It's a pity that after half a day, the chakra in the body did not increase.

What's going on? Hei Jue was shocked and angry, Who is it! Who is it! It must be that someone he doesn't know has done something to the sacred tree outside.

Immediately, Hei Jue turned his attention to Yi Zhengnan. Among all the people, he was the only one who entered here from the outside world. The problem with the sacred tree must have something to do with him.

But no matter how he thought about it, he would never have guessed that Yi Zhengnan had already devoured the entire sacred tree. Five of the nine sacred trees were directly swallowed by Yi Zhengnan, leaving only four trees, which could maintain the same level as before. Chakra output is already not easy.

Still want to increase the chakra output? It's just a fool's dream.

Bastard! Hei Jue gave Yi Zhengnan a vicious look, but Yi Zhengnan acted like he had nothing to do with me and I didn't know anything about it, making Hei Jue unable to say anything and holding it in his mouth It's painful to die.

Although Hei Jue was angry, he had nothing to do. After all, he knew what level he was. If he were to deal with Yi Zhengnan, he would be eaten to death by Yi Zhengnan within a few rounds. After thinking about it It's better to curl up with Kaguya Ji with peace of mind.

After all, although Kaguya Ji is strong enough, she is still lacking in skills. Although Hei Jue is not strong enough, but after living for a thousand years, what skills don't she know? Maybe there will be miraculous effects when the two complement each other.

Chapter 836:

Under the offensive of the three, Kaguya couldn't resist at all, even if Yi Zhengnan was paddling aside, Kaguya Ji couldn't resist.

Originally, the combination of Naruto and Sasuke made Kaguya Ji overwhelmed, but now that there is an extra Yi Zhengnan, who makes cold shots from time to time, it is impossible to guard against.

Without enough Chakra, there is no way to release a big move. Just like in the game, if the amount of mana is not enough, it is impossible to release the skill. Kaguya Ji has the ability now but does not have the matching amount of Chakra. The Chakra of the ten tails is almost All were used to maintain her body, and she couldn't move.

It can only be maintained by absorbing the chakra of those who are caught in the infinite monthly reading.

It's now! Punching Kaguya Hime in the face, Naruto's eyes lit up and he shouted at Sasuke.

Sasuke nodded knowingly, and stretched out his hands together with Naruto, and put both hands on Kaguya Hime's body, one left and one right, and the power of the Six Paths flowed out from the imprint, acting on Kaguya Hime's body.

Kaguya Hime could clearly feel the chakra turmoil in her body, and even the ten-tailed beast that was forcibly suppressed began to agitate, and the nine-tailed beast kept struggling, trying to escape from her control.

Don't even think about it! Kaguya Ji bit her lower lip tightly, forcibly suppressing the riot in her body.

Swell... Swell Seeking Dao Jade!

Kaguya Ji roared, but unfortunately she has no chance to use chakra at this moment.

Yi Zhengnan approached Kaguya Ji quietly at the very beginning, and when Kaguya Ji pushed Naruto Sasuke away to stabilize the internal situation, Yi Zhengnan stuck Kaguya Ji behind Kaguya Ji's back give hold.

Jie Jie Jie Jie! Host, are you so hungry and thirsty? This is an old woman who has lived for thousands of years. The devil's laughter came from Yi Zhengnan's ear.

Shut up! Yi Zhengnan became angry from embarrassment, after all, his current posture really looks like that. Didn't you see Naruto Sasuke and the two stunned? Do you really think of yourself as such a person?

Kaguya Ji was suddenly hugged fiercely, a trace of shame and anger flashed across her face, but she had never been in contact with a man other than her own son, even if it was a big name from the country of her motherland.

Although nominally she was once the wife of the daimyo of the motherland, in fact the daimyo of the motherland had never even touched her.

Yi Zhengnan was also the first man who had such close contact with Kaguya Ji.

Go away! Hui Yeji shouted coquettishly, turned around and wanted to beat Yi Zhengnan to death.

How can you let go of the baby you got. Yi Zhengnan said with a slight smile.

Kaguya Ji moved suddenly, obviously hearing the word baby, even if it was her, she couldn't help being ashamed and angry when she heard someone call her that, but the next moment...

Yi Zhengnan opened his mouth wide, his eyes were scarlet, full of madness, he took a deep breath, his mouth was wide open, and an invisible vortex formed in Yi Zhengnan's mouth.

I saw that Kaguya Ji, whose expression had not changed for thousands of years, was already showing incomparable panic on her face at this moment, frantically trying to avoid this layer of terrifying vortex, but at this moment all her abilities seemed to have disappeared, no matter how she tried to There is no way to escape Yi Zhengnan's devouring even if he casts Huang Quan Bi Banliang.

Immediately, only Kaguya Ji's figure was gradually shrunk, gradually shrunk, and then slowly turned into a small arc of light, swallowed by Yi Zhengnan in a vortex.

When Yi Zhengnan closed his mouth and hiccupped, it meant that Kaguya Ji was officially swallowed by him, leaving no room for reaction.

Poor Otsutsuki Kaguya Hime, who had been sealed for thousands of years, had just been resurrected, before she could breathe enough fresh air, she was swallowed by Yi Zhengnan and turned into a part of his power.

As Yi Zhengnan swallowed Kaguya Ji, the ten tails suppressed by Kaguya Ji in his body were also eaten by Yi Zhengnan. Although Yi Zhengnan was small, his stomach seemed to be connected to another world.

He had just devoured Sage of the Six Paths, and he had also devoured several sacred trees, and now he ate Kaguya Ji and Shiwei, his stomach was still flat, without the slightest ups and downs.

However, Yi Zhengnan's aura is improving step by step, and all the people swallowed by him have turned into his background, increasing his strength bit by bit


Jiejiejiejie, I'll just say it, take a chance on turning a bicycle into a motorcycle, how can you open up a bright road if you don't bet? The voice of the devil kept bewitching Yi Zhengnan.

Yi Zhengnan frowned slightly, feeling the growing power in his body, although this feeling was very refreshing, he didn't need to cultivate by himself at all, as long as he kept devouring others, he could turn them into his own power.

It can be said that as long as you keep eating, you can become stronger. However, this kind of anti-human behavior makes Yi Zhengnan disgusting every time.

Hmph, this is the last time. You don't have to try to tempt me. I just die. I jump from here and die in their hands. I won't eat people casually in the future!

Yi Zhengnan's words caused the system to burst into laughter. The devil knew that it was all because of Yi Zhengnan's stubborn mouth. Didn't he say it clearly before? Even if they were killed, they would no longer eat people, but what happened? Really fragrant.

What Yi Zhengnan didn't know was that his thoughts had slowly changed under the subtle temptation of the devil.

This is the fact, no matter how much you hate something, if someone talks about it in your ears every day, you will get used to it in the end, and you will not even care about it, and you will slowly accept this fact in the end.

In fact, people are all like this. Isn’t there a saying that people will eventually live in the way they hate the most. No matter who they are, under the ravages of life, they will slowly choose to give in, and then compromise step by step. Eventually become the person you hate the most, ostensibly smooth and accident-savvy.

Even in the end, I persuaded those newcomers with the appearance of someone who has experienced it, so that they can gradually become their current selves step by step.

People are social creatures, and no one will allow a different kind to appear around them. If it appears, then find a way to change him. If you can't change it, then squeeze him out until he compromises or quits, and he dies.

Who is the devil? As the one who understands people's hearts best, isn't it easy to seduce a fledgling person? Yi Zhengnan would never have imagined that he had already fallen into the trap set by the devil step by step, and even stepped into all of this on his own initiative.

Chapter 837: Kaguya Ji Was Swallowed

After devouring Kaguya Ji, the power in Yi Zhengnan's body continued to rise, almost every second, but in the blink of an eye, Yi Zhengnan's strength surpassed that of Naruto Sasuke.

Originally, no matter who pulled them out, the two of them could defeat Yi Zhengnan, but in just a split second, Yi Zhengnan's strength increased by leaps and bounds.

No one thought about this matter, after all, who would have nothing to do to prevent this, and they are not perverts, how could they have thought that Yi Zhengnan would actually eat people, and his strength would increase with eating people.

It can be said that what happened in this instant has exceeded their normal cognition for so many years.

How could it be! Naruto Sasuke was stunned, still in disbelief.

I have long felt that there is something wrong with this guy, so he is waiting for us here. Qian Shou Feijian looked at Yi Zhengnan seriously.

Although the profession of ninja does not take human life seriously, almost every ninja will receive a mission to exterminate bandits when they are promoted. Generally speaking, the goal of the mission is to include everyone in the bandit den. Weak, sick and disabled children are also their mission targets.

As a ninja, there is no one who is soft-hearted, and even Senshou Feijian himself often conducts human experiments. It can be said that he does not take human life very seriously, but when Yi Zhengnan ate Kaguya Ji.

Qian Shou Feijian clearly felt that he had an indescribable disgust towards Yi Zhengnan. Even people like him couldn't accept Yi Zhengnan's actions, let alone other people here? Especially Sakura, when she saw such a cruel scene, she squatted on the ground and vomited it out.

Is this the feeling of power? Yi Zhengnan closed his eyes and felt the continuous growth of the power in his body. This feeling of one level per second was really cool. Yi Zhengnan found that he had fallen in love with this feeling .

He slowly opened his eyes, now he is not afraid of Naruto and Sasuke at all, even everyone present will not be his opponent. He looked at Naruto and Sasuke, his eyes were full of enthusiasm, as if he was looking at some delicious food.

Immediately he suddenly realized, Damn it, that's enough, how can I have such a thought! Shaking his head indiscriminately, he put this thought behind him: No matter what, I can't have such a thought anymore Oh, this way of gaining power is too extreme!

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