Hilarious Shadow Snake Hand is a secret technique created by Oshemaru, which belongs to B-level ninjutsu. There are more snakes summoned by the hidden shadow snake hand, which improves the diversity of ninjutsu! The large snakes summoned instantly take on the tasks of intimidation, containment, capture, etc., to achieve the effect of multiple combos! The other party was already restrained before he could react!

"Tu Dun, Tu clone, Tu Dun, Tu Dragon bullet. Tu Dun, Tu Liubi. You can't learn the three Tu Dun ninjutsu, so sell it."

"Psychic: Rashomon? Good thing!" Chen saw a ninjutsu recorded on the scroll and said with bright eyes.

This Rashomon is a super high-level defensive ninjutsu. This technique was used by Sakan at the end of the first part. Although there was only one door at that time, the defense was already quite strong. It blocked the tooth's Transcendent A-level ninjutsu- -Fang Fang. And in the second part, this is the three Rashomons that Osamaru psyched up to resist the four-tailed Naruto who was completely unconscious. However, the chakra consumed by this technique is still relatively large, so not everyone can use it. The summoned triple Rashomon was completely eliminated by the four-tailed Naruto's tail beast cannon. Moreover, this triple Rashomon is not the limit. In the following plot, the original Naruto recalls used Rashomon when fighting Uchiha Madara. At that time, it was also in order to resist the nine-tailed beast bullets, the first generation of Naruto-Senjuzu psychics developed the five-layer Rashomon. The defensive ability is stronger than the triple Rashomon of Oshemaru.

"What I lack most now is a defensive ninjutsu. This Rashomon came at the right time." Don't look at the triple Rashomon of Oshemaru in the original book being blown up by Naruto casually. That would be a big mistake! You must know that Naruto at that time used the tail beast jade with the four tails exploded, and that kind of destructive power could not be played by just a ninja.

"All the rest will be converted into points. Anyway, I won't use it." Chen looked at the skills on the scroll, there was nothing worth collecting, and he planned to let the system recycle it.

Chen found a usable pen in the laboratory and recorded the three ninjutsu on the scroll: Shulker Snakehand, Shulker Snakehand, and spiritism: Rashomon. Then said to the system: "System, count all the ninjutsu in the scrolls, and then collect them."

"Ding found 2 A-level ninjutsu, 3 B-level ninjutsu, and 2 C-level ninjutsu. Will they be recovered?"

"OK!" Chen thought about it again, there was really nothing to learn, and he answered yes to the system.

"Ding! The recovery is successful, and the host earns points: 8500." The system prompts.

"Haha! I'm rich, I'm rich, I'm in love with Uncle Snake! La! La! La! Demacia!" Chen, who had won a huge amount of points, was incoherent with excitement at this time. "It seems that brother is also the protagonist's fate. You can find it here if you just stroll around. Not only can you learn a few powerful ninjutsu, but you also get a point, which is great! Haha~~"

"System, check my total points?" After the excitement, Chen asked the system to check his points. "You should be able to exchange stronger skills now!"

"All points of the host: 12343, open the redemption interface?"

"Well, the offensive skills I know now include finger spears, fireballs, and chidori. I can also learn the Shulker Snakeman in the future. It is enough for now. There is no defensive type for the time being, but I will master Luo in the future. Shengmen, so there is no need to redeem it. The auxiliary type has the most basic three-shension technique and moon step, and now it lacks a life-saving skill. This time, I will exchange it for a life-saving skill!" Chen thought of owning a life-saving skill now. None, you must first redeem a life-saving skill.

"Life-saving skills, it's best to count the blurring with soil, you can stand invincible directly. But this exchange is definitely not that simple, judging from the urine of the system, it must be said that it is not a kaleidoscope that cannot be exchanged. Bar!"

"System, can I redeem the blur?" Although Chen didn't feel hopeful, Chen still asked the system. After all, the blur skills were too attractive. I didn't see the soil in the original book, I just relied on this skill to pretend to be forced, slander and deceive everywhere. During the Five Shadows talks, he was even more pulling the wind on the stage, and then after the domineering declaration of war, he left calmly and unscathed. Relying on this virtual skill. This virtual skill is simply a must-have!

"Blur, item type: skill, item level: S level, need to redeem points: 10000. Note: This skill is derived from the kaleidoscope writing round eye skills, you need to have a kaleidoscope writing round eye to exchange, the host conditions are insufficient, can not be exchanged "The system's emotionless voice broke Chen's illusion.

"Hehe, I knew you would say that." However, Chen, who had already seen everything, was not depressed. "Life-saving skills, life-saving skills..." Chen muttered, thinking constantly in his mind. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he thought of a very powerful ninjutsu. This ninjutsu is also S-level, which can be used not only to save lives, but also to launch attacks on the enemy.

"System, can I redeem the Art of Flying Thunder God?" Chen asked expectantly, praying in his heart that it can be redeemed, and it must be redeemable!

"Flying Thunder God's technique, item type: skill, item level: S-level, need to redeem points: 10000, do you want to redeem?" The system's flat voice came, but Chen was extremely excited by what he said.

"Exchange, confirm the exchange, give me the exchange immediately!" Chen said excitedly.

"Ding, the redemption is successful, deduction of points: 10,000, remaining points: 2343."

Nuan Liu was also warm, and I saw that Mr. Nuan Liu rushed into Chen's tender body again. Chen has mastered this awesome skill, and his heart is extremely excited. Finally, he really had the ability to press the bottom of the box, and it was still such a powerful skill as Flying Thunder God. Then, a piece of information appeared in Chen's mind.

The Art of Thunder God: This technique is the space-time ninjutsu pioneered by the second generation of Naruto. It uses the technique to achieve teleportation and space jump. The caster will leave the God of Thunder in the place where his body can touch. When the enemy’s body is left behind, it means that it has been written with a spell mark representing death.

Fei Lei Shen Zhan (Second Stage): Throws the kunai that has been marked with a technique in the battle, and then instantly transfers to the high-speed movement kunai, making the enemy unable to react and hard to defend.

Spinning flashing super round dance roar three styles: using the special technique kunai and shadow avatars, use the thunder **** technique to shuttle through the various techniques in the place full of kunai, and use high-speed body art to attack from multiple positions enemy.

Temporal and Spatial Enchantment: Flying Thunder God is used on the defensive side, and the enchantment can be opened around it with a spell, which can transfer the attacks cast in the enchantment to other places with the Flying Thunder God technique. This is very similar to the power of God.

Temporal and spatial perception of Thunder God: No need to print, **** touch the ground / one finger touch the ground, perceive the enemy's number and strength.

"Too awesome, too awesome. It's worthy of the fame of the fourth generation of Hokage." Chen said excitedly. "Let's learn those ninjutsu first." Chen was in a good mood, and picked up the shulker and spiritism that had just been copied: Rashomon began to study.

After studying the "Secret Method. Shulking Snake Hand," Chen used the Shulking Snake Hand according to the above method. I saw Chen's arm instantly transformed into the appearance of a snake, opened his mouth and attacked the specimen jar on the shelf not far away, directly pierced the specimen jar and then retracted back to change back to the original arm.

It has to be said that Chen's talent is still a genius type, and this ninjutsu can only be used after studying it. Although genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent of sweat, sometimes that one percent of inspiration is far more important than ninety-nine percent of sweat.

Then, Chen launched the skill "Secret Technique. Hidden Shadow Multi Snake Hands." This time, 5.6 snakes were transformed into his arms and attacked towards the various specimen jars on the shelf, without any suspense, they all smashed.

"Awesome, not only capable of long-range strikes, but also flexible in dodge, containment, capture and other actions." Chen praised after taking the Shulker's hand back.

"Try this again!" Chen's hands quickly knotted, and then he gathered Chakra into his right hand to form a thunder and lightning shape. Because the thunder and lightning were too violent, his right hand was beating uncontrollably, Chen had to use it. The left hand grasped the right wrist tightly. At this time, the thunder and lightning in his hand made a shrill noise, as if thousands of birds were singing together.

After the skill was formed, Tatsun released his left hand, shouted "Thunder Dun. Chidori!" and stab at the table in front of him. "Boom!" With a sound, the wooden table was directly torn apart.

"Huh~~ This Chidori's breaking power is really not covered. The feeling of destroying everything is really cool. No wonder Erzhuzi likes to use it so much." Chen said excitedly as he looked at the torn apart table.

"Haha! My current strength has at least reached the strength of Zhongren!" Chen suddenly thought of his strength, and he was not sure what extent he had reached. After all, he had never fought against anyone when he came into this world, and that Shabi Taiyi's must not be counted.

"Forget it, don't think about it. I haven't practiced this year, and my strength hasn't improved, but it has regressed slightly. The most important thing now is to cultivate back the strength that has been regressed this year!" Chen said firmly.

Strength is king!

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for collection!

Chapter 18: Being Bullied

It was already evening when Chen came out of the laboratory to practice.

"Is it so late? I didn't notice the passage of time underneath the laboratory. Now the ninja school is over, so I must go back quickly." Chen muttered to himself while watching the darkening sky. "Maybe Sasuke is looking for me worried now."

You must know that Sasuke hasn't gone to Oshemaru yet, so his personality hasn't become gloomy, although he looks very cold. From a year ago, he didn't send Chen to the orphanage but took him home to take care of him. He was very concerned about the brother Chen. And in the original book, he even used his body to attack Naruto instantly. In order to conceal his cherishment for Naruto, he argued while he was still alive that he was not doing this to save Naruto, but that his body was involuntary. So the current Sasuke is just a heart-warming Uchiha Sasuke who pays attention to feelings.

Just when Chen Kuai walked to the open area where he had previously cultivated, he suddenly heard some noises, as if it came from the open area where he had cultivated before.

"There is someone in front!" Chen immediately rushed up to a big tree next to him to hide. After a long time, the movement continued there, and did not leave.

"Could it be who is cultivating over there? Who would it be?" Chen thought suspiciously. Then he carefully dived towards the movement over there.

"It turned out to be him. The person who has been cultivating here is actually Sasuke." Tatsun dived to the vicinity of the previous cultivation open space, jumped onto a big tree and looked at the open space at this time someone was training hard, that The man is Sasuke.

Sasuke used to come here by himself for training after school every day, and today is no exception. At this time, he was coming here to practice after school as usual. What he didn't know was that someone was watching him at this time.

At this time, Sasuke had already collapsed and was lying on the ground panting. After being stimulated by the events of last night, he was more desperate than ever. After resting for a while, he stood up with his teeth gritted and walked back staggeringly.

"Are you so desperate?" Chen looked at Sasuke's staggering back, and his heart was also shocked by Sasuke's persistence. Looking at the figure that was gradually moving away, muttered to himself: "I want to become stronger urgently, and then go to Itachi to take revenge?"

After Sasuke left, Tatsun also walked out of the hiding place and came to the place where Sasuke trained just now. At this time, the scorched wooden stakes had been replaced by Sasuke, and the new wooden stakes were still nailed with shurikens.

Chen stretched out his hand and drew out a shuriken and played it in his hand thoughtfully and said, "Would you like to help him?" After thinking about it, Chen decided to help him. After all, Sasuke was also with him. The only relative in this world. Seeing his hard work, Chen couldn't help but want to help him.

Looking at the sky, it was very late. Chen also walked back in the direction of home.

Chen returned to the streets of Konoha, still showing the appearance of an idiot. When I was about to get home, I ran into a few students from the Ninja School who came oncomingly. These students were the ones who were driven away by Tatsun when they bullied Naruto, and that Shabi Taiichi was also there. . The Shabi Taiyi people were also surprised when they saw Chen Shi. "Uchiha Sasuke? Didn't we just meet him in front of him? Why did we meet him here again?" Since Tatsumi hasn't shown his face for more than a year, the students of Ninja School have almost forgotten this person. So what they thought for the first time was that Sasuke Uchiha hadn't paid attention to these people, and was planning to pass them by. At this moment, Taiyi Shabi suddenly thought of something. Called to Tatsun: "Uchiha Tatsuo, are you Uchiha Tatsuo?"

Chen stopped when he heard Shabi Taiyi calling himself, not intending to pay attention to them. Then he turned his head and pretended to be timid and asked them weakly: "What do you want me to do?"

"Uchiha Tatsun, it's really Uchiha Tatsuo! Go, let's go over." After hearing Tatsun's answer, Shabi Taichi said to the companion next to him with excitement.

"Taiyi, don't you think..." a student next to him asked Taiyi. "Stop it, he is Uchiha Sasuke's brother, and he was very good a year ago." Another child said to Shabi Taiichi with some worry.

"What are you afraid of? I heard that Uchiha Tatsumi was a idiot after suffering a severe mental shock after his family was annihilated a year ago. Finally he dropped out of the ninja school. It must be a waste. There is nothing terrible at all. . And so many of us are still students at the Ninja School, are you still afraid that he is a fool?" Shabi Taiichi incited several other students on the side.

"However, he is Uchiha Sasuke's brother. If we bully his brother Uchiha Tatsumi, if we let Uchiha Sasuke know this, we will not let us go. The last child said worriedly.

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