Thinking of this, Danzo’s eyes flashed fiercely: "However, let me say a little bit in advance. If Uchiha Tatsuta dares to take a disadvantage to Konoha, I will fight for this old life and I will severely break off his two. Come on the bones!" Danzo’s words are not false, just relying on his current strength far surpassing Chen’s era. If he really does not care about it, once the war breaks out, the strength of the super shadow class will show up, even Uchiha. Bring up a bit of energy.

Seeing the firm look on his companion’s face, Sarutobi Hisaki knew what he said was true, and stood up: “Don’t worry, if that time really comes, I will be the first person to take the shot. Don’t do anything else. Yes, because I am the third generation of Hokage!"

"Heir to the Will of Fire!"

Chapter 584: Contradictions within Konoha

"It's best to ignore the elders in this matter, but I think they probably already know about Uchiha Tatsuno."

Sarutobi nodded: "They have sent a letter urging us once, saying that we should let Uchiha Tatsu return to Konoha as soon as possible, and then control him as Konoha's ultimate weapon."

Hearing Sarutobi Rischi's words, Tuan Zang couldn't help showing a sneer on his face: "The old guys don't claim to have a few kilograms, so they dare to say such things based on their strength? Really? It's funny, and I don't want to think, if it weren't for Konoha's peace and stability, they would have been killed long ago."


"Sorry..." Danzo said absently. Hearing his tone, Sarutobi Rizen knew that even now Danzo did not let go of the original grudge. After all, when they first took the position, they were all elbows by the elders, so that the passionate Sarutobi and Danzo had no way to display their ambitions in their hearts. They could only abandon them under repeated compromises. The original ambition.

The patience time and time again has caused all kinds of dissatisfaction in Danzo's heart. The elders did not extend an olive branch to Danzo, but Danzo resolutely chose to refuse. In his opinion, instead of relying on it. As their chess pieces, the group of elders might as well follow Sarutobi Hitizan to display their ambitions.

As a result, I did not expect that after Danzang rejected the elder group’s solicitation, he ushered in crazy revenge from the elder group. Not only was his family oppressed by other families who took refuge in the elder group, but he also suffered several times. Assassination. What made him even more angry was that the former Zhuan Xiaochun and Mito Menyan who were in the same camp as them still resolutely fell into the arms of the elders, becoming the vanguard of their struggle with the Hokage First Element.

Originally Danzo had also thought about making a big fuss in the elders and taking them all, but was prevented by the joint efforts of the second generation of Naruto Senjuma and the new third generation of Naruto Sarutobi. They did not want to see the chaos in the village. , If Danzo really got into trouble with the elders, then more than half of the small and medium-sized families in the big Konoha village would separate Konoha, this is something that no one wants to see.

Even when Qianshou Jianma was in power, his vigorous and vigorous character could not help but give way to the elders to a certain extent. After all, this is not his own village, not only carries the will of his brother, but also the will passed down from generation to generation by many people living in Konoha.

Sarutobi Hizaki's tone was slightly softened, and he exhorted Danzo: "I know you have dissatisfaction in your heart, but this is nothing we can do. On the elders team, we can only buckle as much as possible. If it doesn’t work, you can only pull the teacher out. I believe that if it’s a teacher, the elders should be somewhat restrained."

"I hope so." At this point, Danzo couldn't help but slammed a punch on the table, resisting the anger in his heart: "Why did you want to establish this useless elders group? If it weren't for this The group of elders, as for us, everything will be stubborn everywhere now!"

Sarutobi Hizhan was dissatisfied with the elder regiment system established by Hokage in the early days, but he did not have the slightest solution in his heart. After all, the elder regiment was a product of preventing the Hokage despotism from going its own way. This system even got the fire. The support of the national daimyo, after all, the daimyo of the country of fire does not want Konoha village to become a person’s speech. He does not know when Konoha’s elders gradually began to deteriorate and become less pure, but he himself But he didn't have the invincible power of the first generation of Hokage, so he had nothing to do with the elbow.

With a long sigh, Sarutobi Rischi could only comfort him: "Forget it, let's do it, Shinobu will pass. Haven't we all come here for so many years? We still care about this little bit. Hinder?"

Tuan Zang snorted and glanced at Sarutobi Rischi contemptuously and said, "You are too indecisive if you want me to say Rischi. If you were to be tougher, would the elders be as unscrupulous as they are now? If it was me..." Danzo did not go on in the last words, because there was no need to go on. There was a trace of haze flashing in his eyes, but he was well concealed. You can see that, Danzo himself was not as willing as he showed.

Sarutobi Hisaki didn’t notice the haze in Danzo’s eyes. Now all his concerns are on how to deal with the relationship with Uchiha Tatsumi and how to deal with the members of the elders. He has no time to manage. What on earth was Dan Zang thinking about at this moment, even he didn't even hear Dan Zang's last words clearly, his eyes were in a trance, as if he was wandering away from the sky, until Dan Zang felt that something was wrong with his calls several times.

"Huh? What did you just say?"

"No, nothing." A look of fortune flashed in Danzo's eyes, and he quickly changed the subject: "In this case, should we discuss with the old guy Uchiha Kami? After all, they belong to the Uchiha clan. , If you don’t discuss it carefully, it’s really unreasonable."

Rizhan nodded: "Let me talk about it on the mirror side. As for the elders, I will ask you to entangle with them. You know, I am not suitable for dealing with them. Every time I make a scene. They will suffer."

Tuan Zang glanced at him disdainfully: "Huh, you know? You have a weak temper. Leave it to me at the elders group. You only need to communicate with the mirror. After all, it's a family, maybe you can still It’s a little bit more connected in this respect."

After discussing the countermeasures, Sarutobi Hisaki left Danzo’s tent with a large pile of materials that had already been processed. After all, they are Konoha’s Hokage and Hokage’s assistants. Even if they are on the battlefield, they must move the village to the village. All affairs of the company have been handled well. In this case, the two must work together. Danzo will go through all the affairs first. He can give approval for some not very important information, and some need to be made by Hokage himself. The approved materials were sorted out and put aside, and they were handed over to Sarutobi Hizaki for processing.

Although this division of labor has increased the workload of Danzo, it has accelerated the efficiency of handling affairs to a certain extent.

Chapter 585: Guessing and Misunderstood Identity

This approach is just like the cabinet system of the Ming Dynasty in China. The cabinet ministers made replies in all memorials. Some inadvertently important information made their own decisions, and when they encountered some important matters, they would seek the emperor’s help, which relieved the emperor to a certain extent. The burden also speeds up the efficiency of handling affairs.

However, this indirectly increased Danzo's power. After all, he was only a Naruto assistant, only the qualifications for suggestions but not the qualifications to make decisions. However, Sarutobi Rizen believes that Danzo, after all, who can give up the position of Hokage, will he care about this little power?

The answer is yes! People's hearts will change. It is said that after taste the convenience brought by power and the superior status, people will change. Just like Konoha’s elders, it was indeed an institution established to prevent Naruto’s dictatorship, but over time, they gradually got lost in the ocean of power and desire, becoming unscrupulous, and the first generation of Hokage reigned. When the first generation of Hokage died, this kind of ambition became uncontrollable, gradually expanding, and even delusional to control Hokage, overhead Hokage, and regarded Hokage as a puppet.

It is a pity that their goal has not been achieved for so many years. The second generation of Hokage is different from the first generation. He is too strong. Even the elders who have controlled most of Konoha's small and medium-sized families have to avoid his edge and choose a compromise between the two sides. After the second generation of Naruto abdicated and the third generation of Naruto took office, they began a tentative attempt. After clearly feeling that Sarutobi was not as strong as Qianshoujianma, the Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts began to agitate again. He wanted to train Sarutobi Rizen as their puppet.

Fortunately, Sarutobi Rizen was still relatively tough at that time. With the support of Danzo, the two of them were able to persevere. That period can be said to be the darkest period of the two, and their teacher returned to Qianshoujian. After that, the village was seriously injured and unconscious. Fortunately, he finally recovered a life, but it was a long time since he finally woke up. During this time, they could only rely on themselves and deal with the elders, and they could only constantly compromise. , To kill the ambitions of the two in vain.


He returned to his tent with a large stack of documents, and ordered the person guarding the door to summon Uchiha Mirror. Sarutobi Hizumi processed the documents in the tent while waiting for Uchiha Mirror's door.

But after half a cup of tea, an announcement came from the door. With a cry, Uchiha Mirror walked in from the door: "Three generations of adults, what can you do with me?"

Sarutobi stopped the pen in his hand, smiled at Uchiha Mirror, and said, "You are here, Mirror, don't be so polite, sit down!"

"I asked you to come here this time because I wanted to ask if the person you asked you to check now has the result?"

Uchiha Mirror shook his head: "I have no clue. I checked the genealogy of our Uchiha family. There are no Uchiha orphans living outside. I have also asked older people in the clan. No one left offspring outside. , The corpses of the tribesmen who died in battle are all collected and thrifty. There is no situation of writing round eyes, so there is no situation of writing round eyes, unless it is pushed forward for three generations, the members of the clan who have been out of the war since the Warring States period... In this case, we have no way to verify it."

Sarutobi Hizen could not help frowning after hearing this. He looked at Uchiha Mirror, hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn't help saying: "Now we already know the person's name, Uchiha Tatsun, and now we are There is probably another conjecture, but I don’t know the accuracy of this conjecture, so I just wanted to call you over to confirm it."

"Uchiha Tatsuo?" After the mirror listened, he thought about it thoughtfully. Hearing that Sarutobi Hisaki had something to say, he immediately sat down: "I wish to hear the details."

I saw Sarutobi Hizumi glanced around, Chakra gradually let go, and after detecting that no one was eavesdropping on their conversation, he reached out to Uchiha mirror and pointed his finger up solemnly: "According to me, Danzo’s guess, this person is likely to be the offspring of that one..."

"That one?" Uchiha Koji asked suspiciously, not knowing why Sarutobi Hizen was so taboo about this, which made him feel a little bit wrong, and a sense of vigilance faintly grew in his heart.

"It's the same one."

"You mean..." Uchiha squinted his eyes and thought for a moment. He probably had a candidate in his heart, but he didn't dare to confirm, so he asked Sarutobi with confirmation in a low voice.

As if to confirm Uchiha Kyou's conjecture, Sarutobi Hitori nodded solemnly.

"Hiss!" Uchiha Kami couldn't help taking a deep breath, "This... how is this possible!"

Which one, who is that one? The result is already obvious. Who can make Uchiha members who are so taboo of Sarutohi Slash who is a three-generation Naruto, besides the Uchiha Madara who defected at the beginning? Uchiha Mirror's face was heavy. He looked at Sarutobi and said solemnly, "Why do you see it!"

It seemed that Uchiha Mirror's reaction had been guessed a long time ago. Sarutobi Hizumi was not surprised but explained to Uchiha Mirror in detail.

After listening to the explanations of the three generations of Naruto, Uchiha Kami couldn't help being silent. This incident had too much impact on him or the entire Uchiha clan, "It turned out to be the offspring of that person." Uchiha Koji couldn't help but mutter to himself.

"How about it, do you think it is possible?" Sarutobi Hitoshi looked at Uchiha Mirror nervously. After all, all this is their guess, only after getting this current patriarch of the Uchiha clan, the next one Only after the great elder confirmed the origin of Uchiha Tatsumi.

"No." Uchiha Mirror shook his head, and said to Sarutobi: "You let me slow down first. The impact of this news on me is too great, and I can't bear it."

Indeed, this news is indeed a bit too big for Uchiha Mirror. If this is true, then their Uchiha family’s attitude towards Tatsun will change again. There was already a meeting in the clan for discussion. For the existence of suspected family orphans like Uchiha, they should try their best to keep him acquainted with their ancestors, even if they are unsuccessful, they must maintain a good social state. They Uchiha are not stupid, but they are For so many years, they have made their reputations in the world of Shinobi with the help of writing round eyes.

But Uchiha's clan also has wise men. For such a powerful person in the clan who can strengthen the family's strength and expand the family's influence, who doesn't want to draw in? But if this is the offspring of Uchiha Madara, then we have to make a new plan. Kagami does not want the Uchiha clan to bear the name of collegiate with the enemy and judge the village.

Chapter 586: Disagreement

Now their Uchiha clan has finally won the trust of the second and third generations of Hokage through the efforts of the whole clan, and they have been able to preserve the family. Unlike Uchiha's just defected, the whole clan was so turbulent and no one dared to move.

Since Uchiha Tatsu may be Madara's descendants, their plan to woo Tatsu must be eliminated.

Uchiha Koji smiled awkwardly: "This, this is really amazing, I didn't expect this to be the case..."

Speaking of this, Uchiha Mirror paused and then watched the three generations of Naruto Tobihiro with a serious face and said: "Please rest assured, we have nothing to do with that Uchiha Tatsuno, and we don’t want to talk to him. What's the relationship, our Uchiha clan will always be Konoha's Uchiha clan!"

Today's Konoha is different from the Konoha who had withered talents at the time of Chen. Today's Konoha is full of talents. In the past, there were two generations of Naruto and three generations of Naruto Konoha, Shigeru Hagaki, the head of the dark department of Naruto Konoha. Emerging forces such as Bofeng Shuimen, Pig Deer Butterfly, etc. are slowly growing.

Although the Uchiha clan is strong, it is not strong enough to withstand their siege. In addition, Uchiha Kagami was originally a disciple of the second generation of Naruto, and the leader of the peace group in the clan. In this way, he has a good opinion of the third generation of Hokage. Loyalty does not seem strange.

Hearing Uchiha Kagami's words, Sarutobi Hizumi smiled kindly, the old face looked like a wrinkled chrysanthemum under the compact smile. Although Mirror wanted to laugh, he endured it in this serious atmosphere.

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