Even I can let you be the captain of the assassination unit under me, and train you as my successor. I Hanzo is also recognized as a strong man in the ninja world.

Under my guidance, your strength will surely grow by leaps and bounds, how about it, and, as long as you agree, you will be the leader of Yuren Village after I abdicate..."

Hanzo has been talking in a good way, trying to draw Uchiha Tatsumi to his camp with profit, and he seems to have seen a picture of Uchiha Tatsumi's uncontrollable consent.

Thinking that he would have a super shadow-level powerhouse under his command, his body couldn't help but start to tremble. This is a great opportunity for their Yunin Village to grow!

Hanzo couldn't help but change the look in Uchiha Tatsumi's eyes. There was endless heat in the old eyes, like a hungry and thirsty person seeing the most abundant and delicious food.

"Oh, sorry I refused!"

"What!" Hanzo is still dreaming about how to harvest the fruits of victory after gaining Uchiha Tatsu's allegiance, how to make Unin Village go further in the three wars, and even the name of the movie began to fantasize. But he was awakened by Uchiha Tatsu's sudden cold water.

"Are you sure you don't think about it anymore?" Hanzo tried to rescue him again: "I am a dignified Sansho Fish Hanzo. How many people want to get my guidance do not have this opportunity. Right now this opportunity is in front of you for nothing. Don't think more about it?"

"You're too rubbish. I'm not as strong as I am, so I'm still pretending to be forceful here!" Uchiha Tatsuno gave Hanzo a contemptuous look.

Hanzo was held back by Tatsun's words, and all the words he had prepared in advance were blocked by his throat.

At any rate, he was also a well-known strong man in the Ninja world, and Chen was ruthlessly exposed in front of a few juniors, which made Hanzo's face a bit uncomfortable.

"You really don't think about it anymore? If you agree now, everything will count..."

"No, **** is always rubbish!" Uchiha Tatsuno interrupted Hanzo without hesitation.

"You forced me!" Hanzo gritted his teeth, his chest fluctuated sharply, and he was going straight into the sky as he saw his anger.

"Humph!" Hanzo snorted coldly, stepped on the giant psychic beast Sansho fish, and yelled out with his hands Jieyin: "Toast, not eat or drink fine wine!"

"The secret technique of poisonous fog!"

The six hundredth is the chapter: Hanzo's performance

Hanzo straightened his hands, and the sansho fish at his feet vomited a big mouthful of poisonous mist. By the poisonous mist sprayed from the mouth of the Sansho fish.

Hanzo took a deep breath, and also released the poisonous gas in his body.

"The secret technique of poisonous fog!"

The poisonous gas in Hanzoo can be said to be in the same vein as that of Sansho fish. The poison sac implanted in Hanzoo’s juvenile body is no longer a simple poison after so many years of assimilation. It is mixed with the poisonous gas contained in the human body. , Formed a more terrible poison.

Hanzo had unplugged his snorkel long before the war began, allowing the poisonous gas in his body to fill the entire battlefield, and now he has added a fire.

It was just in case before, but I didn't expect things to really get to this point in the end.

According to Hanzo's cautious temperament, he would not fail to leave a way for himself.

And this poisonous gas is one of the back roads he left, and it is also the key to his victory. Maybe he competes with Uchiha Tatsun, and only with poison can beat Tatsun.

"Be careful of his poison gas!" Xiao Nan yelled anxiously. Before Chen was born, Hanzo was killed by Nagato. Perhaps Chen didn't know how powerful Hanzo was with poison, but Xiao Nan couldn't be ignorant. The three of Yahiko Nagato have suffered from Hanzo's loss.

It was precisely with this superb use of poison that Hanzo was able to reluctantly contend with the awakened Nagato.

Nagato is not afraid, but Xiao Nan can't stand it. She doesn't have the eyes of Nagato.

It was precisely for this reason that when Nagato went to kill Hanzo, he never brought Xiaonan again.

However, Xiao Nan's fear of Han Zang drug has long been deeply impressed. Even if she is already a shadow-level powerhouse now, the shadow in her heart is not so easy to erase.

Seeing Hanzo's poisoning once again, Xiao Nan's heart was overwhelmed, and she immediately saw Uchi Ha Tatsu throwing a mass of things, she subconsciously took it and saw that it was three small brown pills.

"Eat it." Uchiha Tatsuno did not give too much explanation. Xiao Nan understood what he meant, and took one pill in his bare hand, and then handed the other two to Nagato and Yahiko for them to take.

After Xiao Nan took the pill, she felt a shock in her whole body.

I accidentally inhaled a lot of poison gas during the battle before, and my head was a little dizzy. After taking the pill, the groggy feeling was immediately dispelled. The freshness I had never had before made Xiaonan full of confidence. .

Knowing that the opportunity was rare, Xiao Nan quickly sat down cross-legged, adjusted her breath slowly, and mobilized the few Chakras in her body to slowly recover her strength.

Nagato Yahiko and the two also learned Xiaonan's movements and quickly cross-legged to recover Chakra.

After all, they are not like Xiao Nan's shadow-level powerhouse, at least they are not like Xiao Nan, even if Chakra is lacking in the body, they have the ability to save their lives.

For elites like them, to be put on the battlefield is a proper cannon fodder. If you don't work hard, no one will help them at all.

Uchiha Tatsun didn't take the antidote because he didn't need it. After fusing the power of Ten Tails, there are very few poisons in this world that can work on Tatsun.

As long as he wants to, he can be in a state of inviolability at any time.

Hanzo didn't know the situation of Uchiha Tatsumi at all. Hanzo was half-squinting his eyes at the moment, and he was wholeheartedly releasing the poisonous gas in his body.

Chen did not step forward to attack, he knew that Hanzo, as a demigod once, could not have his own means of defense.

If ordinary people want to take advantage of this opportunity to attack Hanzo, it is really difficult to do.

The poisonous gas began to fill the entire valley, and the three of Uchiha Tatsuno stood in the poisonous fog without dodge.

Hanzo couldn't help but laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, no matter what you are strong but not strong, will I kill you in the end?"

Thinking that the winning ticket is in his hands, he pretended to leak out a look of regret and watched Uchiha Tatsuno and smacked his lips: "It's a pity, such a good talent, if you hand it over to me, you will definitely be able to break through the shackles of the super shadow class. At a high level, my words are still useful now. As long as you hand over those three people to me, I can forget the blame and can still train you as my successor!"

Hanzo looked at Uchiha Tatsuo proudly, he was not worried that Uchiha Tatsuo would not agree.

In his opinion, three people who have nothing to do with him are exchanged for a good future. This is an account that everyone knows how to calculate.

But Uchiha Tatsumi looked at Hanzo with a look of foolish eyes.

After a long time, Hanzo found that Uchiha Tatsuno had no reaction at all, and Hanzo couldn't help but froze for a moment: "Why, why haven't you had an attack yet!"

Hanzo let out an angry roar, subconsciously increasing the output of poison gas.

But all of this is useless. In Chen's eyes, Hanzo is like a clown who is unwilling to accept reality, performing and entertaining himself.

"Damn, damn, damn! Why haven't you been poisoned yet, you should be poisoned now! Hurry up, come down for me!"

Ignoring Hanzo who was hysterical, Uchiha Tatsuno nodded at Xiaonan and asked, "How do you feel?"

"It's much better, thank you." Xiao Nan's expression was complicated, and he subconsciously said softly.

She had only regarded everything as a deal, Uchiha Tatsun took revenge for her, and she gave everything to Uchiha Tatsuo, but she didn't expect Uchiha Tatsuno to make her do those humiliating things at all.

Instead, he agreed to her request, and even rushed over for her not far away. If all this happened to an ordinary woman, she might have been secretly in love.

Gradually, Xiao Nan was no longer in a state of grief more than heart-death. Gradually, Uchiha Tatsu appeared in her heart, not about love, just grateful.

Perhaps this thought will slowly ferment and will become the driving force for Xiao Nan to live again.

"Why why!" Hanzo muttered to himself, who couldn't believe all this. Since his debut, his biggest reliance has been the poison he has cultivated since he was a child.

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