"It's also..." After hearing this, Shigeru Hagaki nodded, and then as if thinking of something, he suddenly laughed: "Hahaha, who would have thought that things were like this back then? No wonder the truth of the matter will be. It was buried. But what shocked me the most was that the Uchiha clan had the same ancestor as the Senju clan, which was unexpected."

"I didn't pay attention to this, but we reported to the third generation that the next three generations should personally investigate this matter, so we don't need to worry about it."

"Yeah." Shigeru Hagaki sighed lightly: "Kaleidoscope writing round eyes, this time I will trouble Master Jing. In fact, the less people know about this matter, the better, but one of them can't get around. The Uchiha people."

Nara Shigeru frowned slightly, he knew what Shigeru Hagaki was worried about, it was nothing more than the Uchiha clan. He was worried that what Tatsun said was true, and Uchiha Kami would choose to defect like that man after seeing the contents of the shrine.

Chapter six hundred and one: meaningless suspicion

According to Uchiha Tatsuno's words, the man, the god-like man, took the road after seeing the news on the stone tablet.

That's why he chose to defect. When he said that he wanted to view the information on the stele, he needed a kaleidoscope to write round eyes. After Shigeru Hagaki's first reaction, he thought of Uchiha Mirror.

"I just don't know how Uchiha-sama will react after seeing the information on the stone tablet." Shigeru Hagaki sighed, helplessly sat down, holding a pen in his hand, and didn't know how to write.

Nara Luji thought slightly, as if he had thought of something. After reacting, he subconsciously asked: "What? Lord Shigeshu, what did you just say?"

"Huh? I'm worried that Master Jing will choose the same path as that man after seeing the content on the stone tablet..."

"No." Nara Shigeru denied Haaki Shigeru's speculation. He seemed to know Shigeru Hako's concerns and couldn't help but comforted: "King-sama is committed to maintaining the relationship between the Uchiha family and the village. Adding to the fact that he is the apprentice of the second-generation Naruto Master, it is basically impossible to embark on that man’s path."

Speaking of Nara Shigeru patted Shigeru Hagaki on the shoulder, it seemed that he wanted to relax his mind. After all, this matter hasn't happened yet, although Uchiha Tatsu's words can't be ignored, there is no need to believe too much.

After all, even though he is now Konoha's ally for the time being, such a powerful ally Konoha is not sure that he can control it. The covenant concluded when the strength of the two sides is not equal is actually not safe.

Because the strong side is likely to repent and break the contract at any time, but Konoha, as the weak side, has no way to protest, and can only passively accept Uchiha Tatsu’s contract breaking.

Even, they don't even have a place to condemn.

Besides, when the intelligence is not equal, you must be careful in everything. After all, it is the intelligence given by the potential enemy. If you believe it all, then it is really a fool and too straightforward.

In fact, Shigeru Hagi still understands this truth, but the authorities are obsessed with bystanders, and Shigeru Hagi cares too much about Konoha. As the so-called caring is chaotic.

Nara Lukisa is relatively calmer than Shigeru Hagaki. In other words, he is also a guy with an IQ of more than two hundred and five. Nara Lukisa is indeed a very reliable teammate without being emotional.

After hearing this, Shigeru Hagaki spread his hands, pushed away the paper and pen in front of him, and looked sideways at Nara Shigeru with a smile and said, "Well, then you can write. I'm a little tired. I'm afraid it will take a good rest. I will leave the report to the three generations of adults to you. Come on."

Speaking of Shigeru Hagi, he stood up and pulled Nara Kajiu to the main seat, patted him on the shoulder to show encouragement, and then walked away under Nara Shijiu's expression of resentment.

"I knew it would be like this, why am I so stupid..." Nara Shigeru wanted to cry without tears, looking at the direction of Shigeru Hagaki's departure with an expression of impenetrable expression on his face.

Since he is already in place at this moment, it is impossible for him to leave now even if he wants to leave. Immediately smiled helplessly, lifted the pen in his hand, and fell into contemplation looking at the white paper in front of him.

After thinking for a long time, Nara Lu was still unable to write.

"Uchiha Tatsu..." Nara Kaji squinted his eyes through the gap in the entrance of the tent, watching the sun shine through the gap into the tent, and couldn't help muttering to himself: "A person without any traces of movement, Who are you...or, you are not from this world at all!"

Wandering in Konoha Camp, Uchiha Tatsuno didn't even know that Nara Shikahisa had begun to doubt his identity.

But even if he knew it, it didn’t matter. After knowing that this was just a parallel world, Uchiha Tatsuno no longer worried that his actions would affect the history after Naruto World. That’s why he was so unscrupulous that it would affect the plot of future generations. matter.

Uchiha Tatsuno wanted to see if he changed the plot line of this parallel world, whether it would affect his own world.

As for what will happen in this world, he doesn't care at all. In this world, there are only one or two people he cares about. As long as there is no deviation in their life trajectory, then everything is not a big problem.

At the same time, in the tent of Shigeru Hagaki, Nara Yakuhisa has begun to write down what Uchiha Tatsuya said today.

He wrote those words on the paper intact, whether it was about Otsuki Teruyahime or the grievances between the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan, and even he wrote some of his own opinions afterwards.

In his opinion, it is essential to visit the Nanga Shrine of the Uchiha family. Even if it is the ancestral land of the Uchiha clan, it is necessary.

Even more, not just let Uchiha Kagami pass alone, but must pass with someone to accompany him.

Although Nara Shikahisa said that he should trust Uchiha Mirror, in fact, his preventive measures are not lacking at all.

Before he defected, didn't that man still give everything for Konoha? Didn't he choose to defect at the last minute?

In the letter, Nara Lukisa strongly recommended the three generations of Naruto Sarutobi to go there in person. This matter is of great importance, and it is absolutely impossible to let more people know about it. If possible, he hoped that this information would be burned out after being caught in the eyes of Sarutobi Hiruchi.

In his opinion, no one can believe except Sarutobi, who is a third-generation Naruto, even if it is him, he will take the initiative to apply to seal his memory after the matter is over here. If you can, don't even tell Danzo. This is what Nara Lukisa clearly wrote on the paper.

Except death, only forgetting is the best way to protect secrets.

Nara Lukisa’s suggestions are carefully considered word by word and sincere in every sentence. Basically, every utterance is analyzed from Konoha's perspective, and there is no habit of laziness and procrastination in the past.

He himself knew what kind of sensation this incident would cause if it were exposed, so he had to be cautious, and be careful not to let the exposure of Konoha Village become the target of the Ninja World.

After writing his suggestions and Shigeru Hagaki's suggestions, Nara Shigeru carefully checked it and made sure that there were no errors, and then sealed the information for three layers. It also imposed a ban. Only then did the Anbu members be called out to make them rush. Give it to the three generations of Hokage in Iwanin Village.

Chapter 602: Before the War

After Nara Shigeru wrote the information, he did not give it to Shigeru Hagaki to read it again, but sent it away directly.

Shigeru Hagaki has said all that should be said. Nara Lukisa is not a fool. He knows what should be written and what must be written.

Now that Hagigi Shigeru has emphasized that, Nara Lukuji has no need to do anything more, and he himself has walked out of the tent, which means that this matter is over, and then Nara Lukuji will do it.

If Nara Luji didn't even have this courage, then he would not be worthy of being the recognized heir of the Nara clan.

Moreover, at the end of the information, Nara Lujiu has clearly written that this matter cannot be known to more people, even Danzo.

There are not many people in this world who can trust. If too many people know about it, Konoha is bound to become a target. At that time, they will not only face the crusades from the four major countries, at that time, their Konoha will become the public enemy of the entire Ninja World until Konoha is defeated.

After sending the information away, Nara Lu could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, lying weakly all over on Shigeru Hagaki's table.

What he experienced today has exceeded Nara's imagination. It can be said that the number of times he was surprised in one day has exceeded the sum of all the times in the previous twenty years.

Even Nara Lu had a faint feeling for a long time that after discovering the truth of this world, nothing could surprise him anymore. Perhaps this is what people often say about being insulted.

Nara Shikajiu was lying on the table. He felt that the things they had experienced during this period of time seemed to be a little bit. The Uchiha Tatsu matter alone has been reported to the third generation of Sarutobi Hisaki three times in a row, not to mention that they have about this. The situation of the second battle can be said to be the most tiring battle he has ever experienced.

Nara Shikuji feels the desolation of his own situation in the tent, but the entire Konoha camp will not stop acting just because of his desolation alone.

When the switch of Gears of War is activated, it is not so easy to stop.

Preparation for a battle is definitely not something that can be done simply by gathering all the people.

After receiving their respective tasks, the elite ninjas had already summoned their subordinates, but at this time they did not disclose their respective tasks to their subordinates.

After packing up, the crowd gathered on the flat ground in front of the camp, waiting for others to arrive.

Slowly, the crowd began to rustle up. When the entire Konoha camp had assembled, the Nara deer who led the salted fish in his tent with the Nara deer was long overdue.

Standing on a high platform, looking at the group of ninjas facing him with their heads up and their chests widened in front of him, Shigeru Hagaki flashed a trace of unbearableness in his heart. After this battle, I don’t know how many of these lively lives are still alive. return.

However, this bit of unbearableness is just a passing moment. After all, people who have experienced World War II have long been accustomed to the separation of life and death, and will not abandon this battle plan just because they can't bear the death of their companion.

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