"I haven't been to the depths of the woods yet. I don't know what's going on inside." Chen thought as he walked. "But no matter what you say here, it is in Konoha. There should be no danger. Besides, although my strength is not strong, I can always escape if I encounter danger. I still have a moon step!"

Thinking of this, Chen didn't have anything to worry about, and walked into the depths of the woods.

"What's that?" Chen, who was walking among the woods, suddenly found a very strange place. When he walked over and took a look, he discovered that a range of land was sunken in this place, which formed a sharp contrast with the surrounding land. Look It looks like a cave in a cave.

"Is this a cave? It's already far away from the outside. This place is so hidden, it would not be so easy to find if I didn't look for it carefully. If this is really a cave, I should be cultivating in it. No one will find out, so dig and see first." Chen started to speak.

"Oh, it's too slow and laborious to dig by yourself. You have to find some coolies." Chen digging a few times before suddenly realized that digging by himself is too inefficient, so he thought of looking for a helper.

After Chen put his thumb in his mouth and bit it, he quickly knotted a few handprints and pressed it on the ground: "Psychic art!"

"Bang!" A white mist suddenly appeared where Chen stood, and after the white mist disappeared, a monster more than ten meters high revealed. This monster stands up, looks like a lion, but has the shadow of a dog. He is draped in armor. There are three arc-shaped arm blades on the wrist of his left hand. The right hand is holding a giant scimitar. Pulling the wind, especially the monster wearing an eye mask on its right eye, and a vertical scar revealing from the upper and lower sides of the eye mask, adding a bit of fierceness to it.

This is exactly the psychic beast in the psychic scroll that Chen won in the last lottery, Liudaowang! "Today, let me fight happily!" The six Wangs shouted its slogan as soon as they came out. Chen standing next to it patted his forehead helplessly.

"Hey! Erha, can you stop thinking about fighting! Let's take a look at the situation first!" Chen was speechless. This is full of fighting violent frenzy.

"Huh? It's you kid again, this time I called out Lao Tzu to let me solve a difficult opponent? Where?" The Liu Daowang looked around, did not find any opponents, and faced suspiciously. Chen asked.

"Oh! Erha, I didn't want you to come to fight when I called you out this time."

"Asshole, since there is no fight, why did you call out Lao Tzu? Also, Lao Tzu's name is Liu Dao Wang, it's not a second ha, remember clearly, next time I dare to call Lao Tzu out, I will chop you out, huh !" Liu Daowang said to Chen fiercely, and then he wanted to leave.

"Hey! Wait a minute, Erha, you help me dig this place." Chen saw Liudaowang going to leave, and said to it quickly.

"Huh? Kid, what do you take Lao Tzu for? How dare you let this uncle dig a hole for you? Do you want to die?" Liu Daowang saw Chen even let him dig a hole, and immediately stared at Chen fiercely.

"Oh, don't say that! We are good brothers, good brothers. Doing me a favor is nothing, it's easy! Brothers are in difficulty, of course, I must help, yes, two ha!" Chen Jian smiled to him. Said Liudaowang. : "Next time, I promise you will come out and have a good time next time! How about?"

"Hmph, just help you this time. Remember, you must call me out if you have a fight in the future!" Liu Daowang still didn't resist the temptation to fight.

"Definitely! Definitely! I will call you at that time and let you hit ten!"

"Humph!" Liudao Wang snorted, then raised the giant scimitar in his hand and dug it down at the place Chen said. With the giant scimitar, Liu Daowang dug a hole in just three times.

"It really is a hole, it's just that the opening of the hole outside has collapsed, and the inside of the hole is fine.

"Okay, Erha, you go back first, and I will call you out to fight ten next time!" Chen said to Liu Daowang.

"Little devil, remember your words, or I will chop you off." Liu Daowang glared at Chen threateningly, after speaking, it turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared.

Chen ignored Liu Daowang's threat, but looked at the hole. "What's in this cave? Let's go in first!" Then he walked into the cave...

PS: Seeking collection, seeking flowers!

Chapter 16: The Old Laboratory of Dashewan

Looking at the darkness inside the hole, Chen broke the bigger trunk on a tree, then tore some cloth strips from his body and tied it up, then lit it with a trench fireball, and wanted to explore the hole. .

Although I am very curious about this cave, there is always some fear and awe when facing the unknown. So Chen walked slowly into the cave very vigilantly, worried that something dangerous would suddenly appear, so he was always cautious.

The tunnel is about three meters high, and it is also very spacious, even if three people walk side by side inside it will not feel crowded. However, this passage is a bit long, and it looks smooth around it, not as bumpy as a naturally formed hole.

"This hole is man-made, not naturally formed. What is the purpose of this hole? Is it because the refuge is Konoha's refuge? This is not right. Obviously, this hole has not been used for a long time, and the entrance of the hole has collapsed. , And the refuge shouldn't be so far away from the village."

Chen finally came to an end after walking for a while, and nothing strange was found along the way.

"No way? No, this hole is obviously man-made. It can't be as simple as that. Who can dig such a long tunnel? Is there any mechanism or secret door? Look for it!"

For the current situation, Chen naturally thinks of the TV series or novels he watched in his previous life. If there is a scene similar to the current situation, the protagonist only needs to hit the wall or step on a pile of **** inexplicably. A strange phenomenon occurred. For example, the wall will be unexplainably opened to reveal a passage, or a hidden door will suddenly appear. Then the protagonist gets a peerless magic in it, what (Nine Suns Magic), (Sunflower Collection), (Exorcising Evil Sword Spectrum), etc., etc...

From then on, the protagonist has practiced a peerless magical skill and re-emerged. Then there are all kinds of opening and hanging, all kinds of pretending. Hit ten in one, no effort! Chen is now imitating the protagonist in the novel, beating on the surrounding walls, but there is no mechanism as expected. Chen could only stop this teasing behavior in frustration, and then kicked the wall fiercely. Shouted: "What are you so special about opening the door!" Then, something strange happened. As soon as Zaichen's words fell, the wall in front of him slowly opened to both sides, and then a stone ladder appeared and extended towards the ground. (Don’t complain about why, because I don’t know why.)

"I'm grinning! What's the situation? Did I step on some **** mechanism somehow? It's too bloody! But...I like it!" Although I don't know what's going on, the important thing is that it's easy to do if the door is open. NS. Chen held the torch in his hand and walked along the stone ladder.

Fortunately, this stone ladder is not long, but it took less than half a minute to walk to the outside of a hall. Because it was dark all around, Chen didn't know where it was. I just vaguely saw some bottles and cans, not knowing what they were used for. However, Chen discovered that there was something like a switch beside him. Chen instinctively thought it was a light switch and pressed it, and it was already pressed when it reflected.

Fortunately, that is not a terrible mechanism, but it is really a light switch. At the moment Chen pressed the switch, the dark hall was instantly brightly lit. (Don’t complain about why there are lights, just set it up anyway.)

After Chen was sure that there was no danger, he walked into the hall and looked around. This hall is quite spacious, but it looks messy. There are also two huge cylindrical transparent glass tanks near the wall, which look like culture tanks for experiments. There is also a shelf on the other side. There are several small glass jars on the shelf, which should be specimens. On the table, there are also a pile of test tubes and some papers and notes. It looks like a laboratory in every way.

"Where is this place? It looks like it should be a laboratory or something." Chen walked to the table, picked up the paper on the table and looked at it. But what was written above were all terms and things, Chen didn't understand it. I had to put it aside, and picked up the notebook next to me and looked at it casually.

"Huh? This notebook seems to be an experimental record in this laboratory." Chen looked at the notebook that was all written in the record of some experiments, although Chen did not understand the details of the contents. But seeing the keywords of those experiments is the more I look down, the more I get more frightened. From the very first Chakra experiment, there are also experiments on the art of immortality. When it comes to studying forbidden techniques, he finally discovered human experiments, which is simply appalling.

"This...I seem to have an impression of such a situation." Chen suddenly exclaimed: "What's the matter, isn't this the abnormal laboratory in Konoha of Dashemaru?"

The more Chen thought about it, the more he realized it was possible, knowing that the only one who likes to do experiments in Konoha is the pervert of Dashemaru. Although Danzo may also be engaged. However, this experiment is abandoned and should not be Danzo. And the records of these experiments seem to be in line with Da She Wan.

Judging from the records, this should be the laboratory built when Dashemaru first started contacting and researching experiments. Maybe it was because the experiments that I did later became bigger and bigger, and in the end I even did human experiments and research prohibitions. You know, these experiments are absolutely forbidden in Konoha. Perhaps for safety's sake, the laboratory was moved to a more secretive place. And this old laboratory has nothing of value anymore, so I didn't bother to clean it up, and left it alone after collapsing the hole with soil escape.

It is also said in the original work that Da She Wan Youwei Tuan Zang has studied the operation of primary cells and transplantation of Sharonyan. Perhaps the Dashewan at that time transferred all the experiments to the laboratory arranged for him by Danzo, which also explains why the notes did not record any records about the primary cells. It was because the Dashemaru at that time began to study the first generation cells when he went to Danzang, but in the end it was discovered by three generations for some reason, and finally had to betray the village.

Therefore, no one in Konoha knew that Dashemaru still had this laboratory. Maybe Danzo knew it, but he didn't take it to heart. After all, at that time, Dashewan had transferred all his experiments and research results to the laboratory he prepared for Dashewan. There was nothing valuable here.

"Well! This is Uncle Snake's laboratory. Isn't there something valuable? Look for it!" Chen was full of expectation and started rummaging through the cabinets, looking for valuable things. However, most of them here are some experimental drawings, which Chen couldn't understand. It is estimated that it is some useless drafts, which are simply waste products and have no use value.

However, Chen was not discouraged and kept rumbling for it, and finally let him find a scroll.

"This is?" Chen was puzzled just about to open the scroll.

"Ding! Retrievable skills are found, do you want to retrieve them?" At this time, the system came up with a prompt.

"Recovering skills? Is this a ninjutsu scroll? What would it be?" Chen looked forward to the scroll and opened it.

"I grin, it's developed! It's developed!" Chen jumped up excitedly.

Because there is not only one ninjutsu on the scroll, but several ninjutsu. This scroll actually recorded some common ninjutsu and some ninjutsu created by Oshemaru. Among them are: Hilarious Snake Hand, Hilarious Snake Hand, Double Snake Killing, Software Transformation, Psychic: Rashomon, Great Breakthrough of the Wind, Snake Snake, Snake Ravaged...

"These ninjutsus may only be insignificant things in the eyes of Oshemaru, so they have not been dealt with. It happens to be cheap for me!" Chen Xinxing is broken, although these ninjutsus are useless for Oshemaru, but For Chen now, it's a pie in the sky. The corners of Chen's mouth were almost reaching the back of his head, and his saliva flowed all over the place, not to mention being overjoyed.

"Remind the host that the skills the host has learned are non-recyclable items and cannot be recycled." The system reminded Chen. This is a must. If the skills learned can be recycled, just write the skills learned on the scroll and let the system recycle. Chen has already made a fortune, and I don’t need to count the points that the novice gift pack gave me. use. Of course, the recyclable skills can only be reclaimed once, and cannot be reclaimed multiple times.

"I know it will be like this, so let's see what should be learned first. Those who don't need to learn, or can't learn, let the system recycle." Chen said, looking at the ninjutsu and thinking about which one to learn.

"Feng Dun: Big breakthrough, this ninjutsu is wind attribute, I have not exchanged the wind attribute chakra. So this ninjutsu let the system reclaim!" Chen looked at the wind on the scroll and thought.

Chen knows that the system can be exchanged for Chakra attributes. Although the destructive power of Fengdun Ninjutsu is very strong, it is not necessary for Chen now. Moreover, the price of chakra properties is not cheap, and each chakra property requires 10,000 points. And some special chakra attributes, like crystal escape, ice escape, etc., belong to the boundary of blood succession, and require higher points.

"System, what's the recovery price of Fengdan Breakthrough?" Chen Xiang asked the system.

"Feng Dun: Big breakthrough, item type: skill, item level: c, need to exchange points: 500, system can get points: 250." The system explained to Chen, "I go, I will lose half of the points directly, the system It's too dark, profiteer!" Chen complained to the system.

PS: Does anyone watch it? Still an old saying, ask for collection, ask for flowers!

Chapter 17: Obtaining the Art of Flying Thunder God

"Shulky Snakeman, this ninjutsu is good. You can learn it, and there is also an advanced version of Shulker Snakeman. These two are very practical, and you have to learn!"

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