Gradually, Ye Chen forgot all the past, and the only thing he couldn't forget was his name. Then, Ye Chen fell into a deep sleep completely.

Ye Chen slowly opened his eyes. He looked at the scene in front of him and slowly remembered his previous experience.

The place he was in now was no longer the void before. Here there were luxuriant grasses, prosperous trees, and a gurgling river not far away.

There were a few white clouds floating in the sky. Ye Chen saw that there were vaguely several palaces on the white clouds, but his eyesight was limited and he couldn't tell whether the palace was real or not.

Ye Chen was leaning against a big tree at the moment, and pink petals were falling from the tree. He didn't know what kind of flower it was, but it turned out to be very beautiful. Ye Chen watched the petals fall to the ground, and his heart calmed down.

Brother Ye Chen, please tell me this. A man's voice suddenly came, and Ye Chen couldn't tell where the voice came from.

At first, he felt that the sound was far away, but when he listened carefully, he felt that the sound seemed to be coming from his own head.

Who are you? Ye Chen asked gently, Why did you bring me here? Where are you?

You'll know when you meet me. Brother Ye Chen only needs to stand up and you can see where I am. This voice seemed to have magic power. Ye Chen stood up obediently after hearing it.

The moment he stood up, the scenery in front of him suddenly changed. Before his body could stand up completely, Ye Chen suddenly saw that the grass and sky in front of him had disappeared.

Instead, there was an endless sea of ​​blood, filled with burning flames, and there were human faces in the flames.

The expressions on those faces were painful and ferocious, and Ye Chen felt the boundless resentment radiating from the sea of ​​blood.

But this scene only lasted for a moment and then disappeared. After Ye Chen stood up completely, the sea of ​​blood changed into another scene.

The last thing Ye Chen saw was a small valley. There were birds singing and clear springs flowing in the valley. In the center of the valley, there was a small thatched cottage. In the thatched cottage, a man was sitting at the Eight Immortals table drinking tea. .

Perhaps sensing Ye Chen's arrival, the man turned his head with a smile and looked at Ye Chen.

Chapter 1397 The Land of Nothingness

Ye Chen took a closer look at the person sitting in the thatched cottage and found that the person was indeed the Taoist he had seen in the small temple, but the Taoist had changed his clothes at this moment.

When the Taoist saw Ye Chen coming, he poured a cup of tea into another tea cup in front of him, and then made a please gesture to Ye Chen, indicating that Ye Chen should sit opposite him.

Although Ye Chen didn't know who this person was, his intuition told him that this person definitely didn't have any ill intentions towards him, so he slowly walked into the thatched cottage and sat down.

Brother, do you know now who you are, where you come from, and where you are going? When Ye Chen sat down, the Taoist asked directly.

However, Ye Chen still doesn't know his origins, so he can only shake his head, I still don't know who I am or where I come from.

But now I have a goal, which is to follow Xuanzang to obtain Buddhist scriptures. When I meet the Buddha, all my puzzles should be answered.

Ye Chen looked at the Taoist firmly, but the Taoist smiled but did not comment on whether Ye Chen's goal was good or bad. This made Ye Chen a little unsure of the Taoist's attitude.

By the way, where was that place just now? How long did I stay there? Ye Chen couldn't help but feel a little frightened when he thought of the void where he had been falling just now.

The land of nothingness. The Taoist took a sip of tea and answered Ye Chen, That is a world I created. After passing there, the eyes and ears monitoring you will lose your target. I don't want outsiders to hear what we are doing today. conversation.”

Ye Chen looked at the Taoist in front of him in shock, You mean, you created a world?

Yes, is there anything strange about this? The Taoist looked at Ye Chen strangely, Although most gods cannot do this, it does not mean that no one can do it.

You are an innate god, right? Ye Chen thought of the hierarchy of gods in Journey to the West. He knew that if this person had such great abilities, he must not be an ordinary god.

Do you still know about the Innate God? The Taoist smiled and looked at Ye Chen, I didn't expect you to really understand this world. That book should have given you a lot of help.

Ye Chen didn't want to talk too much about Journey to the West. After all, this book seemed to him to be his biggest secret. Even if the Taoist knew the existence of this book, he didn't want to say too much.

Then what about the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood I saw when I stood up just now? That scene was too terrifying. Could it be a scene from the underworld? Ye Chen changed the subject.

The Taoist knew what Ye Chen was thinking, but he did not continue to talk about the book. Instead, he followed Ye Chen's words, Yes, that is the scene of the underworld, but it is a matter of the eighteenth floor.

How did you do it? It's amazing. When I sat down, it was one scene. When I stood up, it was another scene. When I stood up, it turned into this scene.

The Taoist smiled and said, It's just a small magic. Do you want to learn it?

Forget it, there's no point in learning this kind of magic. I live in no fixed place all day long. How can I have time to create such an illusion?

Haha, since you don't want to learn this, how about I teach you some other spells? The Taoist put down the tea cup in his hand and looked at Ye Chen indifferently.

Chapter 1398 Secret

This matter is not urgent for the moment. I still have many things to ask you. If you don't understand these things, I'm afraid I will have trouble sleeping and eating.

But it's okay to ask. As long as I can answer it, I will try my best to answer your questions. The Taoist always had a smile on his face, which made Ye Chen feel as at ease as if he was facing his elders.

Although he didn't know why this Taoist insisted on finding him, Ye Chen had a vague feeling that there must be some secret in it. Even if the Taoist didn't tell him now, he would come into contact with it in the future.

Then I'm not welcome. Ye Chen rolled up his sleeves as he spoke, as if he wanted to ask a question, Let me ask the most basic question first, which god are you? Why are you looking for me? ?”

The Taoist seemed to have expected that Ye Chen was going to ask this question, so he didn't show any panic at all, My identity is kept secret for the time being, and you will know my purpose in the future. I can't tell you this for the time being.

Although the Taoist was not panicked, he obviously had no intention of telling Ye Chen these two things.

I said, it's not kind of you to do this. You let me ask questions at will, but you don't answer the first two questions. Isn't this asking in vain? Ye Chen was a little unhappy.

Haha, but there are some things that are better for you not to know than to know. In fact, I am also protecting you. After all, if you really know my identity...

The Taoist hesitated for a moment when he said this, and Ye Chen went a little crazy, What will happen if you really know?

I think if you really know my identity today, many gods, demons, and Buddhas will start to hunt you down. They will definitely destroy your immortal body and make you disappear completely in the three realms. Then even I will I can’t save you either.”

So scary? Ye Chen was shocked, It seems that your identity is really special, so forget it, I won't ask anymore.

But it seems that my guess is not wrong. There is indeed an upper limit to the attack intensity that an immortal body can withstand. It is not completely immortal, right? Ye Chen added after finishing speaking.

That's true, but if you can have this body and powerful spells at the same time, I think no one in the Three Realms can do anything to you.

Let's not talk about things like spells. I don't have a big need for this kind of thing. Anyway, there will be three people to protect me in the future. Even if I learn it, there will be no use for it.

No. The Taoist shook his head, The road to the west is no longer as simple as what is written in the book. This road is not just a route to learn scriptures. There is a deeper truth behind the westward journey. thing.

What is it?

I can't say, you can only discover it yourself. When you find what's behind the journey to the west, when will you be able to transcend the avenue and get the ultimate secret of everything.

What about the secret in me? Ye Chen asked impatiently.

Haha, you already know the ultimate secret of everything, aren't you satisfied? The Taoist smiled.

Don't worry, your secret is just one of the smallest secrets in front of the ultimate secret. Those who need to know will naturally know it, so don't worry too much.

Okay. Ye Chen knew that this Taoist would not provide him with any more effective information today, so he had no choice but to ask his last question.

When Guanyin attacked me that day, who was the god in the golden light who saved me? Ye Chen stared into the Taoist's eyes.

Chapter 1399 The Way of Heaven

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