do you really think I won't kill you!"

The transformed clone started walking towards him.

"Father please don't hurt him. I wanted this, it's not his fault."

"You still have the guts to call me father!"

"Please don't get angry. I know it was wrong, but it just felt so good."

Hiashi stood still not saying anything.


"Father please stop!"

"Any last words?"

"Yes actually. I'm so sorry!"

<Naruto's Secret Forbidden Technique: One Milion Years Of Pain>

The transformed clone appeared behind him. The clone put his hands together with his two index fingers pointing at Hiashi's behind.

"What are you trying to do, Hinata!"

Before he could react the clone pushed his finger forward and I kicked straight under his legs.


He screamed like a girl and flew straight into the air. He landed on his face.

"Why… have… you… done… this, Hinata."

"Hm, did you just call me Hinata? It seems like your mistaken."

He transformed back. Hiashi's eyes widened.

"Oh yeah, we are clones. The boss and Hinata are sleeping together as we speak."

Hearing that he got fooled and that Hinata is currently "Sleeping" with the boss, he coughed up a pool of blood and past out in it.

"Haha, the boss will be laughing his ȧss off when he sees our memories."

We high fived each other and dispelled.

[Naruto P.O.V.]


"Why are you laughing Naruto?"

"I'm sorry for waking you up. I'll tell you everything tomorrow. Let's get back to sleep."

"You're so weird sometimes."

"You're the weird one who asked a boy if she could sleep with him."

"Shut up! I don't want to sleep with you anymore. Go and sleep on the couch."

"What, I was just joking."

I hugged her.

"Let go of me."

"Not happening."

"Fine you can stay, but you better not call me weird again."

"I promise I will never call you anything bad again."

'Shikamaru is right, women are troublesome.'

[Next morning]

We are eating breakfast.

"So are you going to tell me what was so funny yesterday."

"Are you sure you want to know?"

"Just tell me already."

I told her everything that happened yesterday.

"Naruto! How could you do that!"

"He wanted to kill me."

"You were the one who told him lies."

"They weren't lies. I just worded it a little bit differently."

"You completely twisted it. He will kill me when I get home. You have to come with me and explain everything."

"Oh wow, it's already so late. I'm so sorry but I have something important to take care of."

I gave her a kiss and body flickered away.


'Please forgive me Hinata. I'm not someone who bows his head to just anyone."

I didn't get to finish my breakfast so I went to Ichiraku.

"Yo old man."

"You're early today. Did something happened?"

"Nothing happened."

A girl came from inside the restaurant. It's Ayame.

"What do you mean nothing happened? You must have had a fight with Hinata."

'So this is women's intuition.'

"It wasn't a fight, just an argument. She'll get over it."


I got hit on my head.

"What was that for."

"How can you be so inconsiderate. Go and apologize now."



"Can I at least eat something?"

She picked up a pan.

"Fine, I'll go now."

I walked out of the shop.

'Was I really so inconsiderate? Well, I guess he is her father and I did leave her alone to clean up after my mess. It seems like only using the knowledge from books will not help me situations like this.'

I could sense that Hinata's chakra was in the Hyuga compound.

'I need to hurry.'

I sneaked inside without anyone noticing. Arriving at the room where I sensed Hinata's chakra, I found Hiashi lying on a bed with Hinata at his side. It seems like he is pretending to be unconscious.

I entered the room. Hinata gave me a nasty glare.

"What are you doing here?"

"Listen Hinata, I'm sorry for what I've done. I was being stupid and didn't take your feelings into consideration. I'm really sorry."


She gave me a hard slap on my face.

"Do you really think a simple sorry will make everything better. You completely humiliated my father and dropped everything on me. How can you be so inconsiderate!"


She gave me another slap.

'Why does her slap hurt more than Hashirama's kick?'

"You better resolve this or you will never have to show your face around me again."

She left the room and slammed the door shut.

'Why are women so scary?'

I walked up to Hiashi.

"Did you like that old man."

He opened his eyes.

"You got what you deserved. But I will still pay you back for what you did."

"Dream on."

"Didn't you hear what she just said? She said that if you can't resolve this issue she will leave you."

"Is this your way of saying that we'll be mortal enemies for eternity."


"I see, so there is nothing I can do to make you change your mind."

"Dream on!"

"Fine, if you want to be so stubborn go ahead. Just know that I will soon be elected for Hokage so be ready to face the consequences of angering me."

"Hahahaha, you becoming Hokage? Do you really think I'm so stupid to believe in that."

"Just go and ask the Hokage, I'm sure you'll believe it when it comes out of his mouth."

'Wait, is he serious?"

"Get out of my house now."

"You better change your mind soon. If she breaks of this relationship because of you! Well, let's just say the Uchiha accident won't be the last to happen in this village."

"You dare threaten me and the clan. If I tell this to the Hokage you can kiss your so-called position goodbye."

"Where is the evidence?"

"There is this place called Konoha's Torture and Interrogation Force."

"They can try if they want, they will find nothing in my mind."

"Even if you can hide it from them, they can still look into my memories."

"You would go so far to ruin me?"

I took a seal out of my pocket and placed it on his head before he could react. It's a paralyze seal.

<Psycho Mind Transmission>

I entered his mind and could see a lot of locks, but I was easily able to unlock them. I searched for all the memories related to me. I deleted the bad ones and added good ones. I made it so that he totally approves of me and that he becomes way nicer to Hinata. I got help from Kurama, it seems like his yin half knows a lot about the mind.

'I should have just done this from the beginning instead of wasting my time arguing with him.'

After exciting his mind I left the room and went home.

'Hinata will need some time to get over this, but with how her father has become now, I will not have to wait too long. This Jutsu is really overpowered. If there was a user that could completely grasp all it's potential, he would be scary.'

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