Sasuke has been practicing desperately for more than a year, and Uchiha Sasuke always gets the first place in every test or competition. So his strength has become the strongest in the class, and Sasuke Uchiha is very deterrent to his classmates in Ninja School.

It's okay not to mention Sasuke. When it comes to this Uchiha Sasuke, Shabi Taichi gets angry. Originally, before going to the ninja school, Taichi Shabi was a little stronger than ordinary children, so he often bullied other children. However, after the Ninja School, I was frustrated everywhere. On the first day of school, Uchiha Tatsun was in front of all the classmates. He killed himself with one move, leaving himself in front of all the classmates and Oi. Face. Since then, he has been holding a grudge, always looking for opportunities to take revenge. But there was no chance, because Uchiha Tatsumi's strength was too strong. As time passed longer and longer, the gap between him and Uchiha Tatsun became larger and larger, Tatsun has always been called a genius in school. But Shabi Taiyi was just an ordinary civilian student, and had no qualifications. Even some of the people who had been bullied by him had surpassed him and defeated him in turn. After all, a ninja is not strong for anyone who has a strong body, so his body that is a little stronger than the average person can't help him. The students who were bullied by him in the past, and were afraid when they saw him, now bully him in turn. This made Shabi Taiyi very aggrieved, but helpless. In a confrontation test a few days ago, he was also killed by Sasuke, who was also Uchiha, and once again embarrassed in Uchiha's hands.

Taichi Shabi hated Uchiha to death, but he was helpless. His strength is relatively poor in the class, to put it bluntly, that is, the tail of the crane. If you want to seek revenge from Sasuke, you don't even have to think about it. The two are not at the same level at all.

The current Shabi Taiyi has already become the laughing stock of the classmates, making him unable to raise his head. He blamed all of this on the heads of Uchiha Tatsu and Uchiha Sasuke, and Uchiha Sasuke had no hope of revenge. Today, he even encountered Uchiha Tatsumi who had become a fool. Of course, he would not easily let go of this opportunity, wanting to vent Tatsumi's humiliation.

Mrs. Shabi said to the frightened companions: "What are you afraid of? I won't tell you, no one will know if you don't tell me." "But what if Uchiha Tatsumi went back and told Sasuke Uchiha by himself?" Those students were still very worried, after all, Sasuke Uchiha didn't say they could deal with it. They are just ordinary civilian students, they are not very talented, and they belong to the tail of the crane in the class, so they got together with Taiichi Shabi.

"Don't worry, he is an idiot, no one will believe what an idiot said." Shabi Taiyi said to the partner next to him, and walked towards Xiang Chen with a grinning grin.

Taiyi Shabi came to Chen and said to Chen sarcastically: "Oh! Isn't this the great genius of the past? I heard that I have become an idiot! Hahaha!"

"You...what do you want to do?" Seeing Taiichi Shabi approaching, Chen pretended to be very scared and slowly backed away. "This scum seems to want to do something to me!" Chen thought in his heart: "What is he, it seems that he will inevitably be beaten today. Shabi Taiyi, I remember!"

"What do you want to do? Of course..." Shabi Taiyi directly kicked Chen's body and directly kicked Chen to the ground. "Of course I beat you! An idiot!" Seeing the scared expression on Chen's face, I felt refreshed. "Aren't you Uchiha? Are you not Konoha's wealthy family? Are you not a genius? Hahaha! You said, said, why don't you say it!" Taiichi Shabi kicked Tatsun on the ground while he fell on the ground. Yelling at Chen with a hideous face.

Chen silently endured Shabi Taiyi's kick, but his heart was about to explode. "Sabi Taiyi, I remember. The humiliation suffered today will surely be returned ten times in the future!"

"Hey, come over and kick a few feet too, what are you afraid of, he is an idiot?" Taichi Shabi turned his head and said to the other three children.

However, the children did not go forward, but waved their hands too far at the sand wall one by one: "No need! You don't need to do it yourself."

"What are you doing, stop!" Just when Shabi Taichi was about to continue to humiliate Uchiha Tatsumi, a voice suddenly came from behind them. It was a woman's voice, and that woman's voice sounded very upset.

Everyone looked over and found that at this moment a very young and beautiful woman was walking towards this side, and the questioning sound was from her!

PS: Ask for collection, ask for flowers! add

Chapter Nineteen: Ino and Oi

Yurihong is in a good mood today. After just completing a task, she wants to find a tavern and drink a few glasses of shochu to celebrate her work. Unexpectedly, I encountered several children on the street to bully another child, and the attack was heavy. If anyone encounters this kind of thing, he won't just sit back and watch. Xi Rihong walked over to the children.

"Are you not Uchiha? Are you not Konoha's wealthy? Are you not a genius? Hahaha! You said, said, why don't you say it?" One of the children who beaten came. Arrogant voice.

"What are you doing? Stop it!" Xi Rihong walked behind the group of children and scolded them.

Shabi Taiyi and they looked back when they heard the voice, and found a woman wearing a ninja vest with a ninja guard on her forehead, frowning at them.

"Ah! Someone is coming, go, go!" The children saw an adult coming, and immediately ran away like birds and beasts.

"Little devil, are you okay?" Xi Rihong knelt down to help Chen up, and slapped Chen on the dust! Asked him.

"Fortunately, I was saved!" Chen thought in his heart, then raised his head to look at the person who helped him.

"Black shawl curly hair, red eyes, this shouldn't be Xi Rihong." Chen thought in surprise.

"Sister, I'm fine!" Chen said, shook his head at Hong.

"Then you can go back by yourself? Forget it, let me take you back, lest the kids come to hit you again." Hong said, pulling Chen and sending him home. "Let's go, I'll take you back. How do you get home?"

As soon as he got home, he found that Sasuke was running out of the house, his expression a little worried. It turned out that Sasuke went home and delivered the food to Chen, only to find that Chen was not in the room. The first thing that reminded him was that Chen had been taken away. After all, Chen has never left the house in this year, and last night, some people wanted to take him away. He was worried that Chen would also be taken away by the "root" person. So without thinking about it, he ran out quickly, planning to find Hokage for help. As soon as he ran out of the house, he found Chen and Xi Rihong who had sent Chen home, and then rushed over.

"Asshole, where did you go?" Sasuke, who just rushed over, ignoring the Yurihong who was on the side, shouted directly at Chen. Although the tone is very bad, he can still hear the caring.

"I...I saw that Sasuke hadn't come back for so long, so I wanted to go to Sasuke." Tatsun said to Sasuke with a timid expression.

Hearing Chen's words, Sasuke was relieved in his heart, but still angrily said to Chen: "Idiot, whoever asks you to come out to find me will only drag other people's idiots."

Chen can only lower his head and dare not reply.

"Well, you're called Sasuke, right? Don't blame him. He also wanted to find you before going out. Isn't it all right now, don't worry too much." Hong persuaded.

"Who would worry about him as an idiot, I'm just afraid that he ran out and lost my face." Sasuke said stiffly.

"Well, now that Tatsun has arrived home, then I will leave first." Yurihong said to Sasuke and Tatsun.

"Anyway, thank you for sending this idiot back. It's troublesome for you." Sasuke bowed to Hong to express his gratitude.

"Well, it's okay." Hong waved his hand, then turned and left.

"Huh! Go back with me!" Sasuke Chutatsu drank after Hong left. Chen could only follow Sasuke obediently and enter the house.

"Huh? What's the matter with you?" After returning home, Sasuke also noticed Chen's embarrassed appearance at this time, even his clothes were torn. (Chen tore it by herself while making the torch) Just now I was too worried, so I didn't notice it for a while, and only found out when I returned home, so he asked Chen.

"Yes... It's Shabi Taiyi, who beat me." Chen told Sasuke what had just happened. He knew that Sasuke's personality would definitely be troublesome for Shabi Taiyi. He can't attack Shabi Taiyi now, so he had to borrow Sasuke. Shabi Taiyi, who has been dying by his hand, taught me a lesson.

"Taichi Shabi! Just the tail of the crane, dare to bully Uchiha!" After knowing that Chen was bullied by the tail of the crane, Sasuke became angry. Tomorrow, Taichi Shabi must pay the price.

After that, the two rarely sat together to have dinner, and then went back to their rooms to rest.

Early the next morning, Sasuke went to the ninja school with full of anger.

"Sasuke, good morning!" As soon as Sasuke arrived in the classroom, Sakura greeted him and greeted Sasuke. It's just that Sasuke didn't pay attention to her, but went straight to the protagonist's seat and sat down. Seeing that Sasuke still ignored her, Kozakura fell into a low shot with disappointment.

"Haha, I was ignored by Sasuke again, but it's okay, Sakura will succeed in the future." Seeing that his girlfriend was so disappointed, Ino came to comfort him.

"Yeah! It's okay, I'm used to it." Sakura smiled and said to Ino that she was okay. "Moreover, I will always insist, and I must make Sasuke like me."

"Well, come on!" Ino encouraged Sakura.

"Well, so are you Ino!" Kozakura also said encouragingly to Ino.

"Me?" Ino looked at Sakura, and said questioningly, "What's wrong with me?"

"Hehe, Ino has to come on, find someone you like!" Sakura leaned into Ino's ear and whispered.

"I..." Ino didn't react to what Sakura said suddenly. But soon, after Ino reacted, Tatsun appeared in his mind, and then smiled and said to Sakura: "Well, I already have someone I like!"

"Really? Who is it? Tell me! Is it someone in our class?" Kozakura asked gossiping.

"Hehe, he is no longer in class." Ino said with a wry smile.

"Not in the class anymore?" Kozakura was a little confused, not in the class, who would it be? Suddenly, Sakura thought of someone, and hurriedly asked Ino, "You tell me Ino, don't you still like that Tatsun, right?" Ino and Sakura have always been very good friends, so Ino Like Chen, Sakura knows it. At that time, the two of them agreed that Sakura would marry Sasuke when they grew up, and Ino would marry Tatsun. However, a year ago, after the Uchiha family's killing of the door occurred, Tatsun received a severe mental shock and was already stupid. Kosakura thought that Ino would withdraw his feelings for Tatsun, but he didn't expect that it had been more than a year, and Ino still didn't forget Tatsun.

Ino didn't deny it, looking at Sakura firmly and said: "Yes, yes, I like Chenjun. When Chenjun first came to school, I always liked him, even now, I still like him. "

"But... but Tatsu-kun... he's already like that... why would you still like him?" Sakura really didn't want Ino to still remember Uchiha Tatsumi.

"Yes, although Chen Jun has become like that now, I believe he will get better." Ino said.

"But... what if he doesn't get better by the day? Isn't it too stupid for you?" Sakura still intends to persuade Ino. "Only you can be so stupid."

"No, Tatsu-kun will definitely get better, I believe Tatsu-kun. Moreover, I am not the only one waiting for Tatsun!" After saying this to Sakura, Ino looked at the person behind him A girl with long hair, this girl is the Xiaojing who sat with Chen before. "If I give up now, I will lose to Xiaojing! So, I will wait for Chen until he gets better." The Xiaojing who was sitting at the back seemed to sense Ino's gaze. Looking at Ino in the same way, the two girls looked at each other and smiled, as if they both understood what was in each other's eyes.

Yes, Xiaojing also liked Chen when Chen was in school. At that time, Xiaojing still had no friends because of Taiyi Shabi. No one dared to talk to her and avoided her. So she has been lonely, this situation has been until Chen appeared.

Chen didn't avoid her like others, but talked and chatted with herself happily. However, Chen was challenged by Shabi Taiyi for talking to himself. Xiaojing thought that he had harmed Chen, so he blamed himself. Just when Xiao Jing thought Tatsun would be beaten by too much like the kid who talked to him before, Chen unexpectedly defeated Shabi Taiyi easily. Chen's strong posture at that time deeply attracted Xiao Jing.

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