His identity... I can't say more. You just need to know that he is not an enemy. Not only is he not an enemy, this person will also be your biggest helper on your journey westward in the future.

Although you can't go to him, he will definitely appear when you are in danger. After all, he and us... are just grasshoppers on a rope.

Don't be ridiculous. Ye Chen was amused by the Taoist's words, The innate god actually compared himself to a grasshopper in front of a mortal. If this word spreads, the world will laugh at him.

The Taoist didn't laugh. He looked at Ye Chen seriously. Ye Chen laughed twice. He felt that it was boring and stopped laughing.

Ye Chen, don't take this as a joke. The gods and Buddhas you see in the sky now will be nothing more than ants in the future. I compare myself to a grasshopper because I still have a little bit of ability to resist the way of heaven. ability.

The innate god can see the past and the future clearly. I once saw a terrible thing happen that no other innate god has ever seen. In order to stop this thing, I can only find you, because you are the one in this matter. The essential.

So the god in the golden light and I are just two grasshoppers, but you are different, Ye Chen, remember, no matter how the sky and the earth change, you must keep your heart, because you are...

At this point, the Taoist suddenly stopped. He realized that he seemed to have said too much, so he quickly shut up. No matter how Ye Chen asked, he would not say another word.

Boring. Ye Chen shook his head. Although he was very curious about that matter, if this person didn't tell him, there was nothing he could do. After all, he was not an innate god and could not see things in the future.

Forget it, you, a Taoist, don't answer directly when I ask anything, it's really annoying. If nothing happens, I will go back first. After all, it is important to learn from the experience.

Ye Chen couldn't think of anything that would scare these innate gods, but he was a person with a relatively free and easy personality. Since he couldn't figure it out, he stopped torturing himself.

You really don't want to learn some magic? The Taoist asked, stopping Ye Chen from standing up.

I won't study today. If I don't go back for too long, Tang Monk will starve to death at the foot of Shuangcha Ridge. I will ask you to learn when I have the opportunity in the future.

I'm afraid we won't be able to meet each other again in the future. The Taoist suddenly said this, and Ye Chen was pressed down on his seat by his words.

What do you mean? Ye Chen looked at the Taoist with confusion, Does a god like you still have to pay attention to something?

Of course, do you think there are no restraints on gods? But what I want to pay attention to is not the other gods and Buddhas you think of. In my opinion, they are, but Erer, what I want to pay attention to is the way of heaven.

This Tiandao thing is too complicated, so I won't explain to you what Tiandao is. You just need to know that if Tiandao finds out that we meet frequently, you and I will definitely die miserably.

This, this is too scary, so our meeting today won't cause any disaster, right? Ye Chen looked at the Taoist with wide eyes.

There is still some influence. The way of heaven will definitely add more trouble to the journey to the west. This is why I insist on letting you learn some magic to protect yourself.

Then... okay, but Tang Seng's side... Ye Chen was a little worried. After all, learning magic is not an easy task. It took a long time. He was really afraid that Tang Seng would die at the foot of Shuangcha Ridge.

You can rest assured about this. Even if you stay here for hundreds of years, the outside world will only pass by for a moment.

Chapter 1400 Learning Spells

Everyone says that this fairy family is good, and it seems to be reasonable. I learned magic from you, but the outside world only passed for a moment. That is to say, in the eyes of outsiders, I changed from a mortal to a human in an instant. Immortal.

You can also say that. The Taoist nodded, Without further ado, I will teach you spells as soon as possible. You can first tell me what type of spells you want to learn.

Ye Chen tilted his head and thought about it carefully. He felt that Sun Wukong's transformation technique was not very attractive to him.

After all, the main purpose of the transformation technique is to avoid the damage caused by the three disasters of thunder, yin fire and wind, so as to realize the wish of eternal life. He is immortal now, so he does not need this spell.

Ye Chen carefully thought about all the magic spells of the gods in Journey to the West. Although these spells seemed to be extremely mysterious, there was no one that made Ye Chen too tempted.

I just want to learn some combat spells. As long as the combat effectiveness is strong, any spell will do. Ye Chen thought for a long time, but couldn't think of anything, so he had to ask the Taoist to give him a suggestion.

It's easy to say. What do you think of the Dharma-Xiang Heaven and Earth? The Taoist thought for a while, and then gave Ye Chen the first choice.

Ye Chen thought carefully about the fighting ability of Fa Xiang Tiandi. The more he thought about it, the more excited he felt. This Fa Xiang Tiandi is a shocking magical power, and very few people know it.

Let's not mention this for the moment. Let's just say that the power of the Dharma Appearance Heaven and Earth cannot be underestimated. It is said that if you practice the Dharma Appearance Heaven and Earth to the extreme, you can turn your body into an invincible Vajra body, and you can also exert your power to the extreme.

Okay, but it seems that just having a magic world is not enough. After all, I can't just rely on getting bigger to defeat the enemy every time I fight, right? Ye Chen is a little greedy, hoping to learn more spells.

There are too many combat skills. I don't know what kind of content you want to learn specifically. Faxiang Tiandi is a spell that I think is easier to use to save your life.

After all, if you practice this kind of magic to its peak, even Tathagata may not be able to do anything to you, but there are only so many things I can recommend. Specifically, you have to

Think for yourself.

When Ye Chen heard the Taoist's words, he knew that any spell he wanted to learn was possible. Moreover, in the Taoist's words, Ye Chen heard a hint of contempt for Tathagata Buddha, which strengthened his understanding of the Taoist.

It seems that this Taoist is indeed a person with a super high status. I should have chosen the right master this time, but what should I learn? Ye Chen thought silently in his heart.

After thinking for a long time, Ye Chen still couldn't think of a specific spell, so he had to tell the Taoist that he wanted to learn several spells that could kill him with one blow.

One blow kills. The Taoist thought carefully, and then a book suddenly appeared in his hand.

You can take this book back and study it carefully. Once you understand the contents of this book, I think your combat ability will be only slightly lower than that of the Innate God.

Ye Chen took the book and took a careful look at it. After discovering that the book was not a wordless heavenly book, he felt more at ease, Okay, then I will learn the contents of this book.

Very good, but this book must not be seen by others, especially Sun Wukong. This monkey is born with a thirst for power. If he sees this book, he must snatch it away.

I know. Ye Chen replied, and then the Taoist opened the meridians all over Ye Chen's body, and allowed all of Ye Chen's meridians to receive the baptism of the innate divine power.

Now, Ye Chen's magic power in his body is no less than that of an immortal. All he lacks is the way to use these magic powers.

Chapter 1401 Return to Two Realms Mountain

After the Taoist opened up Ye Chen's meridians, he taught Ye Chen the method of Fa Xiang Tian and Di. It must be said that Ye Chen's understanding was extremely high. The Taoist only taught him a few times, and Ye Chen was able to barely use the Fa Xiang Tian Earth.

Okay, now you have basically mastered the spell of Faxiang Heaven and Earth. All that's left is to practice more. Remember, the more proficient you are, the longer the Faxiang Heaven and Earth can be maintained.

According to the mana in your body now, the world of Dharma can actually last forever, but you should not do this, otherwise you will be regarded as a monster by the world.

Okay, I understand. After Ye Chen finished speaking, he stood up, then knelt down straight in the direction of the Taoist, Ye Chen kowtows to the master.

Get up, Ye Chen, I'm very happy that you can worship me as your teacher, but remember, just like Patriarch Bodhi in that book, I am an existence that cannot be mentioned.

You must remember that today's events must not be spread to outsiders. No matter who asks you, you cannot say that you learned the spell from me, otherwise it will bring disaster to you and me!

The Taoist's attitude was no longer as kind as before. When he said these words, he seemed to have changed. Ye Chen was even a little frightened by his aura.

Master, don't worry. The disciple will follow the instructions carefully and will definitely not tell anything about the master. Even if the disciple dies, the master will not be exposed at all. Ye Chen replied firmly.

You, go. I'm afraid it will be difficult for you and my master and apprentice to see each other again in the future. You have to endure a lot of hardships by yourself. Remember, the journey to the west is not the end. You must find the secret behind it.

My disciple Ye Chen, whether you and I can save this world depends entirely on you. After the Taoist finished speaking, the scenery in front of Ye Chen suddenly changed.

Scenes of his acquaintance with the Taoist kept flashing in front of Ye Chen. Looking at these scenes, Ye Chen couldn't help but feel a little sad. Although the Taoist asked Ye Chen for help, his kindness to Ye Chen was something that could be learned from heaven and earth.

After the scene in front of him flashed, Ye Chen suddenly lost consciousness. When he woke up again, he found that he had returned to the foot of Shuangcha Ridge, but the handsome young master in front of him had disappeared.

Ye Chen turned around and saw that Tang Seng and Liu Boqin were still frozen in place. He waved his finger gently, and in an instant, the magic power on the two people was released.

It seems that the magic power in my body has brought me more than just magical spells. I can also cast these little magic spells that seemed magical before. Ye Chen secretly rejoiced.

Ye Chen, where did that young master go? Just when Ye Chen was thinking about the magic, Tang Seng suddenly asked.

Oh, he has left. He showed me something just now, and then suddenly disappeared. Ye Chen answered perfunctorily.

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