"Peacock Magic Method. Ling Yun."

Summer Star condensed Chakra into the shape of wings, leaped upward, and flew towards the village. When Xia Xing Xing gets closer and closer to the village, the scene there is getting clearer and clearer. At this time, most of the Xing Ren Village has been destroyed, with gun smoke filled with wailing. A tragic scene appeared before her.

"This... how is this possible... why is it like this?" Xia Xing couldn't believe what was in front of her. It was obvious that the village was still fine when she came to steal the stars just now. I didn't expect it to be just like this after a while. .

Xia Xing speeded up his flight, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the sky above Xingnin Village. Because Susao's body was too arrogant, Xia Xing saw the culprit who was wreaking havoc on Xingnin Village at a glance. Without even thinking about it, he rushed. Go down.

"Damn it, unforgivable. The peacock trick. Bear demon!"

Jumping onto a high ground behind Susao, Xia Xing instantly changed the shape of the peacock's magic method, forming a bear demon like the red star, but the bear demon condensed by the summer star is much larger than the red star bear demon. , The strength is naturally much stronger than the Red Star.

After the bear demon condensed, Xia Xing immediately controlled the bear demon to pounce towards Suzuo. And Chen was originally manipulating Suzuo to toss and kill the star ninjas. Out of trust in Suzu's absolute defense, Chen did not pay attention to the weak attack of the star ninjas, and even more disdain to turn his head. Therefore, he was even unaware of Xia Xing's attack, and was staggered by Xia Xing's bear demon.

Although the bear demon did not break Susao's defenses and did not cause any harm to Chen, it attracted the attention of everyone present. After all, no matter how the Shinnins attacked before, they seemed to be tickling Susao. , You can't even make Suzu move a little bit, let alone stagger Suzu.

"That's... it's the magic of the peacock. Bear demon! Could it be Lord Red Star?"

"Haha! Lord Red Star is back. This kid Ang said that Lord Red Star was killed. It is really unforgivable. Once Lord Red Star defeats the enemy, he will be taught."

After seeing the peacock magic trick by Xia Xing. Bear Demon, the star ninjas became emotional in an instant. The first thing they thought of was their acting star shadow, Red Star! Because looking at the entire Xingyin Village, only Red Star can condense the peacock magic into the form of a beast. In their cognition, Red Star is the strongest among them, and the peacock magic has been practiced to the extreme, and no one is his opponent.

However, some people are happy, and some find it strange.

"It's not right... If he is Lord Red Star, why would he wear a gas mask? And look at it, the peacock magic trick. Bear demon is bigger than the bear demon condensed by Lord Red Star before, and the chakra is also richer. ."

"That's right... indeed!"

"If it weren't for Master Red Star, who would it be? It seems that this person is better than Master Red Star in the attainments of the peacock magic technique."

"Don't worry about that much, now the most important thing is to eliminate this monster, whether that person is Red Star or not, in short, he just used the peacock magic method to attack the monster, it should be our reinforcements. The more advantageous."

Of course, Chen also discovered Xia Xing. Stopped the destruction, just looked at Xia Xing: "She should be the Xia Xing I was looking for, is she finally here?"

At this time, the ninjas of Xingyin Village tried to attack Chen while Chen stopped, but Xia Xing stopped him.

"Don't go over! If you can't beat him, don't shoot."

"Damn..." Although they were very unwilling, the Xingren had to admit this fact. After hearing Xia Xing's words, they stopped their movements and did not dare to act rashly.

"Huh! You are acquainted. However, you are finally willing to appear, Xia Xing!" Chen also lost interest in these Xing Ren, and did not shoot at them anymore, but looked at Xia Xing.

After Chen uttered the name of Xia Xing Xing, the star ninjas of Xingyin Village started talking. Of course, some of these star ninjas are very unfamiliar to Xia Xing. After all, Xia Xing had left Xing Yin Village ten years ago, and only some older Xing Ninjas would have a slight impression of Xia Xing.

"How come... it's really not Lord Red Star."

"Summer Star? Is there such a powerful character in Xingyin Village? How come I have never heard of it."

"I have the impression that it seems to have died ten years ago, how could it still appear here..."

Xia Xing ignored the comments of the stars and didn't explain anything to them. Instead, he said to Chen in surprise, "You know me, do you come for me? No... you are for the stars!"

"Of course, I came here for the so-called star. Apart from the star, there is nothing worth mentioning in this place. I know that the star is in your hands. Give it to you!"

"You attacked the village, is it to force me out?"

"Yes, just to force you out. I know you have been guarding Xingyin Village secretly for ten years, so as long as I attack Xingyin Village, you will definitely appear. It's that simple."

"Asshole, it's just because of this that he did such a tragic thing, unforgivable! I must seek justice for the people who died in the village."

"Stop talking nonsense, I don't have time to waste with you, hand over the star!"

"Hmph! Impossible, Peacock Magic. Bear Demon!" The angry Xia Xing Xing once again condensed the Bear Demon and rushed towards Chen.

PS: Sorry, I originally wanted to save a few chapters and post them when they were on the shelves, but there is really no way, so let's pass a chapter first!

Seeking flowers! Ask for a reward! Seeking collection!

Group tail: 475137322...

Chapter 56: Capture the Stars II

"Hmph! Good come, let you see that my Suzuo is not comparable to your peacock magic techniques that rely on foreign objects to cultivate."

Facing the menacing bear demon, Chen did not evade, but controlled Suzuo Nenghu to raise his fist to greet him. However, the bear demon controlled by Xia Xing is obviously more agile than Tatsuno's Susao. Seeing that it easily dodges Susao's fist, it rushes to Susao's body and a bite is on Susao's shoulders, but This was only a futile effort, and did not cause any harm to Susao Kazutatsu.

And Susao also took advantage of the bear demon hanging on it, tore it from his body with both hands, threw it forward, smashed several buildings, and several stars endured it. spread.

Seeing this scene, Xia Xing also noticed that it was not good. He secretly said: "Damn... The losses and casualties in Xingyin Village are too great. If you continue to work with him here, Xingyin Village will definitely be destroyed by the two of us. If he falls, he must be led elsewhere."

"Peacock magic. Lingyun!"

After making up his mind, Xia Xing immediately took the bear demon back, and then sealed the seal again, condensing Chakra into a pair of giant butterfly-shaped wings, and then flew towards a forest far outside the village.

"Huh! Want to escape? No...I'm afraid that the battle between me and her will ruin Xingyin Village, so do you want to lead me out of Xingyin Village? But it doesn't matter, my goal is just the stars anyway. As for Xingyin Village. , I won’t take it to heart yet, just let them go.” As he said, he relieved Suzuo, and then chased him towards the Xia Xingxing with Moon Step.

Xia Xing wanted to lead Chen away, so she deliberately slowed down the speed of her flight, and Chen didn't catch up too closely. Anyway, he knew Xia Xing would not be able to escape, after all, she also wanted to kill Chen.

Ang, who was held hostage by Chen, looked at Xia Xing's back thoughtfully at this time: "Damn, that person with a gas mask should be the Xia Xing that the demon is looking for. The villagers seem to have said just now, and he used to be too. The ninja in Xingyin Village was dead ten years ago. Why did the dead reappear? Why did they take our star away? I don’t know what happened. I can feel it from him. To an inexplicable sense of intimacy." The hijacked Ang, looking at Xia Xing's figure, was full of questions in his heart.

Soon, Xia Xing came to a forest, standing on the top of a big tree, waiting for Chen's arrival, not long before Chen came here after Xia Xing.

"Why, did you choose a good place?"

"Hey! So you already know my purpose, so why do you want to keep up?"

"I said earlier that my target is the star, so I am not interested in Xingyin Village at all. The reason why I attacked Xingyin Village is only to force you out, since now you have come out. I don’t need to waste time there anymore."

"Why do you decide that the star must be in my hands?"

"Hmph, I naturally have my own basis. Don't talk nonsense, my goal is only star, hand it over, I will leave immediately, otherwise don't blame me for being cruel!"

"Damn, wishful thinking! You have committed such an unforgivable sin, I will make you deserve punishment no matter what, and avenge the people in Xingyin Village who were killed by you!"

"Xia Xing Xing, don't you see who the person I have been holding hostage is? I think you will be very interested! Hehehe~~"

"Oops, does he already know the relationship between me and Ang, so he is holding Ang? How is this possible, damn..." Actually Xia Xingjian discovered that Shinobu was held hostage by Chen, and it was Ang. It was her and Yingying. The only child in the fire. It was just that she found that Chen didn't intend to hurt Ang, and he was also afraid that Chen would use Anglai as a threat to force her to hand over the star after learning about the relationship between Ang and her. Therefore, she did not dare to say anything. But it seemed that the thing she worries the most has happened.

"Shameless! Despicable..." At this time, Xia Xing was not as calm as before, staring at Chen angrily, gritted his teeth and said.

"Huh! Stop talking about these useless things. I'm very impatient. I'll hand over the star quickly. Otherwise... I'll kill him! In your eyes... your son's life is better than Isn't it important to be on that harmful star?"

"What? You...what did you just say? What the **** is going on? Tell me! You tell me..." Ang, who had been silent for a while, heard the conversation between the two and looked at the anti-virus in disbelief. The summer star in the mask suddenly became excited, and asked Chen.

"Huh! Shut up for me, otherwise you will kill you!" Chen ignored Ang's question, snorted coldly, and then the snake hand holding Ang suddenly used force, and immediately squeezed Ang's face red, so painful that he couldn't speak. .

"Stop, let go of him." The opposite Xia Xing saw his son suffering, heartbroken. Hurriedly shouted to Chen.

"Huh! Distressed, right?" Chen said with a sneer, and at the same time relaxed the snake's hand a little, Na Ang immediately panted heavily.

Seeing that Ang was all right, Xia Xing breathed a sigh of relief, and reached out and took off the gas mask from her face, revealing her original appearance.

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