"I haven't consulted Mr. Zun's name?" Qian Feng asked tentatively.

"Uchiha Tatsun!" Tatsun said lightly.

"Then, Mr. Chen, in fact, we are here this time to invite you to be the most honorable guest in the Kingdom of Ghosts." Qian Feng looked Chen Ken.

Chen squeezed a piece of pastry, and said lightly after eating, "No!"

After hearing this, Qian Feng frowned slightly and tried to persuade him: "Mr. Chen, we are really sincere..."

He didn't finish his words and was interrupted by Chen: "I'm just a passer-by who travels everywhere, and I don't want to deal with anyone, and I don't want to have anything to do with anyone."

"Mr. Tatsun!" Ganfeng was anxious, stood up, and stared at Uchiha Tatsun tightly: "Please sir, the future of our country of ghosts lies on you!" Bow deeply.

Uchiha Tatsun glanced at him, but did not speak.

Chapter 708: Embarrassment in the Kingdom of Ghosts

Uchiha Tatsun glanced at him, but did not speak. He just continued to eat the food on the table. For him, Qianfeng's words were not as attractive as the food on the table.

"Mr. Tatsun, we sincerely want to invite you, please..." Ganfeng tried to persuade Uchiha Tatsuo further, but when he saw Uchiha Tatsuo's indifferent expression, he couldn't help feeling extremely anxious.

Although Zijing didn't say anything, Qianfeng was not a fool. She was so obviously weak and tried to pretend to be nonchalant. Although Qianfeng didn't say it, he understood it very well in his heart.

There is not much time left for them in the country of ghosts.

Bauhinia won't last long, and the witches are always a single pass. Only when one witch dies, the second witch will be born.

Bauhinia has just passed its eighteenth birthday, and it is impossible to have a chance to give birth to offspring. Even if a new witch is born, it takes time to cultivate.

But now the country of ghosts lacks time.

Whether it is Bauhinia or Qianfeng and other important figures in the Kingdom of Ghosts, they know that if there is no new hope in this situation, it is very likely that the monster will be born again.

Although this news has not been released, the shadows of various Ninja villages in various countries are more or less known.

What can I do if I know? Knowing that they can't do anything, they can only help the ghost country as much as possible in terms of materials, and send a few more medical ninjas to take care of the shrine maiden's body.

They had already prepared for the worst. In case the monster broke the seal, they would definitely force the witch to give up their lives and continue to seal the monster.

Don't say they are cold-blooded and ruthless. The fact is that everyone has their own position. As the daimyo of their respective country, as the shadow of each Shinobu village, they must stand in their respective positions to fight for the best interests of their forces. There is no way.

People can't help themselves in the arena, and that's how they are said.

Maybe they can't bear it in their hearts, but they will never show mercy. After all, isn't the kingdom of ghosts just to resist monsters? Isn't the witch's existence just to seal the monster?

Sacrificing a witch, sacrificing a ghost country can seal the monster, I believe they will do it.

Qian Feng knew this. He knew how filthy the big countries were, so now that someone can save their ghost country, someone can help the witch seal the monster, he will definitely do everything possible to get the help of this person. at all costs!

This! It is his most basic mission as a service!

Qian Feng took a deep breath and looked at Uchiha Tatsu solemnly, his eyes gradually becoming sharper.

"Why? Is the invitation not successful and ready to do it hard?" Chen scoffed and mocked.

"No, no, no!" Qian Feng shook his head again and again. Although he had this idea in his heart, it was obvious that he did not have this strength.

After learning about Uchiha Tatsumi's strength from the maiden's mouth, he thought that taking these three melons with his men was no match for Uchiha Tatsumi, and the hard thoughts just passed away in Ganfeng's mind.

He took a deep breath, looked at Uchiha Tatsumi with solemn eyes, and solemnly said: "We sincerely hope that Mr. Tatsun can help our country of ghosts tide over the current difficulties. If Mr. Tatsuh has any needs, please bring it up, as long as we If we can do it, we will do our best to do it. Even if you want my life, I will leave this life here without saying anything. I only hope that you can help the country of ghosts tide over the current difficulties."

"Why do I want your life!" Uchiha Tatsu was speechless, put down the cake, sat in the position, his eyes were calm, and he said calmly: "The price? I'm afraid the price is too high and you can't afford it."

"Your Excellency, as long as our country of ghosts can do it, we will definitely do it at all costs!" Qianfeng was invigorated and waved a big hand, quite a demeanor. I was secretly happy, not afraid that Uchiha Tatsun would not mention the conditions, but he was afraid that Tatsun would not agree.

As long as Tatsuken puts forward the conditions, things will be done. I'm afraid that in Uchiha Tatsumi, he will not look down on the country of ghosts and refuses to make the conditions. Then Ganfeng doesn't know what to use to ask Uchiha Tatsumi to help. They are the land of ghosts.

"Conditions..." Uchiha Tatsun thought for a while, but didn't say it right away: "I haven't thought of it for the time being. I will tell you when I think about it. Take me to your maiden first!"

In fact, Chen was only planning to see the monsters in the Kingdom of Ghosts, but he didn't expect the system to suddenly issue a task at this time.

"Ding! Side mission: solve the monsters in the country of ghosts, help the witches of the country of ghosts solve the long-sealed monsters of the country of ghosts, and restore the stability of the country of ghosts. Mission reward: unknown, mission failure: unknown! Note: this time The task is inextricably related to the host, and if the host refuses, it may cause unpredictable consequences."

Just for this unknown reward, Uchiha Tatsu agreed. As for the unforeseen consequences of the system, Tatsu didn’t know. After silently contacting the system, he didn’t get an answer from the system. It seems that this matter must be intervened. Chen thought.

Seeing Uchiha Tatsun's promise, Ganfeng was overjoyed, and quickly answered, Dangmei wants to leave with Tatsun.

"Slow!" Chen stretched out his hand to stop him: "Help me carry a pot of wine."

"Don't talk about a pot, after you meet Master Bauhinia, there will be no problem even with ten pots." Qianfeng hurriedly brought a pot of wine and left with Chen. Every minute is very urgent now, of course Ganfeng will not care about the details with Uchiha Tatsuo.

You know, for every minute there is a delay, the monster is more likely to break its seal. He can't afford it, and the country of ghosts can't afford it even more.


Bringing Uchiha Tatsun all the way to Bauhinia's residence.

"Master Bauhinia, I have already brought you, may I ask..."

"Invite the guests in." Bauhinia's weak voice came from inside the house.


Tatsun pushed the door in, and at first glance she saw the woman kneeling in front of the shrine. Her thin body looked shaky, and her purple hair stretched to her waist. After she turned around, Tatsun could see her. The appearance is very delicate, but also very weak.

This was Uchiha Tatsu's first impression, but it was such an extremely weak woman who supported the entire country of ghosts and shouldered the heavy task of suppressing monsters.

"Please sit down." Bauhinia smiled sadly, her face paled without a trace of blood, she coughed slightly, and blood overflowed from the corners of her mouth. Seeing Uchiha Tatsumi looking at her, he couldn't help but smile softly: "I made you laugh, I was backlashed by the secret technique before, I may not be able to suppress the monster for long."

Chapter 709: Be Smart

There was no trace of blood on Bauhinia’s pale face, and blood spilled from the corners of his mouth. Such a contrasting scene appeared naked in front of Uchiha Tatsumi. However, this gave Bauhinia a unique morbid beauty, although it was slightly compared with Ino Konan. Inferior to a point, but not where it is worse.

The three women have their own merits, but Uchiha Tatsuno didn't care. What kind of woman has he not seen? For Zijingchen, he only looked at it with an appreciative look, and there was no other strange look in his eyes.

Although Beichen stared at Bauhinia with some discomfort, he didn't have the slightest disgust. This made Bauhinia feel very strange. After all, it was something that had never happened before, but it would also make Bauhinia feel very strange to be watched by Uchiha Tatsumi all the time.

"Mr. Chen?" Bauhinia gave Chen a strange look.

"What's the matter?" Chen smiled slightly, no longer staring at Bauhinia.

"I heard from Qianfeng that you agreed to our request?"

"It's barely possible." Uchihatatsu shrugged and said indifferently.

Uchiha Chen's tone was very relaxed and casual, but Bauhinia didn't look at it that way. She stood up suddenly, her body swaying slightly with the sudden action.

But she still insisted on standing up, looking at Uchiha Tatsun solemnly, and suddenly bowed deeply to Uchiha Tatsun.

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