"Ninety-six... Ninety-seven... Ninety-eight..." In Uchiha's resident, at this time, a long black hair in a tights looked only five and a six-year-old boy was doing push-ups, sweating down. His cheeks ran to the ground, already wet, and the muscles of his whole body were tense.

It is already rare for him to be able to do this at his young age. From his trembling hands, it can be seen that this is already his limit, but he still clenches his teeth. "Ninety...nine, one...hundred."

Finally, after the boy did two more push-ups, he couldn't support him anymore, his body slumped directly on the ground, panting, his arms were sore and he didn't want to move his fingers anymore.

"It's been six years, I have been in this world for six years" the teenager murmured after he turned around, "Unexpectedly, this world is the world of my favorite anime Naruto in my previous life, and I, Ye Chen There is also a day of crossing, ha ha!"

That’s right, this boy is Ye Chen, who was just born six years ago. In these six years, Chen finally figured out that the world he is in now is an anime that was very popular in his previous life, the world of Naruto, of course he also learned. The language of this world, and his name in this world is Uchiha Tatsuno, and his identity is the son of Uchiha Tomitake, the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, and the twin brother of Uchiha Sasuke.

"Uchiha Tatsumi, there is no character like me in the original work, so I was reborn into the tragic family of Uchiha." "But it's okay, I lived awkwardly in the previous life, wasting so much youth, since God Send me to this world, then I will seize this opportunity and live as I want.

And in this dangerous world where there are many capable people and countless strong ones, if you want to do whatever you want, you must have enough strength, and Uchiha's blood succession is a good choice. "

Ye Chen, who had read the original book, knew that in this world of fighting blood and life, Uchiha's blood succession could not be more suitable.

Chapter 3: Golden Fingers

"Zhaolunyan, it is really strong, but will I really have it? Even if I have it, can I evolve into a kaleidoscope? Knowing that the conditions for the evolution of the writing wheel into a kaleidoscope are very harsh."

"If you don't even have a kaleidoscope, then how can I stand in the Ninja world? You know that the bosses that appear in the plot behind Naruto are more perverted than the other."

Osamaru, Danzo, Akatsuki, and Nagato with the eyes of reincarnation, and behind them are the old monsters Uchiha Daido and Uchiha Madara.

After thinking of the desperate power shown by Uchiha Madara in the original work, Chen could only helplessly smile. But my heart is desperate for strength.

"Oh, it's too early to think about this, at least after opening your eyes. Now you can only practice physical skills and shuriken." Chen laughed at himself.

"Ding! Due to the host's extreme desire for power, the strong system has been activated and binding is in progress."

Chen was taken aback by the sudden sound, and ignoring the soreness of his whole body, he immediately sat up.

"What the hell? Who is talking?"

"Ding, the binding is successful. Host: Uchiha Tatsuno"

"Scan the world, Ding, after scanning, the world: Naruto."

"In this case, could it be..." Chen's spirit was shocked, and he thought of a possibility.

As an otaku of the 21st century, Chen has of course also seen traversing novels on the Internet, and most of the protagonists in the novel will have gold fingers after crossing, which is the welfare of the traversers.

"Could it be that the benefits that belong to me, a traverser, have finally come?" Chen was excited when he thought of this possibility.

"Ding, given that the host is too weak, the system will give the host a chance to draw a free lottery. Do you accept it?"

"Raffle? Accept, accept, I want to accept!"

"Start the lottery!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for drawing the Navy Type VI, pointing the gun."

A warm current melted into Chen's body, and a finger gun message appeared in his brain.

Finger gun: One of the "Six Navy Types", a technique known to have the power of shooting. Gather the power of the whole body on the index finger, and release a blow between the hardened finger electric light and flint. The fingertips have bullet-like attack power, which can easily penetrate the human body and even steel.

At this time, this skill has been completely integrated into Chen's mind, as if Chen had mastered this skill by nature.

"System, tell me all your information."

"Answer the host: "The strong system" is a system that helps the host become a strong. It has various functions and can be exchanged for any combat skills and items. The premise is that the host has enough points and the points are obtained through the completion of the system release. The task of recovering skills and treasures, and killing enemies. In addition, the system will provide the host with newcomer benefits. The host will receive three points for each day of survival. You can get a free lottery for one year of survival. Only three years."

"Oh, there are newcomer benefits? Not bad, how many points do I have now?"

"The host's current point value: 3, open the redemption interface?"

"It's only three o'clock, can't you give me more?" Chen complained very disappointed.

"can not!"

"Hey! Really stingy, open the exchange interface" Chen wanted to see what could be exchanged.

At this moment, a picture appeared in Chen's eyes, with various abilities and items written on it. The eyes of reincarnation, the body of the immortal, the eternal kaleidoscope, many powerful abilities, see Chen's eyes shining brightly, and drooling. However, after seeing the points that need to be redeemed later, I took a breath of relief, what a hell!

Reincarnation Eye: Item level sss, redemption points: 1000000

Fairy body: item level sss, redemption points: 1000000

Eternal Kaleidoscope: Item level ss, redemption points: 500000

Looking at the points needed on the items, and then at his own points, Chen felt that his future was bleak. Three points a day, is this the rhythm that I want to save forever?

"Ding! The system releases the task: Only the host can enter the Ninja School within ten days. Task reward: 300 points, task time: 10 days, failure penalty, none, accept it?"

"Huh? I have a task. Do you want to enroll in a ninja school? I'm now the age of enrollment, accept it!"

"Go home and talk to your parents first. I was a little hungry after doing so many push-ups just now."

When he said that, he dragged his exhausted body to the direction of home.

"I'm back." Chen, who returned home, said to everyone in the house.

There are three people in the house at this time, one is Tatsun's father, Uchiha Tomitake. He is closing his eyes and resting, one is Tatsun's older brother, Itachi Uchiha. There is also Tatsun's identical twin brother, Sasuke Uchiha, and Itachi is playing with Sasuke now.

After hearing Chen's voice, they all looked towards Chen.

"My father, brother." Chen said hello to Uchiha Tomitake and Uchiha Itachi.

"Chen, where did you go to play again today?" Itachi asked Chen.

"Just wandered around in the clan land."

"Hey!" Sasuke on one side expressed his dissatisfaction that Tatsun interrupted the game between him and Itachi.

"Brother leave him alone, let's go ahead, no one will play with me after you go out every day, I am alone every day. Chen doesn't play with me, it's so boring."

Sasuke said dissatisfied, because Itachi had already graduated from the ninja school four years ago and became a ninja. He often goes out to perform tasks and rarely stays at home, and Tatsumi, who is a peer, doesn't talk to him.

Tatsun ignored Sasuke's complaint, went directly to the dining table in the room and sat down, then was silent.

"Chen is back, we can start dinner soon." Mikoto's gentle voice came from the kitchen, and then the cooked meals were brought to the table one by one.

At this time, the family was eating around the table, "Brother, I want to eat that." Sasuke sat beside Itachi and said coquettishly to Itachi.

And Tatsun, who looks exactly the same as Sasuke, sat quietly, thinking about what no one can know. A five-year-old child is so silent and doesn’t like to talk very much. It really makes Mikoto and Futake as parents a little bit. Worried that Chen would be too autistic.

Sasuke usually sticks to Itachi, and Tatsun

It seems too indifferent. Although the two are twins, their personalities are different.

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