"You have no choice, or you want them to die." Danzo pressed Itachi.

"Dan Zang, you are doing too much!" The three generations on the side scolded Dan Zang.

"That's it? Have you thought about it?" Danzo did not pay attention to the three generations, but asked Itachi.

"At this time, Itachi closed his eyes in pain, holding both hands tightly, his nails sunk in the flesh, but he was indifferent.

Finally, Itachi opened his eyes and said to Danzo: "I will do it. After that, I will run away from Konoha on all charges. I only hope that you will also keep your promise."

"Don't worry, I only need one Uchiha to join the roots, and I won't attack your other brother."

"Then, I will retreat first." Uchiha Itachi saluted the three generations before retreating.

"Danzo, why did you do this, isn't it too much?" After Itachi left, the three generations asked Danzo.

"Huh! Uchiha is too dangerous. I don't want too many Uchiha to get out of my control. You don't need to worry about this." Danzo said to him and went out.

"Oh~~" Looking at the back of Dan Zang leaving, the three generations sighed helplessly.

PS; seeking collection, seeking flowers!

Chapter Ten: The Night of Annihilation 1

"Fire escape, the technique of trench fireball."

In the woods behind the Uchiha clan, Tatsun is practicing ninjutsu at this time. I saw that he quickly knotted a set of handprints with both hands and sprayed out a ball of flames on a clearing in the woods.

This is exactly the fire ninjutsu in the original book, the art of trenching the fireball, which gathers Chakra behind the throat and sprays it out like a big fireball, with great lethality.

This ninjutsu was the first ninjutsu Tatsumi learned. This drenched fireball technique was taught by Sasuke two years ago, and Tatsun also followed Itachi to teach him. And what I learned in school is only the most basic three-shenzhen technique.

A long time ago, Tatsun knew his chakra attributes. Like Sasuke in the original book, they are all chakras with thunder and fire attributes. It seems that every Uchiha tribe will have a chakra with fire attributes.

"That's it for today!" Chen said panting, seeing that he had been practicing for a long time, and then walked to a tree and sat down.

"The system checks my points." Chen asked the system after a short break.

"All the points of the host are: 2739. Do you want to open the redemption page?"

"No need!" Chen replied to the system.

"This has been saved over the past two years, so I will save it for emergencies." These points are all sent from the system's Xinfuli. During these two years, Chen has not received any assignments. It is worth mentioning that in addition to these points, Chen also got two chances to draw a lottery.

In the first lottery draw, the moon step, which belongs to the Navy's six formulas, was drawn, which allowed him to float in the air.

In the second lottery draw, a contract with a psychic beast called the "Poodle" race was drawn. This is a fighting race. The psychic beasts in this race have one characteristic, that is, combative. Small poodles as small as just born, adult poodles as large as tens of meters all like to fight. And Chen currently can channel the most powerful poodle, which is only more than ten meters high. The name of this poodle is "Liu Dao Wang". Although there are two words in the name, "Liu Dao Wang", but these six Dao Wangs have nothing to do with the legendary Liu Dao immortal for half a dime. But these six Dao Wangs are called "Erha" by Chen. This is just a bad taste.

However, these six Wangs are a ruthless character. Being in this group is notoriously ruthless. Because of the poodle's nature, Liu Daowang has always liked to fight against his tribe since he was a child. Even if he is defeated by someone, he will continue to challenge the tribe who defeated him until he wins. . Gradually, these six Dao Wangs were very prestigious among the poodles of his generation. But after an incident happened later, his status was confirmed even more and he became the boss of that generation of people. That is, in a battle, Liu Dao Wang faced a creature that was stronger than him. As a result, Liu Dao Wang stubbornly fought with it. Finally, at the cost of being blinded by one eye, Liu Dao Wang slammed the creature. Killed. Then he dragged a badly injured body, knocked off all the teeth of that creature, and hung a string of bone-tooth necklaces on his body. After that, Liu Daowang lost one eye and could only wear a blindfold. (You can search for "Proud Stalker" on the Internet to see the prototype.)

In the past two years, Chen's strength has been improving, and Shao Lun Yan has also risen to Ergou Yu, and his strength has reached the level of the elite.

"Supper time is coming, let's go back first." Chen said, stood up and walked home.

When I returned home, I found that Uchiha Tomitake was not at home, but Itachi went home in a rare experience, and Sasuke was also sticking to him. After seeing Tatsun coming back, Uchiha Itachi said to Tatsun; "Tatsun is back, come here."

"Huh?" Chen was very confused and walked over, "What's the matter? Brother."

"Well, it's okay, it just suddenly occurred to us that the three brothers haven't had a good conversation together yet." Itachi said to Chen with a smile.

"Uh, is that so?" Chen looked at Uchiha's smile and was a little surprised, after all, Itachi was famous for facial paralysis.

"Well, yes, we will have a good chat today." Then he said to Sasuke: "Sasuke, you and Tatsun have been at odds since childhood, so it won’t work! We are all brothers, and the two of you are even more so. Twins born on the same day should not be separated."

When Hearing Itachi said this, Sasuke and Tatsun looked at each other, and both saw doubts in each other's eyes.

"It's dinner, what are you brothers talking about?" At this moment, Mikoto had already prepared the food and shouted to the three of them.

"Hehe, you can take care of yourself in the future, don't think too much, let's eat first." Tatsun smiled and said to Tatsu and Sasuke, then stood up and walked to the dining table.

After that, I returned to the room after dinner, lying on Chuang, but thinking of Itachi just now. "Today's Itachi is very abnormal, why did he say that? Could it be..." Chen's heart suddenly burst into an uneasy mood.

"Who?" Mikoto, who was about to sleep, suddenly heard someone knocking on the door of her room, and then she got up and went out to open the door.

After opening the door, it turned out that it was Chen, so he smiled and asked, "It's Chen, what's the matter?"

"Mother, I suddenly want to come over and sleep with you tonight, okay?" Chen said to Mikoto.

"Hehe, of course, mother is very happy, come in quickly." Mikoto said to Chen.

"Why would Chen think of coming over to sleep with her mother today?" Mikoto asked Chen while covering Chen with the quilt. "It's nothing, I just came over when I suddenly missed my mother." Mikoto smiled at Chen for a moment and said, "Eh? Chen called my mother for the first time." Her eyes were full of spoiling. "Go to sleep, you and Sasuke will have to go to school tomorrow. I heard that there will be a small exam tomorrow, right?" "Well, go to bed, good night, mother." After Mikoto turned off the light, she closed her eyes and went to sleep. .

Although it was good night, Kechen did not sleep, but kept looking at Mikoto, his eyes full of attachment.

The next day, Chen got up early because he didn't sleep all night.

After that, Mikoto also got up and went to get them breakfast. Sasuke and Tatsun went to school together after eating. Chen had been restless all the way, and was in a daze when he arrived at the school, and even everyone greeted him without even noticing.

"Asshole, why are you so upset? Is it going to happen?" Chen felt so impetuous that it was difficult to calm down, as it was all day long.

"Then, let's start a small test below. Everyone is in line and proceed one by one. The test is one of the three body transformation techniques. Let's start." Iluka held a notebook in his hand and faced the class. Said the student at the school. He didn't understand why the three generations of Naruto Masters would let him take a quiz today.

"Inuzuka, you come first." Iruka said to the first tooth. "Hey! Look at my uncle!" Ya stepped forward, his hands were printed with a "bang!" A cloud of smoke appeared around Ya, and then he became like Iruka.

"Qualified, next one." Iluka said to the rest of the people while recording.

"Damn it, hurry up, hurry up." Chen clenched his fists tightly, becoming more and more uneasy, already thinking of something in his heart.

"Okay, the test is over today, and school is over." Finally, the test was over. At this time, the sky was already slightly dark.

"Oh, what a good test, it was so late! Really, Tatsun! Let's go to eat ramen together!" Naruto said to Tatsun.

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry." Chen didn't even look at Naruto, just answered casually, and ran home anxiously.

When Sasuke saw the expression on Chen's face, he felt uneasy for no reason, and unconsciously ran back with Chen, even he himself didn't know why this happened.

The two ran back to the door of the clan land, and found that the entire clan land was quiet, there was no usual noise, and no one was seen. There was silence around it, as if only two of them were left in the whole world.

Both of them were very disturbed, and Chen already knew what had happened.

The two of them walked to the house anxiously, and suddenly saw two people lying on the ground, their bodies stained red with blood. Tatsun and Sasuke ran over to see that it was the two uncles and aunts who greeted them this morning.

"Uncle, uncle," Sasuke swayed the uncle's body tremblingly, but didn't get a response.

"How could this happen? What happened?" Sasuke asked Tatsun anxiously. Chen didn't answer him, but was stunned, muttering "Mom, Mom." Then she ran home like a sudden awakening. "Mom." Sasuke also thought of it suddenly, and ran home with Tatsun.

Along the way, I saw more and more people lying on the ground, silent. On the usually lively streets, there was dead silence at this time.

The two finally ran to the house, but they didn't see Mikoto, even the light in the house was not on.

"Dad, mom. Are you there?" Sasuke asked in a low voice, his voice full of fear. The two looked for it in a bedroom.

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