The official covered his mouth and nose, but even so, he could still smell the stench, but in order to hear the case, he still suppressed his nausea.

Witness, do you recognize this person? The official pointed at the witness and then at Ye Chen, indicating to the witness to look at Ye Chen's appearance.

The witness had just finished vomiting. He followed the direction pointed by the official and took a closer look at Ye Chen, who was kneeling next to him. Sir, sir, yes, this is the person.

What exactly happened? Please tell me in detail. The official looked at the witness, If you dare to give false testimony, you will be treated as an accomplice in the murder case!

Yes, sir, I don't dare to lie. The thing is like this. Last night, when I just came home, I saw this man wandering on the street before the curfew. I was curious, so I took a second look. .”

When this man passed the door of the bun shop, he was seen by the lady proprietor of the bun shop who was going out to pour water. After the lady boss said a few words to him, he followed her into the bun shop.

Is this possible? Mr. Guan interrupted the witness and looked at Ye Chen.

Yes, that's right. I just arrived in Chang'an and I didn't have any money. When I was about to be kicked out of Chang'an City last night, the proprietress of the bun shop took me in. Ye Chen answered truthfully.

What happened next? The official looked at the witness again.

Later on, there seemed to be no sound in the bun shop. I didn't observe him for long and saw that this person didn't look like a bad person, so I went home.

The next thing is what happened this morning. When I went to buy buns this morning, I saw this man walking out of the bun shop in a panic.

I didn't pay attention to him at that time. I just wanted to buy two buns quickly so that I could work in the fields after eating them. But when I arrived at the door of the bun shop, I discovered that the bun shop wasn't open yet.

Normally, the proprietress of the bun shop will open the door early no matter what the weather is in spring, summer, autumn or winter, but today the bun shop is not open as usual.

I realized something was a little strange, so I tried to push the door of the bun shop. Unexpectedly, the door was ajar. I pushed it gently and the door opened.

As soon as I walked into the bun shop, I smelled a strong smell of blood. I hurried to the counter of the bun shop, only to find...

The witness said, as if he remembered the scene at that time. Coupled with the stimulation of the smell of corpses in the air now, he couldn't help but vomit all over the floor.

Okay, okay, take the witness down first. The official's eyes were full of disgust. After the witness was taken down, he looked at Ye Chen again, What else do you have to say this time?

Sir, the younger one was wrongly accused. Please see clearly, I was not the one who killed those two people in the family. Your Majesty, judging from my physique, I am a helpless person. How could I kill two people in a row?

What's impossible? The shop owner is the only one who can support the bun shop, and her husband has been bedridden all year round. Isn't it easy for you to kill these two people?

Sophistry! The official still wanted to show off the breeze of being an official, but the smell of corpses in the air had not been removed, and he did not dare to let go of the hand covering his mouth and nose. This greatly reduced his prestige, so he had to give up. A slap on the gavel.

Chapter 1350 Taoist Rescue

Come here, give me forty more blows. This prisoner is too tough-talking. Now that there are witnesses and evidence, he still dares to quibble. It seems that you really won't shed tears until you see the coffin!

After the official finished speaking, the two government officials walked up behind Ye Chen. It seemed that they wanted to beat Ye Chen again in the same way as before, but at this moment, a loud shout came from outside the government office.

Wait a minute! The voice was deep and powerful, penetrating through the high walls and straight into the government office. Everyone heard his voice but did not see him. The government officials and government servants all looked out the door curiously, and the government officials also forgot about it. About the board.

Sir, wait a minute, can you please listen to Pindao? Shortly after the voice came out, a middle-aged man dressed as a Taoist walked into the gate of the government office.

Ye Chen also turned around, wanting to see who had stopped the officer's hand, but when he turned around, he found that he didn't know this person at all.

Taoist Priest, we are interrogating prisoners here. If it has nothing to do with this case, I would like to ask Taoist Priest to step aside first. Can you wait until the case is over to talk about anything?

The official only thought that the Taoist was here to cause trouble. Out of politeness, he did not let the government officials drive the Taoist away. However, the Taoist seemed not to hear what the official said and walked straight into the lobby of the government office.

He shrugged his nose and smelled the air. Although the air was still extremely smelly, he didn't seem to be affected at all.

Sir, I just passed by this place. I wanted to leave, but I didn't expect to smell a strong evil spirit in such an upright place like the government office, so I came in to find out.

Evil spirit? How can there be any evil spirit here? Now there is only the stench from the corpse. Did the Taoist smell it wrong? Master Guan obviously did not believe what the Taoist said.

Have you ever seen a corpse smell bad within an hour? The Taoist did not defend himself, but asked the official.

This...not really, but what does this mean? The weather is hot now, and corpses tend to stink. This is understandable.

Wrong, very wrong. The Taoist shook his head, This is obviously the smell that monsters emit after they die. This is a small spell that only little monsters can do. The purpose is to remind their companions that they have died. die.

In this way, his companions will receive the news and either escape or come to avenge their companions, so the two who died are not mortals at all, but monsters! After the Taoist finished speaking, he looked at the official.


, You are so bold and demonic, you dare to talk nonsense here and confuse people. Come on, handcuff me and beat me up eighty times!

It's an order! After the official said, the head of the government officials immediately walked to the Taoist's side and wanted to cuff the Taoist's hands and feet. However, when he went to grab the Taoist's hand, he suddenly found that he had missed it!

The Taoist was like a reflection in the water. He looked very clear at ordinary times, but when he tried to grab it, his hands would pass through his body, as if this person did not exist at all.

Haha, I won't bother you, sir. I'll leave right now, but I still ask you to keep a close eye on this case. After the Taoist finished speaking, his figure immediately disappeared, as if he had never appeared before.

The moment the Taoist disappeared, Wuzuo hurriedly ran into the hall of the government office, holding a long sharp object in his hand, Sir, please look at this!

Send it up. After the official said, the Yamen servant walked up to Wu Zuo and brought the object in Wu Zuo's hand to the official. The official looked at it, but didn't see any clues.

Chapter 1351 The truth comes out

Wu Zuo, what is this? Mr. Guan carefully looked at the object in front of him, but no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't think of a reason.

Let me tell you, sir, this is something I found among the corpses. This object doesn't look like a human body part, but it is mixed among the corpses. It's very strange, so I brought it to show you, sir.

These are the monster's fangs! Ye Chen also saw the sharp object, and he recognized what it was at a glance.

Oh? Fangs? Mr. Guan glanced at Ye Chen strangely, Did you make up this lie and put this thing among the corpses in order to clear yourself of the crime?

After hearing this, Ye Chen shook his head helplessly. It seemed that the official now believed that he was guilty, so he clung to him like this. Ye Chen knew that no matter what he said now, the official would not believe it.

Report! The Baozi shop has been thoroughly investigated. We found... ugh in the Baozi shop. A government servant rushed in from outside the door and shouted something, but he stopped as soon as he ran into the hall. Hua Tou.

Then, he also began to vomit violently.

Mr. Guan frowned and looked at the puddles of vomit on the ground. He couldn't help but want to vomit. His face turned from blue to red, and finally back to purple. In the end, he resisted the desire to vomit. .

If you find something, tell me quickly. The official just wants to finish the case quickly, then go down to the court immediately and go back to clean himself up.

We discovered that there was some unknown meat in the bun shop, as well as some bones similar to human bones. The yamen officer was retching as he spoke. Ye Chen, who was kneeling next to him, felt a little sick at this moment.

Wu Zuo, follow him and check to see what the meat is, and then see if those bones are human bones. After the official finished speaking, he stood up.

This prisoner will be detained first, and the next step of the trial will be carried out after checking the bun shop. After saying that, he patted the gavel and immediately walked out of the hall.

Ye Chen was taken to the prison by the government officials. After the government officials threw him into the prison, they left. Ye Chen also heard them saying things like It's disgusting and I need to take a shower.

In fact, the stench just now did not have much impact on Ye Chen. He felt very strange. Maybe it was because he had smelled too much blood since last night, and he was somewhat immune to the smell of corpses.

He sat quietly in the prison, feeling a little calmer in his heart. There is no place to live now anyway. This prison is a good place. At least you don't have to worry about being kicked out of the city. He thought optimistically.

Ye Chen felt a little tired. He hadn't rested since last night, so he simply lay down on the floor of the cell and fell asleep.

He didn't know how long he had slept, but a noise woke him up. He woke up from his sleep and looked at the prison bars with sleepy eyes.

Stop sleeping, I want to see you. After the officer said that, he opened the cell door for Ye Chen. He just wanted to go to Ye Chen, but was forced back by the smell of Ye Chen.

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