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Chapter 44: Suzuo Nenghu

"Who are you? Damn, what did you do to Ang? Quickly let go." A little girl with some freckles on her face shouted to Chen.

"Beidou, don't come over!" Seeing that the little girl wanted

At this time, other ninjas in the village also noticed the strangeness here, and gathered one after another. Seeing Chen even holding the children of their village, the star ninjas surrounded Chen with anger.

"Who are you? How dare to break into the territory of Xingyin Village, and even dare to hold our people from Xingyin Village, so brave."

"Okay, stop yelling, I'm not interested in your Xingyin Village at all. It's best to get out of here, otherwise I can't guarantee what will happen." Chen looked at him and surrounded him. Xing Ren said disdainfully.

"Asshole, you have been surrounded by us, and you dare not say anything. No matter who you are, we will catch you first and hand it over to Red Star. Let's go!"

"Stop everyone, don't... don't act rashly, none of you are his opponents." Seeing that Xing Ren wanted to shoot Chen, Ang immediately stopped anxiously. He knew Chen's strength, and even their strongest ninja, Red Star, was not Chen's opponent, let alone those in front of him were only the stars of the middle and lower ninja strengths.

"Ah! What are you talking about? We are not his opponents, don't be kidding us, we are just a stinky kid, I can fight ten of you like this, and you are kidnapped by him only to prove that you are a waste."

"Hahaha! Ang, are you afraid that if we do it, will he hurt you? Don't worry, we will let him practice without any chance of hurting you, and we will get rid of him in an instant."

"Hahaha... Ang is really timid! But it is, no matter what, he's just a kid! Hahaha!

The Shinnin people didn't care about Ang's words, they just thought that Ang was defeated by the other party, so they wanted to describe Chen very powerfully so that he would not be so ashamed.

"Huh! Stop talking nonsense, take this kid down first, don't do anything, I'll be enough." Xingxinzhong walked out of a ninja and said to his surrounding companions, and then sneered at Chen contemptuously. Said: "Boy, I don't care who you are, don't want to run away from me!"

"Asshole! Idiot! Lord Red Star is not his opponent, he has been killed by him, do you think you will be more powerful than Lord Red Star?" Seeing the star ninjas ridiculing all the time, Ang felt in his heart at this time. Angry and anxious, shouted at them.

"You...what did you say? This is impossible!"

"Ang...what nonsense are you talking about? How could Red Star Lord..."

"Asshole, if you talk nonsense like this, we can't just let it go."

In Ang Dao, the killing of Red Star was revealed. The people in Xingren were angry, angry, and unbelievable. However, they all remained skeptical, and did not fully believe Ang's words.

"Are you finished? Forget it... I have lost my patience. Xia Xing hasn't come out, so I have to force her out and ruin the village, hehe!" Looking at the squeaky starry Ninja in front of him, Chen has already Don't want to waste time anymore.

Seeing that Chen wanted to do it, Ang was terrified: "You...what do you want to do? Stop it!"

"Idiot!" Chen sneered and sneered, then slowly closed his eyes, and then opened them suddenly. The three-hook jade in his pupils had disappeared, replaced by a pattern resembling a six-pointed star.

"Kaleidoscope writes round eyes!"

"So... what's that? What's the matter with his eyes?"

"These eyes...looking at these eyes makes me feel creepy..."

"How can I feel this way, what kind of eyes are they..."

At the moment when the kaleidoscope was formed, the star ninjas in front could no longer be as calm as before. The Star Ninjas who stare at Chen will make them have a creepy feeling. This fear comes from the depths of their souls, even though they don't know the kaleidoscope's ability to write round eyes.

"But... Damn, we... let's go together! Kill him..." The oppressive feeling from the kaleidoscope made these star ninjas who only have the strength of the middle and lower ninjas mentally collapsed. They didn't think too much at all, and they held Kuwuxiang in their hands. Chen attacked.

Faced with the many stars who attacked him, Chen didn't do anything. One hand was still locked and the other hand was hanging. What would happen if he didn't see him.

"No matter who you are, just die for me!"

Just as the Kuwu Wu of the Ninja Stars was about to pierce Chen's body, a gray chakra visible to the naked eye suddenly appeared beside Chen, which formed the shape of human ribs and immediately wrapped Chen. . And the kunai of the star ninjas stabbing Chen also hit this Cheng Chakra, and was held down by this chakra.

"This...what the **** is this? What the **** is it?"

"Is this the peacock trick? How could it be like this..."

The stars looked at the ribs that wrapped Chen in horror, and shouted in terror.

"Is this my Suzuo? It turned out to be off-white. I don’t know what kind of abilities I can fully realize? It's really exciting. Humph! The peacock magic? It turned out to be Suzuo and your so-called peacock magic. If you compare it, it’s really overkill. Fortunately for you inferior group, you can see the ability that I just acquired. This is the first time I have used this ability, and it happens to use your waste to practice."

"Suzaku? This...what the **** is this? Could it be that when he was fighting against Lord Red Star, he hadn't used all his strength, how could this be...Where is he sacred?" Ang looked at him and wrapped him in. Suzuo Nenghu, incredible secret road.

"Quick, kill him!" After the panic, the Shinobu attacked Chen again, but it was all in vain. Whether it was a Shuriken Kunai or a ninjutsu attack, it was blocked by Susano Noh, and it didn't hurt at all. To the minute of Chen.

"Huh! It's useless, no matter what kind of attack you use, whether it's ninjutsu or physique, under Suzuo Nohu's absolute defense, it has no effect at all, and Suzuo Nohu's ability is not only It's defense..."

Just as Chen's voice fell, Suzuo Nohu's right suddenly transformed into a giant arm skeleton, and then clenched into a fist, the skeleton slammed down at the front star Shinobu. Unexpectedly, several stars were smashed to death and wounded, and a small pit was formed where they were hit.

"This...what kind of monster is this? Not only can it be defensive, but... it can still have such a powerful attack... Damn it, we can't win..." Seeing the damage caused by Suzuo, Ang felt powerless. feel. Then he thought of his friends and shouted: "Beidou, Mizuna, you go quickly, get out of here, we can't beat him, go quickly..."

"No! How can we leave you behind...we must get you out, Ang!" Although the little girl named Beidou felt terrified, she said firmly.

"Stupid, leave soon..." Ang Jie screamed at them. He knew that none of the Beidou and others were Chen's opponents, and fighting with Chen would only kill him.

"Huh! Those who avoid me live, those who block me die!" Chen controlled Suzuo, raised his fist again, and smashed towards the gate of Xingnin Village, smashing the gate directly, and then toward Xingnin Village. To the hinterland.

"He is going to enter the village. Hurry, stop him, stop him anyway." Seeing Chen wanted to enter the village, a Xingren immediately reacted and instructed the Xingren to counterattack Chen, but he was killed by Chen. Suzuo Nenghu grabbed it in his hand.

"Humph!" Chen coldly snorted, and then Suzuo's hand was squeezed forcefully, and the star was pinched to death, and then the corpse was thrown down. The corpse had been severely distorted and it was no longer what it looked like.

"Kazama! But... Damn it, everyone, stop him!"

Just when the Shinnins wanted to attack Chen again, Chen's Suzuo Nenghu changed again, and saw that the ribs once again transformed into an arm skeleton, and even a skull had grown. Look. Going up is like a huge demon, although only the upper body.

Seeing Chen's Suzuo Nenghu unexpectedly evolve again, the ninjas of Star Ninja Village were dumbfounded, and there was only one thought in their hearts.

"Too... terrible, we... we can't win this monster..."

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for collection!

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Chapter Forty-Five: Winning the Stars

Chenshi didn’t want to waste any more time. He directly used the kaleidoscope's ability to write round eyes to condense the Suzuo Nenghu. He planned to use Suzuo all the way to crush Xingnin Village, and he himself wanted to know his Suzuo very much. What it looks like, but also wanting to use these star forbearance as the target of practice.

Chen's Suzuo was raging in Xingyin Village, and every punch would cause a lot of casualties. There was a terrible scene in Xingyin Village. At this time, the Xingren had been divided into two groups, and one group was desperately working hard. Attacking Chen, trying to block Zhuchen's footsteps, a group of people evacuated the crowd urgently, leading the civilians to flee.

"Devil... Devil, you are a demon! Stop it! Stop it!" Looking at the tragedy of the village, he roared at Chen heartbreakingly, "I have already said that those who avoid me live, those who block me die If the summer star does not appear, I will not give up."

"Damn it, you are looking for someone, why do you want to do something to our village? We don't have a person like Summer Star here!"

Chen ignored Ang and continued to manipulate Suzuo to destroy. Although Chen did not deliberately attack the civilians, many civilians were still affected. However, Chen didn't care about these.

"Everybody is not guilty, and you are guilty of it. If you want to blame it, you are too weak."

Just when Chen controlled Suzuo to raging, not far from Xing Nin Village, Xia Xing left the village after getting the star. Originally, Xia Xing had been guarding the Xingying Village in the dark, and following the wishes of the three generations of Xingying, if he restarted cultivation with stars in the village, he would do his best to stop it. And three years ago, Red Star assassinated three generations of Star Shadows and became the acting Star Shadow of Xingyin Village, and then used Stars to cultivate again. So Xia Xing Xing wanted to steal the star, but he hadn't had a chance in the past three years.

Even after Chen appeared today, while Red Star and most of Xingren were facing Chichen, they seized this opportunity and broke into the Xing Cultivation Room, where the few Xingren children who were cultivating around Xingren would be in the training room. Down, and then snatched the star away. Just when she took the star and planned to return to her secret stronghold, she suddenly found that the direction of the village was filled with smoke and smoke. Something must have happened.

"Huh? What's the matter? That direction is... the village! Where exactly has happened? You must go and see!" He said that he knotted his hands and condensed the peacock magic behind him.

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