Water escape. Water formation wall!

When Huo Dun approached her, Shuiyue suddenly spewed a fan-shaped water column from her mouth, and then resisted Jiao Du's Huo Dun.

It's quite capable! Then try this again! Lei Dun. Pseudo-Darkness!

This is terrible! There is still Lei Dun! Do these masks represent a chakra attribute? Seeing another mask monster in Jiaodu actually cast Lei Dun, this made Shuiyue's face show helpless With a wry smile, he is really helpless about Lei Dun Ninjutsu.

Since Shuiyue is maintaining the posture of using Water Dun to defend against Fire Dun, there is no way to defend against the Thunder Dun Ninjutsu attacking him for a while, and Lei Dun's speed is too fast, faster than Feng Dun, and in a flash It had already hit him.

After Shuiyue screamed, she was shot by Lei Dun and flew out. She couldn't even hold the beheading sword in her hand and let it go.


At this time, Shuiyue had water seeping from all parts of her body, as if an ice cream was exposed to the sun and then melted. Just as Shuiyue struggled to get up and held the beheading knife again, the result was I couldn't help it, and the beheading sword fell from my hand again.

Damn... The whole body was paralyzed by Lei Dun, and I can't use the strength anymore. This is really bad!

Hum hum ~~ It seems that the Achilles heel of the ghost lamp clan is indeed Lei Dun. As long as you hit Lei Dun's ninjutsu, you will be paralyzed and unable to use your strength! Then, it's over!

I saw the fire escape mask monster in Jiaodu, opened its mouth, and planned to use fire escape ninjutsu again.

If you have no way to move, you can't use water escape ninjutsu, right? How can you resist this ninjutsu? Hehehe~~~ Fire escape. Work hard!

The powerful Huo Dun attacked Shuiyue, and when it was about to devour Shuiyue, a figure suddenly jumped in front of Shuiyue, then hugged Shuiyue, and escaped the attack range of Huo Dun.

It's Chongwu! I didn't expect to be rescued by you, what a shame! But thank you... Shuiyue said with a wry smile after seeing the appearance of the person who came.

Um! We are companions, we should help each other, no thanks!

That's right, since you're here, that means it's been resolved over there?

Yes, the member of the Xiao organization called Feiduan has been killed, that guy is not too strong, and he can't ninjutsu, but that guy seems to be immortal, that is the most troublesome, even Chen chopped him up into several pieces, and he didn't even die, and in the end he was killed by Chen using Amaterasu to burn his head off. Chongwu explained.

Souga! Immortal? There are indeed some monsters in the Xiao organization, so what about the boss?

Over there! Chonggo pointed his finger in the direction of Shikamaru and the others, and when Shuiyue looked over, he found that the two masked monsters that were chasing towards Shikamaru and the others were all lying on the ground at some point in time. , and the two masks are already fragmented, it seems that they have been killed.

At this time, Chen was standing beside the two monsters, and it should be Chen's hand.

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Leave out the Feiduan drama, no one should object! …

Chapter 161: Chen vs Jiaodu

You are... Uchiha... Chen!

Shikamaru looked at the person who appeared in front of him, and recognized the identity of the person at a glance. Reality was surprised for a while, and then said with a wry smile: I didn't expect you to be rescued in the end!

Hey! Save you? I just happened to be passing by. I didn't want to see Ino getting hurt before I shot. Besides, there are still some festivals between me and Xiao organization, don't be self-righteous! Chen responded with a sneer.

Oh, whatever you say!

At this time, Ino also came back to his senses, and shouted at Chen with tears of joy: Chen! Why are you here? If it wasn't for the need to heal Dingji, she would have jumped on Chen's body.

Ino! It's been a long time, what a big change! Chen looked at Ino's appearance and said with a sneer.

Just when Ino was about to continue to say something, the corners over there had already noticed the situation of his other two masked monsters, and found that they had all been killed, making him furious.

Uchiha Chen... how dare you...

I saw that Jiao didn't pay attention to Shuiyue and Shigego, and rushed directly in the direction of Chen, while controlling the remaining two mask monsters.

Hearing Jiaodu's roar, Chen chuckled and said to Ino: Haha! If you have something to say, I'll take care of that monster first.

After speaking, he turned around and faced the approaching Kouto.

Uchiha Chen, our Xiao organization and your eagle team have always done well, but I didn't expect that you would dare to provoke us again and again. I haven't asked you to settle the account, and now you dare to oppose us, and it has ruined my two hearts. I will not let you go easily!

I saw Jiaodu glared at Chen fiercely and said, and then controlled the remaining two masked monsters, and rushed back into his body, followed by a huge change in Jiaodu's body. It fell off and was connected by bundles of black threads, and behind it was covered with black threads. Even a bundle of black threads emerged from his mouth. The whole person looked like a monster made of black threads. , disgusting.

Is this the ground resentment? It's disgusting! Seeing the disgusting appearance of Jiaodu, Chen sneered and sneered.

After the corners have completed their transformation, they become

He had to calm down, and instead of yelling like before, he said calmly, It's been a long time since I lost two hearts... This time, I won't let you escape, I'll replace the heart I lost with yours!

Really confident enough, do you want my heart? Then come and get it!

Humph! Jiaodu didn't get angry at Chen's contempt, but after a cold snort, he quietly launched an attack.

I saw that countless black lines suddenly appeared from the bottom of Chen's feet. Chen didn't seem to reflect it, so he was quickly entangled in the body by the black lines, causing him to lose the ability to move.

After seeing Chen being controlled by himself, Jiao Duo did not rush to attack, but said: Uchiha Chen, I originally planned to use your heart to supplement the heart I lost, but now I have changed my mind... Supplement my heart. This kind of thing can be done at any other time, now...you die for me!

After Jiaodu shouted that sentence, two masks suddenly appeared from the pile of black lines behind him, and the two masks had opened their mouths wide, with two ninjutsu brewing in their mouths, which would be released at any time. come out.

Ino, hurry up and get out of here, so as not to be affected later! Chen didn't feel panic at all about Kakudo's ninjutsu, but turned his head calmly and said to Ino behind him.

I see! Chen, be careful yourself!

Ino also knew the seriousness of the matter, so he didn't say much, dragged one with Shikamaru, and took Dingji and Asma out of the attack range of Kakuto.

Humph! When death is imminent, you still have the mind to take care of others, go die!

After Ino and others left, Kakuto's ninjutsu has also been condensed and released in an instant. One is water ninjutsu and the other is thunder ninjutsu. The two ninjutsu form a combined ninjutsu, moving towards Chen attacked from the front.

Humph! Tu Dun. Tu Liubi!

I saw Chen, who was originally entangled in the black thread, suddenly exerted a strange force and broke free of all the black threads at once, and then quickly formed a seal with both hands, and when the ninjutsu of Kakuto was about to approach, he used the earth escape and rose in front of him. A very thick earth wall blocked the ninjutsu of Kakuto.

After the Ninjutsu of Kakudo concentrated on the earth wall made by Chen, the powerful ninjutsu directly destroyed Chen's earth wall, but the power of Kakudo's ninjutsu was also offset by the earth wall of Chen, and the speed was also slow. After the earth wall dissipated, Chen's figure was revealed again in Jiaodu's sight. However, in the right hand of this moment is holding a ninjutsu, a ninjutsu that exudes terrifying pressure, a white chakra group that rotates at high speed, like a shuriken.

It is no exaggeration to say that, because the ninjutsu that Chen is holding now is the very powerful ninjutsu in the original book, Fu Yun. Spiral Shuriken. Anyone who has seen Naruto will know the horror of this ninjutsu. .

This is Naruto Uzumaki's first S-rank ninjutsu. Naruto used the change in the nature of the wind escape chakra to transform the chakra of the spiral pill into a high-level ninjutsu like a shuriken. In the original work, 50% of the power can kill the two hearts of Jiaodu with one blow, and also paralyze the whole body of Jiaodu. The disadvantage is that the state is unstable and requires zero-distance attack. Banned by Tsunade. Later, this weakness was overcome in Naruto Immortal mode, not only the completion degree was 100%, but also can be thrown out.

At this moment, the spiral shuriken in his hand has undergone a slight modification of the system, and he no longer needs to enter the immortal mode to throw it out.

I saw that Kouto's ninjutsu was about to approach Chen's body, Chen suddenly jumped up to the sky, dodged Kouto's mine ninjutsu, and then held Feng Dun. The right hand of the spiral shuriken suddenly moved towards the underground. The corners are thrown away.

Feng Dun. The spiral shuriken came out of his hand and flew towards the corner with a whistling sound. The speed was so fast that it was too late for the corner to defend, and he watched the spiral shuriken collide with himself on the body.

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Chapter 162: The last words

There is no suspense, the corner of the dodging is directly hit by the spiral shuriken, and the violent wind attribute chakra burst out instantly, forming countless small wind blades constantly cutting the corner at the center of the storm. And from the center of the storm formed by the spiral shuriken, an impact force spread out to the surroundings, forming a hurricane.

After a while, the corner at the center of the storm was paralyzed to the ground, the two masks on his body were already shattered, and they were dying.

The number of attacks can't be counted, and the naked eye can't tell, what a terrible ninjutsu... Uchiha Chen, he really is a terrible person! Shikamaru, who had already jumped out of the fighting range, watched the battle and saw Chen himself. The released ninjutsu, and the fate of Kakuto, couldn't help but secretly said in shock.

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