Because the buildings in the city are too dense, Sand Shinobi has no place to hide. At this time, the sand ninjas are all in danger, and even the elite jonin are not absolutely sure that they can escape this painful abyss intact.

Only shadow-level powerhouses like Ye Cang, Luo Sha, and Xie can barely protect themselves from this explosion.

The ninjas outside the city are still throwing the detonating talisman, and the city has long been turned into an abyss of hell, not only the sand ninjas, but also the residents in the city. If the detonating talisman was just an appetizer at the beginning, now It's just the beginning of dinner. Countless detonating talismans were thrown in, and the houses in the city were blown up by the detonating talismans.

Those who are sleeping or have not yet fallen asleep are all civilians without chakra. They have no ability to protect themselves in the explosion of the detonator. They can only watch the detonator explode in front of them, and then suffer die.

Damn it, are Konoha's ninjas crazy? There are still ordinary people in the city! Luo Sha said viciously after using gold dust to block the detonating talisman from his head again. At this moment, the chakra in his body has been exhausted, and a lot of sand ninjas gathered behind him, and they barely survived under the protection of the gold dust.

No! If we continue like this, we will definitely die because of too much chakra consumption! We must break through! Scorpion hid in the puppet, and his puppet fired out Kunai one after another from time to time, after stabbing the detonating talisman The detonating talisman was detonated in advance, avoiding a large number of detonating talisman attacks.

How do we break through in the current situation! After fending off the detonating talisman again, Luo Sha was impatient and couldn't help asking Xie back.

Look for someone first! Scorpion took a deep look at Luo Sha, then released the tricks in the puppet and said solemnly: Luo Sha, now is not the time for you and me to compete, we must unite, the previous grievances will be let Write it off, we need to work together!

As if sensing Xie's sincerity, Luo Sha took a deep look at him, then nodded, Okay! I'll trust you once, but what should we do now?

Scorpion took a deep breath, strolled up to Luo Sha, and helped him resist the detonating talisman falling from the sky, and then said: We may not be able to break through Konoha's encirclement with our strength alone, we have to try our best now. The possible gathering is currently throwing sand ninjas who are capable of fighting, especially to find Hakura and the others, only by finding them can we have the possibility of breaking through.

You mean...

That's right! The gate of this city has already been sealed by the Konoha ninja. If we want to break through, we can only forcefully break through the door. If we can find Ye Cang, I believe her burning escape can be completed in a very short time. Destroy the gate sealed by Konoha, and take advantage of this opportunity to forcefully break through.

Luo Sha lowered his head and thought carefully about the success rate of this plan, but his kung fu did not stop. The detonating symbols falling from the sky from time to time were blocked by him one by one, greatly sharing the pressure on Scorpion.

In just a short cup of tea, Luo Sha twisted his eyes, felt ruthless in his heart, and gritted his teeth as if he had made some decision: Okay! I'll trust you just once, let's go! You lead us to Ye Cang! The detonating talisman behind Just leave it to me, and you'll be in charge of the front!

After making a decision, the execution ability of the two was very fast, and they quickly assembled the team behind them and began to look for Ye Cang.

Chapter 617: Sha Yin's Decision II

Although Kikyo City is very large and there are many buildings in the city, they can only search street by street under the obstruction of the buildings.

But now the houses and buildings in Kikyo City are completely destroyed by the Konoha Ninja trap and the detonating talisman. The streets are full of disastrous ruins. Destroyed, at a glance, you can see the square in the center of the city from the east of the city.

It is precisely because of this reason that Xie and Luo Sha found Ye Cang and the others without too much effort, and at this moment he was meeting with Jia Lu Luo.

Unfortunately, Ye Cang didn't dare to use the large-scale burning escape ninjutsu to increase the power of the detonating talisman because of her own ninjutsu restraint, so compared with Luo Sha and Scorpion, her ability to resist the detonating talisman was much inferior.

It is for this reason that Ye Cang's Sha cruel people are not as many as Luo Sha and Xie. At the same time, Ye Cang was accidentally injured while helping his subordinates resist the detonating talisman. Pills for treatment.

And the sand cruel people gathered by Jia Luluo and Ye Cang are tremblingly hiding in the sand encirclement set up by Jia Luluo.

When Luo Sha and Xie found them, their situation was already in dire straits. Although Garura is also a Kage-level powerhouse, she can be used as an auxiliary ninja. The amount of Chakra in her body is not much among Kage-level ninjas. In this case, Garura must not only protect her own safety, They are also distracted to pay attention to the safety of other people. If it weren't for Jia Luluo's unique evasion technique, they might have already been in danger, and Luo Sha and Xie couldn't find them at all.

Seeing his wife and brother-in-law in a dangerous situation, Luo Sha obviously quickened his pace, and at the same time began to urge the overtaken Xie to rush forward to help.

Garuluo, how are you doing, Garuluo! Are you okay? Luo Sha, who rushed over non-stop, immediately used his Dust Gold Escape Technique to share part of the tasks for Garuluo, and asked with concern.

After receiving Luo Sha's support, Jia Lu Luo was barely able to breathe a sigh of relief, freed up a hand to gently stroke the hair covering her eyes, took a small breath, then looked at Luo Sha with a smile and said softly: It's okay , I can still hold on, but you, are you okay?

You see I have

What is it like? But you, how did you meet Ye Cang, and how did she get hurt? This detonating talisman should not be able to do anything to her. Luo Sha patted himself on the chest to show that there was nothing wrong with it at all, his eyes casually glanced at the injured Ye Cang, and he couldn't help asking in doubt.

Hearing Luo Sha's question, Jia Ruo couldn't help being silent for a while, and explained softly: We happened to hear Ye Cang's voice not far in front when we were avoiding the trap, and I and Yashamaru followed the sound to find him. I just found Ye Cang in the past, and Ye Cang was already injured at that time, she was injured by the aftermath of the detonation talisman to protect her two subordinates, but fortunately there was nothing serious, now Yashamaru is giving She has been treated, and I believe she will be able to recover her fighting power in a short time.

No wonder! Hearing what Jia Ruo said, Luo Sha suddenly realized: I just said how could you gather so many companions by yourself, it turned out that you were responsible for Ye Cang's share, thank you for your hard work, but it doesn't matter, now We're here, so you can relax a lot.

Jia Luluo nodded, she still trusts her husband in this regard, not to mention that her husband's gold dust is better than her in defense, when the two are together, Jia Luluo's sand can still adhere to Luo Sha's gold dust, Improve the defense of placer gold.

This is not just a superposition of one plus one equals two. After two kage-level powerhouses release their own ninjutsu at the same time to form a combined ninjutsu, in order to be at least one level higher than releasing ninjutsu alone, that is to say, the combined ninjutsu combined with the power of the two can completely resist the attack from the detonating talisman. Harm, shelter those under them.

What should we do now? It's not a solution to keep defending like this. Chakra will always be exhausted, and it will be really bad if that happens. Jia Luluo swallowed a ration pill, calmed down and slowly to restore the chakra in the body. With the support of Luo Sha and Scorpion, Jia Lu Luo no longer had to devote himself to defense.

Luo Sha did not answer Jia Luluo's question directly, but asked about Ye Cang's situation: How long will it take for Ye Cang to recover its combat power?

Karura glanced at the back, Yashamaru was trying hard to perform healing ninjutsu to heal Hakura's injury, he also heard Luo Sha's words, raised his head and healed the wound while replying: There are about four or five minutes left , Mr. Ye Cang simply suffered damage to the bones, and the meridians in the body did not suffer major damage, after the treatment, he has recovered to a small extent, and after the treatment is completed, the body can recover its combat effectiveness by moving the body.

Hearing Yashamaru's explanation, Luo Sha nodded: Then hurry up!

I'll try my best... Yashamaru couldn't help speeding up his movements, and the output of chakra in his body also increased.

We are now in the city and the enemy is outside the city. If we want to fight, we can't use it at all. In the current situation, there is no other way but to break through. If we continue to consume like this, all of our chakra will be exhausted. If we want to break out, we must be far away from the enemy. If you don't open Yecang's burning escape, only his and her burning escape can penetrate the city, and you can't go to the gate of the city. I believe that at this moment, the guys from Konoha must have surrounded the gate of the city. We can only attack from the weak point of the enemy. To break through, it will be up to Ye Cang at that time.

Is that so? Jia Ruo nodded thoughtfully, That's why you asked about Ye Cang's injury?

En. Luo Sha responded, We just walked over from the city wall, and we have already tried it before. With our current method, we must not only guard against the detonating talisman in the sky, but also take care of our teammates around us. It is basically impossible to break through the city. At that time, we can only defend with a few of us and let Ye Cang break through the wall. Only then can we succeed in breaking through. As long as we break through the encirclement, we can be regarded as successful in breaking through. Long before we set off, we I have already sent a message to the headquarters, and I believe that the headquarters has sent support troops at this time, as long as we can break through and persist until the support from the headquarters arrives, then we will be considered safe.

Hearing Luo Sha's words, although Jia Luluo couldn't find the loopholes in this decision, she had a faint feeling that something was wrong, and there was always a worry in her heart, but she didn't know what went wrong, so she could only sigh. Tone: I hope so!

Chapter 618: The Situation of Yin Sha

Luo Sha and Jia Lu Luo worked hard to maintain the defense in the sky, but it was impossible to protect so many people from harm with their strength alone.

Scorpion released all the puppets in his collection, and operated continuously with one hand, controlling dozens of puppets to release the organs in his body together. In terms of puppets, he has already surpassed his mother-in-law Chiyo, and has become the strongest sand ninja Puppeteer.

No one knows where the limit of Scorpion is, because every time he appears, he can break through his own limit and become stronger. Dozens of puppets are not his limit at all. You must know that at the beginning of the third war, he was alone Controlling hundreds of puppets, that battle was earth-shattering, countless Konoha ninjas died in the hands of scorpion puppets.

If it hadn't been for Muye Baiyahata Mu Mosaku who shot and killed more than half of Scorpion's puppets in an instant, maybe the war would have ended with Konoha Fang's complete defeat.

It is precisely because nearly half of the puppets were destroyed by Mosaku Hatake, Scorpion has never had the opportunity to repair and replenish his puppet library. The current dozens of puppets are already the limit he can take out.

It wasn't just Xie who was helping. Those sand ninjas behind him who were not seriously injured and unable to move all used their own tricks one after another. From time to time, some people released puppets and ninjutsu to stop the detonating charms falling from the sky.

Gradually, the detonating talismans falling from the sky became much rarer. No matter how rich Konoha was, it was impossible to use detonating talismans to resolve a war.

There will always be a day when supplies are used up, even if

Even a rich and powerful master like Konoha should save some money. After all, they are all strategic materials, and it is not easy to store them.

Those Konoha ninjas who finished throwing the detonating talisman in their hands started the second stage of action. Under the cover of their companions, they soared into the air one after another, set up the ladder and took out the well, and climbed up the tower one after another to release ninjutsu .

For a moment, countless fire-dun water-dun earth-dun ninjutsu fell from the sky and landed on the sand ninjas.

This time Konoha's ninja stood on the city wall and could see the target clearly, instead of not having a target when throwing kunai before, now they can stand on the city wall and accurately release ninjutsu on the target.

Therefore, although the strike range of ninjutsu is not as large as the previous detonating talisman, it is stronger than the detonating talisman in terms of lethality.

Especially now Konoha's ninjas haven't stopped throwing detonating charms, but simply reduced the frequency of throwing detonating charms.

Under the attack of ninjutsu combined with detonating symbols, the sand ninjas ushered in another tragic blow.

Not only sand ninjas, but also ordinary people in the city, those ordinary people who were lucky enough to escape the first wave of indiscriminate attacks from the first wave of detonating charms would not have such good luck this time.

As long as there are people, there will be ninjutsu. Konoha's ninjas have no idea whether it is an ordinary person in the city or a ninja from Sand Ninja Village. Where there are people, there will be Konoha's ninjas releasing ninjutsu.

They didn't even know that there were actually ordinary people who hadn't evacuated in Kikyo City. They subconsciously regarded all of them as ninjas from Sand Ninja Village.

Under the repeated bombing by detonating talismans and ninjutsu, Kikyo City has already become a purgatory on earth. Walking down, you can see the wreckage of severed fingers everywhere, and those who are not completely dead can only lie on the ground moaning unceasingly, waiting for the next wave of attacks to kill them completely.

Neither Sand Shinobi nor Konoha's ninjas realized that there are many ordinary people in Kikyo Castle.

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