When the strength was gathered, the ancient bow of Majia of Heaven had already locked the enemy. At this time, it was useless even to escape. The only way was to kill the caster so that the bow and arrow would not have time to launch. But Yaki Orochi did not have this ability to kill Uchiha Tatsumi.

What Susao Nooka brings to Uchiha Tatsumi is not only powerful attack power, but also unparalleled defensive power. With the lack of attack methods of Yaki Orochi, there is no way to kill Uchiha Tatsuki in an instant. He has no choice. .

Feeling the ever-increasing strength on the longbow, the vigilance in the heart of Yaqi Orochi became stronger and stronger, almost forming a real chakra that sent bursts of death.

At this moment, Uchiha Tatsu sneered, and at the same time, the hand holding the bowstring was lightly loosened. The substantive bows and arrows condensed from chakras broke away from the ancient bow of Majia in an instant.

It was just a blink of an eye, and the bow and arrow came in front of the Yachi Orochi.

"Go to hell!" Uchihatatsu shouted.

The Ochi Orochi didn't dare to neglect, he curled up all over, his rickety body tried to protect his head, and he used his body to resist the ancient Majia bow and arrow of the sky.


It sounded like a long knife cutting into the tofu, piercing the body of the Ochi Orochi, and the bow and arrow penetrated the body of the Ochi Orochi without any reduction, and plunged deeply into the ground behind the Ochi Orochi.

Only from the bottomless hole on the ground can you know how powerful this bow and arrow is.

Not long after, a violent explosion sounded from the bottom of the cave, and the powerful explosive force overturned the Yaqi Orochi in the air.

From his bare skin, you can see the traces of the explosion burned everywhere, the body skin that was pierced was burned, the burnt skin turned out, and the internal fractured bones and internal organs could be seen.

"Cough cough cough cough!" Falling heavily to the ground, the Orochi Orochi barely supported his body, could not help coughing in his mouth, spewing out the scraps of internal organs and bones and deep purple blood stains.

He raised his head hard to look at Uchiha Tatsumi, deep hatred and endless regrets revealed in his eyes.

Why does he have to provoke this evil spirit, isn't it good to escape the first time the seal is broken?

If he escapes at the first time when the seal is broken, Uchiha Tatsuno will have no time to take out the ancient bow of Majia from the sky. As long as the Orochi Yachi seizes that time and waits for his strength to recover, even if it is Majia from the sky. Gu Gong couldn't do anything about him.

However, it is useless to say that these are no longer useful. There is no regret medicine to take in this world. With his strength, he can't turn back time. Since it has happened, there is no room for turning back.

"Could it be that my dignified Baqi Orochi is about to face the end of being sealed just as soon as I broke the seal?" He smirked and couldn't help asking back.

Thinking about how high-spirited he was when he broke the seal, and looking at his tragic situation now, I have to say that this is a mocking farce.

"Run, you continue to run!" Uchiha Tatsuta mocked, and the ancient Maga bow in his hand had not been put away. Although he didn't use this weapon very often, it didn't mean he couldn't use it.

Sasuke once held the ancient bow of Majia from the sky and used the full body to fill the container of the external golem, and fused the chakras of the nine big-tailed beasts into one to release the strongest single body of the Indra arrow. attack.

In Chen's hands, the majia ancient bow of the sky was more powerful than Sasuke.

Chapter Seven Hundred and Twenty One: Teasing the Big Snake

Uchiha Tatsumi’s strength is much stronger than Sasuke’s strength in the final battle, so the power of the Amaka Ancient Bow that he uses is stronger than Sasuke’s Indra Arrow, which is reasonable. .

"You keep running!" Uchiha Tatsumi joked and looked at Yachi Orochi, whose dilapidated body was unabashedly exposed, showing the embarrassment of Yachi Orochi.

The anger he screamed and his inner anger couldn't be described in words at all, thinking that his dignified big snake fell into the hands of a mortal, which he couldn't accept.

"Boy, I admit that you are strong, but you don't want to force me! You have to forgive others and forgive others. If you continue to force them, we will die together. As long as there are humans, as long as humans have evil thoughts, I am immortal, and You, once you die, you are really dead. Why don't we make a deal. As long as you let me go, I promise from now on that I will definitely retreat when I see you. What do you think?"

Yachi Oro knew that he could not beat Uchiha Tatsumi and could only beg him for mercy, but in his capacity it was impossible to kneel down and beg for mercy. He euphemistically expressed a begging attitude towards Uchiha Tatsumi. This was already him. The limit can be done.

Between being sealed and dignified, Yaqi Orochi chose to give up his dignity.

However, Uchiha Tatsuno didn't seem to understand him. He looked at Yaki Oro jokingly, "I don't think so much. The loser has no right to negotiate terms."

Uchiha Tatsuno waved his hand with a frivolous look, which in the eyes of Yachi Orochi was indeed very hateful.

After all, the strength of Uchiha Tatsun, his Yaki Orochi really can't beat, if he really wants to explode, then his power will be weakened again, and he doesn't even know whether the power of self-detonation can kill Uchiha Tatsun.

However, Orochi Yachi would not easily make such an extreme move. Seeing Uchiha Tatsu's attitude, he could only swallow this evil spirit abruptly.

Helpless, it is impossible to beat others. If you do something that irritates Uchiha Tatsumi again, I don't know what will happen.

The Orochi Baqi went silent, Chen's mouth evoked a mocking smile, he flicked his hands, and suddenly held the ancient bow of Majia from the sky.

Seeing Uchiha Tatsumi's movement, Yachi Orosha couldn't help being vigilant again. The whole body was curled up and looked at Uchiha Tatsun vigilantly. The muscles of her whole body tightened, for fear that Uchiha Tatsuno would come again. In that case, he would not only blew himself up. There is no other choice.

"What are you doing? I just stretched my waist. What are you doing so nervously?" Uchihatatsu's joking voice came.

Yaqi Orochi was almost vomiting blood out of anger. Stretching? What are you doing to stretch and hold the bow? Is it possible to hold the Majia ancient bow casually? Where is the Yachi Orochi who doesn't know that he was tricked by Uchiha Tatsumi?

With a sigh of relief in his heart, Yachi Orochi looked at Uchiha Tatsumi's eyes with hatred.

"Oh. You don't want me to move this thing." Uchiha Tatsumi squeezed the longbow in his hands, and immediately he seemed to have thought of something funny, and he relieved Susano Nogu and exposed his body to Baqi. In front of the big snake.

Seeing the strange eyes from Yaki Orochi, Uchiha Tatsuno didn't explain anything.

"Let's take a gamble." As he said that he knotted his hands, he separated out four Mu Dun clones and surrounded the Yaqi Orochi in the middle.

"Can you guess whether my four Mudun clones can use Suzuo Nohu? I guess so, how about you?"

Uchiha Tatsumi's voice was like a cry from hell, at least for Yaki Orochi. You **** said it's okay, what else can I say? Yachi Orochi was anxious but could not help it.

"Why? Don't you gamble? If you don't bet, then I won." Uchiha Tatsumi smiled mockingly, hands dropped, and the four Mu Dun clones suddenly breathed a powerful Chakra breath, suddenly four huge The Suzanoh appeared in the valley round and round the Yaqi Orochi, and blocked the exit in the valley firmly.

"If you don't speak, then it means I won." Uchiha Tatsu spread his hands and made a helpless expression.

Tatsumi can easily face the Yachi Orochi, but the Yachi Orochi cannot easily face Uchiha Tatsumi, and he can't get arrogant in front of the four Susa Nokas.

Even though Chen's Mu Dun clone only had a part of the Chakra, but the four Suzuo Nenghus simultaneously put pressure on it, Yachi Orochi felt that he might not be able to carry it down.

Uchiha Tatsuo put his hands around his chest, standing in front of Maitreya, calmly looking at Yaki Orochi. The four Susao Noshi wanted to see what this Yaqi Orochi should do.

As soon as the four Susano came out, Yachi Orochi's breathing couldn't help but he raised his head with difficulty and looked up at Uchiha Tatsumi, resisting the anger in his heart, saying, "Humans, don't force me!"

"What if I force you? Do any tricks come out as soon as possible, otherwise you won't have a chance!"

"You!" Yachi Oro was annoyed by Uchiha Tatsumi's words. He swore that today is the day he gets the most angry since he was conscious. There has never been a day when he has been angry like this. I am so angry that I can't beat it, and beg for mercy. If you don't agree, what do you want from me?

Yachi Orochi took a deep breath. Since it can't be solved peacefully, let's fight. Anyway, he is also the ancient beast Baqi Orochi, and he can't sit still and wait for death.

The tail was flicked, and he strove to the front of Suzuo Nenghu. The eight heads were separated in four directions, and the mouth was wide open. The fangs are deeply visible in the fishy mouth. He opened his mouth and bit at Uchiha Tatsui's clone forcefully.

Chen's four clones were not used as targets for Baqi Orochi. The four avatars pulled out their double blades from behind, and the sharp blades hit the body of Yaqi Orochi, making a sonorous sound and splashing bursts of sparks.

After all, it’s not Uchiha Tatsu’s body, the power of the clone is still limited. The double-edged blades can’t cause damage to the Yachi Orochi, but this is enough. As long as it can obstruct the Yaki Orochi’s actions, wait for Maitreya to complete the art. It is still the end that cannot escape being sealed.

Yachi Orochi naturally understood this truth in his heart. He couldn't stand watching his being sealed and fought back, only to see him fought back, trying to break through the blockade of Uchiha Tatsu.

Chapter 722: Baqi blew himself up

The double-edged blades did not cause substantial damage to Yaqi Orochi, but it also blocked Yaqi Orochi's idea of ​​continuing to escape.

After seeing the four Suzano nohus, there was a bad feeling in the heart of Yachi Orochi, as expected. Tired of dealing with Susano, Yachi Oro didn't even have the energy to recover from his injuries.

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