However, with Sasuke's unwillingness to suffer, he would never let Yi Zhengnan go. Yi Zhengnan made a move for nothing, and Sasuke had long been thinking about how to get back this place.

Seeing that Sasuke was fighting with Kaguya Ji in silence, Yi Zhengnan also understood that Sasuke alone would definitely not be able to defeat Kaguya Ji.

He wanted to wait for Kaguya Ji to defeat Sasuke before devouring Sasuke, but Yi Zhengnan took all this for granted.

Not to mention that Kaguya Ji would not agree, nor would the first generation and others who were watching behind him. After systematic calculations, the probability of successfully devouring Sasuke after Kaguya Ji defeated Sasuke was less than 20%.

In the same way, if you want to devour the first generation of them, you can't get around the hurdle of Sasuke and Kaguya Hime. Instead of doing this, it is better to join forces with Sasuke and wait for the opportunity to see if Kaguya Ji can be swallowed directly.

Once Kaguya Ji is devoured, no one in this world will be his opponent. Naruto Sasuke and Uchiha Tatsumi are nothing but a piece of fish in his eyes.

But if he wants to devour Kaguya Ji, the probability is small, and Yi Zhengnan didn't think about it in the first place.

According to his calculations, after Naruto Sasuke sealed Kaguya Ji, there must be another battle of fate, and after they both lose, Yi Zhengnan can just jump out and devour the two of them.

This is also his plan from the beginning, but the plan can't keep up with the changes. There is an extra person like Uchiha Tatsumi in this world. No one can be sure whether things will follow the original plot.

Rather than pinning your hopes on illusory luck, it is better to fight for it yourself, and you will die for thousands of years.

Fight it! Yi Zhengnan gritted his teeth and felt ruthless, I did it! Immediately he looked up at Sasuke, stepped forward and stood side by side with Sasuke: Let's join hands, you alone are not her opponent .”

Hmph! Sasuke didn't speak, but snorted coldly, which was acquiescence to Yi Zhengnan's proposal.

However, what neither of them knew was that just after Yi Zhengnan made this decision, the devil in his body let out a wild laugh: Hahahahaha, you have finally taken this step, and I am not in vain Hard work.

Work harder, work harder, eat more, it's best to eat all the people in this world, and by then... Jie Jie Jie Jie. The voice gradually disappeared, only the tumbling black matter It proves that there used to be a voice here.

What Yi Zhengnan didn't know was that his heart had already been infected by the devil. Once upon a time, the devil was unable to swallow all kinds of temptations from the devil. In the end, the devil used the only chance to control his body before eating it. The young man in the stomach has become indifferent now. Kaguya Hime and Sasuke Naruto are nothing more than a rich meal in his eyes.

Yi Zhengnan took a deep breath, and immediately his eyes were fixed. At this time, he didn't dare to be serious. Although the two of them joined forces, he knew that Kaguya Ji must be focusing on him.

Naturally, he must have received the most attacks. There is no way to do this. He had already thought of this ending when he devoured the Sage of the Six Paths, but for the sake of the world fragments, Yi Zhengnan had already gone all out.

There was Kaguya Ji in the front, and Sasuke in the back. Yi Zhengnan had to cheer up, so he wouldn't believe that Sasuke and the first generation would trust him, a person of unknown origin, so easily.

Anyway, he has been intriguing in the world of Naruto for so many years. Except for Naruto, who is so simple and stupid, everyone knows that his identity is uncertain.

For this reason, Yi Zhengnan had to prevent them from stabbing him in the back, but all of this would not happen before Kaguya Ji was defeated.

Now they still need their own strength, and it is impossible for them to attack themselves at this time, so they are absolutely safe until Kaguya Ji is not defeated, and even if they are in danger, they have to rescue themselves.

However, this does not mean that he can be unscrupulous. The ghost knows that Kaguya Ji has some useless cards, not to mention anything else, just killing the ashes together is not something he can resist. Once he is stabbed, he will be wiped out in ashes. Can't help.

Under the joint efforts of the two, no matter how angry Kaguya Hime was, it would be of no avail, unable to break through the attacks of the two. Gradually, Kaguya Hime woke up from the madness.

Although she was still extremely angry in her heart, she was much better than when she first saw Yi Zhengnan before, so she wouldn't rush forward crazily when she saw Yi Zhengnan.

However, even after regaining consciousness, Kaguya Ji has no better way to face Yi Zhengnan and Sasuke's cooperation.

Although the cooperation between the two of them was not as dexterous and intimate as Naruto Sasuke, but Sasuke's difficulty and Yi Zhengnan's weird attack style made Kaguya Ji somewhat at a loss.

She could see that the power Yi Zhengnan used was completely different from theirs, and everyone could see that, that kind of weird power with a strong dark and evil aura was not as pure as Chakra at all.

This power is even many times more evil than the power of the curse seal studied by Orochimaru. The power of the curse seal of Orochimaru is no different from a three-year-old child in front of this power.

Feeling the power in Yi Zhengnan's body made everyone more vigilant towards him. Those who can possess this power will definitely not be good people.

Even the first generation and the second generation have made up their minds. Once Kaguya Ji loses, they will control Yi Zhengnan as quickly as possible. The pressure he brings to everyone is too great. This evil breath, even if

It's what they're all afraid of.

Eight hundred and thirtieth chapters: joint two

After the two showed their true skills, the originally one-sided situation changed instantly, and Otsutsuki Kaguya could no longer suppress the two unscrupulously. Even under the combined attack of the two, they were slightly at a disadvantage.

At this time, Naruto woke up from a coma. Uh... what's wrong with me?

Naruto sat up, his eyes looked a little confused, his memory was still stuck in the moment when he was hit by Kaguya Hime's ninjutsu, and he didn't know what happened afterwards.

Naruto, are you awake?! Seeing Naruto waking up, everyone was very excited. Now it's all right. After Naruto wakes up, it is equivalent to having double insurance. With the efforts of three people, Kaguya Ji is still Ready to grab?

And with Naruto Sasuke around, that mysterious guy probably won't be able to make any waves, Senshou Feijian can't believe that this guy can still hide something by this time.

We brought Sasuke back after you fell into a coma, and now Sasuke is following a guy who doesn't know whether it's an enemy or a friend to fight against Kaguya Hime. Hurry up and try to seal Kaguya Hime.

By the way, that guy is probably an enemy rather than a friend. You and Sasuke must be careful. Seeing Naruto's excited face, Qianshou couldn't help reminding him quickly.

After this period of contact, he finally understood that Naruto's personality was just like his big brother's, he was careless, and he didn't know how to cover it up, and if he put it outside, he would definitely be a fool who was sold and helped count the money.

It's better to remind in advance, otherwise you may suffer later.

Hearing the special reminder from Qianshoubanjian, Naruto turned his head and glanced at Yi Zhengnan, feeling the evil aura in his body, Naruto frowned in disgust.

This power... is a thousand times more evil than the power of Nine Tails. The power of Nine Tails is like a baby in front of it. That kind of evil is not of the same order at all. I feel that this power seems to be still there. Specially suppressed it, otherwise, the aura that erupted would be even more majestic.

Come on. Senshou Banjian lightly patted Naruto's shoulder, and nodded encouragingly. Naruto subconsciously looked at his father, Namikaze Minato, and saw that he was also looking at him.

Be careful. Namikaze Minato nodded.

Don't worry, I want to be Hokage, how could I fail! Naruto laughed loudly, waved to everyone, and stepped onto the battlefield again.

With Naruto joining, the pressure on the two of them dropped sharply, You're finally here. Sasuke came to Naruto's side, lifted Susano, and said with a slight breath.

Ah, I'm here, leave the rest to me. Naruto nodded, ahh, and put on a confident look.

It was because Naruto ignored Kaguya's ability before, Huangquan Biliangsaka can appear in any place at will, not to mention this is Kaguya's space, which led Kaguya to seize the opportunity to go forward and defeat him, This time, Naruto thought that this kind of problem would not happen again.

Saint fighters will never be defeated by the same moves. The same applies to ninjas. The same traps will not work after being used once.

Let's go! Naruto roared, and rushed up first, transformed into a huge nine-tailed demon fox, and fought with Kaguya Ji.

You bastard. Sasuke shook his head slightly, and didn't know to ask people to rest for a while, not everyone is a chakra-filled monster like you, he couldn't help but secretly said in his heart.

But after Naruto stepped forward, he naturally couldn't sell his teammates, so he could only step on the Taoist jade left by Naruto and follow Naruto.

After seeing Naruto Sasuke approaching, Yi Zhengnan quietly hid behind the two of them, paddling effortlessly, ready to find an opportunity to directly devour Kaguya Ji.

Originally, Kaguya Ji was stretched in the face of the attacks of the two, and behind him was Yi Zhengnan, who was not inferior to Naruto Sasuke, who shot sniper from time to time, and Kaguya Ji was soon defeated.

Impossible! Impossible! Mother is the goddess of Mao, an invincible existence, how could she be defeated by you little brats! Hei Jue yelled hysterically, unwilling to believe what happened before his eyes.

After thousands of years of planning, it took a lot of effort to bring Otsutsuki Kaguya back to life, how long has it been? How can you fail right now?

Mother, hurry up, defeat them quickly. As long as you defeat them, this world will once again become your back garden and become the supreme existence in this world.

Kaguya Ji frowned slightly. Although she didn't like Heijue's tone at the moment, she also knew that the current situation was very unfavorable to her. If she didn't use her full strength, she might fail again.

At this time, I don't care about saving chakra or not.

Heh... Kaguya Ji snorted softly, the chakra in her body was running crazily, trying to communicate with the sacred tree outside the space to increase the output of chakra.

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