"Ah~ bastard, Uchiha Sasuke. I want to kill you, I must kill you." Shabi Taichi yelled.

Seeing the miserable situation of Taichi Shabi, the surrounding students were frightened by Sasuke, and they pleaded with Sasuke, and some even ran to find a teacher.

"Huh!" Sasuke ignored the plea of ​​the students around him, but stomped his foot again. "Apologize! Say you dare not anymore!"

"Ah~~Yes... I'm sorry." Shabi Taiichi cried and said, already unable to bear the pain and subdued.

But Sasuke didn't let him go, but kicked him again. "Huh! The voice is too low!"

"Ah~~ I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I don't dare anymore, I won't do it again!" At this time, Taiyi Shabi had collapsed and kept crying.

"Stop it, what are you doing?" At this moment, Iluka came suddenly. Iluka, who had already returned to the office, packed up his teaching materials, and was about to go home. Suddenly, a student from the class ran into the office and told him that Sasuke Uchiha and Taiichi Sabi were fighting, and they were in the training ground.

This is incredible. There are students fighting in the school. If there is any accident, it will be troublesome. After hearing the news, Iluka was so scared that he rushed over to the training ground.

"You bastards, why do you want to fight?" Iluka is very angry now, there are students fighting under his nose, and the attack is so heavy. "Uchiha Sasuke, you say!"

"Hey! They lost to me in the last confrontation training. They wanted revenge but didn't dare to come to me. They turned up to bully the idiot Uchiha Tatsumi. No matter who it was, I was bullied by Uchiha. I will make them pay." Sasuke looked at Iluka blankly and said.

"But you made too heavy a move?" Iruka scolded Sasuke.

"They asked for it."

"Asshole, you!...you!..." Iruka was so angry that he could not speak when he heard Sasuke's words.

"You **** follow me to the office." Iluka yelled at Sasuke and the sand wall on the ground, Taiichi and the others, then turned to the students onlookers and said, "Don't watch it anymore, and hurry back. Go home." After speaking, he came to Taiyi Shabi, picked him up, and then went to the office first.

"Hey! No matter who it is, if you dare to offend Uchiha, I will make him pay the price." Sasuke said harshly to the classmates, and then ignored their reactions and followed Yi. Luca left the training ground.

Everyone swallowed as they looked at Shabi Taiyi's miserable situation. There was only one thought in his mind that he must not provoke Sasuke Uchiha, otherwise it would be miserable, as Shabi Taiichi's fate was proof.

"Xiaojing, let's go see Chenjun together, I don't know how Chenjun is injured." After seeing the end of the matter, Ino came to Xiaojing and said anxiously, holding her hand.

"Well, let's go together." Xiaojing was also very worried at this time, so he left with Ino.

"Ino, where are you going?" Sakura quickly asked when Ino wanted to leave with Oi.

"Let's go and see how Chen-kun is. Sakura, go back by yourself." Ino replied to Sakura, and then hurried away with Xiaojing without looking back.

"Ino..." Kozakura looked at the leaving figures of Ino and Oi with complicated eyes, not knowing what she was thinking in her heart.

On the other side, Chen has washed away his embarrassment. He didn't know what happened in the ninja school today. He was lying on the tatami and thinking about his future plans.

"I am over nine years old this year, and now I have at least the strength of Zhongren. After all, I have mastered the two powerful skills of Chidori and Flying Thunder God. Coupled with Sangouyu's writing round eyes, even It's Shangnin should be able to barely fight. Even if you can't win, you will definitely be able to retreat. But this is far from enough. With this strength, let alone seek revenge from Danzo, even if it is in Shinobi. It’s also difficult to gain a foothold in the world. I can’t get points in the village, so the improvement of my strength is too slow. I must escape Konoha, and leaving Konoha by myself means that I don’t have the shelter of the village. In addition, there is no shelter from the village, it is very dangerous in the Ninja World.

Therefore, it is necessary to improve the strength as soon as possible. You must know that the plot will begin in about two more years. Soon after Sasuke and the others graduate, they will have the Chunin exam, and the Konoha collapse plan of Oshemaru. At that time , Konoha will be very chaotic, and must seize that rare opportunity to earn a little points. Therefore, in the past two years, I must have at least the strength of the Ninja level. Then, when Otonin helped Sasuke defect to Oshemaru, he secretly followed them out of the village. That's it. Konoha's people will think that Sasuke took me away together, and they won't notice me. After all, in the eyes of Konoha's senior management, I am already an insignificant person. It is impossible to go to Sasuke to verify it. Even if you want to verify, you have to find Sasuke. "

"Chen Jun, are you there? Xiao Jing and I came to see you." At this moment, Ino's shout came from outside the house, and Chen was interrupted when he was thinking about things.

"Huh? Is it Ino and Xiaojing? How did these two girls come?" Chen was still thinking about how Ino and Xiaojing suddenly came, Ino and Xiaojing had already pushed open the door of his room and came in. Because Sasuke is not at home now, the two of them didn't care for so long to come in directly.

"Chen Jun, how are you doing?" The two women asked directly when they came to Chen and cared about him.

"I...what's wrong with me? I'm fine." Chen said suspiciously, do they know that I was bullied by Taiyi Shabi?

"It's fine if it's all right, it's fine if it's all right." Ino was relieved when he saw that Chen seemed to be really fine. But he said bitterly: "This Shabi Taiyi is too nasty, I really want to beat him up."

"Okay Ino, isn't that Shabi Taiyi also paid the price? He has been taught so badly by Sasuke, you must not dare to bully Chen again." Xiaojing comforted.

"So that's it! Sasuke must have taught Shabi Taiyi a lesson in school, and they only know it." Although Tatsun didn't know how Sasuke taught Shabi Taiyi, he felt that when he heard what Oi said. It should be miserable. "But that Shabi Taiyi asked for it."

"Chen Jun, are you better now? Have you remembered the past?" Xiaojing asked Chen with concern.

"What happened before? What did you do before? I don't know." Chen still showed his usual appearance. "Why do you always ask me about the past, the past is really annoying."

"Um, it's okay, it's okay. Don't be angry if you don't think of it." Seeing Chen seemed to be angry, Ino said quickly.

"Really, Sasuke didn't force me to say anything before, you always ask me." Chen pretended to be unhappy.

"Sorry, sorry. Let's not ask about this, let's say something else, Chen Jun, don't be angry." Xiaojing also quickly comforted Chen.

After that, Ino and Xiao Ino just chatted with Chen casually, and didn't dare to ask him about the past. At last it was very late, and Sasuke had already returned, and the two had no choice but to leave.

"Chenjun, I will see you later, we will go back first. Goodbye!"

"See you!"

"These two girls are really..." Chen looked at the backs of Ino and Xiaojing leaving with a wry smile.

PS: This chapter seems to have written Sasuke too coldly, because this chapter was done in a hurry, because I accidentally fell asleep last night and only got up in the morning. Everyone will just watch it, anyway, it is the transitional chapter. Upload it first, modify it later. In addition: ask for flowers, ask for collection! …

Chapter Twenty-Three: The beginning of the plot

After that, Ino and Xiao Ino just chatted with Chen casually, and didn't dare to ask him about the past. At last it was very late, and Sasuke had already returned, and the two had no choice but to leave.

"Chenjun, I will see you later, we will go back first. Goodbye!"

"See you!"

"These two girls are really..." Chen looked at the backs of Ino and Xiaojing leaving with a wry smile.

No words for a night~~~~

The next day, after Sasuke went to school as usual, Tatsun also went to the woods to continue training tree climbing. At this time, Chen Zheng was hanging upside down on the branch, without borrowing any foreign objects, only relying on the soles of his feet to stick to the trunk, hanging upside down.

"Chakra needs mental energy, so you can't be too nervous or too desperate, and then naturally focus your attention on the tree, you can stick to it." Chen hung upside down on the tree and said proudly.

"Ding! The host completed the task" tree climbing training. "Task reward: 300 points, 2643 existing points."

"300 points in the account, enough to redeem the shadow clone. The system, give me the art of redeeming the shadow clone." Chen thought of the importance of the shadow clone, and the separated shadow clones will evenly distribute the chakras of the body. The shadow clone is a kind of ninjutsu that can quickly improve the practice, because the practice done by the clone will eventually be integrated into the body. The advantage of the shadow clone technique is that it can improve the combat power and practice of the body. The disadvantage is that the shadow clone will divide the chakra of the body equally, which will consume a lot of the chakra and fatigue accumulation of the body.

The characteristic of multiple shadow clones is that they are more numerous than shadow clones, and the things experienced by each clone after disappearing will be communicated to the body one by one. Naruto once used multiple shadow clones to practice, resulting in the experience gained The number of shadow clones is doubled. However, due to the consideration of the amount of chakra, most users of shadow clones are suitable for several clones. However, the chakras of each avatar after multiple shadow avatars will have a very small distribution due to the huge amount, and fatigue will also be superimposed on the body, which will endanger life. So in Konoha, the first generation of Hokage considered that most people could not use this dangerous technique, so it banned it.

In short, Chen must improve his strength as soon as possible to prepare for the future escape, so it is a good way to cultivate with the shadow clone.

"Answer the host: Shadow clone art, item type: skill, item level: B-level, need to redeem points: 2000, do you want to redeem it?"


Well, after enjoying the favor of the Nuan Liujun once again, Chen has mastered the skill of the shadow clone, which can be called a plug-in. Of course, only people like Naruto who have to spill the chakras can be regarded as plug-ins. After all, the number of his multiple shadow clones is hundreds of thousands, and ordinary people can only separate a few.

"Try it first!" Chen Jieyin with both hands started Chakra.

"Bang!" A burst of smoke suddenly appeared beside Chen, and then a clone identical to Chen appeared out of thin air.

"Is this the shadow clone? A curious and wonderful feeling." Chen sighed. "See if I can divide more."

After that, Chen separated two avatars in total, including the previous one, adding up to three avatars, "With my current Chakra, are three avatars already the limit? But that's enough. For the sake of safety, Let's remove one first." Chen said that he lifted an Ying clone. "Okay, the next one will practice treading water first, and the other will practice physique, the body, just practice ninjutsu." Don't act.

After training until the time was almost the same, he mobilized Fei Lei Shen and returned home. After returning home, Chen did not dare to immediately release the shadow clone, but took a shower and then lay on the tatami in the room before releasing it.

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