I saw Mu Dun's avatar in Zhujian nodded towards him, and immediately jumped forward to block Kaguya Ji.

Wood Dune Birth of the Flower and Tree Realm!

In the icy space, you don’t want to think about the magma world. In the magma world, the tree world can only be used as their foothold, but in this ice world, they have no danger under their feet, so the tree world will become a benefit for Zhujian. means of attack.

Countless big trees broke out from the icy land, and in the blink of an eye, they turned into big trees in the sky. In this barren and unchanging white world, a clump of green suddenly appeared.

That's right, in this world, even the Birth of the Tree World, which looks like a forest, is just a small clump, which looks so inconspicuous in this entire space.

Everyone, please! Senshou Zhujian shouted lightly, and immediately rushed out, rushing forward.

Wood Dungeon Wooden Dragon Art!

Be the first to attack! Hashirama naturally understands this truth, especially when our side is weak, we can only be beaten passively, and only by taking the initiative can we find a chance of success.

A huge wooden dragon is entangled in the forest, like a predator standing at the top of the food chain in the entire forest, entrenched on the big tree in the sky, staring at Kaguya Ji closely, as if it would kill her as soon as she leaked a flaw. Prey off the general.

Kaguya Ji rushed into the forest, Hashirama's eyes lit up, and he yelled at his clone: ​​Let's go! He didn't stop immediately, and the whole person jumped up, jumped over the big tree, and turned into a monster in the forest. predators ready to hunt prey like Kaguya.

After entering the forest, Kaguya did not panic, but looked at the forest with a little appreciation. She was originally the guardian of the sacred tree, and she regarded the entire ninja world as her own back garden.

Therefore, Kaguya has an indescribable affection for trees, and did not stop Hashirama from performing ninjutsu. In her opinion, Hashirama is like the gardener in her space, diligently greening her space make a great contribution.

Mother, please don't be too careless, even though it's just a small bug, don't let them delay. Hei Jue's voice came from Hui Ye's sleeve robe.

Kaguya Ji nodded, indicating that she understood, but she didn't follow Hei Jue's intention, and continued to walk leisurely in the forest, as if she was admiring the forest.

How about I tie this little guy up and green my space? Kaguya Ji thought subconsciously.

Zhujian's Birth of the Tree World has gained a great reputation in the ninja world. Even if he has long died, there are such legends in the ninja world-if you meet a wood escape ninja, once he casts the Birth of the Tree World and summons a piece of Forest, don't love to fight, run away quickly, otherwise it will be turned into fertilizer.

This is the great reputation that Hashirama has gained in the ninja world with one punch and one kick since the Warring States period. I don't know how many ninjas died in the wooden escape in Hashirama, which further made him the name of the god of the ninja world.

But Kaguya Jigai is a bold person, not afraid of Hashirama's ninjutsu at all, walking in the forest, and even has time to pick flowers blooming on the trees to admire.

Mother, please don't let them procrastinate. Seeing that Kaguya Ji still went her own way, Hei Jue couldn't help but feel a little anxious. Once Naruto recovered, it would be very difficult to seriously injure Naruto again.

It's okay. Kaguya Ji's cold voice came, and she smiled and said: I want to see what this little guy Asura can do.

Hmph. Hearing Kaguya Ji's words, Hashirama snorted coldly, although he knew that he was no match for Kaguya Ji, but even he couldn't accept such contempt.

Then let me see how strong you are!

Saying that, Qianju Zhujian shouted loudly, clapped his hands together suddenly, Get up!

Suddenly, the entire forest changed drastically, and the originally peaceful forest began to slowly become distorted.

There are endless murderous intentions hidden in the seemingly beautiful forest. Every big tree and even every branch may become a deadly splendor.

Once it is caught by a branch and dragged into the forest, the big tree will turn into a man-eating demon, sucking up all the chakra and even life force in the human body. No matter who it is, as long as it is entangled, It means that this person has entered the countdown to death.

Chapter 818: Intense battle II

Falling into the heavy siege of the forest, Kaguya Ji was not nervous at all. After touching her body, those branches broke like the previous wooden thorns and turned into nutrients, which were absorbed by Kaguya Ji.

It's just that Kaguya Ji frowned tightly, as if she was disappointed by the continuous withering of this forest. This made her think of the sacred tree. As the guardian of the sacred tree, how could she watch the sacred tree wither.

Give me peace! Hui Ye stretched out his hand and waved, an invisible wave pushed out, and the whole forest trembled. The big trees that had been eyeing the sky instantly became timid, and they kept shrinking back one by one, as if they had encountered some demons Same, dare not step forward at all.

Originally Dashu shouldn't be thinking, but now Senju Zhuma can clearly feel a deep sense of fear from his ninjutsu.

The Mutun in Hashirama is different from people like Yamato who transplanted his cells. Even if other people can use Mutun, they are just imitations.

But Zhujian is different, his Mudun seems to be infused with life, with a vigorous vigor and full of vitality, which is why Zhujian's Mudun has been handed down to the world

The proud place of Hashirama.

However, at this moment, Zhujian was really annoyed why his Mutun had a soul. If he didn't have a soul, he would be as unscrupulous as a normal ninjutsu, and he wouldn't hesitate to move forward.

Damn it! Zhu Jian let out a light snort, and didn't hold back any more, all the Mu Dun clones rushed up, surrounded Kaguya Ji, blocking her steps.

Hashirama himself made the seal quickly, and his hands were like butterflies wearing flowers, showing the beauty of the seal to the fullest.

Wood escape·The technique of the wooden man!

The chakra in Hashirama's body was transmitted to the trees, and those giant trees grew rapidly, and a wooden figure with an extremely huge body that would not give in to Susano appeared on the spot.

A huge wooden dragon and a huge wooden man, both of which could single out a tailed beast, stood in front of Kaguya Ji. Qianshou Zhujian jumped and stood on the wooden man's shoulders, with piercing eyes.


Mu Dun's avatar started a hand-to-hand fight against Kaguya Ji under him, and the wooden dragon kept harassing at the side. The wooden man put Hashirama into his head space, and Hashirama controlled the wooden man to punch Kaguya Ji's body.

Kaguya Hime frowned, facing such a turbulent attack, even she needed to avoid it, not because she couldn't stop it, but because she wanted to save Chakra.

Although Infinite Tsukuyomi is continuously supplying Chakra, the amount of Chakra consumed by Kaguya Hime's every attack is not a small amount.

Especially in the Royal Palace of Heaven, a large amount of Chakra is needed just to maintain the Royal Palace of Heaven. In order to save her own Chakra, Kaguya Hime had to avoid it.

This is why Naruto Sasuke was able to compete with her before.

If Kaguya Hime had done her best from the beginning, regardless of the consumption of Chakra, it is very likely that Naruto Sasuke would have lost faster.

But as Naruto Sasuke gradually adapted to Kaguya's attack, this situation began to change. From Kaguya's strong suppression of the two to the stalemate between the two and finally the two were able to fight back from time to time, Naruto Sasuke He has already adapted to Kaguya Ji's offensive.

A black space crack appeared inadvertently behind Kaguya Ji, and when she floated, she was about to float into the black hole of space with the wind.

Want to run? Qianshou Zhujian frowned, and the whole person shouted: Leave it to me! The wooden man reached into the black hole with both hands, and forcibly pulled the black hole away, Open!

The shrinking black hole was torn apart abruptly by Zhujian. Seeing this, the wooden dragon rushed into the black hole. Zhujian was so powerful that he even wanted to let the wooden man enter the black hole.

Chased by the wooden man and wooden dragon, Kaguya Ji had no choice but to retreat. Originally, she had already stepped into the starting ball space with one foot, but in the end she had no choice but to withdraw.

Fortunately, she didn't really enter the space of the first ball, otherwise Uchiha Tatsumi might be exposed. Just now, Tatsuo had even seen Kaguya Hime's lower body, and it was only about to be exposed.

Come back to me! Senshou Zhujian shouted loudly, forming seals with both hands, the body of the wooden figure became bigger again, and the huge fist rushed towards Kaguya Ji. If there is any negligence, it will turn into a man-eating beast and deal a fatal blow to Kaguya Hime.

Kaguya Ji raised her body up, narrowly dodging Zhuan's fist, but at this moment the wooden dragon suddenly made a move, opened its mouth wide at Kaguya Ji, and was about to swallow her in one gulp.

Kaguya Ji's originally relaxed expression was no longer there, and her cold face was covered with frost. She didn't expect that this guy who she regarded as an ant would bring her huge troubles.

Mother, I have already said not to let them procrastinate. Hei Jue complained.

Shut up! Kaguya Ji snorted coldly, stretched out a hand, and stretched out several bone spurs from her back, and a spike emerged along her arm. Kaguya Ji reached out and aimed at the wood Dragon, the spikes thrust out suddenly.

At that moment, the spike pierced into the wooden dragon's wide open mouth, and the whole world became quiet at this moment, as if some mechanism had been pressed, the wooden dragon remained motionless.

In the next moment, the wooden dragon broke inch by inch, and its huge body seemed to be corrupted by something. The wooden dragon was constantly twisting, but even this could not slow down the process of the wooden dragon's disintegration.

In just a few breaths, the menacing wooden dragon turned into dust, and drifted away with the cold wind as soon as it blew.

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