Suddenly there was a noise in the living room, and Tatsun and Sasuke ran over immediately. When they came to the door of the living room, both of them were panting with trembling feet. They did not dare to push the door in. Both of them could see the fear in each other's eyes.

Finally, Chen pushed open the door with his trembling hands. The scene inside shocked Tatsu and Sasuke. I saw Uchiha Tomitake and Uchiha Mikoto both fell in a pool of blood, no longer alive, "Dad, mom." Sasuke just wanted to run over. Suddenly the sound of footsteps came from the dark place, which made him stop and looked at the dark place in horror. Chen didn't care about that much, she ran to Mikoto's side, there was nothing to say, she just hugged Mikoto's cold body in her arms, tears flashed in her eyes, and her heart was full of grief.

Itachi, dressed in Anbu, walked out of the dark and looked at Sasuke Kazutatsu indifferently.

PS: Although there are a lot of plots ahead, including the one about Shishui. After thinking about it, I still didn't write it up. After all, everyone who has seen Hokage knows it, so there is no need to write it up. In addition, thank Liu Dao Wang for his friendly cameo, aha!

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Chapter Eleven: Night of Annihilation 2

"Brother? Brother, why would Mom and Dad... why, how could this happen, who did it?" Sasuke asked Itachi. But the one who answered him was a shuriken, a shuriken that crossed his shoulder and nailed to the back wall.

"Brother, why?" Sasuke held his injured shoulder and looked at Itachi in disbelief. "What are you doing, brother?"

"Stupid brother." Itachi looked at Sasuke indifferently, and slowly closed his eyes. Suddenly opened the "Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eyes." The moon reading was performed at Tatsu and Sasuke. In front of Tatsu and Sasuke, he showed the process of extermination.

"Ah~~ Stop it, brother, don't let me see..." Sasuke held his head, crying heartbreakingly: "Why, why did brother want..."

After quitting from Moonreading World, Sasuke slumped weakly on the ground, his eyes dull. He asked Itachi, "Why, why did my brother do this..."

"To test my ability." Itachi said calmly, without any emotion in his voice.

"In order to test the ability, just for this, just for this, make everyone..."

"This is very important!" Itachi closed his eyes and said coldly.

"What, don't be kidding~" Sasuke clenched his fists and rushed towards Itachi with a roar. He was hit in the lower abdomen by Itachi, and collapsed on the ground again.

And Chen just maintained the motion of holding Mikoto, crying silently, being indifferent to what happened around him, and he hadn't said a word since he entered the living room.

"Lying, it's not brother, because..." Sasuke still couldn't believe it.

"I have always been acting as your ideal brother, just to test your abilities. You have this possibility and become my opponents to test your abilities. It is precisely because of this that you are allowed to live for me. You are the same as me. It is one of the kaleidoscope writers who open the eyes, but that requires special conditions. That is, kill your closest friends, just like me." Itachi said indifferently to Sasuke Kazutatsu.

"Really, elder brother... elder brother killed Mr. Shisui?"

"Yes, that's why I got this ability." Itachi continued: "The main hall of Nanga Shrine, under the seventh tatami from the right is the secret gathering place of the family. There is a record of what the Uchiha clan's pupil technique originally was. And the real secret of existence. If you open your eyes, including me, there will be four people who have mastered the kaleidoscope to write round eyes. This will have the meaning for you to live. But now, you have not let me kill at all. The value of losing. Stupid brother, if you want to kill me, hate, resent, and live ugly. Keep running away and running away, as long as you stay alive. Then one day, wait for you to have and me With the same ability, just come to me!" Itachi started his kaleidoscope writing round eyes at Sasuke Kazutatsu after speaking.

Both of them were hit by Itachi's illusion, and both fell to the ground unconscious. Just after the two fainted, the space around Itachi was distorted, and then a man with a whirlpool mask and a black cloak appeared.

"Take care of it?" the mask man said. Itachi did not answer, but looked at Sasuke Kazutatsu on the ground with complicated eyes.

"In that case, we should go." The masked man didn't say much, and put his hand directly on Itachi's shoulder. The space between the two of them was twisted and spiraled, and then slowly narrowed until they disappeared, as if they were just gone. No one has ever stood there.

The room fell silent all of a sudden, as if nothing had happened just now.

…split line…

"Chen! Chen! Wake up soon."


Chen slowly opened his tired eyes and found that Mikoto was smiling at him not far in front of him.

"Chen must take care of yourself in the future! Mom is leaving." Mikoto said to Chen with a smile.

"Leaving? Is Mom leaving us? Where are you going?" Chen asked Mikoto anxiously.

"Haha... take care of yourself and Sasuke." Mikoto did not answer Chen, but smiled and said the same thing to him, then turned around and left.

"Mom, Mom." Chen chased Mikoto's back, but no matter how hard Chen tried, she couldn't catch up. He could only watch Mikoto's back further and further away until she disappeared.

"Mom!" On the bed of Konoha Hospital, Chen opened his eyes suddenly, sat up in shock, panting, and sweating all over his body. The eyes were blood-red in his wide open eyes, and the three seduce were evenly uniform. The part was on the pupils of the eyes, and the eyes were full of horror.

" it a dream?" Chen slowly calmed down after taking a few deep breaths, and his eyes were lifted and turned into ordinary eyes.

Chen got out of bed and looked around, and found that he was in a strange room. "This is... the hospital? Why am I in the hospital?" Chen wondered.

Suddenly Chen's head suffered a sharp pain, and a picture appeared in his mind, the family land, the corpse, the living room, the blood, and...Mikoto falling in a pool of blood.

"Ah~" Chen wailed, holding his head in pain, "This...this is a dream, this is not true, this is not true, Mom! Mom!" Chen Qiang endured the sharp pain in his head, struggling to get up and open. The door of the ward ran out.

Tatsuno ran down the corridor and met Sasuke. At this time, Sasuke was leaning against the wall and clenching his fists. Tatsuno could vaguely hear two nurses discussing something. But Chen didn't pay attention to this, and ran out of the hospital. He felt that Sasuke seemed to have followed, and he seemed to hear the voices of two nurses telling him that he could not go out, but these had nothing to do with Tatsun. He just wants to leave here immediately, leave this ghost place, return to the Uchiha clan, and return to the familiar home. Then Mikoto smiled and said to him in a gentle voice: "Chen is back, I will be able to eat soon!"

However, after Chen strenuously ran back to the gate of Uchiha's clan, the trace of luck in his heart was torn apart by the cruel reality. At this time, the Uchiha clan has already been pulled up with a warning belt that says that it is prohibited to enter. The streets that were still lively in the past are now in depression, and there is no trace of anger.

Tatsun knelt weakly in front of the gate of the Uchiha clan's land, clutching the ground with both hands tightly, tears flowing unstoppably from the closed eyes, dripping down Tatsun's cheeks on the ground, like a heart Knife twist.

"It's so uncomfortable, why? My heart is so painful? Didn't I know that there will be such a day? Didn't you know this kind of result a long time ago? Why is it still like this? It's clear that I won't have feelings for this family, don't do it anymore. After experiencing that kind of pain, why am I still so uncomfortable? So painful?" Chen raised a hand, clutching his chest and muttered sadly.

Mi Qin's little bit, that gentle and graceful smile, and the doting eyes, always warm and cold to her in a gentle tone, taking care of her in every possible way. All these scenes appeared in Chen's mind, and Chen realized that he had been deceiving himself and others. He did not have the indifference and indifference that he had imagined, and he had already become dependent on Mikoto in his heart.

"Ah~~" Chen wailed in pain, like a heartbreak. I felt extremely regretful and hated myself, regretting why she never had a good conversation with Mikoto, and why she never let her hug her once. I hate myself even more, why always treat her indifferently, why do she indifferently interrupt her every time she wants to have a good chat with herself. Even though she treated her this way, she still loved and spoiled herself as always. He hurt her again and again.

Chen's regret at this time was extremely extreme. How much he wished Mikoto could stand in front of him, so he let himself kneel and say to her like this: "I'm sorry, mom, I'm sorry, I was wrong!" To her, he confessed her mistake and told her that she should not Pretend to be indifferent and tell her that she loves her.

However, there is no chance, it is too late.

"Ah Mom, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, forgive me, I was wrong! I know I was wrong! Forgive me, Mom~~" Chen exhausted all his strength and shouted sadly to the sky.

At this time, as if it were punishment to Chen, a heavy rain suddenly fell in the sky. Chen didn't mean to stand up at all, just like this, kneeling in the rain, crying in pain, tears mixed with rain and washed to the ground. Finally, when he was exhausted, Chen fainted directly on the rain ground.

And Sasuke, who had just followed up, looked at Chen who confessed in the rain and finally fainted. My heart is also extremely sad. Although the two are usually not right, they are after all the brothers of the same mother. What's more, there are only three of them left in Uchiha, and one of them is to kill revenge anyway. People.

Gritting his teeth and clasping his hands tightly, the resentment towards Itachi in his heart has reached its extreme.

In the end, Sasuke walked to Chen's side, struggling to put Chen on his back, and then gritted his teeth and walked hard to the hospital step by step.

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for collection!

Chapter Twelve: Chen Being Watched

Sasuke returned Chen to the hospital and walked back to the family land alone.

Walking on the deserted street, letting the cold rain hit him, looking at the familiar place, Sasuke seemed to have heard the uncle and aunt of the clan greet him kindly.

When I returned to my previous home, looking at everything I was familiar with, the bits and pieces that were at home emerged in my mind.

Thinking of Uchiha Mikoto's pampering, every time I return home, I see Mikoto prepares a meal. Every time she gets hurt in her own practice, Mikoto will apply the medicine very gently. Thinking of Uchiha Tomitake's sternness. Thinking of always displeasing each other with Chen, Mikoto always smiled and persuaded each other every time he stared at each other. But he kept asking her why she always turned to Chen. "Haha, Tatsu is Tatsu and Sasuke is Sasuke. Mom has always cared about you." Mikoto always replied with a smile. Thinking of this, Sasuke smiled on his face.

"The main hall of Nanga Shrine, under the seventh tatami on the right is the secret gathering place of the family. There is the real secret of why the Uchiha clan's pupil technique originally existed." Suddenly thought of Itachi in my mind. Of this sentence. Sasuke's face, which had a slight smile because of the memory, immediately went cold again.

"Is it the main hall of Nanga Shrine?" Sasuke muttered a bit, and then walked in the direction of Nanga Shrine.

After Sasuke came to the main hall of Nanga Shrine, after removing the seventh tatami, he found that the wooden board under the tatami was a movable secret door. After opening the secret door, he found that there were steps inside.

Sasuke walked down the stairs and came to a secret room. After entering, he found a rectangular table in the middle of the secret room, and two rows of chairs were placed neatly on both sides of the table. This is a meeting room, a secret meeting room hidden underground.

On the wall behind the main position of the rectangular table, there is a stone monument.

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