It's none of my business? Please... I also participated in that battle anyway, but I solved a lot of Yun Ren for the boss. Although the boss destroyed Yun Ren alone, I have a lot of credit for it. It's not like you... hid in the boss's space from the beginning!

I...I...I didn't. That's because of Chen's request. He is the captain. I can only listen to him. I don't want to stay in that ghost place!

Yes, yes, yes! But that's also because of your lack of strength. The boss took you back into the space in order not to let you drag us down. How can you say that you're not strong enough!

Bastard Shuiyue...

Xianglin was so annoyed by Shuiyue's words that she raised her fist and was about to greet Shuiyue's head, but she was stopped by Chen.

Enough, don't you find it annoying to be arguing like this every day? And Shuiyue, shut up for me, you're the most talkative!

Yah... I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

Seeing that Chen had spoken, Shuiyue hurriedly smiled and apologized, but Xianglin ignored it, snorted and turned her face to the side, as if she didn't want to see Shuiyue's face.

Chen! Now that the two-tailed man Zhuli has been obtained, what should we do next? Should we look for the three-tailed and then capture it? In the team, Chonggo, who was originally very quiet, walked to Chen's side and asked Chen. .

That's right, our next target is indeed Sanwei, but before that, let's go back to Ninja Village, because Orochimaru is in control of Sanwei's whereabouts, and he has what we need in his hands, which is very important for us to capture The three tails may be able to play a big role and save us a lot of effort!

I see!

Little tail: 475137322…

Chapter 157: Encountering the Zombie Duo

The country of Tian, ​​the village of sound ninja! In the previous hall, Orochimaru and Yaoshidou were discussing something.

At this time, Orochimaru's face was very bad: Damn! I didn't expect Uchiha Chen to be so powerful, and to overthrow Yunren Village by himself, I miscalculated, I didn't expect him to grow so fast, just his The potential is really beyond what Sasuke can match.

Lord Orochimaru, what should we do next? Uchiha Chen's strength is too strong, but your body is... If he wants to be detrimental to us, then we... The pharmacist stood in front of Orochimaru. In front of him, he said respectfully, but there was a hint of anxiety on his face.

You're right, I'm no longer Uchiha Chen's opponent based on my current state. If he wants to harm us, we really have no room to resist, but I think, Uchiha Chen is not going to tear us apart now. My face is broken, so I should have some time, but Uchiha Chen is too dangerous. A little carelessness will make us fall into a doomed place. We must take precautions. I can't wait any longer, and reincarnate as soon as possible. I'm afraid that things will change, are all the things I asked you to prepare ready?

Master Orochimaru, you've almost prepared, and you can perform the reincarnation technique soon, but will it have any effect if you activate this technique in advance?

I can't control so much! As long as I'm fully prepared, there shouldn't be any big problem. Judging from the current situation, I must return to the peak state as soon as possible to deal with emergencies, otherwise we will be too passive!

I see!

Well! Go down and prepare!

Yes! Lord Orochimaru!

The pharmacist bowed respectfully to Orochimaru, and then exited the hall, leaving Orochimaru alone.

The power of the Uchiha family is really not to be underestimated, Uchiha Chen! I didn't expect that I still underestimated you, but soon... I will also be able to master the power of the Uchiha family. I really look forward to it! Hehehe~ ~~”

At the same time, the Eagle Squad, who was rushing to Echo Yinin Village, had some problems, so that their formation had to be delayed.

The matter has to start from a day ago. Yesterday, when the members of the Eagle Squad entered a small town to rest, they happened to meet two members of the Xiao organization. These two members of Akatsuki's organization are exactly the Kakuto and Hidean of the zombie duo! That was when they were passing by a secret underground exchange, and they happened to see these two people just walking out of the exchange with a suitcase in their hands. They should have killed the target on the reward order, and just now Exchange rewards on the exchange.

Huh? Isn't the dress the two guys wore the dress of the Xiao organization? Boss, should we kill them?

The other party also discovered the people of the Eagle Squad, stopped each other and stared at each other.

Yah! Ah! Those guys are the Eagle Squad who grabbed the Erwei Ren Zhuli before us, as Zero said? It's really a narrow road for the enemy, I didn't expect to meet here, Jiaodu, How? Are we going to do it?

Humph! They don't conflict with our current mission, ignore them for now, Zero seems to be very interested in them, he will arrange it himself! And if we start a dialogue with them, maybe we will all be killed by Uchiha, so , we'd better not meddle in our own business!

Really, when did you become so timid? I wish he could kill me!

Let's go! They didn't interfere with us, so we don't have to pay attention to them and pretend we didn't see it! Zero will handle their affairs, and maybe they will have the opportunity to become our companions in the future! Make another stop and leave the exchange first!

嘁! Feiduan snorted coldly, followed behind Jiaodu,

Since he left the exchange, he never said a word to Chen and the others from beginning to end!

After the zombie duo of Xiao's organization left, Shuiyue asked Chen: Boss, you once said that our enemies include Xiao's organization, right? Since we have met their single member, do you want us... As he spoke, he made a throat-slashing motion.

Zombie duo? They actually appeared here, they should be in exchange for the bounty, don't tell me... Chen seemed to think of something, ignored Shuiyue, walked towards the underground exchange, and entered the exchange. internal.

Soon, Chen found the person in charge of the exchange. Because of Chen's reputation, no one in the exchange dared to resist Chen. Under Chen's pressure, the person in charge revealed what they had just handed over. The mission target, Chao Lai is a monk from the Land of Fire, who seems to be a guy called Dilu.

After getting the information about the angle and Feiduan, Chen's mouth showed a sneer and said in his heart: It really is this guy! So, Jiaodu and Feiduan should be led by the smoker Asma next. Let's meet the tenth class, and then kill Asma, who is one of the twenty guards of the kingdom of fire! That's fine, one of Konoha's death is counted as one, and I really don't have any good feelings for the smoker. What's more, he is the son of a third-generation old man! But... Ino seems to be a member of the tenth class... If Asma is killed by the zombie duo, then Ino is not in danger, no! I will follow and see.

Although only Asma was killed in the original work, who knows if the plot will have changed because of Chen's appearance. If it is possible, Chen can't guarantee that the plot will follow the original work, so he decided not to go to Ino. Follow up to see the situation, and find a chance to get rid of those two zombies by the way, anyway, sooner or later, they will oppose the Akatsuki organization!

Boss, what are you thinking? Are we still chasing?

It's nothing, just follow along, maybe we'll come across something interesting! Let's go!

Interesting thing? Shuiyue asked suspiciously, but Chen didn't answer him, but walked outside the exchange and walked in the direction where the zombie duo left before.

嘁! Mysteriously! Xiang Lin snorted coldly, but still kept up with Chen's footsteps.

Little tail: 475137322…

Chapter 158: Arrive

Sure enough, just after Kakuto and Chen left the exchange, Konoha's pursuers arrived. The number was the same as in the original book. The tenth squad led by Asma and Konoha's four special jounin , Izumo, Zitie! Mountain Castle Aoba! And the same!

They were ordered to hunt down or capture members of the Xiao organization. They received information that two members of the Xiao organization would appear in the underground exchange in this small town. However, after they appeared, it was already too late! Jiaodu and Feiduan have already left the exchange.

However, after they found out that Kakuto and Hidean had left, they immediately divided into two teams and went in two directions to catch up. Obviously, it was the team of Shikamaru and Izumoko Tetsu led by Asma. After choosing the right direction, he quickly caught up with Jiaodu and Feiduan, and successfully cut them off.

Nothing has changed from the original book. The team led by Asma fought against Hidean, and Hidean clamored for the man who wanted to solve Konoha by himself, so that the horns were not allowed to intervene, but Shikamaru cracked him in the end. Secret technique, and his head was cut off by Asma, but in the end, with his immortality and Jiaodu's sewing ability, he recovered.

In the second confrontation after that, in order not to waste time, the horns shot directly, leaving Izumo and Zitie, who were particularly overwhelmed, unable to support Shikamaru and Asma. He was injured by the surgery and was severely traumatized, and it seemed that he could not survive.

Just when Feiduan and Jiao were planning to clean up these small shrimps in Konoha, Ino's team arrived in time. First, Yamashiro Aoba drove the crows to harass the enemy, and then Ino and the others took the opportunity to take Asma. After Shikamaru and the others were brought to a safe area, just as they were about to heal Asma, the horns had already broken through the crow's obscurity and appeared in front of the tenth class.

He is the object of my reward, and it is impossible for me to give his body to you!


Shukamaru, you take Asma and go first, I'll block him! Yamashiro Aoba also appeared in front of the tenth class, and then instructed Shikamaru, and then rushed to the corner to fight with him, But obviously not the opponent of the corner.

In the original book, Jiaodu and Feiduan were in a hurry to leave because they received Payne's instructions to rush back to seal Erwei. However, the current Erweiren Zhuli has fallen into Chen's hands, so There is no such plot of Payne contacting the zombie duo in the original book, so neither of them left. For Jiaodu, money is the only thing he can trust, and Asma's body can make him a lot of money , so it was impossible for him to let Asma escape from his eyes.

With his powerful ability and profound combat experience, the corners have been suppressing Yamashiro Aoba, and after a few rounds, the special jounin was kicked out and injured, while the remaining three special jounin were killed again. Fei Duan was entangled, and for a while, there was no way to support the tenth class, and now the tenth class was completely in a desperate situation.

Prior to this, Asma, the teacher who led the team, was fatally wounded and had lost the ability to move. He was not far from death, and Shikamaru had also exhausted chakra in the previous battle and was unable to fight any more. The remaining two, Ino and Dingji, are not very strong Chunin, facing the shadow-level powerhouse of Kouto, the result can be imagined, if nothing else, the tenth class is likely to be in the entire army today. Overwhelmed!

Damn it! He's catching up! He noticed that someone was following behind him

Dingci looked back and found that it was actually the Jiaodu of Xiao's organization. He knew that Pingjiaodu's speed would soon catch up, so he made up his mind: With our current state, we can't escape at all! Shikamaru! , Ino, you take Asma teacher and go first, this time I will block him!

Idiot, with your strength, you are not his opponent at all. It is useless for you to stay, it will only be a dead end, don't do stupid things! Shikamaru retorted.

However, if we don't stop him, we will definitely be caught up by him, and then Asma teacher will... and I still have our Qiu Dao family...

Shut up! Shikamaru was very annoyed when he heard Dingci's words. He knew that what Dingci wanted to say was the secret medicine of Qiu Dao's family, but the price of using this kind of thing is too high. Jirofang, who was among the group of four to block the sound, also took this kind of secret medicine, and finally managed to save his life.

After drinking Dingji, Shikamaru frowned, clenched his teeth, and secretly said in his heart: Damn... Dingji is right, it is impossible to escape with our speed, and we will be caught up soon. Now, our team will definitely be wiped out by then, what should I do? What should I do... Shikamaru's mind was running fast, and he thought of hundreds of countermeasures in an instant, but in terms of their current situation, No one strategy will work! All were rejected by Shikamaru one by one!

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