By the way, little brother, you just said you were going to sue me... A troubled look appeared on the Tugong's face, and Ye Chen saw through his thoughts at a glance.

Don't worry, you saved me this time. I won't really sue you. I just said that just to find out who was helping me behind the scenes.

That's good. Tudigong smiled, Then Xiaoxian will leave first. If I need help with anything, just go to Tutu Temple in the north of the city and call Xiaoxian twice, and Xiaoxian will appear.

Well, I understand. After Ye Chen said this, Tu Tu Gong jumped on the spot. Just when Ye Chen looked at Tu Tu Gong without knowing why, he suddenly saw his body slowly sinking into the ground.

Brother, let's meet again if we have the chance. After Tu Tu said, his body suddenly disappeared on the spot, leaving no trace on the ground, as if he and the earth had merged into one.

Spells are really magical, but the time I have been in this world is too short. I don't have time to learn any spells. It seems that I can only learn some from Sun Wukong and the others in the future.

Ye Chen sighed at the magic of magic and walked out of the bun shop. He looked through the descriptions of strength in this world in his mind.

There are actually two types of gods: one is the innate god, that is, he is a god at birth. This kind of god is the incarnation of the great road and has boundless divine power, but it cannot be cultivated by ordinary people and is very uncommon. Generally, it lives in seclusion on the ninth heaven.

The second kind of gods are the gods that often appear in the world of Journey to the West, that is, human immortals. This kind of immortals are cultivated step by step by people. Specifically, they are divided into ghost immortals, human immortals, earth immortals, gods and heavenly immortals.

The strength of these kinds of immortals increases gradually. The Earth God should belong to the Earth Immortals. They are immortals who wander on the land. They generally do not understand the Tao and only achieve small achievements, but they can also live forever.

The level of Sun Wukong probably belongs to the immortals. In other words, except for the innate gods and a few extremely powerful immortals, basically no one in the world of Journey to the West is Sun Wukong's opponent.

This also explains why Sun Wukong can cause havoc in the Heavenly Palace and make many immortals flee all the way. Because many immortals are at the level of gods, there are very few immortals among the immortals handling affairs in Heaven.

Most of the immortals are either living in seclusion, or like Taishang Laojun, refining alchemy all day long and basically not caring about worldly affairs. As for Sun Wukong pushing down Taishang Laojun when he jumped out of the alchemy furnace...

Ye Chen smiled when he thought of this, All immortals know that the great road is irreversible. It is inevitable that Sun Wukong will cause trouble in the Heavenly Palace. The Supreme Lord is just following the trend.

Chapter 1347: Litigation

Thinking about these things about strength in the world of Journey to the West, Ye Chen couldn't help but walk to the front of a large restaurant. He turned his head and saw the dazzling array of dishes on the table in the restaurant, and couldn't help but feel a little hungry.

Ye Chen, who has been fighting wits and courage with monsters since last night, still hasn't eaten a drop of water, let alone other food.

It's not like he didn't think about eating two more buns before leaving the bun shop, but when he thought that those buns were made of human flesh, he lost his appetite.

Now when he walked to the restaurant, Ye Chen smelled the smell of food and wine coming from the restaurant, and suddenly had an appetite again. However, he had no money, and even if he went in, he would be beaten out.

If I had known better, I would have asked the landowner for money. Ye Chen thought of this and shook his head, I guess there would be no results if I asked for it. These gods don't want to eat, so what do they want money for?

After struggling in his mind, Ye Chen still left the door of the restaurant. He wanted to go to the Imperial City to find Xuanzang, but with his status, the Imperial City was naturally inaccessible, so he could only go to the Tudong Gong first. , let him help himself.

But just when Ye Chen took two steps, he suddenly heard a rush of footsteps behind him. Ye Chen turned around and saw a group of government officials.

He looked at these people curiously. This was the first time he saw government officials after entering Chang'an City, so he couldn't help but stop and wait for these government officials to arrest the prisoners.

The bold murderer ahead, don't leave! A man who looked like the leader of the government officials pointed in the direction of Ye Chen. Ye Chen turned his head and looked around, wanting to see which unlucky guy was caught killing someone. .

But after looking at the people around him, Ye Chen was horrified to find that the area around him had suddenly become a vacuum, and the people who were around him had actually moved away a long distance.

The government officials did not slow down at all. They walked toward Ye Chen aggressively. Ye Chen was completely stunned. He looked at the government officials and didn't know what to say for a moment.

The head of the government office walked up to Ye Chen and cuffed Ye Chen's hands and feet. We suspect that you are related to a murder case at a bun shop. Come with us to the government office!

Ye Chen was dumbfounded, I didn't kill those two people, they were killed by the landlord. They are monsters!

The yamen servant was stunned for a moment. He looked at his subordinates around him, and then a group of yamen servants suddenly burst into laughter. You are really funny. You can't even make up a lie. Why don't you say that the Jade Emperor killed him? people?

Really, everything I said is true! Ye Chen defended feebly, but the yamen officer only thought that this man was a delusional lunatic and ignored Ye Chen's words at all.

Ye Chen had no choice but to be taken to the government. He was escorted to the government office. The government officer kicked Ye Chen in the kneecap. Ye Chen couldn't take the force and fell to his knees.

Ascend to the hall! A high-pitched voice came from the front, and then, an official in official attire came out. He sat behind the gongan in front of Ye Chen.

Who is here? The official's voice was very powerful, and Ye

An innocent person like Chen couldn't help but tremble in his heart after hearing this. The voice seemed to put a pressure on him.

Young man Ye Chen, I'd like to meet you, sir. Ye Chen said and kowtowed in the direction of the official. He never dared to raise his eyes to look at the official.

Chapter 1348: Broken Corpse

Ye Chen, do you know what crime you have committed? The official asked Ye Chen. Ye Chen then raised his head and looked at the official in front of him, I am reporting to you, sir. I don't know.

Bold! The official picked up the gavel and slapped it heavily on the public case, Two families were killed at Baozi Shop in the south of the city, but you did it alone?!

It wasn't me, sir, it really wasn't me. It was the Earth God who killed the two of them, and one of them was a monster! Ye Chen said hurriedly.

How outrageous! You dare to speak lies in court. Do you want to use this to clear your name?! Come on, give me forty slaps!

After the official gave the order, two government servants came over from behind Ye Chen. They hit Ye Chen on the back hard with the sticks in their hands. Ye Chen fell to the ground at that time.

Then, two government officials aimed at Ye Chen's back, one with a blow, and hit Ye Chen's back hard. Ye Chen felt the skin on his back was torn and the pain was excruciating.

Sir, I really didn't kill anyone! Although Ye Chen was being beaten, he was still trying to excuse himself. After all, he really didn't kill those two people.

Keep beating until he admits his crime! The official gave the order directly without any distinction. After hearing this, Ye Chen almost fainted.

You, sir, are so shameless. In order to solve the case as quickly as possible, you actually wanted to beat me to death. Let me tell you, if you didn't kill me, you didn't kill me. If you beat me to death, I didn't kill anyone!

Ye Chen cursed loudly, which made the official sitting behind the case a little suspicious, Wait a minute.

The officer immediately stopped, and Ye Chen raised his head and looked at the official, wondering what bad idea this official who wanted to blame himself had had.

You said you were not the one who killed him, but someone saw you alone entering the bun shop last night, and you came out before the bun shop opened this morning. Then the body was found in the bun shop. How do you explain it?

It's true that those two people died in front of me, but I really didn't kill them! Ye Chen shouted loudly. Just when he was about to say Tui Gong again, he suddenly closed his mouth.

Then tell me, where is the real murderer now? If you hadn't killed someone, why did he run away in such a hurry? The official patted the gavel again.

Why don't you, sir, bring up the two corpses and take a closer look? If those two people are really ordinary people, and I have no enmity with them, why should I kill them and bring disaster to myself?

Come here, bring up the corpses! After hearing this, the official called his subordinates, but the head of the government officials suddenly looked troubled, Sir, these two corpses...

How is it? The official looked at the head of the government office, not knowing what he wanted to say.

It's too horrible to watch. Please be mentally prepared. After the leader of the government officials finished speaking, he ordered his subordinates to carry up the two corpses. Then, they lifted off the white cloths on the two corpses.

Damn it! You are a thief and a land lord, you are hurting me! When Ye Chen saw the two corpses, he cursed countless times in his heart. These two people were beaten so badly by the land lord that their original appearance could not be seen at all. .

Ye Chen couldn't defend himself through these two corpses. Since the man's face was smashed, no one could tell that it was once a green-faced monster face.

The moment the body was uncovered with the white cloth, the official's expression was not good-looking. His expression changed again and again. In the end, he must have been holding back from vomiting.

Carry the body down first, let the policeman inspect it carefully, and bring the witnesses up! The official covered his mouth with a handkerchief, and then waved his other hand, signaling to the government officials to carry the body down quickly.

Chapter 1349 Injustice

The corpses were carried down by the government officials. For some reason, less than an hour after these two people died, their corpses already emitted a very strong stench.

The witness was brought up by the government officials. As soon as he entered the lobby of the government office, he couldn't help but vomited out. It seemed that the smell was really unbearable for ordinary people.

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