I admit that I underestimated you. Kaguya Ji looked at Senjujuma calmly and said slowly, But I won't underestimate you anymore. It also has such strength.

Senju Zhuma snorted coldly, noncommittal, did not answer Kaguya Ji's words, but proved his answer with actions.

The wooden man slammed his hands on the ground suddenly.

Wood escape, the art of bagging!

The Chakra in Senjujuma's body was continuously transmitted towards the ground, extending all the way, I saw a strange Chakra vortex appeared in the forest, and the Chakra vortex expanded and extended until Kaguya Ji's feet formed a The huge abyss and quagmire stopped the pace of expansion.

Chapter Eight Hundred and Nineteen: Intense Battle III

In just a blink of an eye, the chakra vortex formed a huge swamp vortex at Kaguya's feet, surrounding Kaguya.

Go to hell for me! Senju Bashima snorted coldly, seeing that Kaguya Ji hadn't moved yet, the corner of his mouth could not help but twitch a smile.

The technique of bag bagging is originally performed at a fast speed, and it is to be formed before people react. As long as the Chakra Swamp is formed, even the gods will not be able to escape.

After the formation of the Chakra Swamp, countless wooden hands stretched out from the swamp, constantly trying to pull Kaguya Hime, trying to pull her into a bondage and then pull her into the abyss.

Kaguya Ji was a little caught off guard by the sudden appearance of countless big hands. Those wooden big hands grabbed Kaguya Ji's ankle and pulled it down forcefully.

The power of one hand may not be that great, but under the countless big hands, the power is constantly superimposed. Once it is pulled by all the big hands, even Kaguya Hime may fall into crisis.

Kaguya Ji frowned, and tried hard to break free from the big hand under her body, but after she tried hard, she found that the big hand was not broken free, but was still firmly pulling her lower body.

She was a little impatient, and waved her hand to cut off the big hands that bound her, but after those big hands were cut off, there were still countless big hands that continued to hold her, and even an unknown number of big hands stretched out from other places, elusive, seemingly He will not give up until he pulls her into the abyss.

Yachigami Sky Strike!

Kaguya Ji became angry from embarrassment, and spat lightly in her mouth, and immediately saw her body start to rotate, and air fists and palms kept hitting those big hands.

There were continuous big wooden hands trying to pull Kaguya Hime, and she didn't stop spinning. When Hashirama withdrew the constant output of Chakra, he still seemed a little panting.

The output of the Chakra Swamp has stopped, and no big hands are protruding from the ground. The Chakra Vortex is also shrinking and slowly disappearing.

Kaguya Ji stopped spinning, but her face was not good-looking, it seemed that she had also consumed a lot of chakra during this period. She is not like Hashirama, who was reincarnated from the dirt. Although Kaguya Hime also has the sacred tree to provide chakra continuously, she is still not as unlimited as Hashirama.

It can be said that the reincarnation of the dirt is the state that is really suitable for fighting. Not only will it not die, but it will not cause pain after injury, and more importantly, there is no need to worry about the consumption of its own chakra.

This is completely inconsistent with the law of chakra energy conservation. In fact, when the so-called Orochimaru Senjubojian developed and improved the reincarnation of dirty soil, they couldn't think of where this chakra came from.

However, after the explanation by the Sage of the Six Paths, Tomona felt that he gradually understood the ninjutsu he invented. It turns out that the reincarnation of the unclean soil is not the real infinite chakra. In fact, the soul from the pure land experience continuous absorption Chakra scattered in nature.

Just like there are countless natural energies in the air, there are actually countless chakras in the air, but these chakras cannot be used by living people. Only the souls in the pure land can absorb them without any scruples.

In fact, the existence of the pure land itself relies on these dissipated chakras. Otherwise, how could a huge pure land space be formed on such a huge scale only by the power of the sages of the Six Paths?

He himself is nothing more than a group of chakras with consciousness. With the help of the force of nature and those scattered chakras, it can continue to survive.

Panting slightly, Hashirama looked at Kaguya Hime with a slight smile, and now his purpose of procrastination has actually been achieved. Looking behind him, he found that Naruto hadn't woken up, but seeing the heaving state of his chest, the distance It shouldn't be too long before he really wakes up.

As a member of the Uzumaki clan, Naruto's recovery ability itself is very strong. In addition, the tail beast in his body continuously supplies him with chakra. As long as it is not a fatal injury, Naruto will be able to recover quickly.

Sakura's medical ninjutsu is just icing on the cake.

It's enough to last a little longer. Feeling the chakra in his body becoming full again, Hashirama's heart became firm again. As long as Naruto recovers, that's enough.

Obito and the others were not idle at this time, since Hashirama was delaying everyone's time, they definitely couldn't just wait here.

You mean that as long as that woman performs space ninjutsu again, you can use your pupil technique to enter her space and find Sasuke? Senshou Fujian frowned and asked with a hint of doubt after listening to Obito's words road.

Obito nodded, and after listening to Kakashi's words, he continued to observe Kaguya Hime. At the moment Kaguya Hime tried to hide in the first ball space, he keenly discovered that this was actually just a space-time tolerance surgery.

Tomona and Namikaze Minato have actually had this point for a long time.

No guesses, after all, the two people's space-time ninjutsu talents can make them keenly discover the changes in space, but they have no way to enter Kaguya Ji's space.

Although the Flying Thunder God Art is easy to use, every change in the Flying Thunder God Art needs a medium, that is to say, if there is no seal left in advance, the two of them will have no way to travel through space.

The Flying Thunder God Technique is indeed a very useful spatial method on the battlefield. It is also by this technique that Namikaze Minato won the title of Konoha Yellow Flash on the battlefield.

But if they want to save people from Kaguya Hime's space, the two of them have no way at all. Hearing Obito's words at this moment, the eyes of the two people shine. In their opinion, even if there is only 10% hope Just have to try it out.

Instead of sitting here and waiting to die, it is better to take the initiative to attack, waiting left and right, why not do something meaningful?

But this requires a huge amount of Chakra to support. Every space transition requires a lot of Chakra to stimulate and take precautions. After all, no one knows what dangers are waiting for us at the other end of the space. Obito frowned and said.

I can't do this just with my current Chakra amount, so it's useless to say it now.

Hearing this, everyone froze for a moment, and suddenly burst into laughter.

We people lack everything, but we don't lack chakra! A trace of confidence flashed in the eyes of several people. Indeed, their bodies, reincarnated as dirt, have almost unlimited chakra. Coming is not a requirement at all, but a simple matter.

That's right, how could I have forgotten this! Obito's eyes lit up, The Hokages are all reincarnated bodies of dirt, so don't worry about chakra consumption at all.

Chapter 820: Intermission

Several people looked at each other and couldn't help laughing: We lack everything, but we don't lack chakra.

Chakra is a trivial matter in front of Reincarnation, so your problem is not a problem for us at all.

Obito nodded in surprise, he almost forgot about the Hokages, he couldn't help but nodded, and said: It would be great if a few Hokage-samas could help, it would be easy if a few Hokage-samas help too much.

Everyone nodded, and Qianshou opened the door and said: Then this time the old man will take this guy named Obito to go, the old man still knows a little bit of space-time ninjutsu, if it is four generations, you should stay here, you The two of us must leave one person here just in case, without further delay, let's act quickly.

After Senshou Himama finished speaking, all the people in the room turned their attention to Obito, and he smiled coyly and said, That... only when Kaguya Hime uses her time-space ninjutsu again, can I rely on it? Let Shenwei enter her space, if she keeps using it, there is nothing I can do about it.”

Hearing what Obito said, Tobuma had no choice but to nod dully. Before Kaguya Ji opened the space again, they could only continue to wait. Now that they knew the conditions for entering the space, they must actively create opportunities. , making an unknown signal towards the pillars on the battlefield.

Xinsheng Hashirama turned his head slightly in response, seeing the signal on Toikama's hand, he couldn't help but nodded secretly to express his understanding. Although he didn't know why his brother did this, it must be reasonable to think about it.

Xiao Ying was anxious, seeing that everyone had discussed the list of rescue personnel in this way, she knew that if she didn't speak again, she would have no chance.

She hurriedly stood up, not even caring about maintaining the Immortal Palm Technique in her hand, she stretched out her hand towards the crowd and said, That...can I go with you too?

Sakura's words stunned everyone present. To be honest, they never thought of taking Sakura with them. In the eyes of everyone, this little girl is not only weak and weak, but also not strong enough. Although He is Tsunade's apprentice, but he's just a medical ninja.

Tobima and the others deliberately ignored Sakura, just to protect her. Seeing that Xiao Ying took the initiative to bring up this matter, they couldn't help being stunned, and Qianshou couldn't help laughing and said: Little girl, why do you want to go, you have to know that this is not a fun thing.

Indeed, this rescue operation is not a simple matter even if there is a double insurance of Feijian and Obito. After all, taking the initiative to shuttle into the space of others is tantamount to putting one's life in front of the enemy. What's more, no one knows what dangers are in that unknown space.

Sakura gritted her teeth and looked at Senshou Higashima with firm eyes, she had to go, because, because the person trapped in Kaguya Hime's space was Sasuke.

She has been thinking about it for so many years but she can't ask for it. She has worked so hard to catch up with Sasuke's pace, and finally she is waiting for Sasuke's figure. She doesn't know other things. Sakura only knows that at this moment, she hopes to be able to come Sasuke's side, what to do for Sasuke.

I must go. Also as a member of the seventh class, I can't watch my partner get into a fight while I can only watch from the sidelines. I am also a member of the seventh class. I also want to do something ! Xiao Sakura took a deep breath, closed her eyes and shouted recklessly.

Sakura's voice fell, and the scene seemed a little silent. They all ignored the little girl's feelings.

They only thought about how to protect others, but they never thought that Xiao Sakura never wanted their protection, and she also wanted to do something for the victory of the battle.

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