"Danzo... there may be a problem."

Sitting on a chair to help Sarutobi Hizumi sifting through information, Danzo frowned and looked up from the vast scrolls. He had a habit of not liking to be disturbed when dealing with official duties, unless it was very important. Things, otherwise, usually no one will bother him.

When he discovered that the person who came was the third generation of Naruto Sarutobi, his frown couldn't help but slowly smoothed, but he still didn't give a good face to him. After all, everyone has a temper, especially when he was originally. He was helping Sarutobi Rishan to deal with things, and he was still disturbed by Rishan himself, and the unhappiness in his heart was clearly visible.

"It's Sun Slash, why should you bother you to come here in person."

Hearing the weird words of Yin and Yang in Tuan Zang's mouth, Sarutobi could not help but smile wryly. He knew that his old friend's character was very kind, but he was surprisingly serious in doing things. As early as when he came in, Sarutobi Hizen discovered that he was dealing with documents, but the matter was important, and he had to forcibly interrupt Danzo, so he had already prepared for it after hearing his complaining tone.

Sarutobi Hisaki handed the emergency information letter sent by Shigeru Nakaji to Danzo, pointed to the words on the letter that looked like a ghost drawing, and said, "You look good, I think we should be busy. ."

Suspiciously accepting the letter in Sarutobi Rizen's hand, seeing the words on the letter paper that looked like a ghost symbol, Tuan Zang looked at Sarutobi Rizen with a gloomy expression, and asked, throwing away the paper in his hand, "I said Rishan. You came here to play me because I was too idle, right? What is this?"

Hearing Danzo's words, Rizhan couldn't help but suddenly realized, and quickly caught the letter paper that Danzo had thrown, and after observing that it was not torn, then he breathed a sigh of relief and explained: "You, you can't listen to me to finish. ?" As he said, he handed the letter paper in his hand to Danzo again.

Danzo looked at Sarutobi Hisaki half-heartedly, and only then took the letter paper again after seeing that he didn't mean to tease him at all in his eyes.

It wasn't until this time that Sarutobi Hizen explained: "This is the information from Shigeru Hagigi from the country of wind. His eyes were caused by the mysterious Uchiha clan member named Uchiha Tatsumi who used the dark line. Because of this technique, his vision was sealed, and others were injured during the battle with him. In desperation, Shigeru Hagi had to fumble and write this information letter by himself."

He slapped his lips and pointed to the letter, which meant that the letter in front of Danzo was a report written by Shigeru Hagaki in a situation where he couldn't see it.

He looked at the ghost symbols on the paper half-heartedly, and slowly compared it with the handwriting of Shigeru Hagaki in his memory. Danzo was sure that this letter was really written by Shigeru Hagaki.

Holding the letter, comparing the handwriting in the memory one by one, it took Tuan Zang a long time to read all the contents of the letter.

After reading Shigeru Hagaki's letter, Danzo did not speak for a long time, but stared at Sarutobi with serious eyes, and asked in an uncertain tone: "This...I am sure this matter is credible. Is it? Isn't it the enemy's forged intelligence?"

Sarutobi Hizen lightly nodded and said, "It is true, and there are no more than ten people who know this thing even in Konoha. Apart from the seven people at Shigeru Hagaki, there is only you. I still have the old man Uchiha Kyou...How can this matter be known to others as a highly confidential thing? So the forgery of information can be completely ruled out."

"Is it true?" Danzo lowered his head and began to mutter to himself: "Since it is true, then things are a bit hard to tell...the dark art, this is the art written by the second generation of Hokage on the book of seals. , Even you and I are becoming Hokage, and Hokage assists in a technique that can only be watched later, why would he actually use it."

"So it's not that simple..."

Chapter 582: Guessing

Sarutobi Hitoshi looked at Danzo with solemn eyes, wanting to hear his opinion on this matter.

However, Danzo only focused his attention on the piece of paper in front of him, as if looking at the piece of paper, he could see the flowers.

"Hakiki Shigeru must have left behind some hidden information." Danzo glanced at Sarutobi Hitoshi, and said casually, then once again focused all his attention on this letter paper.

He was wondering, what kind of information Hagaki Shigeru had left on this letter paper, spread the paper on the table, and carefully observed that Danzo kept looking for Hagaki Shigeru from the letter paper to leave behind. Without damaging the piece of paper, try to use all the methods he knows to check the piece of paper that he has not found.

But despite his exhaustion, this piece of paper is still this piece of paper, and nothing has changed. In the end, Danzo had to slumped in a chair and admitted that Shigeru Hagi did not leave any hidden information. , The information he wants to express has all been expressed on this piece of paper.

Crossed his hands and placed his chin on the back of his hand, looking at Sarutobi Hijizu, Danzo said in a deep voice, "What do you think of this matter?"

"Me?" Sarutobi Rizen did not take the initiative to answer Danzo's question. Instead, he turned around, with his hands behind his back, his head kept turning, as if he was looking for something.

As his companion, Danzo was really clear about his actions, and Sarutobi Hizaki was here, and if nothing else, the thing he was looking for was a chair.

After a light cough, after attracting Sarutobi's attention, Danzo's hand pointed to the side without a trace. Looking along the place where his fingers were pointing, a chair was placed there.

After being exposed, Sarutobi Risaki didn’t feel embarrassed either, and walked over with expressionlessly, as if inadvertently picking up the chair, sitting on the opposite side of Danzo, looking through the stack of Lao Gao’s intelligence documents. Danzo opened his eyes and said, "What do you think? I want to ask your opinion on this matter first."

"Are you talking about the thing called Uchiha Tatsuo or Shigeru Hagaki?" Danzo frowned. Now that time is running out, he doesn't have the time to accompany Sarutobi to fight the mummy here, even though he is Hokage. But as his Naruto assistant, he also has the right to criticize his misconduct. What's more, although the dangerous man named Uchiha Tatsuo doesn't know why he temporarily disappeared, but he does not rule out the possibility that he will appear in the next second. Now time is tight, and every second one can fight for more. One second.

Sarutobi Hitoshi shrugged his shoulders unmoved, "You know, what am I talking about."

Danzo did not speak, and just watched Sarutobi Hizhan quietly. Similarly, Sarutobi Hizhan looked at him so quietly. The two looked at each other so solemnly, and neither of them spoke beforehand. This has become a war, as long as whoever speaks first is a surrender.

"Okay..." In the end, Danzo still sighed deeply. He also had a headache in his heart for the Hokage elected by his own selection, "Let's talk about it first, what do you think."

Seeing Danzo speak first, Sarutobi Hizen groaned for a while and said: "I think Shigeru Hagaki's view is correct. For Uchiha Tatsumi, although we are not yet sure of his origins, we can only rely on it for the time being. His strength and his surname, we must adopt an attitude of wooing him. The key lies in how we woo him and what the price is for wooing him. Moreover, his origins I think we It is still necessary to figure out, even if it is a side attack, we must ask something out of his mouth, and that is, on the elders' side, what kind of attitude we should adopt, whether we should be tougher or slightly compromised..."

"Don't you ask where he learned these skills? You know that he knows more than the dark art. I remember the information from the previous intelligence said that he can still be a second-generation Hokage. How do you explain this? We can’t ignore these things, right?” Danzo frowned and caught the loophole in Sarutobi’s mouth that he didn’t say. I don't know if this is something that Sun Zhan deliberately chose to skip or didn't care about it. Regardless of what Sarutobi He thinks of being a Hokage, he, as a Hokage assistant, dedicated all his own to the village, he will never allow such uncontrollable factors to appear in the village. In his opinion, he would rather not Uchiha Tatsuno didn't want a time bomb that could explode at any time in the village.

Especially this time bomb has been turned on and the timer has not been disarmed.

"These?" Sarutobi slashed his brows with a frown, and saw his old man looking at him with a serious face, knowing that he could no longer fool around, he could only answer: "These are actually not very important for the time being. The book is there, and there are only so many people who can be qualified to read the Sealed Book. Except for the second generation of Hokage, the only people who are qualified to read the Sealed Book are the elders. You can rule out that Uchiha Tatsu has nothing to do with them, so only the second generation of Hokage is left. When we look back, we will ask Mr. Shuma, if it’s not him, then the answer is ready to come out. Someone who is qualified to read the book of the seal and has the name of Uchiha..."

The last sentence of Sarutobi Rizen did not go down, and it was enough to say that, because the next thing to say may almost reach the juncture of the truth.

"You mean... Uchiha..." Danzo's eyes lit up.

"Okay, this is the case. We will continue to discuss how to win over the man named Uchiha Tatsu." Sarutobi Hisaki interrupted what Danzo wanted to say because he knew Danzo wanted to be next. What is said.

There is no one who can be qualified to read the book of the seal and belong to the Uchiha clan, except for the one who established the Konoha Village together with the original Naruto Senjujuma to settle the troubled times.

That's right, they subconsciously think that Uchiha Tatsu has something to do with Uchiha Madara, the **** of Ninja, who was as famous as the original Naruto Senjuju.

Chapter 583: Misunderstanding

In their opinion, Uchiha Tatsumi should not be Madara with a high probability. After all, Uchiha Madara had died in the battle with the original Naruto Senjuju, and for this reason, the original Hokage was also seriously injured. If Madara can still live to the present, it is absolutely unacceptable to them.

Then there is only one possibility. The person named Uchiha Tatsumi is Madara’s offspring after leaving Konoha, and only Uchiha Madara can touch Konoha’s seal book and teach it to the Uchiha clan. people.

If you say this, then all the problems will be easily solved. Tatsun is a descendant of Uchiha Madara, but I don’t know why there is no hatred of Konoha like his parents or grandfathers, otherwise he would not raise them. Want to go to Konoha's request. Of course, it is not ruled out that this is deliberately approaching Konoha, waiting for his action when the time is right.

However, this view is not valid. Judging from the two descriptions of Shigeru Hagaki and Shigehisa Nara, Uchiha Tatsumi is fully capable of destroying the current Konoha, even if it cannot completely destroy Konoha, it can hurt Konoha. He moved his muscles and was completely defeated in this war, but Tatsun didn't do that, so from this point of view, Uchiha Tatsuta could still be a target for the time being.

However, anyway, if these speculations are true, then they have to respond with a vigilant attitude towards Uchiha Tatsumi. After all, they are Uchiha Madara’s descendants. No one knows whether he inherited the last wish of his ancestors in his heart. . Just in case, the necessary surveillance is necessary without arousing Uchiha Tatsu's disgust.

With the minds of Sarutobi Hisaki and Danzo guessing, they have subconsciously regarded Uchiha Tatsumi as a descendant of Madara. I don’t know what it will be like when Uchiha Tatsumi knows about it. expression.

Uchiha Madara? Tatsun said that he had already beaten him once when he first came to this era, and regarded him as a descendant of Uchiha Madara? It's ridiculous.

There is one more thing they didn't notice. When the first generation of Hokage created the Book of Seals, the art of the second generation of Hokage was not included. That is to say, the art of Senjukazuma was printed on the second expansion of the Book of Seals after he took over as Hokage. . This means that Uchiha Madara has no chance to read Konoha's expanded book of seals, which means that their guess is not true at all.

But both of them subconsciously avoided this question. After all, the defense of the Book of Seals is obvious to all. Even if he is Sarutobi Hisaki, don’t want to steal the contents of the Book of Seals under the heavy blockade. Look at them. Come, the contents of the Book of Seals will spread, only possible in the first generation of Hokage.

So now the question is, what kind of attitude should they use to face Uchiha Tatsumi, or whether Haaki Shigeru's method is effective in wooing Uchiha Tatsuo?

The two looked at each other, not knowing how to bring up this topic. Although this seemed to the two of them to be a perfect plan, the two of them still felt that something was wrong. After all, this matter was too smooth, whether it was Uchiha Tatsuta's initiative to show up or he took the initiative to give the two little girls to Shigeru Hagaki to take care of it, all of this seemed to them too coincidental.

Especially during the war, all of this was too coincidental, which made Sarutobi and Danzo a little bit unbelievable.

After pondering for a moment, Sarutobi Rizen couldn't help but speak: "For the time being, let's follow Hagi Shigeru's plan. After all, he has the most say in this matter, since he thinks it is better to do this. Then follow his method."

Hearing Sarutobi Hitachi's words, Danzo worried: "Really want to be like this? That is Uchiha Madara's offspring... If he really wants to do something, no one of us can stop him now."

Looking at Danzang helplessly, Sarutobi Hizaki spread his hands toward Danzang: "Do you think we have any choice? Now the village has a tight manpower to fight. At this time, there must be no loopholes. It takes at least six or seven super shadow-level powerhouses to be able to complete the existence of Hagaki Shigeru. At present, there are only so many super shadow-level powerhouses on the surface of Konoha, excluding you and me. And Shigeru Hagaki. My ineffective apprentice, Jiraji, has tried his best to make it barely more than half. The teacher can also be counted as an adult, and the old guy Uchiha Kage can also be counted as one. If you can communicate, Kyuubi. There is only one man Zhu Li, and there are only so many people at full play. The others are either almost or still wandering at the shadow level. With so many people, more or less scattered in various places on the battlefield, there are only nine-tailed man Zhu Li and the teacher left behind. Konoha, if there is a trouble now, other villages will definitely take this opportunity to launch a strong attack. Once the front collapses, they will lose everything. We have no choice."

Speaking of this, Sarutobi slashed for a while, took the information that Danzang handed over, folded it, and continued to speak: "Now our main purpose is to stabilize him first, and wait until the war is over and everyone returns to the village. Even if there is capital to confront the man named Uchiha Tatsuno. Besides, Uchiha Madara’s descendants, don’t we Konoha also have a large number? They can all live peacefully with us, so why can’t we accommodate a perennial living out? A member of the tribe? Maybe with him, the combat power of our village will be even better?"

With a long sigh, Danzo waved his hand helplessly, "Then let's do this, I hope you don't regret it, this is a way to lead a wolf into the room."

Danzo said that he couldn't persuade Sarutobi Rishou. After all, Rischi told the truth. Now Konoha can't fight Uchiha Tatsuki at all. Konoha can't afford this kind of consumption. Only after the war could he figure out how to deal with Uchiha Tatsu's affairs.

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