Naruto: The Powerful System Author: A Cat Who Wants To Be A Baker

Ye Chen, an otaku in the 21st century, died suddenly at home after watching anime online for a long time. Fortunately, he became a member of the army of traversers.

After crossing into the world of his favorite anime, Naruto, he became the twin brother of Sasuke Uchiha, who was not in the original work, and also received the benefits of the traverser.

The strong system, a system dedicated to making the strong, can exchange all combat skills and item abilities, reincarnation eye, fairy body, devil fruit, various powerful abilities, and crush everything.

Um... What the **** is the lack of host points and the inability to redeem?

Chapter 1: The beginning of the journey

Alas~ It’s so special, I waited for a week for this ten-minute plot, and when I saw it right now, you actually inserted an ad for me! This unscrupulous business made people not live!

In a dark room, all kinds of domestic garbage, cigarette butts, bags of instant noodles, bags of bread, bottles of mineral water can be seen everywhere, and the room exudes a very strange smell, dim. The only light in the room was the faint light shining from the computer screen on the desk. A popular Japanese anime, Naruto, was placed on the computer.

At this moment, a teenager sitting in front of the computer was cursing at the computer and cursing the advertisement inserted on the screen! This boy looks like he is in his twenties, he is not tall, he is relatively thin, his body is topless, and his skin is slightly pale. He has short black hair that looks like reeds in autumn. He is dry and hard, with a slightly pale face. Shangzheng showed a very angry expression!

The boy was called Ye Chen. He was originally a student with good grades and a happy family, but was destroyed by a flying accident. A car accident took away his parents and became an orphan since then. Fortunately, The driver who caused the accident was still conscientious and paid him a large sum of money.

Since then, Ye Chen has become self-defeating, not communicating with others, and his grades have plummeted, and then he simply stopped going to school, staying at home, surfing the Internet, playing games and watching anime to fill his empty heart. , Anyway, the parents left a sum of money, plus the compensation from the driver who caused the accident, it is enough to support themselves without going to work, and the Hokage playing on the computer at this time is one of Ye Chen's favorite anime.

"Let me go, this night Kai is too awkward, even the sixth-level master Banyan was tortured so much that he could not fight back. It is impossible for Kai to stay in this state for too long, after all, he burned his life for life. The price of the coming power is too great, but Master Ban is too strong, it is almost incomprehensible." Ye Chen stared at the screen on the screen, while muttering to himself, "Do you want to be stronger? Want to get that. This kind of fearful power? Do you want to dominate everything?" At this moment, Ye Chen's ear suddenly rang this sentence. "Nonsense, who doesn't want to get it?" Ye Chen shouted subconsciously, "Haha, as you wish!"

"Who? Who is talking?" Ye Chen suddenly reflected that there was obviously only one person in this room, so who was talking outside just now! Could it be that what happened... Ye Chen was shocked in a cold sweat and trembled all over. "Yes...who? Hurry... come out." Ye Chen just finished speaking, suddenly his eyes went dark, and then he didn't know anything.

A few days later, there were news reports that a man was discovered by a neighbor a few days after he died at home. Experts determined that the sudden death was caused by surfing the Internet for a long time and reminded parents not to let their children play on the computer for a long time.

The Uchiha clan, known for being good at writing round eyes, one of the three major pupil arts, fought for many years with the Senju clan. In the end, the ancestors of the two clan Uchiha Madara and Senjuzuma joined forces to build Konoha. After that, the Chiba clan became one of the most powerful clans in Konoha Village. The founder was Uchiha Madara, known as the strongest ninja and one of the founders of Konoha. Most of the clan members are good at fire escape ninjutsu, such as the basic fire escape art of fireball and fire escape of phoenix fire. Some members of the clan have the blood succession boundary writing round eyes, giving them a powerful insight in the battle (copy the enemy's ninjutsu) and some special pupil skills. It is said that one of the ancestors of the Uchiha clan established the Konoha police force, where many clan members served.

At this time, the house of the patriarch of Konoha's Uchiha clan was extremely lively. Why? Because the wife of the patriarch Uchiha, Mikoto Uchiha's child is about to be born in October. That is the child of the patriarch Uchiha. Of course, the people of Uchiha take it very seriously.

"Patriarch Fuyue, don't worry too much, Master Miqin will be fine." At this moment, an old man in the crowd said to a middle-aged man beside him. And this middle-aged man is the current patriarch of Konoha Uchiha's clan, Uchiha Tomitake. "Well, I know." Uchiha Fuyue Qiang said calmly, but his clenched fists indicated that he was not so relaxed.

"Father." A child who seemed to be only 5 years old was trotting over from the gate at this time. Everyone in Uchiha voluntarily gave up a way. Because... "It's Itachi, is school already over?"

After seeing the child, Uchiha Fumitake had a smile on his tight face, and his eyes were full of doting. The visitor is Uchiha Tomitake’s first child, Itachi Uchiha. Although he is only five years old, he is a recognized genius.

"Yes, my father, how is my mother." At this time, Uchiha Itachi's immature face was also full of worry. "Don't worry, nothing will happen." Uchiha Tomitake stretched out his hand and patted Itachi on the shoulder and said, "Hehe, Itachi, you are going to be a brother soon." "Brother? Am I going to be a brother?" Uchiha Itachi had a look of expectation on his worried little face.

Suddenly, a loud cry came from the tightly closed room, and everyone outside the room was shocked, and they all smiled in unison. "Born, born, patriarch, Mikoto is born."

At this time, a female medical ninja walked out of the room and said to the people outside. "Congratulations to the patriarch." Everyone in Uchiha said hi to Uchiha Tomitake, "Yeah." But Uchiha Tomitake was not in the mood to answer them, just nodded and said that he walked towards the medical ninja, while Uchiha Itachi Follow him closely.

"How about Mikoto and the child?" Uchiha Tomitake asked the medical ninja. "The patriarch can rest assured that Mikoto-sama and the two young masters are fine. It's just that Mikoto-sama is still a little weak, and there is nothing serious about it."

"That's good, that's good, huh? Two young masters? Did Mikoto give birth to two boys?" Uchiha Tomitake was a little puzzled, how could he hear a child crying. "Yes, the patriarch, Mikoto University gave birth to twins." "Oh, thank you for your hard work." "You are welcome, the patriarch, this is what we should do." At this time, Uchiha Itachi couldn't wait any longer, "Father. Sir, I want to go in and see my brother."

"Can you go in?" Futake didn't answer Itachi, but asked the medical ninja on the side, "It's okay, but it's better not to disturb Mikoto-sama for too long, because she is still very weak now." "Yeah!" Uchiha Fu Yue nodded and said to Itachi, who was already impatient, and said, "Itachi, you can go in." "Yes, my father" said and hurriedly walked into the house.

At this time in the room. "Master Miqin, they are two boys, twins, let's see how cute these two young masters are." A medical ninja holding a baby in each hand, said to a weak woman on chuang. And this woman is the mother of these two babies and the wife of Uchiha Tomitake, the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, Mikoto Uchiha.

"Quickly, put them all down and let me take a closer look." "Yes, Mikoto-sama." The medical ninja replied and carefully placed the two babies in his hands on the side of Chuang's head where Uchiha Mikoto was lying. Uchiha Mikoto looked at the two children who looked exactly the same next to him with a happy smile, and she shed tears of joy.

These two babies, who looked exactly the same, had different personalities. One was crying unscrupulously, while the other was lying quietly, just making a faint whimper from his mouth. "My child, mother loves you" Mikoto Uchiha stretched out her hand as she said, wanting momo child's head. And what she wanted was the baby who was lying quietly without crying or making trouble.

ps: The cat is writing for the first time, the writing is not good, I hope you don’t take offense~~

Chapter 2: Uchiha Tatsumi

"What's wrong with me? Why can't I open my eyes?" Ye Chen, who had just woke up, was very puzzled, and then found that he was very tired now and couldn't work hard at all.

"Huh? Someone is talking, why didn't I understand a word? Where is this place?" Ye Chen suddenly thought, "Wait, I was watching Hokage in my own room. It seemed to be haunted suddenly, and then I fainted. , Am I already killed by that ghost? I'm in the underworld now?" This frightened Ye Chen! Desperately, finally opened his eyes.

Ye Chen, who had just opened his eyes, was startled again. Because, he opened a hand, and a large, white hand was reaching out to him. "What the **** is this, what do you want to do?" Ye Chen screamed while struggling, but he could only make a scream. However, that big hand didn't do anything to him, but gently stroked his head, "Why did my voice become like this?" Ye Chen suddenly saw the hand that he stretched out to grab, and was stunned.

"This is my hand? What's the matter? How did my hand become so small? It's just a baby's hand. Wait, baby? I became a baby? Daddy! Isn't this place, but me After being killed by that ghost, you crossed it?" Ye Chen thought with a little panic and excitement.

"That's fine, anyway, I have nothing to miss. The only pity is that I didn't finish watching Naruto and One Piece. First, let's see where I have traveled. I really hope I have crossed into the world of Naruto and One Piece."

At this moment, Ye Chen followed the big hand on his head and looked to the side. He saw a beautiful woman who was looking at him with a happy smile on her face at this time, talking to him. What, but he didn't understand a word.

"Is this my mother in this life? What is she talking about? It sounds like an island dialect, isn't it? Did I cross to the island country? Cheating!"

"Mother." At this time, Uchiha Itachi had already entered the room, "It's Itachi, come here and see your brothers, they are so cute." Uchiha Mikoto said to Itachi, "Yes, mother. "My lord" Itachi walked over with a little excitement, "Hehe, Itachi is the older brother, please protect your brothers in the future." Mikoto gently stroked Itachi's head and said softly.

Brother, this is the first time I have a brother! Itachi looked at the two identical babies on Chuang's head, and a sense of responsibility filled its xiong mouth. He is an elder brother, so he must protect his younger brother. Itachi made up his mind.

"Mikoto, how are you doing?" Uchiha Tomitake also walked into the room, and asked Mikoto on the Chang with concern, "I'm fine, Futake, come and see our baby." Mikoto said to Uchi. Bo Fuyue said with a smile.

The medical ninja in the room saluted the walk-in Uchiha Tomitake, "Master Patriarch." "Well, you have worked hard!" "The Patriarch is polite! This is what we should do!" Then he retired very wittily.

"Let's take a look at our child, it's very cute." "Thanks for your hard work, Mikoto," Uchiha Tomitake said to Uchiha Mikoto, his eyes full of love. "It's okay, I'm very happy," Mikoto said to Uchiha Tomitake.

"Hehe, the little guy is very energetic, crying so loudly!" Uchiha looked at the crying baby on chuang. He looked at Ye Chen again, "Hey, why is this little guy so quiet and doesn't cry or make trouble! Isn't something wrong?" "What are you talking nonsense? How can anyone say that to your own child."

Uchiha Mikoto smiled and cursed at Uchiha Tomitake, "Let's give the child a name, what should I call it?" "Yes, it should be a name, let me think about it." Uchiha Tomitake frowned and thought.

"Yes, this one who is crying badly is called Sasuke, Uchiha Sasuke, and this one who doesn't cry or makes trouble, just call Tatsumi, Uchiha Tatsumi." "Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Tatsuno, Sasuke, Tatsun. Okay, it's called Sasuke and Tatsun." Mikoto said these two names, and she could see that she liked it very much.

"Sasuke, Tatsun? I will definitely protect you, even if I save everything." Itachi looked at the little guy on chuang, his eyes firmly thinking in his heart.

At this time, a member of the Uchiha clan came outside the door and said, "The patriarch, three generations of adults are here." "Three generations? I know, I will pass right away." Uchiha Tomitake replied, "Three generations of adults are here?" "Well, I guess it is. If you are here, I will go and take a look first." "Well, you go."

After that, the story of the addition of a pair of twins by the Uchiha clan spread throughout Konoha, and Konoha’s various clans and some famous and status ninjas came to the door to congratulate them, although many people could not understand the Uchiha clan. But superficial work still needs to be done, after all, after all, Uchiha at this time is still Konoha's number one wealthy, very influential.

In Konoha's secret base, in a dark hall, a person who looked a little older and dressed in a kimono sat behind the only desk in the hall and looked at the information in his hand.

In front of the desk, a group of masked ninjas were kneeling halfway. It can be seen that the kimono man is the leader of the group of ninjas.

If anyone has seen Hokage, they must have guessed where it is. That's right, this is Konoha's very mysterious department, the root, the root buried in the dark. And the man in kimono sitting behind his desk is Gen’s leader Shimura Danzo.

"Huh, Uchiha? Just let you jump for a few more days, let's go down first." The last sentence said to the ninja in front, "Yes, sir." The half-kneeling ninjas replied in unison. Then he launched the instantaneous technique, "Whh!", all disappeared.

"No matter what, I will definitely win the writing wheel."

The people of the Uchiha clan are immersed in joy at this time, because their clan leader has added a pair of twins. During this time, both Uchiha’s clan and Konoha’s common people are discussing the twins. It seems that these two children must be two geniuses in the future.

After all, it is the child of Chief Uchiha. As the first son of Chief Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha is the best proof.

Itachi is a young man, but he is a recognized genius by Konoha. What he represents is Uchiha. Therefore, in the eyes of the common people of Konoha, Uchiha is the endorsement of genius. This makes Uchiha's people very popular. This has allowed many Uchiha's clansmen to develop an arrogant and arrogant character.

But later, just three months after Uchiha Tatsumi was born, after Konoha broke out a disaster, Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Tatsumi faded out of attention.

That disaster was --- Nine Tails! The originally sealed Kyuubi didn't know why it was suddenly released. The violent Kyuubi wreaked havoc on Konoha, and Konoha's ninja suffered heavy casualties.

In the end, the young fourth-generation Hokage used his own life as a cost, and used the forbidden technique to re-seal the nine tails in the body of a newly born Uzumaki Naruto. Konoha had no suitable Naruto candidate for a while, and was already in retirement. The three generations of Hokage had to take up the burden of Hokage again.

After that, Konoha began to rebuild the village destroyed by Kyuomi. And Naruto, who was carried back by the third generation from the disaster, was regarded by Konoha's people as the incarnation of Nine Tails, and was resented by the Konoha people, but due to the three-generation seal, everyone could only discuss in private. .

After that, Konoha never happened again, and six years passed peacefully.

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