And those history are all covered in false appearances, no one knows, maybe Uchiha Madara is half a person who knows the inside story, but even he only vaguely knows something he should know, like Datongmu Huiye, and the origin of the moon, he has no way of knowing, and Heijue will never tell him the truth.

It can be said that they are the only ones who understand all historical truths.

" is this possible!" Nara Lujiu shook his head in shock, with a look of disbelief: "Why, why have we never heard of it? Why? And why do you know these things? "

"Is there an ancestor of the Uchiha clan?" Shigeru Hagaki nodded thoughtfully. Although Uchiha Tatsuno just said casually and did not go on, the keen Shigeru Hagaki did. After catching the point, although his other news is shocking enough, no one has ever told him that the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan actually have such a connection.

On the other hand, Hinji Hinji and Hinata Hyuga were so angry that they were speechless at the moment. They were originally just a joke, but I didn’t expect Uchiha Tatsumi to actually tell this history, Hyuga. Huoto was trembling with anger. He tremblingly raised his finger to Uchiha Tatsun and said, ""

"Who knows if what you said is true or not, in case it was all made up by you!" Hinata Naruto was not convinced, still stunned.

However, Uchiha Tatsuno didn't pay attention to him anymore, instead he said flatly: "As you please, you are happy."

Originally, Uchiha Tatsuno didn't need to prove anything, who is he? Except for Kaguya Ji, the strongest person in the Naruto World, he is worried that someone from the Hyuga branch will question him? He was just being bored, and he didn't care how big a sensation in the Ninja world would be if his remarks were spread out.

Although Hyuga Naruto was still doing his best, he had already faintly agreed with Uchiha Tatsumi's words in his heart, otherwise he would not have made that look.

Chapter 599: Barabara

"Huohu!" Hyuga Kenji gently shook his head at the Huohu, and then looked at Uchiha Tatsumi respectfully: "Then, since your excellency said that, is your excellency a descendant of the so-called Otsuki clan? ?"

Tatsun shook his head: "Except for the Hyuga clan, the descendants of Hamura are left with the Taketori clan on this ground. It is a pity that I am neither of them, and the Otsuki clan living on the moon is to prevent a certain day of the night. Ji broke out to monitor Kaguya Ji, so he would not come to the ground."

"Then why do you have white eyes? It seems that your identity has nothing to do with white eyes, right?" Xian Ci continued to ask.

Uchiha Tatsun frowned impatiently and said: "I said why you are so annoying as an old man, didn't I say. Returning to the ancestors, are you deaf if you have no ears?"

Uchiha Tatsumi’s impatient tone made Hyuga Enki's breath stagnate. Yes, because he had no evidence, he could not debunk Uchiha Tatsumi’s words. After all, he had nothing to prove Uchiha Tatsumi’s words were wrong. Even, he faintly felt that Uchiha Tatsu was not fooling them.

Perhaps the truth of this ninja world is like what he said. But what he didn't understand was why he would know Xin Mi, whom no one had ever known.

Hyuga Xianji thought for a while, and said, "Then, sir, why have we never heard of this before? Nothing about the ancestors of Hamura has been recorded in our family's genealogy."

Enji Hyuga had used words like Hamura's ancestors accidentally, which shows that he has actually accepted Uchiha Tatsumi's words from his heart.

Tatsumi smiled, so-called not to hit the smiley person, since Hyuga Enji is such a respectful and humble question, then Uchiha Tatsumi is not good to say something about him, if he is like Hinata Nizu or Akudo Chingza like Uchiha Tatsumi. In death, maybe it will be another ending.

Now that I have said so much, it doesn't matter if I say more about Uchiha Tatsuno.

After sorting out the language, Chen said, "In fact, why are these things unknown? Because the six immortals buried the truth of these things, after all, even they could not really kill their mother Datong. Mu Keiyahime can only seal her on the moon. In order to prevent someone from doing evil and release Otsuki Keiyahime to harm the world, Hamura and Hayi decided to bury the truth of this period of history."

"Is that so?" Xianci nodded thoughtfully, and after understanding, he took a step back, indicating that he had no doubts in his mind now.

Hearing this, Nara Shigeru smiled bitterly and spread his hands towards Uchiha Tatsumi, and then looked at Shigeru Hagaki and said, "Master Shigeru, the situation may have exceeded our expectations now. If Mr. Tatsun said everything he said, If it is true, then this matter is no longer for us to make a decision."

As he said, Nara Shikahisa turned his head and looked at Uchiha Tatsumi solemnly: "Mr. Tatsun, these things you said are beyond the scope of our decision-making, so... I think... what evidence can you have to prove that these things are all? Is it true? Or from where did you see the content, the truth of the fact that it was buried by the six immortals, even our village of Konoha does not have the slightest record."

"It's actually very simple to be sure." Uchiha Tatsumi smiled mysteriously. "There is actually a record of this incident in Konoha, but the thing recorded in that place is somewhat different from the version I said. After all, it is. Content that has been modified."

"Where?" Nara Lujiu's eyes lit up and hurriedly said.

"On the clan land of the Uchiha clan, on the stone monument under the Nanga Shrine, there is a record of this matter on it, but the incident recorded on it is not the complete version of the whole event, and the stone monument was Some of the information on it has been modified by others, and a lot of it has been deleted. More importantly, the content on the stele can only be seen with a kaleidoscope written by the eye. Other people even if you are of super shadow level strength. The strong, if you don’t have a kaleidoscope, you can’t see it."


"Hey! Believe it or not, I don't want to lie to you." Uchiha Tatsuno nodded and said: "Otherwise, why do you think our ancestor Uchiha Madara defected? If you didn't see the stone stele that was manipulated. , Will he give birth to such a pessimistic thought of destroying the world?"

"Hi..." Hearing Uchiha Tatsumi's name that is taboo throughout Konoha, he seemed to know something, Shigeru Hagaki couldn't help taking a deep breath. However, he didn't grasp the point of the matter, and Nara Lujiu found the clue in his words.

"Uchiha Madara? That man!" Nara Lu couldn't help but lower his head in thought for a long time, then suddenly raised his head and said: "I wonder if you can tell who changed the content of the stone tablet?"

Chen shook his head: "I don't know, but I know that the content on the stele was originally Yuyi, which is the last clue left by the six immortals. If you want to modify the information left on it, unless it is reached. With the strength of the Six Dao Immortals, otherwise it would not be possible to modify the content on the stone tablet so easily."

Here Uchiha Tatsumi lied a little bit. Of course, he knows who modified the content on the stone tablet, but he will not tell Kurozutsu out. After all, he still needs someone to give Otsuki Kaguyahime to him. Released, if all the secrets are revealed at this time, then what is the meaning of this world?

Always leave a little suspense to the world, right? If you want to make the world a little bit interesting, hide something, maybe something unexpected will happen.

Hearing this, Nara Shiji thought for a long time and quietly approached Hagaki Shigeru and whispered in his ear: "Masaku-sama, it seems that now the Uchiha clan has opened a kaleidoscope to write round eyes, it seems that only Kagami-sama Right? Are we..."

Shigeru Hagaki nodded and said, "Well, I will tell him about this matter. Also, this matter is no longer something we can decide. It must be reported to the three generations of adults to make a decision. Unexpectedly, In just a few days, we have already reported so much information, I don’t know what the three generations of adults will think..."

Chapter Six Hundred: After the Event

Shigeru Hagaki smiled bitterly and shook his head. This was not what he had hoped for. But now that the matter is at this point, it can only be this way. He raised his hand and said to everyone: "Today's matter will be counted as the top secret of Konoha and the entire Ninja World. No one is allowed to disclose what happened today. , Otherwise... it should be punished as a betrayal of the village!"

After Hagishi Shigeru said this, he suddenly opened his eyes, and a powerful murderous intent burst into his eyes. It seemed that if everyone present didn't agree, he would really kill someone.

"Yes!" everyone said again and again.

Seeing everyone nodded, Shigeru Hagaki couldn't help taking back his aura in satisfaction, took out the seal paper from the ninja bag and pasted it against Hinji Enji and Hinoji and said, "Sorry, it's not that I don't believe you, just But it’s a big deal. We must proceed with caution in this matter, so we must seal your memory..."

Hearing Hagaki Shigeru's words, Hyuga Enji and Hyuga Naruto did not show any dissatisfaction. They lightly shook their heads and said: "We still know the matter. After all, it is such an important event, and I am afraid we want to keep it. Can't keep the secret."

Xianci smiled bitterly. There was no way. As a branch of the Hyuga clan, they didn’t have any secrets in front of the clan. Will involuntarily tell the secrets, so it is said that only sealing the memory is the best choice.

It seems that he also understands the helplessness of Xianji and Hyuga Naruto. Shigeru Hagaki showed a look of guilt, but the movements on his hand did not relax because of guilt. I saw Shigeru Hagaki sticking the seal charm on the two. On his body, his hands quickly formed a seal, and the Yin attribute Chakra in his body began to surge.

Immediately, he pointed at Hinata’s forehead, and with the other hand on Hinata Enji’s chest, he placed a seal technique on the two of them. Only those with the same strength as him or even more than him can unlock them. The spell on his body, but with the strength of Shigeru Hagaki's Super Shadow-level, if you want to unlock the spell, you need another super-shadow-level power to solve it.

But at present, the strongest of the Hyuga clan has barely reached the shadow rank, and there is no super shadow rank strong, so it is not easy for them to unlock the spell.

After the two of them were sealed with their memories, they only felt their heads groggy, and a staggered foot underneath them immediately fainted. Fortunately, Shigeru Hagaki quickly embraced the two of them with his eyesight, and placed them gently on their seats.

Originally, it was best to seal the memory of the two people by Nara Lukisa. After all, the chakras in his body are all Yin chakras, and the sealing charm requires the Yin chakras, but Nara Luku has the strength. It's too bad, only one person can barely be sealed and he will lose his strength because Chakra is exhausted, and he can't seal two people at all.

What's more, even if he is sealed, with his strength that is not superior to the elites, it is easy for the strong of the Hyuga clan to unlock the seal. To be on the safe side, Shigeru Hagaki is the best to do it, and it can be regarded as giving two. People have enough respect.

Seeing that Shigeru Hagaki had sealed the memory of the two people but did not seal his own memory, Shigeru Nara couldn't help but curiously asked, "Master Shigeru, what about me? Seal my memory too."

Putting the two together, Shigeru Hagaki turned his head and looked at Nara Luji hehe and smiled: "You don’t have to, I believe you, as the next Nara clan patriarch’s heir, there is no need to seal the memory, and I still need it. You help me analyze the situation together!"

Lujiu crooked his mouth and couldn't help thinking in his heart: "Believe? Believe in a ghost, I am afraid that you want to pull me to do a coolie." Knowing that he can't escape this disaster, Nara Lujiu can only sigh helplessly: " Okay, Master Maoshuo, just tell me what you have."

Shigeru Hagaki didn't speak for the first time, but glanced at Uchiha Tatsumi. Seeing this, after knowing that I don’t need him here for the time being, Uchiha Tatsu boringly shrugged his shoulders and turned away and said, "Okay, since there is nothing for me, then I will leave first. Just call me when I leave, not send it. ."

Chen waved his hands with his back to the two, and walked out of the tent with Xianci in one hand and the fire in the other.

After seeing Uchiha Tatsuno going out, Shigeru Hagaki breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Uchiha Tatsuo’s oppressive force was still too great. Even if he didn’t say a word, he felt a sense of depression when he stood here. People are extremely uncomfortable.

Taking this opportunity, Hagaki Shigeru set up a soundproof barrier inside the tent. A large semicircular transparent light cover enveloped the entire tent. In the soundproof enchantment, no matter how the two talked, they would not be heard by outsiders.

"Okay, now it's time to talk about how to deal with this matter." Shigeru Hagaki breathed a little after he lowered the soundproof barrier, turned his head and looked at Nara Lukisa, only to find that Nara Lukuji was lowering his head in thought at this moment.

"What do you think of Shirosaku-sama?" Nara Shikahisa did not say his answer, but asked rhetorically.

Shigeru Hagaki thought for a while, "About what he said, it should be half and half. We believe half of it at best. Who knows if the other half is true. But this thing is too horrible, who can think of a blank eye. It's actually involved something that happened thousands of years ago."

"Who knows..." Nara deer curled his mouth for a long time, picked up a fruit from the table and kept throwing it in his hand: "If you want me to tell, this matter is not as exaggerated as you said, he doesn't need to lie. We, I think all what he said should be true. Besides, didn’t he say that there are records of things left by six immortals at Nanga Shrine. We only need to investigate and we will be able to know the truth of the matter."

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