
Stretching open the wrapped gold placer with all her strength, Luo Sha groaned, her body shook twice as if struck by lightning, her feet staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Jia Luluo quickly supported Luo Sha who was about to fall, and asked with concern: What's wrong? Are you okay?

Shaking his head, getting up from Garura's arms, Luo Sha took a deep breath: It's okay, I just used too much force just now, I didn't expect Konoha's ninja to be so cruel, and he would use it after using the detonating talisman. Ninjutsu bombing again, is this the rhythm of killing us all?

Luo Sha's eyes stared closely at the Konoha ninjas on the city wall through the space outside the gold dust, feeling angry in his heart, but he can't do anything now, once he leaves, all the people behind him will die. It will be destroyed by Konoha Ninja's ninjutsu in an instant.

It is impossible to resist so many ninjutsu with the sand of Jia Luluo alone.

It would be great if I could find a way to kill them all. Luo Sha sighed softly, feeling a little regretful in his heart. He couldn't get away at the moment, and even if he acted alone, he couldn't release ninjutsu to the city wall. go up.

As he spoke, Luo Sha turned his gaze to Yashamaru again and urged, Isn't it alright! We can't hold it any longer!

Right now, hold on! Yashamaru is already running the chakra in his body with all his strength at this moment, trying his best to maintain medical ninjutsu. It was the burns on the skin, which were recovering rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It's too late! Seeing that Yashamaru was still recovering from the burns on his body surface, Ye Cang couldn't help but anxiously said: Wrap a gauze and make do with it, I feel that it's done now, if they can't hold on anymore, they have to hurry up!

But... Yashamaru hesitated for a moment: This will leave scars on the skin, are you sure?

Ye Cang hesitated for a moment, then suddenly she twisted her eyes, nodded firmly and said, It's okay, come on, hurry up!

it is good!

If you don't use medical ninjutsu and just simply bandage it, the speed will be very fast. In the blink of an eye, Yashamaru had finished the work of bandaging.

Standing up from the ground, Ye Cang moved her body. The bandages wrapped around her body did not affect her actions. She nodded to Yashamaru to express her gratitude, and then came to Luo Sha: I kept you waiting, now How to do.

Recovered? Luo Sha asked back.

It's no longer affected, and the rest are some skin trauma. It will be good to rest for a while after going back. The most important thing now is how we can break through.

Did you hear what I said before? I don't need to repeat it again. Luo Sha nodded and asked.

No, just say we break out from there. Ye Cang waved his hands and said impatiently.

Chapter 619: Luo Sha's Special State

Ye Cang's face showed a look of complete impatience. Now that the situation is so urgent, where does she have time to listen to Luo Sha's pressure? Besides, although Ye Cang was injured before, it doesn't mean she lost consciousness.

While receiving Yashamaru's treatment, he had already clearly heard the conversation between Luo Sha and Karu Luo. Knowing that the sand ninja's situation is not right, she is also extremely anxious, but what can be done about it? Ye Cang, who was seriously injured at that time, had no ability to move at all.

If Karura and Yashamaru were late for another minute or two, maybe Hakura would have been killed by the detonating talisman due to exhaustion from injury.


Ye Cang didn't say anything unnecessary, Luo Sha closed his mouth wisely, he glanced around, then quickly made seals with both hands, and slammed on the ground.

A large pile of fine placer gold flowed out from the ground, and continued to spread along the ground centered on Luosha towards the surroundings. The fine placer gold is like a continuation of Luosha's body induction, which can sense the flow of chakra within a radius of 500 meters.

This trick seems to be very strong, but it is not useful at all. This trick can only detect the chakras that are actively released by people within a radius of 500 meters, but it cannot sense people who have not released chakras.

In other words, if there is a ninja hiding in the dark and motionless, Luo Sha's gold dust will not sense his presence. Luo Sha developed this kind of tasteless trick with a tentative mentality at the beginning. When he found that it could not be used as a perception ninjutsu, he never used it again. He never thought that it would be sent in this place today Come in handy.

So there is no useless ninjutsu, only useless people. No matter how useless ninjutsu is, it will come in handy sometimes, and a useless person, no matter how powerful ninjutsu he obtains, still cannot release super powerful power.

Close your eyes and carefully perceive the slightest changes in the chakra of the four places transmitted by the placer gold. I don't know if it's because of the lack of distance, Luo Sha frowned, and didn't perceive any big changes. The ninja Chakra fluctuations in the four places are roughly the same, and there are a lot of Chakra gathered at the gate of the city. reaction. It seems to be on guard against them breaking out from the gate of the city.

Luo Sha took a deep breath, and the chakra in the body was further released. After increasing the output of chakra, the placer gold went further. Without being discovered by the Konoha ninja, the placer gold even spread to the downstairs of the city wall. This appearance was enough for Luo Sha to sense the situation outside.

No matter how far away it is, it is not only a matter of the amount of Luosha Chakra, but also easy to be discovered. Konoha also has sentient ninjas, and Luo Sha also has to resist the ninjutsu falling from the sky while sensing, which greatly affects his work efficiency, getting twice the result with half the effort

, causing him to waste a lot of chakra.

After the placer gold invaded the edge of the city wall, Luo Sha suddenly opened his eyes, with an unconscious look in his pupils, as if his soul had gone out of his body, his whole consciousness completely spread to the battlefield, trying to gain insight into the battlefield with his own consciousness. The direction of the entire battlefield.

For a long time, he even forgot to release the basic defense, and Jia Luluo was the only one still struggling to support.

Scorpion was the first person to realize that there was a problem with Luo Sha. He immediately took over the defense work outside Jia Lu Luo Shazi, and then gestured for others to come with him with his eyes, and then said to Jia Lu Luo : There seems to be something wrong with Luo Sha's situation. There must be something wrong with him like this?

Scorpion's worried voice crossed Luo Sha's ears. He was already in a situation where his soul was out of his body to detect the battlefield. Although his consciousness could not spread to the entire battlefield, his perception was the clearest at the position closest to him at this moment. Yes, from the moment Xie just opened his mouth to speak, Luo Sha, who was still a little confused, woke up instantly.

It's just that his current state makes him unable to control himself, as if his soul is out of his body, Luo Sha doesn't know how to return to his body. The people in their sand ninja village don't study the soul very deeply, and none of them have even studied the ninjutsu of the soul.

So regarding Luo Sha's current situation, everyone was helpless. Even though Yashamaru had gone forward to investigate, he still couldn't find anything.

Luo Sha, who had incarnated his consciousness on the battlefield, had already detected the information he wanted to know, but the current situation was how he could return to his body.

No matter how hard he tried, no matter how close he got, his body didn't respond in the slightest. He can clearly sense every part of his body, but he just can't resonate with his body. Luo Sha's consciousness couldn't help shaking anxiously, which caused his originally calm state of mind to become agitated, and his whole consciousness began to blur.


Uchiha Tatsuo, who was on the high mountain outside the city, seemed to have discovered something extraordinary. He narrowed his eyes slightly, and exclaimed towards the city: Oh? I didn't expect that there are still people who can do this now!

Closing his eyes, Uchiha Tatsuo began to slowly perceive who the soul that interested him was.

The result surprised him a bit, the soul that interested him was Rasa whose consciousness was incarnated on this battlefield, that is, the fourth Kazekage in the original world, the father of Gaara, who died tragically in Orochimaru. The poor ghost in his hand.

So it's you! Uchiha Tatsuo chuckled, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and at the same time with a wave of his left hand, invisible energy spread from his hand in the direction of Kikyo Castle: It's interesting, let me see Let's see if you in this world will have a different fate, whether you can escape smoothly or not depends on your luck.

Uchiha Chen did not expect that in this place, there would be people who could enter the state of unconscious God perception by mistake. In this state, they could turn themselves into any part of this world, that is to say, no matter in this world, Nothing can escape his perception.

This state is very difficult to enter, even Uchiha Tatsuo has to turn on the True Six Paths mode before he can barely enter. Unexpectedly, Luo Sha entered this state by mistake.

This state is strong but strong, and the price to be paid is also very high.

Chapter six hundred and twentieth: The question of whether to do it or not

If a person who is not strong enough enters this state by mistake, it is very likely that he will directly merge with the heaven and the earth. From then on, his soul will never return to his body, and he can only exist like a lonely ghost, melting In heaven and earth.

Become a nutrient between heaven and earth, and can no longer be resurrected and reborn. After all, the soul has already merged with the heaven and the earth, so there is no such thing as the resurrection of the soul.

Uchiha Tatsu was a little surprised, he didn't expect that Luo Sha would actually be able to reach this level after breaking through his own limit.

Calculated according to Luo Sha's current state of strength, in less than ten minutes, he will turn into the essence of heaven and earth as Chen thought, and merge with heaven and earth.

Uchiha Chen lowered his head and pondered for a while. He was thinking about whether Luo Sha should make a move when he was behind.

Although he was not too impressed with Luo Sha when he was watching Hokage in his previous life, it can be said that he has never seen such a complicated and shameless person.

After Gaara became Sand Shinobi's new Ichijuriki, in order to be able to control Ichibi's power, he even isolated Gaara's childhood alive.

Let Gaara endure the betrayal that he shouldn't have to bear at his age. Because of the bad seal, Gaara almost never sleeps well. He will be released once the end of the deep sleep is over, so it will not last long. Gaara, who has experienced a good night's sleep, is a bit abnormal.

And what about Rosa? In order to be able to control Gaara, not only did he mislead Gaara's outlook on life and values, but even let Yashamaru, Gaara's most trusted person at that time, Gaara's uncle, come to assassinate him.

After experiencing the betrayal of her closest relatives, Gaara was completely blackened and became a feared existence of Sand Ninja. Until this way, Luo Sha achieved his goal of controlling Gaara.

To be honest, I have always disdained people like Luo Sha, but in the current situation, Gaara has not yet been born, and the old monk Fenfuna's old life is about to come. Run away.

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