As soon as Tanaka's words fell, the ninja of the mountain clan lurking somewhere in the woods immediately activated the secret technique that had already been prepared, and his goal was Suigetsu...

And when the ninja of the mountain clan activated the secret technique, Shuiyue immediately felt the strangeness, and was slightly stunned. Although he had never dealt with the mountain clan, but the alertness he had developed over the years made him conditioned to reflex. So, without hesitation, he immediately reacted. At the moment when he felt the crisis struck, Shuiyue had no time to think about it, he could only immediately leave the black wood and flash aside, and then he felt an invisible chakra in him. The original location quickly passed through.

Although he escaped a disaster, the current crisis has not been resolved. Looking at where he was before, Shuiyue has an indifferent expression on the surface, but in fact he is secretly alarmed: "Release your own spirit. , Do you occupy the opponent’s body... This is the secret technique of Konoha’s secret technique family of the mountain clan, not only the oil girl of the insect control clan, but also the ninjas of the mountain clan, and the rest of the ninjas should be the best in the villages. Well, I didn’t expect that there would be so many elites in a team. It’s really a bit bad now!"

Shuiyue looked around vigilantly, trying to find out where the ninja of the mountain clan might hide. After all, the other party was hiding in the dark. This time he didn't succeed, but he will make another shot at any time. You must know that he is being used by many. Surrounded by Shangnin, these ninjas are not fuel-efficient lamps. He must bring up the spirit of 120,000 points. If he is not careful, he will capsize in the gutter, and the spiritual attack of the mountain clan is invisible and intangible, and it is more threatening. Great, now he not only has to deal with the attacks of other ninjas, but also scores the ninjas of the mountain clan who will activate secret arts at any time.

"There are more and more troublesome guys. The Ninja League guys really want to arrest me very much. If they are controlled, there is really no way to get out..."

At the same time, an unwilling voice came from behind the tree not far away, "Hey, did you fail..."

"In that case, he was able to make more mental attacks of the mountain clan. It is worthy of being an eagle. The strength is really extraordinary. Such a genius is very rare even in the Five Great Ninja Villages. It is a pity that he is a rebellious... but fortunately. , Finally saved Kuroki."

Tanaka obviously did not expect that Shuiyue could escape the mental attack of the mountain clan in that situation. Even if it was an enemy, Tanaka couldn't help but admire the opponent's strength.

Kuroki, who had just been rescued, had obviously realized his fault, and said with a look of shame: "Yes, I'm sorry for the captain, I have caused you trouble, at this time..."

Due to Kuroki's unauthorized actions, although there is a hint of discomfort in Tian Center, he also knows that it is not time to care, and said in a deep voice: "If you apologize, I will save it for later! I will treat you first."

Tanaka placed Kuroki on a branch of a tree, and at the same time asked a ninja who is good at water properties to heal Kuroki, keeping his eyes fixed on Suigetsu.

Seeing that the opponent did not attack immediately, Shui Yue also breathed a sigh of relief. Chakra and his physical strength had just been consumed by half, but so far he has not escaped from the encirclement.

"The situation is a bit bad. Chakra consumes too much. It seems that I have to find a chance to unblock the shark muscle..."

However, just when Suizuki wanted to move, Tanaka gave other ninjas a wink... It was time for a showdown, using the combo skills he had originally prepared!

Shuiyue also noticed the movement of the ninja squad, and the encirclement was shrinking. The two ninjas who were good at using soil were approaching at this time, and saw that the two who were constantly approaching had their hands imprinted at the same time!

"Earth escape, the technique of the double earth dragon!"


A pair of two earth dragons entangled suddenly broke out of the ground from the ground! And the volume is more than twice that of the Shan Tulong just now!

This is not so easy to deal with, I can only avoid the edge for the time being!

"Don't want to escape!"

Shuiyue just wanted to regain a favorable position, but was stopped by the You Nai clan with insects. At this moment, the You Nai clan opened her mouth, and a steady stream of black insects crawled out of it!

"'s disgusting..."

"The poisonous insects of the You Nai family have been refined, you can't escape!"

Circles of bugs are coming to Shuiyue!

"Let's solve your disgusting fellow first!"

Suiyue suddenly formed a mark, and suddenly stretched out her finger to face the head of Yu Nai Clan!

"Water escape! The art of water iron cannon!"

The chakras with high-density water attributes are concentrated on the fingertips. Although the area is small, the penetrating power and power are definitely not small!

"Peng Biao!"

At the critical moment, the Yuno clan made the insect a thick shield and blocked it in front of him. Although it penetrated most of it, it was still blocked.


At this time, the double earth dragons are coming!

It would be too much trouble if you get hit by this kind of thing!

"Water escape! Bird hat!"

Shuiyue's whole body began to swell, and then turned into a big water ball with a "slap". Shuiyue once again used the water giant. After all, this is currently Shuiyue's strongest defensive ninjutsu. In the original work, it was once hard to resist. Eight tailed beast jade.


Shuang Tulong hit the big water polo, and Shuiyue was hit and flew away. Although he didn't suffer much damage, the water polo was also reduced by more than half at the same time!

"It's over! Ghost Lantern Shuiyue!"

That guy named Tanaka has actually got behind him...the body hasn't finished solidifying yet...!


The man named Tanaka was hacking with a single hand at this time, and there was still thunder on the palm of the knife!

"Lei Dun! Go!"

This Tanaka turned out to be a ninja who can use both Thunder and Fire...

"Damn, there is still Lei Dun..."

"Shit la la la..."

Before Shuiyue had time to react, she felt that her whole body was completely paralyzed by electricity, and she couldn't even solidify her human form at all...

"Can't escape..."

This is the thought that Shuiyue flashed at the moment she was hit by Lei Dun...

At this moment, there is still a melee below, but Shuiyue has been **** and sealed Chakra, and captured him Tanaka and a few others on a thick tree.

"It's really right, right and right! This kind of terrain is too good for us. It's hard to say if we get involved in the brutal melee below." The ninja named Takeya said excitedly.

This is a member of the Eagle Organization!

"Can't let your guard down yet, Yuuno, how is the situation of the others?"

"Most people are out of the melee, but there are still thirteen people who have lost contact."

"Is that so...I immediately notified everyone with a bug. Gui Deng Shuiyue was successfully arrested. It is not easy to stay here for a long time. I immediately leave the battlefield and gather at the previously agreed meeting point!"

Tanaka quickly issued the order.

"Understood! Captain Tanaka!"

The You Nai clan didn't know what they murmured, and Shuiyue saw a small group of insects flying away to other places.

Seeing that he was captured is a foregone conclusion, Shuiyue also gave up resisting, but with a disdainful sneer on his face, "Hey, just to deal with me alone, so many elites were dispatched. The ninjas of your five major countries are still …"


Since Shuiyue was captured, the one named Heimu has been staring at Shuiyue with endless hatred in his eyes. Hearing Shuiyue's provocation, he immediately kicked Shuiyue and interrupted Shuiyue. if…

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