"Enough Kuroki! Don't be irritated by the enemy! He is now a very important prisoner and hostage. He must be brought back to the shadows first."

"Cut...I see..."

"Haha..." Shuiyue made a disdainful sneer at Kuromu, but he was actually a little worried in his heart. It is obviously unrealistic to escape from this situation. After all, he is now not only restricted by his actions, but also by so much. Shangren escorted him, and once he did anything, he would be discovered, and there was no way to get out.

And at this moment...

On the fringe battlefield of the irrational Otonin people's melee, a member in the uniform of the eagle organization slowly walked over.

Several irrational Yinren saw him at the same time, and they rushed up from a distance!


Seeing Yin Ren who was killing each other out of reason, the people who came slowly frowned.

"Huh... you have the courage to shoot at me, because you have lost your mind because of the curse seal? It's really a mob, in that case..." The corner of the person's mouth raised a contemptuous smile.

Then there is a flash of streamer!

"Puff chick chick!"

Just a moment!

The visitor has already appeared, dozens of meters away!

But behind him was blood splattering, a head staringly widened, floating in the air and not even landing!


The cold soldier was dripping with scarlet blood in his hand, and the corpses of more than a dozen Yinren were already in different places!

Even the irrational Otonin saw this scene and felt terrified! The nearby Otonin people trembled and looked at the people coming...

Someone said with a cold sweat on his face, "U... Uchiha Tatsu..."

"Master Chen is back!"

The out-of-control curse-printed subjects who were so angry just now that they wanted to sack everyone else were all trembling at the same place.

Because of being alone... Uchiha Tatsuo!

Chapter 328: The Arrival of Uchiha Tatsun

"This...this is really Master Chen!"

"Master Chen, you are back, we..."

At this time, Uchiha Tatsukin looked at the scene in front of him and understood that these guys actually started fighting on their own and couldn't help but shook his head, but he was only slightly displeased, and soon he was relieved.

He hadn’t expected much of these Otoninos at all. These guys were originally summoned by themselves to cause trouble for the ninja coalition forces. The main reason at the time was to let the ninja see his own strength, and to disturb the ninjas. Allied forces, nothing more.

However, even if this group of guys gave them stronger power, their nature has not changed, especially the group of curse imprint experimenters, who are simply a group of mobs, with a single body of power, but they will only cause trouble, and they did not expect to be apart from themselves. Besides, even Shuiyue and Shigego couldn't control these guys at all, especially after they gained stronger power, they became even more lawless.

Other Otonin saw that they were overwhelmed by the power emanating from Chen's body, and the heart of fear continued to emerge. Even the arrogant curse-print experiment subjects, at this moment, were also in Chen's powerful aura, and they all retreated directly when they were oppressed. In the original form, more people fell directly to the ground!

"Master Chen...no...we, we..." The Yinnin kneeling in front of Chen, looking at Chen with trepidation, at a loss, without the arrogant posture of arrogance before, at this time they are just It was like a group of young sheep trembling in front of a big bad wolf.

The kneeling Otonin hadn’t finished speaking, but Chen suddenly raised a hand slowly, and a small pitch-black ball almost the size of a fist appeared in his hand. So if you want to fight, then please satisfy you, just...I also want to try some new things..."

Those Otonin obviously realized something, their eyes widened suddenly, looking at the small ball in Chen's hand, their body trembled more severely, but they were so scared that they couldn't speak. For a while, they just stared blankly. Zhu Chen's movements did not move at all.

"Are you in fear? I thought you would erupt under the oppression... It really made me look forward to it in vain. Cannon fodder is always cannon fodder and can't support the wall at all. If so, let's turn you into real rubbish. …"

Chen looked at the little ball and said slowly, and then a black light visible to the naked eye radiated from the little ball, and the few sound lines that were closer, including the flowers and trees, all turned into ashes in an instant!

"Boom boom boom"

The few Otonin who were farther away also exploded directly and turned into nothingness! Now Chen naturally has merged the ten tails, and because of the powerful power that has affected his character, he has no scruples at this time, and he has become unscrupulous in his actions!

However, these Otonin and Curse Seal experimental bodies still have a little use value, so Chen naturally did not intend to kill them all. After all, he has also spent a lot of resources on these guys, no matter what, he can still play a little bit. It works, it is impossible to just waste it in vain, just kill a few to have a deterrent effect, everything is done according to your own plan!

The little ball slowly floated behind Chen, which turned out to be a...a little jade for seeking the truth! "As for you..."

Chen took a deep breath and saw that he was already shocked by his own means. At this time, the ninjas who were kneeling on the ground coldly snorted: "I will deal with it later, now, give I stay here peacefully, if you dare to make trouble, these people will be your fate..."

After speaking, Chenbian ignored the kneeling cannon fodder and glanced in the direction where the group of Ninlian people had left, then sneered, and muttered in a low voice: "The next thing to be solved is you. It's... the scumbags of Ninja League!"

Then there was a flicker, and instantly disappeared in place...

At the same time, in the woods, the people of Nin Lian were all retreating after successfully capturing the ghost lamp Shuiyue. At this time, an unknown bug suddenly appeared. After seeing this bug, the oil girl clan The ninja immediately stopped and stretched out a finger, and the little bug stopped on his finger, and the ninja of the oily girl clan suddenly trembled!

"What's the matter?" Tanaka on the side immediately noticed the strangeness and asked nervously.

I saw the members of the Yuno clan with cold sweats on their faces, their faces pale and raised their heads. Although they had eyes and no expressions, they could be seen from his pale face that he was nervous at the moment...

"Uchiha Tatsumi appeared!"

"What are you talking about?! Uchiha Tatsumi appeared?" The other ninjas all became nervous immediately after hearing this!

Tanaka at this time, although shocked by the news of Uchiha Tatsumi, he still resisted his inner anxiety and calmly asked, "Is the information accurate?"

The oil ninja looked at Tanaka, and replied in a deep voice: "Before in case of the past, a batch of bugs were left there to monitor the group of ninjas. I didn’t expect to pray so soon. The news was that the bugs were passed on. Mine, it can't be wrong..."

"It's terrible now, it will happen at this time..." Just a piece of news made the hearts of the ninjas here sink to the bottom...except for Shuiyue!

After hearing the news from the boss, he who was still worried about his situation instantly became relaxed.

"Aha, now you are in big trouble, what are you going to do next? Do you use the same method to deal with our boss as you did with me? I really want to see our boss being rounded up. , Hahaha~~~" He has no worries anymore, and he has returned to the pedantic appearance, gleefully mocking the people of Nin Lian. Obviously, he is brooding about his being rounded up by a group of Nin Lian.

"You bastard!"

"Bang!" Hearing Shuiyue's mockery, Kuromu couldn't restrain himself again, punched him down, and immediately blocked Shuiyue's mouth!

This time, no one came out to stop Black Wood's abuse of the prisoners, because now they can't take care of them.

Chapter 329: Confrontation

The oil girls are naturally reticent, calm and calm. After the initial surprise, they quickly regained their composure, and said in a deep voice: "Captain Uchiha Tatsumi seems to have discovered us, and should be moving towards it now. We are chasing, at our speed, the chance of getting rid of him is unlikely."

"I know that if we leave like this, it will definitely be too late. We definitely cannot let Ghost Deng Shuiyue be left. In any case, we have to bring Ghost Deng Shuiyue back. This is likely to let us know about Uchiha Tatsuki. More information, that will make us even more advantageous when facing Uchiha Tatsumi next time!"

As the captain of this elite team, Tanaka is naturally not an ordinary person. He quickly analyzed the current situation and has made a decision.

Tanaka gritted his teeth and said solemnly: "Kuroki, Takeya, Uchima, and Sengoku, please take the ghost lamp Shuiyue with you first, and I will stay with everyone to contain Uchiha Tatsumi!"

"What?! Captain, how can we?"

The ninjas who were left behind also knew what they were going to face next, but everyone did not protest, their faces were determinedly expressions, the previous panic no longer existed, but the few who were named. The face of the ninja showed pain and unwillingness.

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