"It may be said that suddenly, you may not understand it, you can help this as a container for the tail beast, and now what you have to do with us is to put the tail beast back into the container. In this process With the help of the three of you, we will be a lot faster." Dai Tu continued.

"Since I have reached this point, I will naturally try my best to assist, but in this process, what do I need to do." It seems that Chen is not very interested in those that Daido said, but just went straight to the matter of being stripped of beasts. .

Afterwards, under the tedious and long-winded conversation, I recorded in my mind the method of stripping off the tail beast. Then, without waiting for the earth to be too nonsense, the first one who took care of himself jumped onto the ten golems. On top of one of the fingers, Shuiyue and Shigogo who followed Chen also chose the fingers next to Chen and stayed there.

"So don't delay the few of us, now we start stripping the tail beasts." With the soil seeing Chen no longer delays, then there is no need to have a one-man show, and then with the soil, Nagato, Xiaonan, and Jue four are also They jumped onto the fingers of the Outer Golem in turn.

Not long after, I saw that Kirabi lying on the ground under the concerted efforts of everyone, the whole body began to float, I saw that his whole body was surrounded by a red chakra. At this moment, from Kirabi’s eyes and Chakra was continuously popping out of his mouth, and the whole person seemed to sink into a coma, and his expression seemed a bit painful.

Time seems to have become still in this way. In this secret room, apart from the popularity of chakras, it seems that no changes have been felt. Whether it is sound or light, it seems to have stopped. However, time, But it is also quietly passing in this boring and boring.

Then this scene did not continue because of the silence of the people present. I saw the eight-tailed man who should have been stripped of the support for a long time. At this time, for some reason, Chakra was so pitiful, and there was no tail beast at all. appearance.

However, everyone was wondering about this abnormal situation. A scene that almost caused a few people with soil to vomit blood appeared. The Kirabi who was originally suspended in the air turned into a...

Octopus feet! …

Chapter 294: I want this tentacle


Regarding the sudden change of Rabbi Ricky of the eight-tailed man, all the people present also showed their attitudes. As the capturer of the eight-tailed Nagato, he was undoubtedly the most surprised person.

"This is... octopus feet?" Chen looked at the object that Kirabi suddenly transformed into, and he knew what had happened after a while, and sneered in his heart: "Sure enough, Kirabi still escaped like in the original book. Yeah, really cunning guy, even Penn was deceived."

"Have you been fooled? You really underestimated the eight-tailed man Zhuli!" With soil frowning, and looking at the octopus feet on the ground indifferently, he understood that Payne was being teased by the other party, and naturally felt depressed in his heart.

Compared with the unhappy mood of the people such as Dai Tu, Bai Jue looked heartless and smiled unscrupulously: "Ahaha~~ It's octopus feet, it's me!"

Tai Tu indifferently glanced at the strange smile, and shouted coldly: "Shut up, don't laugh!"

"Yes, yes, I know!" Facing the scolding with the dirt, Bai Jue seemed indifferent and dealt with it casually, but he stopped smiling.

Shuiyue had no good feelings for the Akatsuki organization, so naturally she would not let go of this rare opportunity for taunting, and said jokingly, "Hehe~~ Is this the eight-tailed man Zhuli your Akatsuki caught? It was so simple to play tricks. It's really ridiculous!"

"Damn, this guy... dare to tease me!"

The most embarrassing person at the scene should be Nagato. Not to mention his own shot, he has declared the successful capture of Yao, and even talked about cooperation with Chen, but now there is such a **** scene in the process of stripping, not only being fooled by others. It made him lose so much face in front of outsiders, how could he not feel angry.

"That's it, this is the end of the matter, and it is not the time to be held accountable. Moreover, this octopus foot should have fallen from the body of Yawei's body. It is a genuine tail beast Chakra. It is difficult for anyone to detect, and it is no wonder that Nagato did not. Recognizing it, Kiraby is indeed a perfect human Zhuli, and this kind of thing can be done!" Takedo knows that Nagato is a cautious person, and Yao can escape from him. This shows that it is not Nagato at all. Negligence, the only possibility is that Kiraby does have its own advantages.

Tatsun also knows that what Daito is talking about is the truth. Just now, Kirabi, even Tatsun and Daito, who have a kaleidoscope to write the wheel, did not see it carefully. The only possibility is that this and the octopus's feet were indeed split from the body of Yaou Ma. The entity, which contains a large number of chakras in the eight tails, is precisely because of this that it has deceived the reincarnation eye and the kaleidoscope writing chakra, because it is the eight tailed chakra itself, and it is not fake.

Although he knew the reason for the matter, Chen didn't intend to let this opportunity to belittle Xiao's organization and said contemptuously: "Could it be that your ability to organize and do things is already so bad? It's ridiculous that I can't tell the fake."

Now the atmosphere on the scene has become extremely embarrassing. On the one hand, the soil is indeed a bit miscalculated. On the other hand, Chen’s ridicule is overwhelming. The point is that there is really nothing to refute with the soil at this time. After all, stripping the tail beast. , Is entirely his own proposal.

I saw Taito staring at Tatsun indifferently, and said indifferently: "Uchiha Tatsuno, you don’t need to ridicule, you and I know the reason for Nagato’s failure, but I don’t deny that this time it is indeed our defeat, Yataijinzhu We know how to deal with the matter of strength, so you should go back and make arrangements to deal with the coming war!"

Hearing Tai Tu's tough tone, Chen frowned, looked at Tai Tu with disdain, and said in a cold voice, "Hey! It really makes people call people, if you recruit, you will come and go, really treat us as we are. Do you know the subordinates of the organization? We are only a cooperative relationship! And... it is your initiative to cooperate, remember this!"

Because Nagato, who was tricked by Yatsuo-jin Juli, was already very angry. In addition, he had suffered a loss in Tatsun’s hands before, and he had a grudge against Tatsun in his heart. Now that I hear Uchiha Tatsu’s attitude, it’s even more serious. He was upset, looked at Chen blankly, and said coldly: "Huh! The arrogant guy, I just ask you to cooperate to save a little trouble. Don't take yourself too seriously. Even without you, we Xiao organize Can still complete the plan!"

Hearing Nagato's contemptuous words, Chen sneered secretly in his heart, looked at Nagato jokingly, and said indifferently: "Really? If this is the case, then there is no need for both of us to continue to join forces. Let's go!"

After speaking, he jumped from his original position, which was also the finger of the outer golem, to the ground, and walked outside without saying a word. Naturally, Shuiyue and Shigego were looking forward to Chen Ma’s head, and they also jumped down and followed. In the footsteps of Chen.

Seeing that Chen and the others were about to leave without saying a word, he frowned again. Although he was a little unhappy, he chose to endure it in order to plan and hurriedly said: "Wait a minute!"

Chen heard the words, his footsteps stopped, and he sneered in his heart. Unsurprisingly, it was impossible for him to leave like this with the soil.

Tatsun turned around and sneered at the soil, and said mockingly: "Huh! I don't know what else Uchiha Madara has to explain to our trivial little characters, or say... Your Akatsuki organization intends to take this opportunity. Want to keep us all here?"

With Chen's words, the atmosphere of Chen's scene suddenly became serious. After Chen said those words, Shuiyue and Shigego entered a state of alert at the same time, staring at everyone in the Akatsuki organization, and Nagato and Xiaonan also entered a fighting state after the Eagle Team took a fighting stance, staring at everyone in the Eagle Team, there was a big disagreement with Zou Shi.

Tai Tu Qiang endured the unhappiness in his heart, so he had to come out to round the scene and said: "Well, I am sorry for Nagato's words just now, but Nagato didn't mean it, it was just because the Yaotoi's affairs were a little unpleasant, so I said it. In that case, since we are already in an alliance, and our biggest enemy now is the five major countries, there is no need to make trouble for this little thing!"

"Huh!" Chen coldly snorted, winking at Shuiyue and Shigego, and signaled them to relax. Shigego was nothing but Shuiyue felt a little unwilling, and Nagato also snorted coldly, and at the same time Xiaonan ended the fight. Stance.

Seeing that Chen is so straightforward and not stupid with soil, naturally knowing that Chen just pretended to have a picture, and did not obscure, he asked directly: "Let's talk about it, what do you want?"

"Since you are so direct, then I won't say much. You Akatsuki didn't catch the eight-tailed man Zhuli and I don't care, but I, Uchiha Tatsumi, never had the habit of returning empty-handed. We have already said before. As a condition of cooperation, I want this eight-tailed tentacle as a deposit!"...

Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety Five: Eight Tails Chakra Acquires

Hearing Chen’s request, he groaned for a while and agreed. Although the octopus hand was indeed separated from Yao, it contains a lot of chakras from Yao, and there are many, but this chakra is very important For the Outer Golem, it’s not enough to cram the teeth between the teeth. It doesn’t have any effect at all. What’s more, the octopus’s feet won’t last long, it will turn into chakras and dissipate. Anyway, it won’t be sealed. Since Uchiha Tatsun asked, and instead of just wasting it like this, it's better to give it to Uchiha Tatsuta, and just like a boat.

Bringing the soil looked at the octopus feet on the ground, and said calmly: "Whatever you want!"

"Very good!" Chen's mouth curled slightly, seemingly satisfied with the result, and then directly let go of the space, and the octopus that was still lying on the ground at this moment was put away, although the octopus's feet were carrying soil, they seemed to have nothing at all. The role of, but it is different for Chen.

After seeing Chen simply put the octopus feet away, brought the soil and said to Chen: "I have fulfilled your request. Let's forget the previous thing. What we have to face next is the Ninja Alliance of the five great nations. There is no need to destroy our cooperative relationship for a little thing!"

Tatsun, who just got Yawei Chakra, was in a good mood and didn't show his face anymore. He glanced at the people of Akatsuki indifferently, and said with a sneer: "Hey~ I am not the kind of careful person, Uchiha Tatsuno!"

After that, Chen did not stay anymore, and walked towards the exit when he came, and Shuiyue and Shigego also left here with Chen.

After Dechen, Zhongwu, and Shuiyue left under Chen's lead, they watched the direction Chen and others were leaving silently, thoughtfully...

However, Bai Jue spit out a little unscrupulously: "Ahhhh~ For nothing, I didn't expect that the eight-tailed man Zhuli was so cunning that he would play us all again!"

"Now we have only five tail beasts. If we want to complete the plan, I am afraid that these chakras are far from enough. Now that the five major countries have reached an agreement, the situation is a bit unfavorable for us." Hei Jue reminded him with that hoarse voice at this moment.

He took the soil and said, “I didn’t expect the five major congresses to take action so soon. I originally thought that after we collected all the tail beasts, the five major powers would be aware of our threat. Appearing, it completely disrupted my plan and made me have to start a war!"

Bringing the soil is really depressed at this time. Declaring war on the five big countries is actually a helpless move. Although he had this plan from the beginning, he did not want to start a war with the five big countries so soon. Originally, they collected a few tail beasts. It has not attracted the attention of the five great nations. Even if the Ren Zhuli of each Shinobu village was arrested, the robbed Shinobu village didn't make any noise because of the face of the village, but secretly planned how to **** the tail beast back. This way , Undoubtedly gave Akatsuki a lot of time.

It’s just that the appearance of Uchiha Tatsun made the calculations of Akatsuki’s organization frustrated. Not only did Uchiha Tatsuo act on the people of the villages like Akatsuki’s organization, it even caused Yunyin and Konoha’s two great Ninja villages. The tragedy made the people in the Ninja world panic, and it also prompted Raiking to hold the Five Shadows talks. Akatsuki's organization of the arrest of Ren Zhuli was also picked up by the Da Ninja Village, and it has been targeted. As a last resort, I took the soil to think ahead of time. The five powers declared war.

"Now that we have to speed up, how are Bai Jue's clone preparations?"

"It's almost there, you can go into battle anytime!"

Bringing the soil took a look at Bai Zetsu, nodded and said, "Very good, so we can fight a war with the five great nations. Next, just think of a reason to convince Uchiha Tatsuno If the four-tailed man’s column power is handed over, then the Five Great Ninja Villages should not be feared. The eight-tailed man’s column power continues to be captured by himself from zero. As for the nine-tailed man’s column power... If the seal is too early, it will not be restrained!"

Heavenly Dao Payne is still expressionless, or he can’t express any expression at all. After all, all Payne is made of corpses, and the corpses can’t express any emotions, just listen to Payne indifferently watching He brought soil and said coldly: "I'll go to Yunyin Village again!"

Nagato and Nagato don’t know it. In fact, the eight-tailed man Zhuli has already sneaked out to play, and he is not in Yunyin Village at all. Stopped Penn’s thoughts, and said: "No hurry, your previous actions must have taken them to guard. Maybe the eight-tailed human column has been hidden by Raikage. Let Jue go check it out first, and confirm the eight-tailed human column. Where can I do it again!"

Then he said to Jue: "Go to Thunder Country to check first and find out where Zhuli the Eight Tails is hiding!"

Bai Jue replied with a strange smile: "Hey~~ Leave it to me!"

After speaking, he slowly dived into the ground until he disappeared.

Outside Yuyin Village...

Chen Shuiyue and Zhongwu just came out of the base organized by Xiao, only to hear Shuiyue complain: "Boss, leave this ghost place quickly, the whole village here looks gloomy, and it feels very bad."

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