Jiaodu... You've lived long enough, and I'll end you today! Looking at Jiaodu lying on the ground, who didn't know whether to live or die, Chen's mouth showed a cruel smile, and then he walked towards Jiaodu. .

I...I'm so unwilling to be...little bastard like you! Hearing someone approaching, the dying horns opened their eyes, not surprised to see that the person who came was Chen Hou, and said to Chen with difficulty.

That's right, you who fought with the first Hokage may think that we are all just little devils and don't pay attention to it at all, but, in my eyes, you are just an old man out of touch with this era. That's all. That's why you're dying here now, the people of the new era... will surpass you one after another, you've lived long enough, it's time for the curtain to end!

Hey hey~~ Is it over? That's what I said, I did live long enough, Uchiha Chen? You are very good... I'll give you a piece of advice, the Xiao organization is not as simple as you think, you have to be careful !

Oh, thank you for your advice, but I don't think I need it! Then... goodbye! Chen's right hand moved the chakra of the thunderbolt attribute, forming the shape of a thousand birds, and then aimed at Jiaodu's The heart, Chidori in Tatsuya's hand immediately changed, turning into a javelin, and it pierced the only remaining heart of Kakuto at once, it was Chen's Chidori sharp spear.

And Jiaodu was also at the moment when his heart was pierced, his eyes were slack, and there was no sound anymore. A generation of shadow-level powerhouses were easily killed by Chen.

So far, the two members of the zombie duo of Xiao's organization have all died in Chen's hands, and the Eagle Squad and Xiao's organization are truly opposed.


After Chen solved the corners, there was a shout of surprise and longing from behind, and then Chen was hugged tightly from behind. Chen didn't need to look to know that it was Ino, otherwise, without Chen's acquiescence, no one would be able to touch his body so easily.

Haha~~ Ino, although it's been a long time since you haven't seen you, your personality doesn't seem to have changed at all, you're still so clingy! Chen turned around and looked at the yellow-haired girl in front of her with a ponytail and said with a chuckle.

Chen... At this time, Ino couldn't stop sobbing, and of course it was because of joy.

Master Asma...

Just when the two were about to say something else, there was a call of Shikamaru's shattering scenery. It turned out that Ino had not seen Chen for too long. After Chen killed all the corners and relieved the danger, Ino couldn't help but run away He came over and woke up suddenly after Shikamaru's exclamation. Now is not the time to relax. Ino's expression changed, and he quickly pulled Chen back to Asma's side, and wanted to use medical ninjutsu to treat Asma. , because he had been chased by Jiaodu just now, and there was no room for Asma to heal.

However, Ino's actions were interrupted by Asma reaching out.

No need... I'm about to die. I understand this myself. In fact, you all know it, right? Asma said to Shikamaru and the others in an extremely weak voice.

Shut up, don't talk! Ino, hurry up! Shikamaru stopped Asma and anxiously instructed Ino.

I see! Ino didn't take any slack, condensed green chakra in his hands, and then raised it on Asma's chest, and kept exploring the injury.

However, as the hands moved, the expression on Ino's face became more and more frightened: Here...here too...there are so many fatal wounds...it looks like...

At this time, the special Joinin of Konoha who was originally entangled by Feidan also rushed here. Fortunately, they hadn't suffered any damage in the process of fighting Feidan, so Chen arrived and solved it smoothly. They arrived at Feiduan, but their speed was not as fast as Chen's. Chen rushed here immediately after solving Feiduan, and they had just arrived here. After seeing Ino healing Asma again, they all jumped. When he arrived at Shikamaru's side, he looked anxiously at Ino who was healing Asma.

How's it going?

Ino didn't answer, but his face was full of sadness, and tears could not help flowing from his eyes.

Seeing Ino's expression, everyone present already knew the result, the expression became sad, no one spoke, and Shikamaru closed his eyes in pain.

Hehe... Don't be too sad, the third generation did what they did to protect the village, I seem to understand a little bit now, I always know it later... Finally... ahem... Ino, Shikamaru, Dingji, yes A few words to tell you... Asma's weak voice said to the little pigs, deer and butterflies present.

Teacher, please stop talking... Dingci stopped Asma.

Dingji... Ino! Listen to Asma-sensei's last teaching at this time!

Asma's voice sounded again: Ino...Although you are brave and aggressive, you are indeed a good boy who can take care of others, Dingji and Shikamaru are both careless, so please! Also...don't lose to Sakura! Whether it's ninjutsu...or love!

Yes... Ino replied sadly.

Then, Asma turned his head to Dingji: Dingji... You are a gentle person who thinks about your friends, so you will become a stronger ninja than others, and you must be more confident in yourself... and... a little bit. Lose some weight!

Maybe it's difficult...but I'll work hard... Dingci reached out and wiped his eyes, choked up.

In the end, Asma looked at Shikamaru: And Shikamaru... You have a good mind, and your qualifications as a ninja are also good, and you have the ability to become a Hokage, but you may not be willing to worry about trouble! Shogi... I still I haven't beaten you once, and...that conversation about jade...

Finally, after Asma asked Shikamaru to take care of his future child, Asma took the last puff of cigarette and swallowed her last breath at the same time.

Small tail: 475137322

Happy Valentine's Day, how are you? …

Chapter 163: The Death of Orochimaru

Boss, we just left like this? It's so irritating! We saved them with kindness and kindness, but they treat us like that. I can't bear it!

Chen and the others, after going through the incident of the zombie duo, have already set off again and continue their journey towards Tian Zhiguo, but at this time Shuiyue seems to be very dissatisfied and is shouting something with a stinky face.

There is no need to care about those little characters. If you want to trouble them, you will have a chance in the future! Chen frowned, glanced at Shuiyue, and said coldly.

This matter has to start from just now. Zaichen killed the zombie duo, and Asma also died of serious injuries. After explaining his last words, he went with his father. Originally, because of Asma's incident, those special Joinin members of Konoha were not in the mood to pay attention to Chen and others. As a result, after Asma died, Konoha's people also reacted and regarded Chen as an enemy, although They knew that they could not be Chen's opponent, so they did not dare to attack Chen, but they also warned Chen not to allow Chen to approach Ino, who is a Konoha ninja, and even ordered Ino to ignore Chen, making Chen feel angry, and the last move If it wasn't for Ino's pleas, Konoha's little characters would have been killed by Chen!

Because Ino's teacher Asma had just died, and it was at the time of grief, Chen really couldn't bear to kill those guys in Konoha in front of her, in order to aggravate the blow to her, so she put those guys on special Forbearance let go.

It is precisely because of this that Shuiyue feels very aggrieved. When has their Eagle Squad ever shriveled, even Yunyin Village, one of the five major Ninja villages, dared to enter, and even destroyed the mighty Yunyin Village. Today, several small characters of Konoha were unexpectedly really, the boss is soft-hearted, this is not like you at all! Shuiyue said reluctantly.

Humph! I think he is like this because of the Konoha ninja named Ino! At this time, Xianglin, who was on the side, had a rare chance to agree with Shuiyue, and sarcastically said to Chen.

Oh...I see, no wonder I saw the boss look at the girl in a wrong way. I thought it was because of my dazzling eyes, so that's what it is... After hearing Xianglin's words, Shuiyue suddenly realized, and the expression on her face showed. A wretched and weird smile came to Chen's side and said to Chen playfully.

Enough! Shut up! Chen Zhen was so annoyed that his eyes automatically entered the state of kaleidoscope writing round eyes, staring at Shuiyue, and if he dared to speak, he would try the kaleidoscope pupil technique.

I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I won't say it, I won't say it! Seeing this, Shuiyue's expression immediately turned into a pleasing smile, and she replied embarrassedly, and then did not dare to speak any more.

Humph! After Chen snorted coldly, he released the state of the kaleidoscope and ignored Shuiyue and the others. The speed under his feet accelerated, and his stomach rushed forward.

After a long journey, the four finally entered the territory of Tian Zhiguo, and soon returned to Yinin Village, but unlike the past, it seemed that something major happened in Yinin Village at this time, and the whole village was filled with air. With a haze.

Huh? What happened to Yinin Village? There isn't even a guard at the door. What's going on? Shuiyue looked at Yinin Village and said a little strangely.

The four people who returned to Yinin Village, looked at the huge Yinin Village, it was quiet, there was no sound, and the sky was already dark, as if it was a ghost.

It seems that something happened to Yinin Village during the few days we left. Go in and have a look! Chen frowned and said to Shuiyue and others around him, and then walked into Yinin Village first. .

After entering Yinnin Village, Chen and the others finally met a few living people, all of whom belonged to Yinnin Village, but those Yininu seemed to have suffered some kind of blow. They were listless, as if they had lost their backbone. There were expressions of sadness or confusion on their faces.

What happened? Seeing this, Chen was also very curious, and quickly greeted Shuiyue: Shuiyue! Bring someone here, I want to ask questions!


Soon, Shuiyue brought a spiritless Yin Yin to Chen. She didn't have any spirit of Yin Yin at first, but after seeing Chen's appearance, she seemed to be frightened, and said to Chen shiveringly: Sa... Sasuke-sama...!

Hey! What is Sasuke-sama, show me clearly, this is Chen-sama, do you understand!

Chen...Lord Chen? What? It's...It's Lord Chen... That Yin Ren suddenly thought of something, and a look of fear appeared on his face. After all, Chen's story had already spread in the ninja world, and he could dare to rely on three people. Anyone who ventured into Yunyin Village alone, and finally destroyed the entire Yunyin Village, would be shocked and terrified. This Yin Ninja was just an ordinary ninja, and naturally he was no exception.

What happened in Yinin Village? Also, what about that guy, Orochimaru? Chen ignored that Yinin's mood and asked him with a frown.

Chen... Lord Chen, haven't you heard of it yet? That thing... Hearing Chen's question, Na Yinin seemed to be surprised, but he immediately returned to the expression of fear and said tremblingly.

That thing? My patience is limited, don't play dumb with me, hurry up and tell everything you know!

Uh...yes...yes! Seeing that Chen seemed to be angry, the name Yin Ren hurriedly replied, and revealed a shocking news: Big... Lord Orochimaru, he... he... is already dead!

Huh? Chen was startled, he had already thought of something.

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