At this moment, the three of Uchiha Tatsumi are wearing long robes and hats pacing a street in Unyin Village. Except for the empty industrial buildings, they can't see the busy scene like the Konoha Village, plus the country of rain. It rains all the year round, and there are few pedestrians on the street, and the noisy Shuiyue, after all, under the pressure of this atmosphere, began to complain to Xiang Chen.

Looking at Shuiyue, who was looking depressed, Chen joked with interest: "You ghost lamp clan don't like water the most, and you have always been inseparable from water. Why? Isn't rain your favorite?"

"That said, it just depends on what the situation is, and I don't know why. The rain here always makes me feel very uncomfortable!" Shuiyue felt the rain on her body, wrinkling Brow said.

Tatsun knows that the rain in the Land of Rain is actually related to Nagato. This is because of Nagato's Yuhu Freedom Art. This ninjutsu is the rain that uses Payne's chakra to create rain clouds and then make them fall. Every drop of rain that falls during the activation of the technique is closely connected to Payne's sensation, so that the intruder can be sensed. In addition, since this technique will respond to the location where it is activated, the rain will continue to fall until Penn releases the seal. Therefore, every time Penn leaves the village, he will activate this technique to monitor Yuyin Village.

Others may not notice anything unusual, but the people of the Ghost Lantern clan have an affinity for water beyond ordinary people, so although Shuiyue can't detect anything wrong, she always feels a little uncomfortable.

Although he knew the reason, Chen didn't tell the truth, just smiled, and then said to Shuiyue: "Don't complain, since you don't like this place, then go quickly!"

After that, Chen stretched out his hands and put them on the shoulders of Shuiyue and Shigeo, and then suddenly activated the Flying Thunder God technique, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. …

Chapter 296: Surging from all sides

With the activation of Chen Fei's Thunder God Art, the three of them instantly came to the place where the two parties had negotiated and cooperated. Chen opened the door of the room, only to find that there were still only a few chairs and the four-corner long table.

Chen did not stop for anything, but walked straight into the room and stopped at a wall. Before Shuiyue had time to ask anything, Chen was inadvertently reaching out and thinking about the oil lamp on the wall. The base is immediately screwed.

Only heard a "click", the oil lamp that was originally fixed on the wall turned around ninety degrees at this moment, and at this time, as the base of the oil lamp changed, the whole wall began to vibrate slightly. For a long time, a hidden door like a demon from the outside world unfolded from this narrow space.

Before the two behind him could speak, Chen walked in first, and while Chen was waiting for the three to enter, the three seemed to have discovered the strangeness of this space.

"Huh? Boss, I didn't expect that there was an enchantment here. If it weren't for the masked man to tell us, it would be hard to find that there is no cave here, haha...I didn't expect that this gloomy ghost place has a good place to live. "After entering, Shuiyue looked very excited, nothing else. Compared with the gray style of the entire Yuyin Village, the furnishings and decorations in this room really make people feel much more comfortable.

"Now I have something to deal with in the space. You two will rest here temporarily. If something happens during this period, I will notify you separately." After that, Chen disappeared from the sight of the two.

In the mysterious space...

"So far, the two tails and four tails are in my hands. As for the other tail beasts, they have also copied some. With this octopus foot, the eight tails can also be copied. Just find the opportunity to get the Akatsuki organization. The tail beast in my hand, Chakra, huh... By the time these ten tails, I will be able to make another one by myself!" As soon as he entered the mysterious space, Chen began to calculate the tail beast he had collected since he arrived in the world of Naruto.


Chen yelled coldly in the space after thinking a little bit.

"Yes, host. What can I do for you." As Chen said, a voiceless voice suddenly sounded in the space.

"Yao's Chakra is already in hand, let's start copying Yao." Chen talked.

"Satisfy the replication conditions, please confirm the host, whether to start replication."



While Uchiha Tatsu copied the tail beast, while far away from the five great nations of Yuyin Village, at this time, they were also carrying out a grand event in the Ninja world, under the threat of Akatsuki's powerful strength. After all, the five major powers finally reached a temporary agreement on the formation of the Ninja Allied Forces after the mutual running-in of several shadows and the approval of the big names of the major powers.

Since the establishment of the Ninja Allied Forces, all major powers have actively prepared combat resources, as well as statistics on the list of ninjas in their respective countries, as well as their ninja ratings and combat characteristics.

It is determined that Raikage will be the supreme commander of the coalition, Kakashi as the general staff, and the five generations of Fengying Gaara as the commander of the coalition army. Moreover, after Dokage's mission to the country of water, the senior leaders of the water country are also The double-sword flat-eye flounder Changjuro was set as the sixth generation of water shadow to lead Wuyin Village.

And in order to reach the disadvantage of not fighting each other in one country, the five major countries combined the ninjas of various countries into five fighting forces according to the differences in ninja abilities to cope with the upcoming war in the ninja world.

During the mixing process of the joint army, according to the different abilities of each ninja, they will be assigned to different groups. For example, ninjas who are good at hidden weapons and weapons will basically be assigned to the first unit in the middle distance, and those with strong defensive capabilities. It will be arranged in the second pair that focuses on close combat. In particular, the five major countries have specially set up special combat troops for ninjas who have special ninjutsu and are good at special combat methods to deal with various emergencies on the battlefield. .

The ninja coalition forces composed by the five major powers, under the arrangement of the top leaders of the major powers, collectively rushed to Yunyin Village, one of the five major ninja villages, to stand by for a fight against the Yu Xiao organization and Uchiha Tatsumi. If this The catalyst for the entire Ninja World was average, and for a while, the relatively stable Ninja World became active again.

At the same time, at the outskirts of the Akatsuki organization base in Yurencun, an uninvited guest was greeted, and Taito himself, after sensing this unusual Chakra breath, came to the outskirts of the base.

"Say hello to you first, A Fei, oh no... I should call you Lord Ban." The person here is the pharmacist pocket who has been following Dashewan before. After a period of disappearance, the pharmacist pocket appears again. Its appearance has changed a lot from before. Judging from the addition of half of the snake body behind his robes and the snake-like folds on the entire face, it seems that the whole body has been in the shape of a snake. Fused together.

"You can find it here." After discovering that the person was a pharmacist's pocket, although carrying the soil was a bit unexpected, but he was not surprised. In the eyes of the soil, the ant in front of him was only obtained from Dashewan. Just a little bit of information.

"As a spy and other countries, I was once a member of Akatsuki. Don't underestimate my intelligence network." Faced with the disdainful contempt of the soil, Dou did not care. He, who has been by Oshemaru for a long time, also This kind of vanity has long been downplayed.

"Remember you are a scorpion spy, huh... Xiao's traitor" landed on the ground with a voice, and there was already action under his legs and feet, only a little bit of his toes, the whole person went to the medicine master in a flash. Not too lazy to talk nonsense.

For the bag who understands the truth about the earth, it will never be covered by Uchiha Madara’s imaginary name, like the superstition of Gokage. Besides, since the bag can be here blatantly alone, how can he be a little prepared? nothing.

I saw that the pharmacist turned around and cleverly avoided the close body with soil. He kept moving, and his hands immediately became imprinted. After a while, the ground in front of the body vibrated slightly, and then it was like a wall formed by a soil escape. Something like the earth wall of the earth rises instantly, but when I take a look at it, what comes out of the earth is not an earth wall at all, but...

Five thick gray coffins! …

Chapter 297: Transaction

"This is... the rebirth of the dirty soil!"

Along with the five mouths, the lid of the coffin slowly dropped from the coffin. When I saw the five dark gray "corpses" standing in the coffin, I immediately understood what was going on.

"Sure enough, it is unusual. Indeed, this is only a forbidden technique that only the second generation of Hokage and Da Shemaru can do. However, with me, there are three people. And I am even more blue. What is shown here is only a small part, so that You believe in my abilities."

The pharmacist held the coffin on the far side with one hand, and smiled calmly, as if he didn't have the slightest fear of the person standing in front of him.

"But don't worry, I'm not here to fight."

Although behind the mask, the pharmacist's pocket can still feel the indifferent expression on the soil at the moment, and he can't help but slap haha, smiling.

"Really? What's the purpose?" Dai Tu asked.

"I heard that not long ago, on behalf of Akatsuki, you declared war on the five great powers, and at the same time you brought Chen Jun into your own camp. It has always been when you need combat power at this moment, and I can provide you with combat power!" After all, the pharmacist's pocket stretched out his tongue and swept his chin like a snake vomiting a letter. He was obviously confident in the assistance he could provide.

"The news is very good. Let alone the declaration of war on the five major countries, I can know about the cooperation between Uchiha Tatsu and I." Taito seemed to be surprised that Yakushi Du knew about this. After all, the two reached a cooperation. The ditch has passed many times, but all of them are in hidden places.

"As I said, I used to act as a spy between various countries. During this period, I naturally established all intelligence networks. It is not that difficult to control some things that I care about."

Pharmacist Pocket did not get too entangled with this topic. After all, the purpose of his trip was not to introduce to Tai Tu how he collected information, so he didn't wait for Tai Tu to speak, and looked at the coffin beside him. The five people said: "Even if I don't introduce them, I believe you can recognize them. Yes, these are the ferrets, scorpions, Deidara, Jiaodu, and ghost sharks organized by Yuan Xiao, all of them are masters. And the pawns in my hand are far more than what you see. "While Wan wanted to bring the soil to show his strength, the corners of his mouth inadvertently stretched so long, the whole look like an old profiteer.

"What kind of remuneration do you need?" Dai Tu asked very simply.

"Uchiha Sasuke." Yakushidou's mouth stretched longer.

"What the **** do you guys have!" Hearing Sasuke's name, he had been calmly carrying the soil, but there were also some emotional fluctuations.

"It's very simple. I need living and young and energetic Uchiha people to study the purest truth in ninjutsu. That's all." Facing the questioning with soil, the pharmacist replied in an honest manner.

"Really, I think you should have found the wrong person. If you are really so sure of your own strength, you can go to Uchiha Tatsuo by yourself." Taetu said with some playful sarcasm.

"Master Ban is really joking. If I intend to use the method you said, how can I find you here at this time? I have a better understanding of Chen Jun than you. I am not a last resort. I don’t know how to go that way, so Sasuke is the most suitable candidate, and as long as you cooperate, I believe there will be many opportunities for me to get Sasuke in this Ninja War." He shook his head, then stared at the soil and said slowly, looking at that gesture, as if he would definitely cooperate with him for convenience.

"Heh, why do you think I would be willing to cooperate with you." Tai Tu sneered.

At this moment, the pharmacist didn't say much, and the mudra was completed instantly between the bounces of his hands.

Psychic, rebirth from the dirty soil!

Subsequently, the psychic array of the original plot did not appear. Instead, the sixth coffin was raised from the front of the pharmacist’s pocket. When the lid on the coffin was raised from the ground, the coffin lid fell, even if it was a belt. People behind the scenes like Tu were also moved by it.

"Since I'm here, I'm naturally confident that you can promise me, right? Lord Madara!" Since the imitation porcelain coffin was channeled out, the medicine master has become more frivolous. Even when he was speaking, it seemed to be soiled, with a little playfulness.

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