Different from Tatsun's good time, now the entire ghost country has begun to go crazy. After knowing Uchiha Tatsu's path, Ganfeng began a large-scale search.

Now that time has passed nearly a whole day, according to the country of ghosts, which is not big or small, basically one more person and one less person can be easily found.

As a result, the whole day was about to pass, but the person was still not found, as if this person had never appeared before, disappearing from the territory of the country of ghosts.

Qian Feng has never received a reply from the news, and the whole person is anxious. So long has passed since the Miko ordered it, but he found nothing.

"Quick! Check it out! Find out for me when you dig the ground three feet. What! Not enough manpower? Wouldn't your mother send additional manpower?" After receiving the reply, Qianfeng looked furious and maintained it for decades. The calm state of mind was broken in this way.

This was the first time that he hadn't completed the Miko-sama mission well, especially when the mission this time was related to monsters. This made him feel a trace of decadence.

For a long time, Qianfeng, who still hadn't heard from him, sighed lightly. Take the initiative to walk towards the shrine where Bauhinia is.


"How about it, is there any news?" The witch Bauhinia asked eagerly when she saw Qianfeng coming in. Can't tolerate her not to worry, things related to monsters are so urgent. Don't tolerate the slightest sloppy.

Qian Feng gave a bitter smile, then half-kneeled in front of Bauhinia, and apologized: "Sorry, Bauhinia Lord, we did not find that person. Now we have expanded the search range. As long as he is still in the ghost country, he must be I can find him!"

After Qian Feng finished speaking, Bauhinia glanced at him strangely, and muttered softly, "It shouldn't be."

She sat down, folded her hands in front of her chest, closed her eyes, and began to reversely deduce Uchiha Tatsumi's position by using the weak connection between Kanfeng and Uchiha Tatsumi as a medium.

However, in fact, this is just a perception ability, not so mysterious, just like Kakashi's psychic beast Parker, as long as there is a smell, people can be found.

And Bauhinia was just a little connection between Chen and the Wise Family to guess the scope of Chen's current location. This is because she can dream of the future.

Now she just advanced her dream and took the initiative to dream of a perceptual dream.

The forecast time is very boring. Not only Bauhinia knows this, but Qianfeng also understands it.

After seeing the Miko making this action, Qian Feng didn't bother anymore, but carefully pushed out the room, gently closed the door, stood by the door, and waited for the Miko Bauhinia to wake up and call him so that he would appear in the first place.


If it is an ordinary person, the strange perception ability of the Witch Bauhinia might be really useful.

But is Uchiha Tatsuo an ordinary person? Not to mention that there is a system in his body now that his strength is bursting, even his current invincible luck can shield most people from snooping, and even cause backlash.

Bauhinia, who was perceiving with closed eyes, did not expect Chen's to be so difficult to snoop. Bauhinia did not believe in evil, and increased the output of mental power, further exploring the position of Uchiha.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes sharply, spit out a big mouthful of blood, her face was filled with unbelievable surprise: "This...how is this possible! Why is it like this!"

Chapter Seven Hundred and Seven: Invitation Rejected

Bauhinia was using her ability to foresee Uchiha Chen's position, but she didn't even expect that her ability that had never worked before would not succeed.

Even when using her abilities to probe Uchiha Tatsumi's location, a power that did not belong to her appeared in her body.

This power rushed across her body, constantly eroding her body, and even withstood this shock, she was completely caught off guard.

The power that was originally filled in the body has ceased, and by this power, Bauhinia can't help but spit out a big mouth of turbid blood.

What was even more uncomfortable was that because of the injury to the Bauhinia, the monster found a loophole and took the opportunity to make a violent impact, which made Bauhinia even worse when it was caught off guard.

But all this is not without gain, at least Bauhinia can determine Uchiha Tatsuo's location, and it took such a large price to reluctantly confirm Uchiha Tatsuo's location. I don't know whether it is worth it or not.

Bauhinia couldn't help but leak a wry smile. If she knew the result was like this, she would definitely not try to perceive Uchiha's position.

Cough gently, dry the blood on the corners of your mouth, and try to make yourself look less weak. Now, since it has happened, there is no other way. I can only find Uchiha Tatsuta as soon as possible, hoping that he can redeem the loss this time.

Now the monster could not be suppressed by her alone.

Originally, Bauhinia was a little strenuous to suppress the monster by himself. After being backlashed, Bauhinia had no extra power to suppress the monster, and could only barely maintain the seal without being broken by the monster.

"I hope I can find him as soon as possible, I hope my guess is not wrong." Bauhinia whispered in his heart and called Qianfeng in at the door.

"I found out, now that man is in the capital."

"What?" Gan Feng was taken aback: "It's impossible! I have deployed a lot of manpower in the capital. If he enters the city, I should have heard the news long ago. How could it be possible that there hasn't been any news yet?"

Gan Feng couldn't believe that Master Miko was clearly questioning his ability to work. It was clear that he had been working very hard to find Chen's whereabouts, but Master Miko said that the person they were looking for had already arrived in the capital.

Although he didn't dare to question Bauhinia's answer, he still had to prove for himself that he did not slack off the things that Lord Miko ordered, but did his best to complete it.

"It's not to blame you." Bauhinia shook his head gently, waved his hand, and said to Qianfeng with some comfort: "It's not your reason, you know that person is a ninja, just a transformation technique is not something you can find. of.

What I can know now is that he has arrived in the capital city, but he cannot accurately determine his location. You need to find the rest. You must find him as soon as possible. There is not much time left for us. "

Having said so much in one breath, Bauhinia was a little short of breath. She had just been injured, and her tone was not particularly good, and her speech was obviously weak.

As if he had heard the sense of weakness in Bauhinia’s words, Qianfeng couldn’t help but be concerned and said: "It’s okay? Bauhinia Lord, is your body OK?"

She shook her head and said softly and relieved: "My body is okay. As long as you can find him as soon as possible, maybe we can really solve the monster completely."

"Understood! Then I will find someone now, Master Bauhinia, you must pay attention to rest. The ghost country can have no Ganfeng, but you can't be without you!"

"Don't worry, I will. Go down." Bauhinia nodded.


Now that he knew Uchiha Tatsu was in the capital, the rest of the matter would be easier to unfold. Just find out how many strangers came into the city today.

The capital of the country of ghosts said it was big or small, and after some investigation, Uchiha Tatsumi could be found, as long as they found the clues correctly.

Obviously, Uchiha Tatsuno did not hide his whereabouts, even if he casts the transformation technique, if he is a caring person, he can definitely find Uchiha Tatsuno's whereabouts along the clues.

Tatsun was not surprised at this point. When Ganfeng appeared in front of him the next afternoon, Tatsun was in the izakaya tasting the newly brewed sake from Oni no Kuni this year.

"Sit down and have a drink?" Uchiha Tatsuno raised his glass and motioned to Qianfeng.

Gan Feng smiled softly, sat down and took the wine glass and poured a glass of wine to Uchiha Tatsumi, and drank it in one sip: "Introduce myself, my name is Gan Feng. I am the servant of Lord Bauhinia in the country of ghosts. one."

"I know." Chen nodded.

"In addition, I am still the current patriarch of the wise clan."

"I also know." Chen poured the sake in one sip.

"In fact, regarding the issue of Meizhi, I am here to apologize to you. This is a mistake of our wise family. I know Meizhi this person well. If it were not for her, I would not ban her. Go to the south." Qianfeng's words were deeply apologetic, after all, this matter was the fault of their family.

To be honest, it is not that Qianfeng has never thought about saving face, but in comparison, the face of their wise family is so insignificant compared to the future of the whole country of ghosts.

If Uchiha Tatsumi can really help the country of oni to solve the monsters that have existed for so many years, what if he destroys the entire Wisdom Family?

The kingdom of ghosts originally existed to seal the monsters. As long as the monsters can be eliminated, what is the loss of a wise family?

I have to say that Qianfeng's enlightenment is very high, which is also expected. If he does not have such a high level of enlightenment, he will not be favored by the witch Bauhinia.

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