It was also from that time that Xiaojing had a special feeling for Chen. As he stayed with Chen for longer and longer, that trace of emotion gradually deepened, and finally slowly turned into love.

However, compared to the cheerful Ino, Xiaojing is much more reserved. Since she has no one to talk to and play with since she was a child, Xiaojing has always been a very introverted little girl and never dared to make bold moves towards Chen like Ino. . Because every time Chen came to the classroom, Ino always ran over to stick to Chen. Sometimes he hugs Chen's arm, and sometimes throws himself on Chen's back, always very affectionate. On the other hand, Xiaojing could only envy Ino on one side, silently paying attention to Chen, and did not make such an intimate move towards Chen like Ino did.

Although Xiaojing has never shown her feelings for Chen, Ino, who also likes Chen, can see her thoughts. Then Ino would always look for Xiaojing's fault and oppose her everywhere. After all, it is impossible for her to give Chen to anyone, and whoever dares to attack Chen's idea is her enemy.

Later, Xiaojing also understood why Ino liked to trouble her so much. It was because Ino already knew that she liked Chen, so he was afraid that he would take Chen away.

ps: Ask for collection, ask for flowers!

Chapter 20: Tree Climbing Training

Although Xiaojing has never shown her feelings for Chen, Ino, who also likes Chen, can see her thoughts. Then Ino would always look for Xiaojing's fault and oppose her everywhere. After all, it is impossible for her to give Chen to anyone, and whoever dares to attack Chen's idea is her enemy.

Later, Xiaojing also understood why Ino liked to trouble her so much. It was because Ino already knew that she liked Chen, so he was afraid that he would take Chen away.

This time, Xiaojing couldn't bear it anymore. Jun is not from your family. You like Chen Jun, and I like it too. If you want to trouble me, then I will ask you to trouble you, to see who is afraid of who.

In the end, the two who did not meet in the original work became a pair of rivals. Every day, they ridicule each other, ridicule each other, and fight against each other every day. And Xiaojing's originally introverted character has gradually changed because of this, and she has become a cheerful and bold character like Ino. Her feelings for Chen are no longer concealed as before, but boldly expressed like Ino. Because of this, the two have become rivals like Sakura and Ino in the original book. Every day, the two girls fight for their husbands in the classroom. It is often seen that Xiaojing and Ino are holding Chen's one hand, pulling like a tug of war. Let no one else. This makes Chen in the middle very helpless, although very helpless, but Chen is not bored, but very happy.

But also more than a year ago, because Uchiha was exterminated, Chen suffered a serious mental blow, in order to become an idiot who couldn't take care of himself. So he dropped out of school and has been training at home. And everyone will visit at the beginning, but when they find that Chen is not getting better, they gradually forget about Chen. On the other hand, Ino and Xiaojing always believed that Chen would get better, and would often visit Chen every so often. It's just that Chen didn't remember them, so they returned disappointed every time.

In the end, because the two often go to see Chen together, they can feel each other's feelings, and the two slowly go from competing with each other to understanding each other. Then they comforted each other, cheered each other up, and gradually became a pair of very good friends. They always firmly believed that Chen would get better, and both of them were praying for Chen, hoping that Chen could return to her previous appearance as soon as possible, and silently waiting for Chen.

I and Xiaojing will always wait for Chen to get better! Ino said to Xiao Sakura with a smile, his eyes were firm.

You and Xiaojing? It's difficult... Could it be that Sakura looked at Ino and then at Xiaojing, her eyes full of disbelief.

Well! Yes, Xiaojing and I will no longer argue about Chen. We both understand each other's feelings for Chen, and we will not give up easily. And the most important thing now is to wait for Chen to get better.

Are you crazy? How can this be possible? Sakura felt that Ino must be crazy to say such a thing: And no one can agree with this kind of thing. Ino, wake up! Don't worry about Chen anymore. Now, forget him.

I'm not crazy, I know exactly what I'm thinking, so Xiao Sakura, you don't need to say anything. Ino! Sakura was shocked by Ino and was speechless.

Okay, go back to your seat, Iruka-sensei will be coming to class soon. Ino said and walked to his seat.

Crazy, really crazy! No, I have to persuade Ino back, it's ridiculous! Sakura couldn't accept such a thing, she felt that Ino was just confused for a while, as long as she persuaded Ino again, she would definitely wake up over here.

At this time, Iruka had come to the classroom to prepare for class, and Sakura had to go back to her seat and sit down, but she couldn't listen to what Iruka was talking about now, and she only wanted to do whatever she wanted. Forget about Ino and Uchiha Chen.

At this time, Chen got up when Sasuke was going out, and after eating the breakfast that Sasuke left him, he planned to return to the laboratory to continue practicing.

But this time it wasn't as troublesome as yesterday, because after getting the Flying Thunder God Technique yesterday, Chen planted the Flying Thunder God Coordinate Technique in that laboratory. Not only in the laboratory, but also in his own room with the coordinate technique, so that he can come and go freely in the laboratory and in his room.

You have to make some preparations, lest Sasuke suddenly come back and don't see me and get anxious again, get a clone and stay in the room. Chen thought for a while: It's better to get a shadow clone, shadow clone is better than clone technique. Better, and the role of shadow clones is very important, not only can be used for cultivation, but also as a means of attack, very practical, must be exchanged


The avatar is not an entity, but a phantom, which can only confuse the eyes of ordinary ninjas (if there is a wheel eye and a white eye, it can be seen through), and it does not have the ability to attack.

The shadow clone is to divide one's own chakra into identical clones, which can attack and act, because the chakra is evenly distributed, the white eye cannot see the entity, but the kaleidoscope can (after special training, such as the spot to see through it) Yamato's Mudun clone). After the shadow clone is released, the main body can gain the experience gained from the released shadow clone.

There is no substantial difference between multiple shadow clones and shadow clones, but the number is more terrifying, because each clone is equally divided into Chakra, so people other than those with a physique like Naruto are likely to lose their lives, so it is a forbidden technique.

System, how many points do I need to exchange shadow clones? Chen asked the system.

Answer to the host: Shadow Clone Technique, item type: skill, item level: B-level, points to be exchanged: 2000, the host points are insufficient and cannot be exchanged.

Are there not enough points? Forget it, let's use the clone technique in the three-body technique for the time being. Just in case Sasuke goes home early, there should be no problem. After all, Danzo has not sent anyone to monitor me anymore. , I shouldn't be able to tell with the strength that Sasuke's Shinobu didn't reach. No way, Chen had to use the clone technique to create a clone, and then let him lie down on the tatami to sleep.

Well, that's fine, you don't have to worry about Sasuke finding out that he's not in the room in the future. Chen looked at the clone lying on the tatami and nodded and said, Okay, you can go.

Then Chen's thoughts moved, and then the whole person suddenly disappeared from the room like this. When it reappeared, it was already in the laboratory.

Start practicing chakra control from today! Chen plans to practice according to the method taught by Kakashi in the original book, that is, treading water and climbing trees.

Ding! The system issues a mission: Master the tree climbing skills within two days. Mission completion reward: 300 points, mission failure penalty: none, do you accept it? The long-lost mission prompt sounded today, making Chen excited Woke up.

I finally got a task, how long has it been? I almost forgot that the system still has the function of posting tasks! Chen said excitedly: Yes, of course I have to.

If you think this tree climbing training is easy, you are wrong.

Chakra is the energy that ninjas need when using ninjutsu. It can also be made into a thread to bind opponents or cut off substances that are also made of chakra.

In simple terms, chakra is the energy necessary to use ninjutsu. And this energy is roughly from: 1. From the 130 trillion cells of the human body, the body energy is absorbed one by one. 2. The spiritual energy that has been exercised through many practices and accumulated experience.

That is to say, the so-called Ninjutsu is to absorb these two kinds of energy from the body, and after refining (this is called extracting chakra) will, it will be activated after the step of knotting!

Like Chen, although he has been able to use ninjutsu, he has not yet fully mastered the control of chakra. The so-called extraction of chakra is to extract the energy of the body and spirit, and then mix it in the body. Depending on how Ninjutsu is activated, the amount of extraction is different, and the blending required is also different. Chen can't use chakra effectively now. Even if you can extract the chakra you look at, if you can't control the balance, not only will the effect of ninjutsu be greatly reduced, but it will even cause ninjutsu to be unable to be activated. And because of wasting energy, it will also create a weakness that cannot last for a long time.

This kind of tree climbing practice is not the kind of ordinary climbing that uses both hands and feet, but concentrates the chakra on the soles of the feet, makes the feet adhere to the trunk, and walks vertically.

The purpose of this training is to gather the right amount of chakra in the right place. The amount of chakra required for climbing a tree is very delicate, and the soles of the feet are the most difficult places to gather chakra. In other words, as long as you can practice climbing trees, any ninjutsu can be learned, which is theoretically the case.

The second point of this training is to maintain the refined chakra. Most ninjas refine the chakra in battle. In that case, it can be said that it is even more difficult to control and maintain the chakra.

Therefore, if you want to improve your strength, tree climbing training is a must. Since this training could not be carried out in the laboratory, Chen walked out of the laboratory and went to the woods outside to start tree climbing training.

Chen came to the outside of the cave and found a big tree with a straight trunk: Tree climbing training, I can't remember how Kakashi taught it. But it's certain to gather chakra on your feet. Try it first. Try it out!

Thinking of this, Chen began to make prints with his hands, then gathered all the chakras on his feet, sprinted towards the tree in front of him, and then stepped on the trunk to run up.

However, after only running five steps, a piece was stepped on the tree trunk, and Chen also fell.

Is it because you used too much chakra? Chen looked at the broken part of the tree, thoughtfully.

ps: Ask for flowers, ask for collection!

Chapter 21: Teaching Shabi Taiyi

Chen came to the outside of the cave and found a big tree with a straight trunk: Tree climbing training, I can't remember how Kakashi taught it. But it's certain to gather chakra on your feet. Try it first. Try it out!

Thinking of this, Chen began to make prints with his hands, then gathered all the chakras on his feet, sprinted towards the tree in front of him, and then stepped on the trunk to run up.

However, after only running five steps, a piece was stepped on the tree trunk, and Chen also fell.

Is it because you used too much chakra? Chen looked at the broken part of the tree, thoughtfully.

Try again, this time reduce the amount of chakra. Chen continued to form a seal to gather chakra. This time, the amount of chakra was much less than the last time, and then rushed towards the big tree again.

After only running four more steps, he fell again because he didn't master his balance.

Is it still not good? I didn't expect it to be so difficult to maintain a certain amount of chakra. If the chakra is too strong, it will be trampled off. If it is too weak, it will not produce adhesion. Chen looked at the big tree in front of him, if something Said thoughtfully.

It doesn't matter, try it a few times first, and then slowly accumulate experience, you will always find a trick!

Then Chen started the day's tree-climbing training in the woods, walking up and down the tree again and again. It kept repeating, and Chen also gradually changed from the five steps at the beginning to ten steps, twenty steps.

Before you know it, a long time has passed. At this time, Chen Zao was already exhausted and collapsed, and was resting against the tree in a state of embarrassment.

I've been practicing for a day, and I've gotten a little better. I believe that I'll be successful after another day of practice. Looking at the sky, Sasuke is probably about to finish school. I'm too embarrassed now. I must go back to take a shower first, so as not to be watched by Sasuke. What happened, that's it for today. After resting for a while, Chen started Flying Thunder God. Instantly disappeared into the woods, and then appeared in his room.

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