Just as soon as the clone was lifted, a feeling of fatigue hit, and the whole body was sore. "I'm going, I just can't stand it with just two more clones, so tired! Naruto's physique and chakra volume are really enviable!"

Chen fell asleep unknowingly, and he didn't wake up until Sasuke came back from practicing and sent him in after making dinner.

From then on, Chen used the technique of the Thunder God to come to the laboratory in the woods to practice every day when Sasuke went to school.

Every day, he is repeating his training. As time goes by, Chen also grows up day by day, and his strength is constantly getting stronger.

…split line…

More than two years later.

In the Naruto office building, a group of upper ninjas are waiting for the three generations of Naruto adults to speak. Among these upper ninjas are the original works of Hagi Kakashi, Yurihong, Sarutobi Asma and other future Konoha twelve Xiaoqiang leaders. teacher.

"Master Naruto, is there any important task to summon us here so late?" asked one of them, Shangren.

"Yeah! It’s nothing big, because there will be a group of students graduating from the Ninja School today. According to Konoha’s practice, three lower ninjas form a group, and then one upper ninja will lead the team. So today we are summoning you all to let Everyone here brings a group." Three generations said after smoking a cigarette.

"Leading the team? So that's it!" Zhong Shangren understood why Naruto had summoned them.

"Okay, here is a list of students, which have already been divided into groups. Tomorrow you can pick up your students according to the list." Three generations handed over a stack of papers on the table to a Shangren. Then let him send them to everyone one by one.

"Ahhhhhhh, I'm taking students again, I'm going to say goodbye to the leisurely days. Well! But it doesn't matter, anyway, no one can pass the test, just play a game with those little ghosts." Get the list After Kakashi didn’t even look at it, he stuffed it directly into his pocket, “Anyway, it’s fine to be there later tomorrow. Those students from Shangnin will take away first, and the rest will be my students, and then all of them. Just make a brief introduction."

"Are there any objections?" Three generations asked the Shinnins below.

"No!" The Shinobu replied.

"In that case, go back and prepare first."

"Three generations of adults, then we will leave first." The Shinnins bowed to the three generations and left.

"Oh, Kakashi, don't leave, I'll tell you something." Three generations said to Kakashi who was about to go out.

"Huh?" Kakashi asked suspiciously, "Three generations of adults, is there anything else?"

"Yes, did you see it on the list just now?" Three generations smoked and said to Kakashi, "This time the students you brought are extraordinary!"

"Huh?" Hearing the words of the third generation made Kakashi a little curious, who could make the third generation pay so much attention to him, but also to leave him to explain.

Opening the list on his hand and taking a look, Kakashi was a little surprised by the name on it.

"Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto?" Kakashi looked at the three generations in surprise: "This is..."

Three generations took a cigarette and said to Kakashi: "Well, the identities of these two children are not the same. Sasuke Uchiha is the orphan of the Uchiha clan. He is very talented and is the strongest among the students. You should know this Uzumaki Naruto, his identity is even more extraordinary."

"Are the people with soil and... the teacher's child?"

"Yes, Naruto is the child of Mizumon and Kushina. At the same time, he is also the third generation of Nine-tailed man Juli." The third generation continued: "When Kushina gave birth, he was taken advantage of by a mysterious person. Entering, he released the nine tails that were sealed in Kushina's body, and controlled the nine tails to attack the village, causing heavy casualties in the village. The situation was urgent at the time, and the water gate had to use the ghoul to seal the nine tails. It was sealed in the body of Naruto who was just born, and the disaster was quelled."

Three generations smoking a cigarette, walked to the window of the office, looked at the village outside and said, "Mizuna and Kushina wanted to make Naruto the hero of the village, but..."

"However, Naruto was regarded as the incarnation of Nine Tails by the people in the village. Since childhood, he was so cold-eyed and bullied that we were not allowed to approach Naruto, right?" Kakashi said coldly and interrupted for three generations.

"Oh~~!" Three generations sighed and continued, "For some reason, I can't disclose Naruto's life experience. And in order to protect Naruto, I also issued a seal, but I didn't expect Naruto to accept it anyway. So many grievances. It’s because I failed Watergate's expectations and failed to take good care of Naruto. I'm really sorry Watergate and Kushina!"

Seeing that all three generations said so, Kakashi did not entangle Naruto anymore. Instead, look at the last person on the list.

"Haruno Sakura? What special identity is it?"

"No, Haruno Sakura, she is just an ordinary civilian ninja, and there is nothing special." Sandai shook his head.

"Oh! By the way, doesn't Uchiha have another child?" Kakashi suddenly thought that there was another Uchiha clan, and asked Sandai.

"Yeah! That's right, there is another one. That kid is called Uchiha Tatsuno, and that Uchiha Sasuke is a brother."

"I heard that this Uchiha Tatsumi was also a genius before, and he was even more powerful than that Uchiha Sasuke when he was in the ninja school!"

"Yes, Tatsun's talent is indeed higher than that of Sasuke. It's a pity that he was severely mentally hit by Uchiha's tragedy many years ago, and he became a fool who couldn't even take care of himself. I went to the ninja school, and I have been hiding at home for Sasuke to take care of, and it has basically been abandoned." Three generations said regretfully.

"Is that right…"

PS: I don’t want any more water, and I’m going directly to the plot. I hope you don’t blame me. In addition: seeking flowers, seeking collections, seeking rewards! …

Chapter Twenty-Four: Zhongnin Examination

"I heard that this Uchiha Tatsumi was also a genius before, and he was even more powerful than that Uchiha Sasuke when he was in the ninja school!"

"Yes, Tatsun's talent is indeed higher than that of Sasuke. It's a pity that he was severely mentally hit by Uchiha's tragedy many years ago, and he became a fool who couldn't even take care of himself. I went to the ninja school, and I have been hiding at home for Sasuke to take care of, and it has basically been abandoned." Three generations said regretfully.

"Is that so..." Although Kakashi felt it was a pity, he didn't think much about it.

"Anyway, that's all I want to say. You can find out for yourself after you meet with them tomorrow."

"I understand, but even if they are the children of the tribe with the soil and the teacher, if they fail the test, I won't let them become my students." Despite this, Kakashi still plans to Give them a little hint.

"That test? I believe Naruto and the others will not let you down," Sandai said to Kakashi.

"I hope so! Then, I will leave first." Kakashi saluted the three generations.

"Go!" Sandao waved his hand, motioning for Kakashi to retreat.

Kakashi did not return to his home after leaving the Hokage office building, but came to the Konoha Consolation Monument. "Take the soil, teacher, Lin, I'm coming to see you again. I'm going to be the leader of the team again tomorrow. This time the students are actually the children of the tribe and the teacher, but even so, I won't be against it. They have any water. People who break the rules and iron rules of the ninja world are called waste. However, people who don't know how to cherish their companions are not as good as waste. This is what you teach me. If they don't pass the test , Then I have to let them go back to the ninja school to stay. After all, ninjas who don’t work as a team will only die faster on the battlefield."

On the other side, Chen was lying on the tatami, thinking about something. Today Chen went to the laboratory in the woods to practice as usual and returned home, and found something on Sasuke's forehead.

Protect the forehead! It symbolizes the forehead protection of the ninja.

"In other words, Sasuke and the others graduated from the Ninja School today, so the plot has already begun!" Chen thought to himself.

According to the plot of the original book, tomorrow Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura will be grouped together, and then meet Kakashi, and Kakashi will test them the day after they meet, if not surprising Sasuke and the others will pass Kakashi's test and become the seventh class, and will soon be an **** mission.

"The plot has finally begun, and I will be able to leave Konoha soon." Chen thought with excitement, "It's really exciting!"

The next day, Sasuke went to school as usual and met their leader Kakashi. After a brief introduction of himself, Kakashi let them all go home and put them to the test the next day. As in the original book, a survival exercise was conducted. At the beginning, Sasuke and the others fought on their own, and were abused by Kakashi without fighting back. Naruto was also tied to a tree because he wanted to steal lunch by himself. Kakashi told the three of them that they were all unqualified, and then told them about the importance of teamwork. In the end, he expressed his willingness to give them another chance, but it would increase the difficulty of the test. Only those who want to challenge can eat the bento, but it is absolutely not allowed to eat Naruto, because it is a punishment for Naruto who does not follow the rules and wants to eat alone. If someone distributes it to him, it will be eliminated immediately.

However, when Sasuke heard Naruto’s hungry sound, he violated Kakashi’s warning and gave the lunch to Naruto. He said that the three of them went to grab the bell in the afternoon and didn’t hope that Naruto would get in the way. Just when Sakura was about to feed the tied Naruto bento, Kakashi suddenly appeared in front of them, using ninjutsu to create a scene of violent winds, howling, lightning, and thunder, and pressured Sasuke and them, and asked them why. Disobey the rules set by him. Sasuke and the others said that the three of them are in a group, so the three of them should be of one mind.

After that, Kakashi saw that they had understood the importance of the team, and announced that they were all qualified and said that they had tested this test on other teams before, but none of them passed the test successfully. Sasuke and them were the first. Approve the group that successfully passed this test.

At the end, Kakashi said to them, "Those who break the rules and iron rules of the Ninja world are called waste. But people who don't know how to cherish their companions are not as good as waste." He declared that the acting is over and all qualified. The seventh class will start its mission tomorrow.

From then on, the seventh class would go to the Hokage Tower every day to pick up some tasks of cutting materials and picking up water and picking up garbage in the river. After a long time, Naruto was tired of these small tasks and expressed that he wanted to accept more advanced tasks. The last three generations took Naruto couldn't help it, so he gave the seventh class a C-level task to **** a bridge-building expert to the Namibia safely. After that, everyone in the seventh class went home to prepare.

"I'm going to do a task tomorrow. I have to leave the village for a few days. I have already explained to the owner of Yile Ramen. When I am away, he will ask someone to bring you ramen every day, and you will be honest with me. Stay at home, don't go out, do you hear it?" Sasuke returned home, packed his luggage, and came to Tatsun's room and said to Tatsun on the tatami.

"Sasuke, where are you going? I want to go too!" Chen got up and said to Sasuke.

"Idiot, I'm going to perform the task, how could I bring you this obstructive waste, and stay at home honestly for me, an idiot that will only drag people." Sasuke scolded Chen anger.

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