The poison he regarded as invincible now has no effect on the Uchiha Tatsu four people, and the sluggish Hanzo seems to be ten years old in an instant.

It's no wonder that Hanzo had such a reaction. After all, his beliefs have been shattered for many years, and this kind of performance is already considered very good.

"Want to know why?" Chen's mouth curled up and gave Hanzo a playful look.

Chapter six hundred and ninety one: Xiao Nan caught

"Want to know why?" Chen raised a mocking smile at the corner of Chen's mouth and glanced at Han Zang jokingly. His old face couldn't hide the disbelief in Han Zang's eyes.

Until now, he would not believe in the weapon he relied on most, his poison, which had no effect on the four of them.

"Maybe it's not enough time, wait, wait." With a fluke mind, Hanzo cautiously guarded against Uchiha Tatsu's sudden attack, quietly looking forward to his successful release of poison gas.

The result was obviously doomed to failure, Hanzo racked his brains and couldn't think of why his poison would not affect the four of them.

"Could it be because of what they ate before?" Hanzo suddenly flashed, remembering Uchiha Tatsu's weird actions before.

Coupled with Xiao Nan who took the thing and swallowed it, it is not difficult to guess that they must have eaten something.

At this time, Hanzo couldn't think of anything other than understanding the poison.

"It turns out that you have already developed an antidote!" Hanzo gritted his teeth and looked at Uchiha Tatsumi.

He feels like a monkey being teased, directing and acting for a long time here, but he is just watching it as a joke.

It's a pity that even if he knew all this, Hanzo didn't have the courage to fight Uchiha Tatsu positively.

After all, his strongest moves have been cracked by Tatsun, and the poison gas he relies on the most has no effect on Uchiha Tatsu.

In any respect, he can't fight Uchiha Tatsuo, which can be said to be the biggest disaster he has encountered since his debut.

Hanzo cautiously stepped back and took a look at Xiao Nan. Although he was a little flustered, it did not arouse his fear, because he still held the last and largest hole card in his hand.

It was originally just in case, but he didn't expect it to become his last resort.

Uchiha Tatsu waved his hand, and the powerful air current dissipated all the poisonous gas in the entire valley.

Although he is not afraid of these poisonous gases, he is also unwilling to breathe this weird gas all the time. When he thinks that this is from the body of Sansho Fish Hanzo, he feels a deep chill in his heart--this... Is this fart?

"If there is no last word, then wait for death!" Uchiha Chen said coldly. He held kunai in his right hand and raised his hand, as if he was about to throw kunai at Hanzo.

"Wait...wait a minute!" Hanzo hurriedly said. He placed the sickle behind him, then glanced at the sansho fish under his feet, gritted his teeth fiercely, stepped on it with one foot, and made the sansho fish return to the psychic again. Jie: "Don't you want to know the whereabouts of that little girl?"

Sanjiao Hanzo gritted his teeth and told his last reliance. His words caused Uchiha Tatsumi to temporarily put down the kunai in his hand.

"What are you talking about?" Chen frowned and glanced at Xiao Nan's trio subconsciously, and found that Nagato and Yahiko showed shocked expressions, but Xiao Nan, her face looked very calm. "It seems that she should know something." Chen thought so in his heart.

"It's a little girl who looks exactly like that woman, hehe, I didn't expect that she actually has a sister. What a pity, such a good girl will be cut off from the world from now on." Hanzo smiled strangely and pretended to be Said.

"What!" Yahiko couldn't help but yelled: "Damn it, what's the matter with you, Xiao Nan!"

"It's nothing, just grabbed her while she was doing disaster relief in the south. I didn't expect that you guys would dare to do such a blatant disaster relief in my place, do you really mean I don't exist?"

"Damn it!" Yahiko hammered the ground with angrily, "I should have thought about it, I should have thought about it, it doesn't take such a long time for disaster relief! I shouldn't let Xiaonan run to the disaster relief! "Remorseful! Tears dripped from Yahiko's eyes, and he himself blamed himself very much. He was already full of anger when he regarded Xiao Nan as his own family, especially in front of this person who was suspected to be Xiao Nan's sister.

It can be said that Yahiko lost her sister face-to-face in front of Xiaonan's sister, which made him very embarrassed. More importantly, he and Nagato could survive and rely solely on Xiaonan's sister to support him until now.

But they lost her sister in front of Xiaonan's sister. How could Yayan have the face to face Xiaonan's sister?

What worries Yahiko even more is whether this Xiaonan's sister came to take Xiaonan home?

Although he was reluctant to give up, Yahiko still hoped that Xiao Nan could stay in Yuren Village instead of leaving with Xiao Nan's sister. Originally, there was a glimmer of hope in his heart.

But after hearing the news, Yahiko was almost desperate, and no one would let his sister be with a group of people who could not protect her.

As if he knew what Yahiko was thinking, Xiao Nan glanced at him relievedly, and could not help but comforted: "It's okay, don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with my sister."

Xiao Nan's words of relief are like encouragement, which is no less than the sound of nature to Yahiko. Although this does not make him feel better, it is enough to cheer him up again.

"Xiao Nan was captured by you?" After hearing Hanzo's words, Uchiha Tatsun couldn't help but glance at Xiao Nan weirdly, and couldn't help but subconsciously think: "This chick was caught by Hanzo before? It seems that there is such a thing, Yahiko. You died because of it."

Feeling Uchiha Tatsu's weird eyes, Xiao Nan felt a strange emotion in her heart, and couldn't help but hum: "Look at what I do like this!"

After saying this, Xiao Nan couldn't help but startled, she didn't even think why she would speak to Uchiha Tatsumi in such a tone.

This is how angry, this is clearly the coquettish tone between lovers! Thinking of this, Xiao Nan not only blushed on his face.

Xiao Nan's blushing face made Uchiha Tatsumi feel in a daze, and it took a long time to come back and deal with it: "It's nothing but I didn't expect you to... actually was caught by someone."

Hearing Chen's words, Xiao Nan couldn't help but laughed and shook his head helplessly. Who hasn't been young before? Isn't it normal to be caught? Even if she was Xiao Nan, she couldn't do Sanjiao Hanzo when she was young.

It’s pretty good if someone personally goes into battle and arrests people.

Chapter 692: Devouring Hanzo's Soul

When he was young, Xiao Nan's strength was even weaker than Yahiko and others. If Yahiko Nagato can barely be regarded as an elite Nagato, if Nagato with reincarnation eyes can be counted as Forbearance, Xiaonan's strength is at the level of Nagato. .

Nagato and Yahiko Jira might be able to teach it somehow, but Xiaonan's words, Zhi Dun is not unusual for Jiraiya, but it can be regarded as a brand new limit of blood inheritance.

The blood inheritance in this world is bounded by many weird and strange things, and none of them will make Zi Lai feel strange, but this also limits the scope of Professor Xiao Nan of Zi Lai Ya.

After three years of training by Jiraiya, Yahiko and Nagato have gradually grown up. Only Xiao Nan is still slowly pondering her ninjutsu, but she still cannot change the fact that she is the weakest among the three. .

This time, Xiao Nan asked to go to the South for disaster relief, but what he didn't expect was that Hanzo himself would be dispatched for this disaster relief.

The result is conceivable, if Hanzo didn't want Xiao Nan to be a hostage to threaten the two, maybe Xiao Nan would have already died at this time.

Thinking of this, Xiao Nan couldn't help but a cold sweat broke out in his heart. What happened back then was really lucky. She was so close to death at the time.

So, Xiao Nan couldn't help but sighed and nodded towards Chen, Chen understood. Knowing that Xiao Nan was indeed arrested at this time, but he was not worried in his heart.

Because even without him, Xiaonan Nagato and the others would be safe and sound, otherwise the Akatsuki organization headed by Penn Xiaonan would not appear in Chen's world.

The most important thing for Xiao Nan to come this time is to take the two away safely. She will not forget that after this peace talk plan, Yahiko gave his life for this. Although Nagato awakened the reincarnation eye, she never again. Smiled.

Chen didn't hesitate. He glanced at Hanzang mockingly. He was not threatened by his ferocity at all. He smiled coldly and disdainfully said: "Are you threatening me?"

"You don't care at all?" Hanzang's tone was stagnant, somewhat uncertain.

"Hey!" He looked at Hanzo with disdain, then turned his head to look at Yahiko Nagato and the others, vomiting softly: "What does their death have to do with me, and I think they are all mentally prepared to die. Got it."

Nagato and Yahiko had expressions of sorrow on their faces. They didn't remember Henchen's words, but deep in their hearts at this time they hated their weakness.

Now they are like meat on a chopping board, they can't do anything at the mercy of others.

From this moment on, an unprecedented desire and desire for power emerged from Nagato's heart. Only when he possesses a strong power can he protect his companions from harm.

When Hanzo heard Chen's words, there was a hint of panic in his eyes. He seemed to be guessing about his ending, but he soon calmed down and said coldly: "Huh, it's impossible, if you really don't care why? Will appear here, want to mislead me? Too naive."

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