I'm currently in the process of making a new seal when I heard a knock at the door. Opening it I could see an Anbu.

"The Hokage is requesting your presence."

"Give me a sec."

I shut the door and started hiding all my sealing supplies. I activated all the seals in my house, making it so that if anyone tries to rob my house it will explode.

I exited the house and followed the Anbu. We arrived at the Hokage Tower, but this time we went down instead of up. We arrived in front of a door.

"The Hokage is waiting for you behind this door. Please enter."

I went forward and opened the door. I was 100% alert, making sure I can avoid the danger when I sense it.

After entering it I could see a lot of people sitting at a long table. I recognize them all. They are the council of Konoha. I could see the Hokage sitting at the end of the table.

"Do you know why I've called you here today Naruto?"

"I have a clue."

"We have been gathered here today to choose a new Hokage."

"Who are the candidates?"

"You, Danzo, and Tsunade."

'Is he being serious?'

"May I ask where Tsunade is?"

"We still have to locate her."

"From what I heard she doesn't want anything to do with the Shinobi world. Why would she come back then?"


"And you just said Danzo. I have a question for you Danzo. Where were you when Konoha was being attacked."

"I was protecting it from the Shadows."

"What shadows? Everything happened in the light so, let me ask you again. Where were you?"

"Stop it Naruto. This isn't a place for you two to fight."

I took a seat at the other end of the table.

"So how will this work?"

The Elders and I will make the last decision, but the rest in this room can tell us who they think will be the better Hokage and why. If the majority votes for one person, that doesn't mean they will be automatically chosen."

'I guess It's good enough.'

"Who wants to start?"

One of the civilians stood up. If I remember correctly he is a rich merchant.

"My vote is going for Naruto. When we got attacked it was Naruto who saved us all. If it wasn't for him, a lot of civilians would have died and a lot of property would have been destroyed. And like he said I haven't seen Danzo anywhere. He just left us there to die."

"Another one also stood up. I think she is Sakura's mother. I'm also in favor of choosing Naruto. He has single-handedly reduced the casualties by more than 90%. And not only that I've heard from my daughter who is his classmate that he aced every test and that he even outperformed all the teachers at the academy."

'For once, Sakura is actually useful.'

'This isn't going well. This brat must have planned this from the beginning. Why else would he sit there like he already won.'

I could see Danzo giving me a nasty glare.

Everyone started saying who they thought would be best. Most of them where on my side but 30% is on Danzo's side and only 2 we're on Tsunades side. I guess he must have bribed them or something.

Now if you excuse us we will go and discuss it in another room. The Hokage and two elders went through a door and I couldn't hear anything behind that door. But luckily for me, I had hidden a seal on one of the elders.

"Let me hear what you two have to say first."

"I think it's fairly obvious. Naruto is the best choice." Said the female elder

"She is right, Naruto has all the qualifications to become a Hokage." Said the male elder

'He may make for a good Hokage, but he is still too young. We will easily be able to manipulate him into taking all our advice.'

"I don't think he is ready yet."

"What? Then who do you think is right for the position?"


"You must be joking. You out of everyone must know what he is doing in the shadows."

"I believe that once he becomes Hokage he will do what's good for the village."

"You're still as naive as before. Do you really think he will change that easily?"

"It doesn't matter what you think. It is 2 against 1. We stand behind Naruto and there is nothing you can say to change our mind."

'Danzo my friend, why did you have to end up like this.' 

"It's as you say, Naruto has won an will be the next Hokage."

"You've given up quicker than normal. Are you sick or something?"

"Do talk to me like I'm an idiot. Let's go back."

They came back from the room and sat back on their seats. 

'This bastard really chose Danzo over me. He should count himself lucky that he gave me a place to sleep when I was a kid or I would have strangled him already.'

"We have all come to the same conclusion. Naruto Uzumaki will be the 5th Hokage. He will have a ceremony with the rest of the village in 1 week."

"Hiruzen you're making a big mistake here. How can you let a kid become the Hokage? He will ruin the village."


I started laughing.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Didn't the 3rd Hokage become Hokage when he was a teen? Does that mean you think he ruined the Village?"

He gave me another nasty glare before he stood up and left the room.

"Thank you all so much for choosing me. I promise to serve this village with all my strength and make it better than it ever was."

"We all hope to see great things from you, Naruto. You may go home now. I will send you an anbu when we get the details."

"Thank you, Hokage sir."

I left the room and went straight to my home.

'This was too easy. To think it took Naruto so long. The moment I become Hokage I will get rid of all the obstacles. Only then can I truly rule Konoha.'

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