Heh~ This Flying Thunder God is really convenient, let's go take a shower first. After Chen released the clone in the room, he went to the bathroom to take a shower.

At this time, at the ninja school.

Okay, that's it for today's class, everyone is out of school. Iruka said to the students in the class after packing up the textbooks on the podium, and then walked out of the classroom first.

Yo Xi! School is finally over! The students in the class cheered after Iruka walked out of the classroom, and then called for friends to go home together.

Hey! Taiyi, where are we going to play? The three children yesterday came to Taiyi's seat in Shabi to greet him. Let's go to the old small river today to play, how about going swimming? Shabi Taiyi replied.

Okay! Okay! Let's go swimming! The children echoed.

You guys don't want to go anywhere, you have to give me an explanation today. Especially you, Taichi Shabi! At this moment, Sasuke suddenly came behind those people, looked at them contemptuously and said.

Yu... Sasuke Uchiha? The children suddenly heard Sasuke's words and turned their heads to look. It turned out to be Sasuke Uchiha, and was immediately frightened.

Sasuke Uchiha, you... what do you want to do? Taichi Shabi said with a guilty conscience when he saw Sasuke approaching the door.

Humph! You all know what I want to do, go to the training ground with me. Also, don't try to escape. If you dare not come, then I will find you one by one. Sasuke said a word to them After that, he turned around and walked to the training ground.

Wow! What's going on? Could it be Taiichi Shabi and the others who provoked Sasuke Uchiha? At this time, everyone in the class heard what Sasuke said to Taiichi Shabi and the others, and they were all discussing gloatingly.

Who made them so arrogant before, it must be Sasuke Uchiha who doesn't like them and wants to teach them a lesson.

Haha! I'm sure that Taichi Shabi and the others will be taught a bad lesson by Sasuke Uchiha.

They deserve it!

Let's go, let's go and see what's going on.

It seems that Taiyi Shabi and the others are really unpopular in the class. The classmates in the class can't stand them, they all sneer and look at them with gloating eyes.

Tai... Taichi, what should I do? You must have hit Uchiha Chen yesterday, so Sasuke Uchiha came to the door. A child asked Shabi Taichi.

Sasuke Uchiha must be looking for us to settle accounts, or... how about we don't go? Another child said in fear.

You are stupid, Sasuke Uchiha just said that if we don't go, he will go to us one by one. At that time, we will face him alone. Do you think you can deal with Uchiha by yourself? Sasuke? said the last child.

This... what should I do with this? Taichi! It's all of you. Yesterday, you had to deal with that Uchiha Chen. Now, his brother Uchiha Sasuke has come to us, and we have been implicated by you. .

That's right, we told you yesterday not to bully that Uchiha Chen. You just don't listen, what should you do now?

It's obviously your own hands, and you have to drag us down. The three children complained to Shabi Taiyi.

Okay, it's too late to say this now. What are you afraid of, let's go over and see what he wants to do. Don't you dare to fight with us? We have four people, he is only one, what are you afraid of? Let's go over! Tai said to the three children, and the three children heard what Shabi Taiyi said. Think about it, yes! There are four of us, and he is the only one, so are we still afraid of him?

Thinking of this, the three children were not so scared anymore. Following Shabi Taiyi, he also walked towards the school's training ground.

The four came to the training ground and found that Sasuke Uchiha was waiting for them, and the class was watching them with schadenfreude.

Sasuke Uchiha, what do you want to do? What's the matter with us? Tai Shabi glanced at the three people around him, and asked Sasuke with courage.

You know what I'm looking for from you! What did you do last night? Sasuke looked at Taichi Shabi contemptuously and said indifferently.

We, we didn't do anything last night! said a child beside Taiyi Shabi with a guilty conscience.

Humph! Don't you dare to admit it? Weren't you guys very good last night? You dare to bully my brother Uchiha Chen while I'm away. Although I hate him, he is my brother no matter what, isn't it? You can bully you casually. Sasuke said.

What? How dare you bastards bully Chen? Ino in the crowd jumped out angrily when he heard Sasuke's words, wanting to teach Taichi Shabi and the others to avenge Chen.

Ino, don't go over, Sasuke will handle it, calm down first. Sakura comforted Ino while pulling Ino.

Where's Chen-jun? How is Chen-jun? Koino asked Sasuke worriedly.

Humph! That idiot has nothing to do with it, he just suffered from some flesh and blood. Sasuke replied coldly when he saw Xiaojing asking.

You, what do you want? Shabi Taiyi knew that he couldn't hide it, so he simply admitted it.

How's it going? Of course you all have to pay the same price. Sasuke said to the four of them, Taichi Shabi.

Sasuke Uchiha, don't be too arrogant, don't think we are afraid of you. Tai Shabi said to Sasuke.

That's right, we

There are four people, are you afraid that you will fail?

Humph! Let's go together then! I want to see how good you guys are. Sasuke said contemptuously to them.

Bastard, it's too deceiving, let's go together! Shabi Taiyi saw that Sasuke actually asked them to be compared to rubbish, and he couldn't bear it. He greeted a few friends next to him, and rushed towards Sasuke.

Go to hell! Shabi Taichi raised his fist and waved at Sasuke's face, but was easily avoided by Sasuke. The few friends in the back also followed and shot at Sasuke. And Sasuke seemed to be just avoiding their attacks and didn't make a move.

Are you all capable of this? Garbage. Sasuke became impatient when he saw Shabi Tai's attack. He grabbed a fist that was hitting him with his left hand, and without looking at who it was, he punched the opponent in the face with his right hand and directly knocked the opponent down.

In the end, Shabi Taichi's tails of the cranes were of course not Sasuke's opponents, and they were all beaten to the ground and wailing.

Sasuke walked over to a child who fell on the ground and put his foot on his head, Remember, if you dare to offend me Uchiha in the future, I will definitely entertain you, garbage!

Don't dare, don't dare, we didn't bully Uchiha Chen, it was Shabi Taichi, he did it all alone. The child broke down and cried.

Yes, yes, it's all Shabi Taichi. He was taught by Uchiha Chen before. I saw that he was the same person as Uchiha last night, so I wanted to take revenge on him, so I beat Uchiha, no matter what. Our business.

Yeah, I really don't care about our business. We all persuaded him at the time, but he just wouldn't listen.

The three children complained about Taichi Shabi one by one. If it weren't for Taiichi Shabi, they wouldn't have been beaten so badly by Sasuke Uchiha. It was Taiichi Shabi who dragged them down.

Bastard, what are you talking about? Shabi Taiyi roared at the three of them when he saw that his former friends had betrayed him one by one.

ps: Oops, sorry, Kitten really doesn't know how to write about fighting, let's make up your own mind! I'll study this aspect of fighting later. (For collections, for flowers!  …

Chapter 22: The road ahead

The three children complained about Taichi Shabi one by one. If it weren't for Taiichi Shabi, they wouldn't have been beaten so badly by Sasuke Uchiha. It was Taiichi Shabi who dragged them down.

Bastard, what are you talking about? Shabi Taiyi roared at the three of them when he saw that his former friends had betrayed him one by one.

You did it yourself, are we wrong? That's it! The three children were also angry, and they had nothing to do with them, but they were implicated by that Shabi Tai. He was beaten for no reason, and anyone would be upset if he changed it. How dare you yell at them, do you really think they are easy to bully!

So it is! Sasuke retracted his foot from a child's head, walked to Taichi Shabi, lowered his head and stared at him contemptuously.

You...you have already avenged Uchiha Chen! What else do you want? Taichi Shabi shouted in horror when he saw Sasuke staring at him.

Humph! Whoever dares to insult me ​​Uchiha, I will make him pay the price. Sasuke suddenly raised his right foot and stepped on Shabi Taichi's thigh.

Ah~ Shabi Taiyi screamed.

Apologies! Sasuke said indifferently.

Bastard, bastard! Shabi Taiyi wailed and cursed.

Huh? Sasuke frowned when he saw that Taichi Shabi dared to yell. Then he lifted his foot up again and stomped it down again. Apologize! Say you won't dare in the future.

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