War always kills people, and as ninjas, they should have the consciousness of death as early as the moment they become ninjas. Ninjas have never played family games. Moreover, in their hearts, if they can bring victory to Konoha, what about sacrificing them?

Shigeru Hagi closed his eyes, took a sharp breath, slowly relaxed his body, and a stale breath came out of his nose.

"Okay!" Shigeru Hagaki opened his eyes to look at the ninjas off the court, and Chakra in the luck said loudly: "Now everyone is here. I think everyone should already know what the purpose of this gathering is. Bar."

"Yes! After the approval of three generations of adults, we are ready to launch the final general attack on the ninjas in Sand Ninja Village. The plan has been assigned to the captain of each squad. We must fight the sand in this war. Shinobu defeated! But!"

With that said, Shigeru Hagi paused here, but he hesitated for a moment before he said: "This battle is different from the past. The sacrifice rate in this battle may be the highest casualty rate since this battle. , Even those elite ninjas and even me, there is the possibility of sacrifice in this war."

Hearing Shigeru Hagaki said so, the audience couldn't help but buzzing and talking in a low voice. Who is Shigeru Hagaki? Since World War II, he has played a terrible name, as one of the most feared people in each Ninja Village, but now even he says that he is not sure to save himself in this war, let alone they are forbearing and forbearing?

Could it be said that the senior management has planned to use them as cannon fodder? At this time, people couldn't help but have such thoughts in their hearts, so the discussion couldn't help but grow louder again.

"Okay! All be quiet!" Shigeru Hagaki knew what they were thinking, and interrupted their discussion. When everyone on the field calmed down slowly, Shigeru Hagaki couldn't help but nodded and said: "I Know what you are thinking, don’t worry. As Konoha’s ninja, he will never let his companions become cannon fodder. I, Shigeru Hagi, here promises that as long as I have a breath, I will never let any of them go. A companion, even if it's just a ninja! I do what I say!"

After hearing the assurance from Shigeru Hagaki, the people barely breathed a sigh of relief. After all, as a commander on the battlefield, his words will not deceive people.

"In view of the high casualty rate in this war, there are now unspeakable things in the family. Those who are afraid of death and don't want to participate in the war and have no offspring. I allow you not to participate in this battle, so is there anyone? Stand up and I will let you Retreat with the logistics forces! Don't worry, I will do what I say."

However, after Shigeru Hagaki said this sentence, no one stood up for a long time. Everyone straightened their chests and looked at Shigeru Hagaki with a heroic expression. Not even one person took a half step forward. And those who were a little scared in their hearts, after seeing their companions did not stand up, their faces blushed but they did not choose to stand up.

"No one?" Shigeru Hagaki frowned slightly. "I said the last time that the casualty rate in this battle will be very high, so those who are unspeakable or afraid can stand up and I will allow you to follow. The logistics forces retreat!"

Chapter Six Hundred and Three: The War Begins

Shigeru Hagi repeated this sentence three times, but he still didn't see anyone moving half a step. Upon seeing this, he couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay!" He laughed and said, "As expected of Konoha's good boys, they are all good! In that case... let's go!"

There is no need for pre-war oaths, nor need to boost morale before the war, just the few words that Hagishi Shigeru said before are enough.

The current Konoha ninjas are united, their morale has already reached the highest point, there is no need to do any more bells and whistles.

After receiving the order from Shigeru Hagi to start, a group of Konoha ninjas moved slightly, and they all used the instantaneous technique to leave and head to their respective mission locations.

After everyone had left, Shigeru Hagaki sighed slightly, and said to Nara Kajiu behind him: "Lujiu, are we right to take this risk..."

Nara Shikahisa understood the concerns in Shigetsu's heart, smiled slightly, and gave him a hint of encouragement, and said: "Don't worry, Mr. Shigeshu, we Konoha will win this battle! Also, you are the commander, don't be here. Putting such an anxious look in front of the people below will affect morale."

Shigeru Hagi nodded: "I know this." The expression on his face gradually returned to normal. Looking up at the sky, the morning sunlight has already shone on the earth, and as the first warmth of sunlight is spreading down, the time at this moment is a sign that it is almost noon.

"It's time for us to act too!" As he said, Shigeru Hagaki waved his hand, and all the logistics staff, plus the medical ninjas and wounded, began to pack up the entire Konoha camp.

Immediately, Shigeru Hagaki entrusted the commander’s warrant to Nara Luhisa, and let him take responsibility for the relocation of the entire camp on his behalf. Shigeru Hagi had his own mission, and it was impossible to guard the Konoha camp all the time. He had already assigned several elite Shangren to assist Nara Luji to protect Konoha's logistics staff.

"Your injury hasn't healed, so you can retreat with them. You were the commander of the camp when I was away. You make all decisions. Don't let my trust in you be disappointed!"

Shigeru Hagaki patted Lujiu's shoulder, Lujiu's expression of trust made Lujiu slightly moved. He nodded fiercely: "Don't worry. I will protect them to the death."

"Take care!" Nara Lu took a deep look at Shigeru.

"Take care!" Shigeru Hagaki chuckled, "You must be alive!"

After saying that, Shigeru Hagaki disappeared into Konoha Camp in a flash.

Although Shigeru Hagaki's injury is not completely complete, the injury on his body at this moment has long been unable to affect his actions. Even after these few battles, Shigeru Hagaki's strength faintly reached a new level.

So now even if he can only display 70% of his strength, he is still the Konoha White Fang who frightens all ninjas! This time the war with him is equal to half of the success, and the other half depends on how the other Konoha ninja plans are implemented.

When the entire Konoha Camp was leveled up, Uchiha Tatsumi, who closed his eyes in the tent, suddenly opened his eyes: "Has the plan begun?"

As his voice slowly became lower, and finally reached a low level that was inaudible, his figure gradually disappeared in the tent. There was only a small piece of paper slowly falling from the air, indicating that someone once existed here.

However, after parting with Shigeru Hagi, Lujiu Nara walked straight to Tatsun's tent. When he saw that there was no Tatsun in the tent, Lujiu's breathing could not help but suffocate slightly.

Fortunately, he saw the piece of paper falling on the ground, picked it up and frowned.

The main idea is that since your large forces have already started to move, then I should also leave, don't worry. He will do what he promises you!

After reading this note, Nara Shika's frowning brows slowly unfolded. After all, although their plan is good, there are many loopholes in it. Without Uchiha Tatsu's powerful off-site assistance, I am afraid that the casualties would be really heavy.

In Nara Luji's heart, as long as Tatsun can save the next two teams, it is good. He does not expect Tatsu to save all Konoha ninjas, which is impossible in his opinion.

"Please... everybody, victory or defeat is once again!" Nara Shika couldn't help muttering to himself for a long time, holding the note tightly.

After Uchiha Tatsuno left Konoha Camp, he immediately developed his perception abilities.

At that moment, this invisible ripple centered on Uchiha Tatsumi, spreading towards the surroundings.

Everywhere the ripples swept, Chen's perception was everywhere. In just one breath, Uchiha Tatsumi was able to sense the Konoha ninjas of several teams that appeared within his range of perception.

Seeing that they are moving in the direction they seem to be the secret outpost strongholds in Sand Ninja Village, as well as the strongholds where Sand Ninja Village hoards supplies.

"It seems that they want to play guerrilla warfare! I didn't expect that the guy Nara Lukisa would have two sexes." Uchiha Tatsuno touched his chin and couldn't help thinking like this in his heart.

"However, if you think that this will kill and maimed Sha Ninja Village, then you are too naive." Chen chuckled, "So the ultimate goal is to lure them all out? It's a bit troublesome. "

In just a time of perception, Uchiha Tatsumi understood the strategy Nara Lukisa had come up with. However, he did not act on this, but hid himself in the void, and separated several wooden clones to go to various battlefields, observing the every move of the ninjas in Konoha Village.

Of course, this is not to save them after they are weak, but to witness what is behind the scenes of this battle.

Chen didn't understand what was going through in the Battle of Kikyo Mountain to make people so silent. Was it a partial skirmish or because of the overall battle?

In order not to miss every clue, Uchiha Tatsuo decided to separate the wooden clone and go to various battlefields to investigate the situation, so as to ensure that Uchiha Tatsuno witnessed every struggle of the Kikyo Mountain throughout the whole process. Only in this way can we better discover the secrets of the Battle of Kikyo Mountain.

Uchiha Chen is in the void, his mind is attached to his perception ability, and it continues to expand to the surroundings.

However, in this state, he cannot spread his perception to the entire Ninja world, unless he activates the true six modes to extend his perception to the entire Ninja world.

Chen is not so stupid, even if it is necessary to use six modes, it is not so useful. Besides, there is still one person who makes him feel jealous that hasn't appeared.

Chapter 604: The battle begins

Chen didn't do that. He was not a fool. If the Six Ways Mode were really so simple, it would be overkill.

Everyone should keep their own hole cards, and Uchiha Tatsumi's hole cards are the last six patterns in addition to the strong system.

Before the appearance of Otsuki Kaguya, try not to use this state if it can be used.

Kawa no Kuni says that big is not big, but small is not too small. During this day, Konoha’s ninjas spent most of their time on the road. When they arrived at their respective mission locations, it was not until this time that the captain-level ninjas revealed their real plans. .

Obviously, no matter who it was, he looked surprised after hearing this plan. They were all shocked by their commander's magnanimity.

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