I can't take care of that much anymore! While Shikamaru was still thinking about countermeasures, he saw Dingji at the back of the team stopped and turned to face Kakuto, with a determined expression on his face.

Dingci! What do you want to do? Let's go! Shikamaru was startled after seeing Dingci's actions, he also stopped and shouted at Dingci, of course he knew what Dingci wanted to do, this was him most afraid.

Ding Ci ignored Lu Wan's words, but reached into his pocket and took out a small transparent box. Inside the small box was a red pill. However, the side effects are great. If Tsunade's medical ninjutsu is not strong, death is the only result of taking the secret medicine.

Shukamaru, be sure to bring Mr. Asma back! After giving the order to Shikamaru, Dingji opened the small box, took out the pills inside, and was sending them into his mouth, Shikamaru wanted to stop It's too late.

However, just when Ding Ji was about to chew the pill and swallow it, an unexpected thing suddenly happened in front of him. I saw a big knife from a certain direction, with a whistling sound, towards the corner. They all slashed over, and if the horns couldn't dodge, they would definitely be cut off by the big sword.

whispering sound!

Seeing this, Jiaodu had no choice but to stop, and at the same time, he bent down to avoid the whistling sword. After Jiaodu avoided the big sword, the big sword hit a big tree behind Jiaodu and set it in the trunk. At the same time, a figure stood on the hilt of the big sword, playing abusively. He looked at Kakuto and the tenth class members in front of him.

Yo! It seems to have caught up...

Little tail: 475137322…

Chapter 159: The first collision between Eagle and Xiao

Yo! It seems to have caught up!

The sudden appearance of this person made both sides stunned.

After Jiaodu stood up again, he looked up at the man standing on the broadsword, a glint of light flashed in his eyes, and said in a gloomy tone: You... seem to be one of the members of the Eagle team! We know The organization doesn't have any grudges with your Eagle Squad, why did you attack me?

Uh! You should ask our boss about this kind of thing, I just follow his orders!

The person here is a member of the Eagle Squad, Shuiyue! I saw that Shuiyue was holding her hands in front of the murderer at this time, standing on the hilt of the beheading sword, looking at Jiaodu below with a playful look, and said with a light smile.

Humph! I don't want to have any conflict with your Eagle Squad. As long as you leave now and don't interfere in our organization's affairs, then I can pretend that your attack on me never happened!

That's not good, the boss's order for me is to let me hold you back. If I leave like this, I will definitely be laughed at by the woman Xianglin, and our boss will definitely take care of me, so I'm sorry, I can't leave.

Huh! Uchiha Chen? It seems that you must be against our Akatsuki? I just don't want to cause trouble, but it seems that it is obviously impossible. In this case... let me destroy it for a while. What are the capabilities of the Eagle Squad in Yunyin Village?

As a shadow-level powerhouse, Jiaodu dared to assassinate the original Hokage during the Warring States Period, and successfully escaped from the original Hokage, which is enough to show the strength of this person. Such a powerhouse naturally has their arrogance. It was already very rare for him to make concessions, but he didn't expect that the other party would not appreciate it. In this case, he didn't plan to spend any more words and started to do it directly.

Yah! Ah! Are you going to start? It seems that I have to be careful! I saw Shuiyue looking at Jiaodu, and said with a light smile, then her expression became condensed, and her feet on the handle of the knife swayed. With strength, he kicked the tree trunk with one foot, and then kicked off the decapitation broadsword set on the trunk. At the same time, he jumped down from the hilt of the decapitation broadsword and landed on the ground. At that time, he reached out and held the handle of the decapitation broadsword, and then put it on his shoulders, and the movements were done in one go.

Shukamaru, what's going on? Who is that person who just appeared? Dingji, who had planned to swallow the secret medicine and then block the corners, spit the pill back in his mouth after seeing Suizuki's appearance. into the small box, then jumped to Shikamaru's side and asked.

| I don't know, but looking at the situation, the other party seems to take the person from Xiao's organization as a target. In any case, this situation is beneficial to us. As long as that person can hold down the people of Xiao's organization, then we can Escaped! Shikamaru and the others didn't hear the conversation between Shuiyue and Jiaodu because they were far away, but the person who just appeared didn't seem to be hostile to them, but instead helped them to block Jiaotong. All, so it should not be their enemy.

On the other side, seeing that Shuiyue had already stood on the ground and formed a confrontation with himself, he was also angry in his heart. He had already made concessions, but the other party did not buy it at all.

I didn't plan to start with you so early. Since you are courting death yourself, then you can't blame me! Uh...

Just when Jiaodu was about to speak ruthlessly, Shuiyue had already jumped in front of Jiaodu with a beheading sword and slashed towards him, forcing him to defend, so his words stopped abruptly.

You are talking too much nonsense, if you want to fight, fight! Shuiyue said with a sneer.

嘁! Jiaodu snorted coldly and stretched out an arm, only to see his arm as if it had been cut off and then sewed up again. At the moment of the hand, the arm actually broke away from the body, connected with countless black lines, and grabbed towards Shuiyue.

Can the arm be extended away from the body? It's amazing, it should be relying on those black

Line it up! Sure enough, the boss was right, the people in Xiao's organization are a bunch of monsters! Looking at the arm attacking him, Shuiyue said in surprise, and then swung the beheading sword to block.


As an old-fashioned shadow-level powerhouse, Jiaodu's strength is of course more than this. After seeing his attack being blocked, he raised his other arm again, launched an attack with both hands, and sprayed out from the joint of his arms. Countless black threads tangled toward Shuiyue.

It's disgusting! Shuiyue said while dodging.

However, the number of black threads was too large, and Shuiyue couldn't handle it for a while, and was entangled by the black threads. Fortunately, his body can be hydrated, so those black lines didn't trap him!

The technique of hydration! As expected of a member of the Ghost Lantern family! It seems that a physical attack of this level can't cause damage to you. Since that's the case, then I should show some real skills! And since you appeared in the If you don't take it seriously, maybe you'll be killed! Then, let's get rid of you as soon as possible! I saw Jiaodu put his hands back on his body and put his hands on him. All the clothes on his body were torn off, revealing sewing marks all over his body, as if several muscles were sewn together all over his body, and on his back, there were four hideous masks, also made of black. The thread is sewn into the body.

I saw Jiaodu bent down, and the sewing openings on his body continued to expand, as if something was about to emerge from the sewing openings. After a while, the four masks flew out from Jiaodu's back, and at the same time. Countless black lines were brought out, and then four black monsters were formed.

Hey, Shikamaru, what should we do now? Seeing that neither Shuiyue nor Jiaodu seemed to pay attention to them, Dingci asked Shikamaru.

Before they don't notice us now, take this opportunity, let's go!

I see! But, what about that person? No matter what, he helped us stop the people from Akatsuki's organization, isn't it a bit...

I can't take care of that much anymore, so let's go, you and Ino take Teacher Asma to leave first, and I'll stay alone!

How can this be, let's go together!

However, while several people were still arguing, Kakuto's movements were completed and they had been noticed.

Little tail: 475137322…

Chapter 160: Eagle vs Xiao

Humph! Do you want to escape? That's my goal, how could I let you guys take it away!

Seeing that Shikamaru and the others seemed to want to sneak away, the horns snorted coldly, and controlled the two masked monsters to attack Shuiyue. The remaining two masked monsters rushed towards Shikamaru and others. One of the masks The monster suddenly released ninjutsu towards Shikamaru and the others.

Wind escape. Crushing!

I saw that among the two masks chasing Shikamaru and the others, one of the winged monsters suddenly released a powerful wind ninjutsu from the mask and attacked Shikamaru and the others.

Oops, we can't escape! Facing the extremely fast Feng Dun, Shikamaru showed a helpless, wry smile on his face, because at this time he had already exhausted his chakra and was powerless to do anything.

Damn it! The technique of doubling! I saw Dingci with a determined expression on his face, performed the Qiu Daoist's secret technique of doubling, his body swelled rapidly, turned into a giant in an instant, and then turned his back to face Feng Dun, while protecting Shikamaru and the others in front of him.

Dingci... Shikamaru immediately understood Dingci's actions. He planned to withstand the powerful wind and escape by himself, using his body as a barrier to protect Shikamaru and the others.

It was too late for Shikamaru to think about the situation. After Dingji finished these actions, the wind from the corners had already hit, swallowing everything around them in an instant.


I saw Dingci let out a scream, his back had been cut to pieces by the wind, but he still persisted, because he had a reason to do so, his mentor and companion were under his protection, so no matter what. He couldn't back down no matter what.

The powerful wind escape destroyed all the surrounding grasses, trees and shrubs. Around the place where Shikamaru and others were, all became a bare place, and they were also protected by Dingji, so they were not affected by the wind. Dun was hurt. After Feng Dun dissipated, Ding Ci also returned to his original state and fell to the ground. His body was already bloody and bloody from Feng Dun, and he was seriously injured.

Dingji!! Ino, quickly treat Dingji! Shikamaru shouted at Jingwai, and at the same time looked vigilantly at the two masked monsters that were constantly approaching them.

I see! Ino immediately pressed Dingji's scarred back with both hands, and then carried green chakra to treat Dingji's wound. After a while, Dingji's wound stopped bleeding. .

Just when Shikamaru was going to desperately block the two masked monsters, a cold light instantly attacked the two masked monsters, smashing the two masks, and a figure suddenly stood on the two slowly falling down. Around the mask monster...

Damn! When you were fighting against me, you even dared to take action against others, and you didn't take me seriously!

On the other side, seeing Jiaodu actually split two monsters to attack Shikamaru and others, which made Shuiyue very annoyed, waving the beheading sword and charged towards Jiaodu again.

Humph! Now it's your turn! Jiao Du snorted coldly, manipulating a mask and performing a ninjutsu in the direction of Shuiyue.

Huo Dun. Head hard!

嘁! Facing the flying fire, Shuiyue stopped unhappy

After attacking, his hands quickly formed seals, and he also released ninjutsu towards the corners.

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