Chapter Seven Hundred and Nineteen: The Big Snake's Retreat

"So strong defense!" Yachi Orochi took a deep breath, took a deep look at Uchiha Tatsumi, and couldn't help exclaiming.

Although his tentacles are not invincible, they are incomparable to those so-called artifacts, but even so, Suzuo Nohu has not even a scar on his body.

Feeling the throbbing sensation from the tentacles, Yaqi Orochi felt annoyed in his heart. He couldn't beat and beat, and he couldn't win with scolding. This fight was fought.

"Escape!" A glimmer of light flashed in the mind of Yaqi Orochi! "Yeah! Why am I so stupid, why do I have to hard steel with him so that I can't get rid of me! As long as I restore my strength, then..."

Yaki Orochi looked at Uchiha Tatsumi's eyes with chills.

After knowing that he could not beat Uchiha Tatsumi, Yachi Oro was ready to escape at any time, but it was indeed difficult to escape from the valley with his huge body.

But fortunately, there is still the oil bottle of Maitreya behind Uchiha Chen. If he wants to prevent him from escaping while protecting Maitreya, it will be as difficult as climbing to the sky.

After making up his mind, Yachi Orochi never thought about fighting Uchiha Tatsuo head-on, and constantly flashed past Uchiha Tatsuo's attacks. Yachi Orochi slowly thought about his escape route.

When Uchiha Tatsumi saw that the Yaki Orochi was not fighting against him at all, he was not in a hurry. Anyway, Maitreya asked Tatsumi to restrict the Yaki Orochi to the valley to prevent him from escaping.

As long as Yaqi Orochi has no intention to escape, even if he is going to shake the sky in the valley, Chen will let him do it.

He kept avoiding Uchiha Tatsumi’s attacks, and did not let Tatsumi catch the flaw and attack. Yaki Orochi understood that if Uchiha Tatsumi’s long sword burning with flames hits him, even if it is him, he will not die. Will peel off a layer of skin.

Seeing this juncture, the more nervous you are, the more you must be vigilant.

While evading around, Yaqi Orochi was not idle, his mouth was wide open, and the deep purple energy ball slowly condensed.

Because of Uchiha Tatsumi's obstruction, the speed of gathering strength was very slow, and Yaki Osaki didn't panic in his heart, so it's better to be cautious to escape. Maitreya's seal cannot be completed in a short while.

Before Maitreya completes the seal, Yachi Orochi has time. As long as he can escape from Uchiha Tatsumi's hands, and the emperor is far away from the sky, he will find a few places to absorb the negative emotions of human beings. After he recovers his strength, the world will again Who is his opponent?

Yachi Orochi smiled negatively, looking at Uchiha Tatsumi's eyes as if he was looking at a dead person.

"You will definitely regret it!" Seeing that the energy in the body was gradually brewing to completion, Yachi Oro took a deep look at Uchiha Tatsumi.

At this time, he was able to successfully escape immediately, Yachi Orochi's heart was stirred, and gradually he couldn't help but start to become arrogant, he took a deep look at Uchiha Tatsumi, and let out a cruel word.

Chen frowned slightly, and the Orochi Orochi, who had no resistance under his own hands, dared to speak harshly at this time.

"It seems that I am not ruthless enough to start!" Uchiha Tatsun couldn't help thinking with his hand on his chin.

Since Yaki Orochi still has the heart to speak cruelly, it means that he still has the power to fight back, and the pressure is not ruthless enough. Thinking about this, Uchiha Tatsu's movements can't help but become more fierce.

The swinging speed of the long knife accelerated again, and the blazing flame expanded further. The "rumbling" burning flame splashed out bursts of sparks, dripping on the ground, and making a strong noise.

Yaqi Orochi looked down, and the spot splashed by sparks was actually dripped through! A bottomless hole.

This...what a terrifying power this is, you know that this is just a splash of sparks, if it is really cut by that long knife, then it will be worth it?

At this moment, Orochi Yachi was grateful for his previous decision in his heart. It was this scene that made him more determined to escape.

Although Yaki Oro seemed stretched under Uchiha's intensive sword skills, the long sword did not really hit him.

"It's this time!" Yaqi Orochi suddenly stared, and the gloomy triangular eyes revealed a cold chill. He took a big mouth, and his eight heads all spit out the energy ball that had been brewing for a long time.

One by one, dense deep purple energy **** sprayed at Uchiha Chen in a dense mesh pattern.

"Not enough! Continue!" Yaqi Orochi did not stop, but continued to spray.

These energy **** in front of him were deadly enough for ordinary people, but he knew that Chen had a weird mirror in his hand.

Yachi Orochi, a mirror that is immune to his own energy ball, didn't dare to underestimate it. In his opinion, the long knife in the hands of the mirror and Chen should be a high-grade weapon, and they are all artifacts that Yaqi Orochi can't beat him.

Continuing to spray the energy ball in his mouth, the body of Yaqi Orochi left the place a little bit, slowly approaching the mouth of the valley. He tried to confuse Uchiha Tatsuno with a violent attack in order to achieve his goal of escape.

Uchiha Tatsun repeatedly slashed the energy ball ejected from the Yachi Orochi with a knife. The long knife and the energy jade touched, stimulating the huge power contained in the energy jade.

The sound of "rumbling" kept coming, and the frantic vigor caused by the explosion continued to destroy the enclosed valley. Waves of fine rocks and sand danced in the sky, and everything in the valley was destroyed under the attack of the two.

However, Maitreya did not suffer any harm. Being protected by Uchiha Chen, the aftermath of the explosion could not affect her at all, and even the roar of the explosion did not reach Maitreya's ears.

Under the protection of Uchiha Tatsumi, she focused on preparing for the sealing technique. In this war, instead, she, the weakest person, was the most comfortable, but Uchiha Tatsu and Yachi Orochi could not fight each other.

"Cut, it's boring." Uchiha Tatsun's long sword kept waving, facing the meaningless attack of Yachi Orochi, Tatsun felt a wave of disgust in his heart. This kind of attack that could not cause him harm, no matter how much it came, would have no effect.

Chen took out the Ba Chi Qiong hook mirror with his backhand, and when the Yata Mirror appeared, all the attacks seemed to hit the void, splashing waves of water, and then there was no more sound.

"It's now!" Seeing Uchiha Tatsumi once again took out the void mirror, Yaqi Oro's eyes were hot, but he understood that now is the best time to escape, and the opportunity cannot be missed. I saw the big snake slid under his feet and quickly fled out of the valley.

"you dare!"

Chapter Seven Hundred and Twenty: Heavenly Majia Ancient Bow

"Escape!" Seeing Uchiha Tatsuta take out the Yata Mirror, Yachi Osha knew that it was a good time to escape. He didn't dare to relax, so he stopped the attack and fled towards the exit of the valley with all his strength.

"Dare you!" Suzuo Nenghu's huge body burst out with an unquestionable strong aura. In the aura of the eruption, even Suzuo Nenghu's sturdy Chakra's coat also splashed with waves and changed. Get more vigorous.

"Hey! Is there anything you dare to dare, as long as I escape, what can you do to me? If the landscape meets, we will be indefinitely!" Yachi Orochi smiled, and ignored Uchiha Tatsu’s shout. Rushed to the outside of the valley.

"Huh!" Uchiha Chen snorted coldly, his eyes were cold, this time he was careless, but it would be too naive to want to escape from his hands in this way.

"Ignorance and ignorance!" Uchiha Tatsumaki vomited in his mouth, his hand loosened, and Yata Mirror disappeared from his hand.

I saw Uchiha Tatsun's big hand wave, and at the same time Susano also stretched his hand to his back and took out a longbow from behind.

"This...this is!" Yaqi Orochi looked back inadvertently. The scene in front of him couldn't help but cause his pupils to shrink violently. He grew his mouth and said blankly: "This is the ancient bow of Majia from the sky!"

The pupils of Yaqi Orochi shrank violently, and the scene in front of him couldn't help taking a deep breath, because he knew the thing in Chen's hand!

Heavenly Majia Ancient Bow, the strongest bow and arrow in the legend, the strongest single attack weapon, not only has a strong attack, even the range of attack is not comparable to that of ordinary bows and arrows.

The most terrifying thing is that as long as you are targeted by it, no matter how you avoid it, it is impossible to avoid it.

The bow and arrow shot will keep tracking you until you die or are hit. There is no possibility of avoiding it at all.

Uchiha Tatsumi held the Tianzhi Majia ancient bow in his hand and looked at Yaqi Orochi with cold eyes. Seeing his surprised expression, he couldn't help but snorted, "What? Do you know this bow and arrow?"

"Escape!" Yachi Oroda didn't dare to neglect, he moved quickly, trying to escape before Uchiha Tatsumi could not lock him: "As long as I escape his lock, I will be safe!"

Seeing that the escape of Yachi Orochi did not stop, Uchiha Tatsun couldn't help but sneered, "I want to escape after seeing this bow and arrow? Naive!"

Uchiha Tatsumi grabbed the longbow in his hand, and pulled the other hand on the bowstring. Susao Nogu followed in the same motion, holding the longbow with his big hand, and pulling the bowstring with his right hand. The longbow was originally empty. A long bow and arrow appeared above it, and this weapon, which was completely condensed from Chakra energy, locked the Yaki Orochi straightly.

From the longbow, the Yachi Orochi can feel the threat of death. Although Chakra has a different energy system from his, it does not mean that he will not die. Even if he is, he will be seriously injured in the face of a powerful attack.

"Damn it!" Yaqi Orochi looked bad, and the bow and arrow had already locked him. Now even if he wants to escape, it is not realistic. People locked by Tianzhi Majia Ancient Bow have never successfully escaped. Oki Orochi does not. Would naively think that he would be the exception.

He stopped and looked at Chen's menacing bow and arrow, his mouth opened wide, making a hoarse roar of "hiss".

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